
Mohammad Saleh Tavazoei

USERN Advisory Board

Mohammad Saleh Tavazoei

Associate Professor

Control Group

Electrical Engineering Department

Sharif Universityof Technology

Office:       6th Floor - 613

Tel:            (+98 21) 66165930

Fax:           (+98 21) 66023261

Email:       [email protected]




2005-2008                   Ph.D in Electrical Engineering, Control Branch

                                    Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2003-2005                   M.Sc in Electrical Engineering, Control Branch

                                    Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

1999-2003                  B.Sc in Electrical Engineering, Control Branch

Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran 




  1. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Tavakoli-Kakhki, Fractional Order Systems and Controllers, K.N. Toosi University of Technology Press, 2015 (in Persian).


Journal Papers

  1. M. S. Tavazoei, "Comments on “Chaotic Characteristics Analysis and Circuit Implementation for a Fractional-Order System”," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, Volume 62, Issue 1, 2015, Pages 329-332.

  2. V. Badri and M. S. Tavazoei, "Some Analytical Results on Tuning Fractional-Order [Proportional–Integral] Controllers for Fractional-Order Systems," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, In Press, 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TCST.2015.2462739

  3. V. Badri and M. S. Tavazoei, "Achievable Performance Region for a Fractional Order Proportional and Derivative (FOPD) Motion Controller," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, In Press, 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2015.2448691

  4. M. S. Sarafraz and M. S. Tavazoei, "Realizability of Fractional-Order Impedances by Passive Electrical Networks Composed of a Fractional Capacitor and RLC Components," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, In Press, 2015. DOI: 10.1109/TCSI.2015.2482340

  5. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Tavakoli-Kakhki, "Minimal Realizations for Some Classes of Fractional Order Transfer Functions," IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, Volume 3, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 313-321.

  6. M. S. Tavazoei, "From Traditional PI Control to Fractional PI Control: A Key for Generalization" IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2012, Pages 41-51.

  7. M. S. Tavazoei, "On Monotonic and Non-Monotonic Step Responses in Fractional Order Systems," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Volume 58, Issue 7, August 2011, Pages 447-451.

  8. M. S. Tavazoei, M. Haeri, M. Siami and S. Bolouki, "Maximum Number of Frequencies in Oscillations Generated by Fractional Order LTI Systems," IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 58, Issue 8, August 2010, Pages 4003-4012.

  9. M. Tavakoli-Kakhki, M. Haeri, and M. S. Tavazoei,  "Study on Control Input Energy Efficiency of Fractional Order Control Systems," IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, Volume 3, Issue 3, 2013, Pages 475-482.

  10. M. Tavakoli-Kakhki, M. Haeri and M. S. Tavazoei, "Notes on the State Space Realizations of Rational Order Transfer Functions," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, Volume 58, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 1099-1108.

  11. M. S. Tavazoei, "Comments on "Stability Analysis of a Class of Nonlinear Fractional-Order Systems"," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Volume 56, Issue 6, 2009, Pages 519-520.

  12. M. S. Tavazoei, M. Haeri, S. Jafari, S. Bolouki, and M. Siami, “Some Applications of Fractional Calculus in Suppression of Chaotic Oscillations,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 55, Number 11, November 2008, Pages 4094-4101.

  13. M. S. Tavazoei, "Comments on “Chaos Synchronization of Uncertain Fractional-Order Chaotic Systems With Time Delay Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control”," IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Volume 20, Issue 5, 2012, Pages 993-995.

  14. M. S. Tavazoei, “Comments on “Stability Analysis of a Class of Nonlinear Fractional-Order Systems”,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Volume 56 Issue 6, June 2009, Pages 519-520.

  15. M. S. Tavazoei, “Algebraic Conditions for Monotonicity of Magnitude-Frequency Responses in All-Pole Fractional Order Systems,” IET Control Theory & Applications, Volume 8, Issue 12, 2014, Pages 1091-1095.

  16. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Tavakoli-Kakhki, “Compensation by Fractional-Order Phase-Lead/Lag Compensators,” IET Control Theory & Applications, Volume 8, Issue 5, 2014, Pages 319-329.

  17. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Haeri, “Unreliability of Frequency-Domain Approximation in Recognising Chaos in Fractional-Order Systems,” IET Signal Processing, Volume 1, Issue 4, December 2007, Pages 171-181.

  18. M. S. Tavazoei, "On Type Number Concept in Fractional-Order Systems," Automatica, Volume 49, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 301-304.

  19. V. Badri and M. S. Tavazoei, "On Tuning Fractional Order [Proportional Derivative] Controllers for a Class of Fractional Order Systems," Automatica, Volume 49, Issue 7, July 2013, Pages 2297-2301.

  20. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Haeri, "Rational Approximations in Simulation and Implementation of Fractional Order Dynamics: A Descriptor System Approach," Automatica, Volume 46, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 94-100.

