
Organizational chart of USERN 1: An overview

On December 5th 2014, founders of USERN passed the separation of governance and management. This act was approved to avoid any conflict of interest in decisions and evaluations made by governance body of USERN.

In a joint session held between two founders of USERN on 5 December 2014, board of founders passed the act of separation of governance and management bodies in USERN. Governance body in USERN consists of Advisory board, Executive board and President while management body consists of executive director and staff. The Advisory board members are in charge of providing non-binding strategic advice to both executive board and staff and dissolving disputes in the network. Advisory board members have the privilege of attending all USERN Executive board meetings and advise the Executive board on policy matters. Members of Executive board; representatives of each committee of 21 major branches of science determine the overall policy and direction of the network and provide strategic direction. President is responsible for the official representative of USERN. The president is responsible for scheduling and coordinating all executive board meetings and activities.


The president is also responsible for evaluation his and executive directors performance overtime. On the other hand, the Management body in USERN consists of the executive director and staff. Executive director has day-to-day responsibilities for the network, including carrying out the goals and policies of USERN. The executive director will attend all board meetings, report on the progress of the network and answer questions of the board members

By Farzaneh Rahmani