Multiple Sclerosis research group (MSRG)

[email protected]



We plan to have an international group focusing on MS research and hold workshops in this field. Clinical education and research education are our aims. We will design collaborative studies, run them, and publish high-quality and impactful manuscripts. We also plan to conduct systematic reviews in the field of MS to synthesize high-level evidence in this field. Based on the field of interest of the applicants, we will have different subgroups which will work under the guidance of the scientific team of the leading group.


The incidence of multiple sclerosis is increasing rapidly in Iran, and all over the world. MSRG's focus is to do international research in the field of MS to better understand the geographic distribution of the disease, its risk factors, prognostic factors, and factors contributing to the quality of life of people with MS. Conducting systematic reviews in this field in one of our primary goals and we plan to invite young researchers as well as experts in the field from all over the world.