  21. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Haeri, “A Proof for non Existence of Periodic Solutions in Time Invariant Fractional Order Systems,” Automatica, Volume 45, Issue 8, August 2009, Pages 1886-1890.

  22. M. Tavakoli-Kakhki and M. S. Tavazoei, "Proportional Stabilization and Closed-Loop Identification of an Unstable Fractional Order Process," Journal of Process Control, Volume 24, Issue 5, 2014, Pages 542-549.

  23. M. S. Tavazoei, "Overshoot in the Step Response of Fractional-Order Control Systems," Journal of Process Control, Volume 22, Issue 1, January 2012, Pages 90-94.

  24. M. S. Tavazoei, "Notes on Integral Performance Indices in Fractional-Order Control Systems," Journal of Process Control, Volume 20, Issue 3, March 2010, Pages 285-291.

  25. M. S. Bahavarnia and M. S. Tavazoei, "A New View to Ziegler-Nichols Step Response Tuning Method: Analytic Non-Fragility Justification," Journal of Process Control, Volume 23, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 23-33.

  26. V. Badri and M. S. Tavazoei, "On Tuning FO[PI] Controllers for FOPDT Processes," Electronics Letters, Volume 49, Issue 21, 2013, Pages 1326-1328.

  27. M. Naderi Soorki and M. S. Tavazoei, "Asymptotic swarm stability of fractional-order swarm systems in the presence of uniform time-delays," International Journal of Control, In Press, 2015. DOI: 10.1080/00207179.2015.1125019

  28. M. S. Tavazoei, "Ramp Tracking in Systems with Non-Minimum Phase Zeros: One-and-A-Half Integrator Approach," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, In Press, 2015.

  29. M. H. Basiri and M. S. Tavazoei, "On Robust Control of Fractional Order Plants: Invariant Phase Margin," ASME Journal of Nonlinear and Computational Dynamics, Volume 10, Issue 5, 2015, 054504.

  30. M. Tavakoli-Kakhki and M. S. Tavazoei, "Estimation of the Order and Parameters of a Fractional Order Model from a Noisy Step Response Data," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Volume 136, Issue 3, 2014, 031020.

  31. M. S. Tavazoei, "Time Response Analysis of Fractional-Order Control Systems: A Survey on Recent Results," Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, Volume 17, Issue 2, 2014, Pages 440-461.

  32. N. Sayyaf and M. S. Tavazoei, "On a Generalized Fractional-Order LTI Compensator: Exact Formulas for Compensation at Two Different Frequencies," Journal of Vibration and Control, In Press, 2015. DOI: 10.1177/1077546315570718

  33. M. S. Tavazoei, "A Note on Fractional-Order Derivatives of Periodic Functions," Automatica, Volume 46, Issue 5, May 2010, Pages 945-948.

  34. M. S. Tavazoei, M. Haeri, S. Bolouki, and M. Siami, “Stability Preservation Analysis for Frequency Based Methods in Numerical Simulation of Fractional Order Systems,” SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Volume 47, Number 1, 2008, Pages 321-338.

  35. M. S. Tavazoei, "Fractional/Distributed Order Systems and Irrational Transfer Functions with Monotonic Step Responses," Journal of Vibration and Control, Volume 20, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 1697-1706.

  36. M. A. Rahimian and M. S. Tavazoei, "Optimal Tuning for Fractional-Order Controllers: An Integer-Order Approximating Filter Approach," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Volume 135, Issue 2, 2013, 021017.

  37. M. Tavakoli-Kakhki, M. Haeri and M. S. Tavazoei, "Simple Fractional Order Model Structures and Their Applications in Control System Design," European Journal of Control, Volume 16, Number 6, 2010, Pages 680-694.

  38. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Haeri, “Stabilization of Unstable Fixed Points of Chaotic Fractional Order Systems by a State Fractional PI Controller,” European Journal of Control, Volume 14, Number 3, 2008, Pages 247-257.

  39. M. Naderi and M. S. Tavazoei, "Adaptive Consensus Tracking for Fractional-Order Linear Time Invariant Swarm Systems," ASME Journal of Nonlinear and Computational Dynamics, Volume 9, Issue 3, 2014, 031012.

  40. M. S. Tavazoei, "Reduction of Oscillations via Fractional Order Pre-Filtering," Signal Processing, Volume 107, February 2015, Pages 407-414.

  41. V. Badri and M. S. Tavazoei, "Fractional Order Control of Thermal Systems: Achievability of Frequency-Domain Requirements," Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 80, Issue 4, June 2015, Pages 1773-1783.

  42. M. Siami and M. S. Tavazoei, "Oscillations in fractional order LTI Systems: Harmonic Analysis and Further Results," Signal Processing, Volume 93, Issue 5, May 2013, Pages 1243-1250.

