
Painting of Eight Young Artists on the Stage at the IFPPP Closing Event

The IFPPP closing ceremony was held, last Friday in Budapest, Hungary with no more than five members of the organizing committee from Tehran headquarter being able to take part due to visa issuance delay. To Bring Smile To A Beating Heart, is all we live for!

The IFPPP closing ceremony was held, last Friday in Budapest, Hungary with no more than five members of the organizing committee from Tehran headquarter being able to take part due to visa issuance delay. '' In fact, this could pose a serious problem to us and was a shock'' says Nima Rezaei, has it not been for the warm hearts of children and their families who gave us incentive and courage through all this. To Bring Smile To A Beating Heart, is all we live for!

The IFPPP closing ceremony was held, last Friday in Budapest, Hungary with no more than five members of the organizing committee from Tehran headquarter being able to take part due to visa issuance delay. '' In fact, this could pose a serious problem to us and was a shock'' says Nima Rezaei, has it not been for the warm hearts of children and their families who gave us incentive and courage through all this. To Bring Smile To A Beating Heart , is all we live for!


The Semmelweis university of Hungary had afforded the venue and prices over sea's for the final ceremony in Budapest. Nima Rezaei believes, that making this event such big and public and indeed international one, is for everyone to believe that children mental health suffers as much as the body suffers, during an illness, short or long. The art gallery of th e 2nd IFPPP was formally formal exhibited in Tehran as one of the 40 exhibit centers, in the world's children week, September 22nd-29th.


The next and Third Children's Painting Festival Will Be Held at Romania; as the Romanian Ambassador Took Home, The IFPPP Flag.

By Farzaneh Rahmani