
Martino Margoni

USERN Advisory Board

I was born on June 25, 1965 in Asiago (Italy).


1990: Master Thesis in Physics, Padova University.

1995: PhD in Physics, Padova University.

1996-1998: post-doctoral fellowship, Padova University.

1998-1999: fellowship at the "Padova Ricerche" Consortium.

1999-2001: assistant researcher fellowship at the Padova University.

2001-2014: researcher at the Physics Department of the Padova University.

2014-today: Associate Professor at the Padova University.

2017: Habilitation for Full Professor.

Academic Roles:

2020-today: Member of the Scientific Committee of the Physics and Astronomy Department, 

Padova University.

Member of the Committee for the evaluation of the research quality of the 

Physics and Astronomy Department, Padova University.

Member of the Didactic Commission of the Physics and Astronomy Department,

Padova University.

2014-today: Member of the Statistical Committee of the Engineering School of the Padova University.

2014-2021: Coordinator of the Physics Laboratory for Engineering students. 

2011-2012: Member of the Library commission of the Engineering School.

2007-2009: Representative of the researchers in the presidency coucil of the Engineering School.

2012-today: Member of the register of the reviewers of Italian ministerial programs in "Partice Physics".

2015-today: Member of the register of expert peer reviewers for italian scientific evaluation.

2017: Reviewer of an ERC Advanced Grant of the European Research Council.

2022: Member of a commission for the recruitment of two researchers at the Catania University.

From 2010: Supervisor of three research grants, four PhD students and 

15 students of the Padova University.

2012-2015: Teacher of Physics at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Travaux Publics, Yaounde` (Cameroun).

2014-today: Member of the PhD School committee of the Physics and Astronomy Department

of the Padova University.

2015-2017: Lecturer of the course: "Standard Model, Flavor Physics" for the PhD 

School of the Physics and Astronomy Department of the Padova University.

2011: Member of the Commission for the selection of PhD students at the 

Physics and Astronomy Department of the Padova University.

2017, 2021: Member of the Commission for the evaluation of the PhD students at the

Physics Department of the Milano Bicocca University.

2012-2014: Member of the organizing committee of the master's degree course in mathematical

engineering of the Padova University.

2012-today: involvment in several outreach programs and Masterclasses.

Research roles:

My main area of scientific interest is the Physics of Heavy quarks. 

I was a member the DELPHI, BaBar Collaborations and I'm currently a member of the

CMS Collaborations.

2022-today: Team leader of the CMS group of the INFN Padova Department.

2021-today: Member of the Publication Committee on B and Top Physics of the CMS collaboration.

2020-Today: Member of the Heavy Flavor Averaging Group.

2019-2022: Deputy Team Leader of the CMS group of the INFN Padova Department.

2019-2022: Hepdata coordinator for the B Physics Analysis Group of the CMS Collaboration.

2019-2022: Conference contact for the B Physics Analysis Group of the CMS Collaboration.

2017-2019: Convener of the B Physics Analysis Group of the CMS Collaboration.

2015-2017: Member of the LHC Heavy Flavor Group.

2015-2017: Convener of the analysis group for the measurement of the b-hadrons lifetime 

of the CMS Collaboration.

2016: Convener of the B decays properties analysis group of the CMS Collaboration. 

2014-2015: Convener of the CP violation and rare decays analysis group of the 

CMS collaboration.

1998-2000: Convener of the semileptonic b decays analysis group of the DELPHI Collaboration.

1997-1998: Convener of the Vcb analysis group of the DELPHI Collaboration.

2017-today: Referee for Physics Letter B, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review D,

Journal of High Energy Physics.


-Chair of six Analysis Review committees for the publication of papers

in the Babar and CMS Collaborations.

-Member of seven Analysis Review committees for the publication of papers

in the Babar and CMS Collaborations.

Convener and member of organizing committees of four International Conferences.

Speaker at 32 National and International Conferences.

Author of two physics textbooks for students of Science and Engineering.

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