Cochrane Evidence Interest Group (CEIG)

[email protected]



We will recruit university students willing to expand their knowledge in knowledge translation. Students will: - develop ways to engage communities in using evidence; for instance, through social media - write blog posts for Students4BestEvidence (S4BE); - translate and record Cochrane podcasts; - Cochrane TaskExchange - Cochrane Crowd -develop strategies for using evidence in policies; - and find other ways to communicate evidence (e.g., posters from students of Emory University). -join the Cochrane Wikipedia project


Cochrane has been producing such rigorous evidence in healthcare for the past three decades that now it is considered the gold standard. However, applying this evidence in everyday life is crucial, i.e., to inform clinical decisions and policies. To do so, we aim to make university students familiar with Cochrane evidence and the ways they can utilize this evidence using knowledge translation.

Group members