
What makes the Fourth USERN Workshop So Special?

Busy Week for USERN: Introduction of integrative medicine and medical Qi Gong on Tuesday

The upcoming Tuesday and Wednesday, just a few days before the start of Islamic fasting month, ''USERN Scientific'' will be busy arranging a new set of scientific events. If you are interested in chiropractic and traditional pharmacology, you must try the USERN workshop #4 on "introduction of integrative medicine and medical Qi Gong". A new theme in USERN workshops, four-hour practice-based lectures will be delivered by USERN board member Dr. Roja Rahimi faculty member in traditional pharmacology at TUMS, Dr Amir Hooman Kazemi expert in traditional Chinese medicine from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and Dr. Fernando Salgado expert in chiropractic and acupuncture from the ancient partner university of TUMS, Santiago De Compostella. 

Qi Gong is or "Life Energy Cultivation" is a holistic system of coordinated body posture and movement, and meditation used for health. Qigong enroots in Chinese medicine and philosophy. Medical qigong is a set of moving meditation, coordinating slow flowing movement, and deep rhythmic breathing serving for the balance of "Qi" which is translated as "life energy".


Qigong is also a martial and philosophical practice among Taoist, Buddhist, and Confucian philosophy, and is now widely practiced for its health applications and for exercise and relaxation, preventive medicine and self-healing.

Dr Salgado tries to bring close the scientific aspects of Qi Gong in medicine to students in medicine and pharmacology.

Shora Hall, Third Floor, Building #1 of TUMS School of medicine, Tuesday, May 23rd, 2-6 p.m., register for USERN Workshop #4 via: https://goo.gl/forms/xFIIiSDfySl6kXlj2


By Farzaneh Rahmani