Association of Science and Art (ASA)

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Some people might consider art and science as two separate disciplines, while they have many things in common to share. This association is established to encourage all the scientists and artists to use their own tools and methods to express life and the outcomes to communicate to the general public. When arts combine with science the result could be a masterpiece that anyone can understand with any level of wisdom. We invite all the scientists with art interest around the world as well as all the artists with science interest worldwide to join this association.


For centuries, science and art have informed and inspired each other which resulted in the creation of attractive and spectacular works. From the beginning, alchemists combined colors studied the effects of materials, learned how to understand light, and there are still scientists who attempt to use their scientific vision and knowledge to create artworks. Both science and art are human attempts to understand and describe the mysteries of the universe. They have been used as tools to understand and describe the world around us.