
Lourenco Beirao da Veiga

USERN Advisory Board

UPDATED MARCH 2018-------------------------------


2000: Degree in Mathematics at the Universita 'degli Studi di Pavia (advisors: Prof. Franco Brezzi and Prof. Gianni Arrigo Pozzi)

2005: PhD in Mathematics and Scientific Computing (XVI cycle) at the Universita 'degli Studi di Pavia thesis entitled ` `Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of Thin Structures and some Nonlinear Elasticity Problems.'' PhD Supervisor: Prof. Franco Brezzi.

2005-2010: Assistant Professor in Numerical Analysis at the Department of Mathematics "F.Enriques", University of Milan.

2010-2015 : Associate Professor in Numerical Analysis at the Department of Mathematics "F.Enriques", University of Milan.

2015-present: Full Professor in Numerical Analysis at the Department of Mathematics and Applications, University of Milano-Bicocca.



- Award  SIMAI 2005 for best PhD Theses  

- Jacques Louis Lions Award  2016 by ECCOMAS (granted for outstanding contributions in the field of Computational Mathematics by researcher under 40 )



A total of 67 invited talks at international conferences or seminars on invitation in foreign departments.


I here list ONLY the talks in the years 2013-2017, denoting with a * the particularly visible ones:

- Invited Talk at the Congress Advances in Computational Mechanics, San Diego (USA), 2013.

* Plenary Talk  “Domain decomposition methods in isogeometric analysis” at the Int. Conf. on Domain Decomposition Meth., Lugano, Switzerland, 2013.

* Plenary Talk “An introduction to the Virtual Element Method” at the Congress Valparaiso Numerico, (Chile) 2013.

- Invited Talk at the Congress MAFELAP , London (UK) 2013.

- Invited Seminar at the RICAM, Linz (Austria) 2013.

-Lecturer at the NIMS Summer School on Isogeometric Analysis , Daejeon (Korea) 2013.

* Plenary Talk “An introduction to Virtual Elements”at the Congress Building Bridges: Conn. and Chall. in Mod. Approaches to Num. PDE, Durham (UK) 2014.

- Invited Seminar at the Department of Civil and Enviromental Engineering, University of Illinois (USA), 2014.

- Invited Seminar at the Mox, Politecnico di Milano (Italia) 2014.

- Invited Talk at the Congress WCCM XI , Barcellona (Spain) 2014.

- Invited Seminar at the Dipartimento di Matematica, Univ. of Bari (Italy) 2014.

- Invited Seminar at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Univ. di Cassino (Italy) 2015.

* Plenary Talk “Compatible Virtual Element Spaces” at the Journees Lions-Magenes , Pavia (Italy) 2015.

 - Invited Talk at the Congress Calcolo Scientifico e Modelli Matematici, Genova (Italia) 2015.

 - Invited Talk  at the Congress XDMS-2015, Ferrara (Italia) 2015.

* Plenary Talk “An introduction to Virtual Elements with focus on fluid flows” at the Congress SIMRACE 2015, Paris, (France).

- Invited Seminar at the  Department of Mathematics, University of Oldenburg (Germany) 2016.

- Invited Talk  at the congress ECCOMAS 2016, Crete (Greece).

* Semi-Plenary Talk “Introduction and some recent advances on the Virtual Element method” at the ECCOMAS 2016 congress, Crete (Greece).

- Invited Talk  at the  MAFELAP 2016, London (UK).

- Invited Seminar at the  Dipartimento di Matematica, Univ. di Salerno (Italy), 2016.

- Lecturer at the Summer School Advanced Numerical Methods for PDEs, Cargese (Corsica), 2016.

- Invited Seminar at the  Dipartimento di Meccanica Strutturale, Politecnico di Milano (Italy), 2016

* Invited Seminar “An introduction to Virtual Elements with a focus on Mechanics” in the Solid Mechanics Stanford Seminar Series, Stanford (USA) 2016.

* Semi-Plenary Talk “Virtual Elements for the Stokes and Navier-Stokes equation ”at the 19h Internarional Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems , Rome (Italy) 2017.

- Invited Talk at the Congress Foundations of Computational Math, Barcellona (Spain) 2017.

* Plenary Talk “Virtual Elements for Magnetostatic Problems”at the ENUMATH 2017 , Voss (Norway).




Helsinki University of Technology (collaboration with R.Stenberg.)

I.C.E.S. , Austin, Texas (T.J.R.Hughes)

I.N.R.I.A.-Roquencort, Paris (D. Chapelle)

Los Alamos National Laboratory (K. Lipnikov, G. Manzini)

Universidad de Concepcion (R. Rodrigues, D. Mora)




- Organizer of the Workshop “First Young Researchers Workshop on Smart Materials”, Berlin (Germany), 2005

- Organizer of an MS at the International Conference on Math. and Cont. Mech., Porto (Portugal), 2008

- Organizer of an MS Isogeometric Methods  at the Congress USNCCM-11, Minneapolis (USA), 2011

- Organizer of an MS at the 21st Int. Conf. on Domain Decomposition, Rennes (France),  2012.

