Medical Humanities Association (MHA)

[email protected]



we believe that there is a hollow space in medicine and health care which can be filled by medical humanities. Theoretical reflections on medicine are lagging behind the advancements of biomedical sciences. medicine is a greatly humane profession; by ignoring humanistic aspects of it, and take all the critical phenomenological concepts that need to be addressed, we give space to market-based biomedicine which overlooks the patient as a human and therefore the healthcare system becomes a rigid mixture of clinical trials and algorithms and leads into shortcomings of medicine and healthcare which we are witnessing in this pandemic.


In fact, what we want to step in to is not a humanitarian campaign or an effort to add art in to the medicine as a science. We are seeking the fundamental essence and conceptions of what medicine is and what effort should be made in it. “Medical humanities” is a phrase whose currency is wider than its agreed meaning or denotation. The absence of a widely-agreed-upon definition may be of a little practical importance if the medical humanities is the sort of thing that “we know when we see”.