Network of Empirical, Gustatory and Olfactory Aesthetics (NEGOA)

[email protected]



This interest group is open to any interested individual, whether he/she was an expert or a junior researcher from any country on this wide globe. Our main goal is to share the beauty of knowledge and to look at the diseases from a different angle of view in order to find new hopes. We strive to know our members appropriately to be familiar with their strengths and weaknesses, thus tailoring the right program for them.


Have you ever tried to look at one of the most famous art paintings, but you weren't able to perceive it as beautiful as the artists do? Or have you ever preferred to have your grandma’s dish instead of Caviar? The answer is yes; this is what the norm usually perceive. It is not only restricted to visual arts or food; you can find it with music, smells, or anything else that you can perceive or produce by your senses. We in this interest group try to find the secrets behind finding something beautiful across different ages and cultures or what we also called Aesthetics.

Oral/Poster presentation

A Sui Generis Journey!

A journey that scientifically involves the genetical aspects of eye colour and aesthetically introduces the microscopic beauty of the iris.

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Cognitive Biases Affecting the Maintenance of COVID-19 Pandemic

All countries and regions have already been infected with the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). This super small guest has paralyzed the entire world’s economy, from the drastic fall of oil prices to the bankruptcy of great companies or even the small retail shops. The people’s lifestyle is undergoing significant changes, which is leaving a negative impact on their psychological and physical health. The atmosphere is filled with dual accusations from each one of the governments and their citizens. Recognizing cognitive biases that have potentially affected decision-making during the COVID-19 pandemic would help consider behavioral changes for curbing this global viral infection.

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