A major mile stone passed: Nobel men in Medicine, Chemistry and Economics and Abel winner; Prof. Louis Nirenberg Joined and Endorsed USERN
Professor Jean-Marie Lehn was the 10 th Nobel Prize Winner to accept joint USERN as an advisory board member. We remember his warm words from the first days of USERN official announcement: ‘’I recognize that such a meeting is indeed a very significant contribution to scientific exchange and communication’’.
Now with 10 distinguished board members who are Nobel men and one Abel Laurette let’s take a look at the long Journey that has brought us here: Professor Akira Suzuki was the first Nobel laureate who endorsed us with his kind words: ''I would like to accept your invitation for me to give lectures at the 2016 USERN meeting, November 8th-10th 2016 in Tehran, Iran”
Unfortunately due to his poor health condition we are not sure whether Professor Suzuki is able to join us on November but we hope him to get better so soon. Professor John Gurdon, holder of Nobel medal in medicine in 2012 was next, he’ll be giving a prestigious lecture on ‘’Regenerative medicine and genetic engineering’’ on November 8th. Professor Hoffman, Professor Greengard all Nobel winners in Medicine endorsed us as honorary advisory boards in the following months. Professor Stanley Prusiner was the next in line to endorse us and accept giving a lecture in USERN congress on November 9th which you shall not miss. Professor Eric Maskin and Professor Williamson from USA are the first two prestigious Nobel laurates in economy who joined us just recently to make the first mixture of ten Nobelists a more heterogonous one.
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