
JIMMA: USERN Grasp Opportunities for Future Developments

JIMMA University and USERN to Grasp Opportunities for Future Developments. The 15th MoU of USERN, signed during the unofficial visit of the president of the JIMMMA University, Professor Fikre Lemessa

JIMMA, Ethiopia a Harbor for USERN Foreign Developments: MOU signed with the JIMMA University:

During the unexpected visit of the Ethiopian Party of elite members of higher education to the children's medical center of excellence in Tehran, the 15th of USERN Foreign Ties was concluded. The president of the JIMMMA University of Ethiopia, Dr. Fikre Lemessa , the highest delegate of the committee was astoned by the varsity of the countries USERN had an agreement with, having seen the USERN map, to which each country is colored based on the ties with USERN Foreign affairs. A tour of the CMC hospital and meeting with Nima Rezaei the dean international of the med school in TUMS were followed by USERN:JIMMA tying the know to develop relations.


By Farzaneh Rahmani