Majid Mirmazloumi


Email: [email protected]


Tel: (+98) (911)3675299



-          Clinical researcher with a background in performing studies in oncology

-          Executing research projects among interdisciplinary teams

-          Well-experienced in systematic and meta-analysis study

-          Experienced medical doctor with four years of practical experience in patient care, clinical diagnosis, disease management, and medical procedures


09/2015 to 11/2022     Medical Doctor, Guilan University of Medical Science, Rasht, Iran

Clinical Research Development Unit of Poursina Hospital

Ø  Research Assistant, 03/2021 to 11/2022

Conducted data collection and scientific writing of a retrospective cohort survey to compare the disease-free survival rate in colorectal cancer in Guilan province

Ø  Research Fellow, 01/2023 to present

-          Elaborate area of research by conducting systematic review and meta-analysis studies comprising surveys of different types of cancer

-          Develop analytic skills in STATA and SPSS


02/2019 to 02/2021   Medical Extern, General Hospitals in the City of Rasht, Iran

04/2021 to 10/2022   Medical Intern, General Hospitals in the City of Rasht, Iran

02/2023 to 08/2024   General Practitioner, Martyrs Hospital, Rasht, Iran


Scientific Writing | Critical Analysis | Data Collection and Management | Statistical Analysis via SPSS and STATA | Python Programming | PCR | Flow Cytometry | Cell Culture | Western Blot | Medical Procedures | Treatment Planning | Patient Management | Problem-solving in Medical issues | Healthcare Assessment


·       Comparison of Disease-free Survival and its predictive factors in non-metastatic right-sided and left-sided colon cancer (in submission)

·       The role of Proton Therapy in skull base Chordoma and Chondrosarcoma (in submission)

·       Machine learning uses in animal brain pathology: a systematic approach to the state of art (in submission)

·       Imaging Biomarkers of Neurofibromatosis Type 1-Associated Optic Pathway Glioma(in preparation)

·       Facial expression Deep learning algorithms in the detection of neurological disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis (in submission)

·       Outcomes of combining Onabotulinum-toxin A with a CGRP antagonist for chronic migraine a systematic review and meta-analysis 2 (in submission)

·       Differential Expression of Long non-coding RNA MEG3 and LINC01611 in Patients with Colorectal Cancer (in submission)


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