- Organizer of the Workshop Discretization Methods for Polygonal and Polyhedral Meshes , Milano (Italy), 2012

- Organizer of an MS at the Congress Advances in Computational Mechanics, San Diego (California), 2013.

- Organizer of an MS at the Congress MAFELAP, London (UK), 2013.

- Organizer of an MS at the 22st Int. Conf. on Domain Decomposition, Lugano (Switzerland), 2013

- Organizer of an MS at the Congress WCCM XI (11 World Congress on Comput. Mech.), Barcellona (Spain), 2014

- Organizer of an MS at the Congress GAMM 2015, Lecce (Italy).

- Organizer of an MS at the Congress X-DMS 2015, Ferrara (Italy).

- Organizer of the Workshop Polytopal Element Methods in Mathematics and Engineering ,

Georgia Tech (USA), 2015.

- Organizer of an MS  at the Congress SIMAI 2016, Milan (Italy).

- Organizer of an MS  at the Congress ECCOMAS 2016, Crete (Greece).

- Organizer of an MS at the Congress FEF 2017, Rome (Italy).

- Organizer of the Workshop Polytopal Element Methods in Mathematics and Engineering,

Milano-Bicocca (Italy), 2017.




Referee for more than 20 international journals in Numerical Analysis and Engineering (such as Math. Models and Meth. Appl. Sci, Comp. Meth. in Appl. Mech. and Engrg., Journal of Sound and Vibration, Numer. Math., IMA J. Numer. Anal., BIT-Numer.Math., ESAIM: Math. Mod. Numer. Anal., Siam. J. Numer. Anal., Comp. Mech., Appl. Math., Comp., Numer. Math., Numer. Meth. for PDE, Intern. J. Num. Meth. Engrg., Calcolo, SIAM books)

In the last years I referee an average of more than 15 paper per year.  

Project referee for some funding agencies (Austrian Science Foundation, Chilean National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development) and position upgrades (Chinese Academy of Sciences). 

Referee or Panel Member for many PhD theses (A. Niemi in 2009, F.E. Sanhueza in 2010, D. Mora in  2010, K.P.S. Galahaut in 2013, N. Bigoni in 2014, H. Chi in  2015, M. Benedetto in  2016, E. Brivadis in  2017, A. Borio in  2017)



(* indicates a position of responsability)


- Associate researcher for the project ERC Starting Grant GeoPDEs , 2009-13

- Associate researcher for the project Factory of the Future TERRIFIC, 2011-14

- Associate researcher of many italian PRIN and GNCS projects (not listed)

* Coordinator of   PUR 2010, Dept. F. Enriques, 2010-14

* Local Coordinator for the fund Futuro in Ricerca FIRB, code RBFR08CZ0S, 2010-14.

* Principal Investigator for the ERC Consolidator Grant CAVE (Challenges and Advancements in Virtual Elements), code 681162, 2016-2021





- Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Advanced Research in Appl. Math  (2009-12).

- Member of the Editorial Board of the ECCOMAS YIC2012, 2012, Aveiro.

- Member of the ECCOMAS Young Investigator Committee (representing SIMAI), 2014-17.

- Guest Editor for the special issue Polyhedral discretizations for PDEs on the journal Mathematical

Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 2015

- Currently member of the Editorial Board of the journal Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences




Before 2010 my didactical duties where mainly limited to supporting and practice classes.

Since 2010 (becoming Associate Professor and then Full Professor) I have taught several courses in the Mathematics Undergrad Bachelor and Master Courses (Optimization, Approximation of Partial Differential Equations, Numerical Calculus,…) and also basic math in other Undergrad Courses (Linear Algebra, Calculus, …). In average I teach between 2 and 3 courses per year. I have also taught some PhD course and some lesson in Numerical Analysis summer schools for PhD/post-doc students.

I was advisor of 20 Master Theses in Mathematics.

I was the advisor (or among the advisors) for the PhD theses of G. Rivera (Univ. of Concepcion), G. Vacca (Univ. of Bari), L. Mascotto (Univ. of Milano).



A total of 96 publications on International Journals with Referee (plus many proceedings, number not provided), mostly being on top level journals. 



From a broad standpoint, my research field is the discretization of problems in Partial Differential Equations, with a particular (but not limited to) interest in Mechanics and in non-standard Methodologies. Although I have good coding skills, my main expertise is in the developement and theoretical analysis of numerical methods. 


In particular my interests and expertise are in:

- Finite Element Method 

- Numerical Methods in Structural Mechanics (plates, shells, elasticity, inelasticity)

- Isogeometric Analysis

- Mimetic Discretization Schemes

- Virtual Element Method



SCOPUS H-index:  32

SCOPUS Citations: 2870

WOS H-index: 28

WOS Citations: 2335

WOS Citations per year in the last three years (2015/16/17): 340 / 390 / 530



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