  43. M. S. Tavazoei, "Toward Searching Possible Oscillatory Region in Order Space for Nonlinear Fractional-Order Systems," ASME Journal of Nonlinear and Computational Dynamics, Volume 9, Issue 2, 2014, 021011.

  44. M. Tavakoli-Kakhki and M. S. Tavazoei, "Static Feedback versus Fractionality of the Electrical Elements in the Van der Pol Circuit," Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 72, Issues 1-2, April 2013, Pages 365-375.

  45. M. A. Rahimian and M. S. Tavazoei, "A Constrained tuning of two-parameter controllers: a centroid approach," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, Volume 226, Number 5, May 2012, Pages 685-698.

  46. M. S. Tavazoei, "Maximal Bound for Output Feedback Gain in Stabilization of Fixed Points of Fractional-Order Chaotic Systems," ASME Journal on Nonlinear and Computational Dynamics, 6, 031012, 2011.

  47. M. Tavakoli-Kakhaki, M. Haeri and M. S. Tavazoei, "Over and Under Convergent Step Responses in Fractional Order Transfer Functions," Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Volume 32, Number 4, August 2010, Pages 376-394.

  48. P. Nazarian, M. Haeri, and M. S. Tavazoei, "Identifiability of Fractional Order Systems Using Input Output Frequency Contents," ISA Transactions, Volume 49, Issue 2, April 2010, Pages 207-214.

  49. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Haeri, "Periodic Characteristic Ratio (PCR) Method: An Alternative Method to Determine the Characteristic Polynomial," Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 80, Issue 9, May 2010, Pages 1841-1853.

  50. E. Alibeaki, M. Haeri and M.S. Tavazoei, “Initial rectified attractors for perfect GS and Q-S synchronization of chaotic systems,International Journal of Modern Physics B, Volume 25, Number 6, 2011, Pages 863-876.

  51. M. Attari, M. Haeri, and M. S. Tavazoei, "Analysis of a Fractional Order Van der Pol-like Oscillator via Describing Function Method," Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 61, Numbers 1-2, 2010, Pages 265-274.

  52. M. Haeri and M. S. Tavazoei, "CDM Based Closed Loop Transfer Function Design for Ramp Input," Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, Volume 33, Number 5, July 2011, Pages 558-572.

  53. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Haeri, "Stabilization of Unstable Fixed Points of Fractional-Order Systems by Fractional-Order Linear Controllers and its Applications in Suppression of Chaotic Oscillations," ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Volume 132, 2010, 021008.

  54. I. Kheirzad, M. S. Tavazoei, and A. A. Jalali, "Stability Criteria for a Class of Fractional Order Systems," Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 61, Numbers 1-2, 2010, Pages 153-161.

  55. M. S. Tavazoei, M. Haeri and S. Jafari, “Fractional Controller to Stabilize Fixed Points of Uncertain Chaotic Systems: Theoretical and Experimental Study,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, Volume 222, Number 3, 2008, Pages 175-184.

  56. S. Jafari, M. Haeri and M. S. Tavazoei, “Experimental Study of a Chaos-Based Communication System in the Presence of Unknown Transmission Delay,” International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Volume 38, 2010, Pages 1013-1025.

  57. M. M. Asheghan, M. T. Beheshti, and M. S. Tavazoei, "Robust synchronization of perturbed Chen’s fractional-order chaotic systems," Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Volume 16, Issue 2, February 2011, Pages 1044-1051.

  58. M. M. Asheghan, M. T. Beheshti, and M. S. Tavazoei, " Comments on “Synchronization and anti-synchronization of new uncertain fractional-order modified unified chaotic systems via novel active pinning control” [Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 2010;15:3754–3762] " Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Volume 16, Issue 6, June 2011, Pages 2656-2657.

  59. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Haeri, “Regular Oscillations or Chaos in a Fractional Order System with any Effective Dimension,” Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 54, Number 3, 2008, Pages 213-222.

  60. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Haeri, “Chaotic Attractors in Incommensurate Fractional Order Systems,” Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, Volume 237, Issue 20, 15 October 2008, Pages 2628-2637.

  61. M. S. Tavazoei, M. Haeri, M. Attari, S. Bolouki, and M. Siami, “More Details on Analysis of Fractional-Order Van der Pol Oscillator,Journal of Vibration and Control, Volume 15, 2009, Pages: 803-819.

  62. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Haeri, “Chaos Control via a Simple Fractional-Order Controller,” Physics Letters A, Volume 372, Issue 6, February 2008, Pages 798-807.

  63. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Haeri, “Synchronization of Chaotic Fractional-Order Systems via Active Sliding Mode Controller,” Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 387, Issue 1, January 2008, Pages 57-70.

  64. M. S. Tavazoei, M. Haeri, and N. Nazari, “Analysis of Undamped Oscillations Generated by Marginally Stable Fractional Order Systems,” Signal Processing, Volume 88, Issue 12, December 2008, Pages 2971-2978.

  65. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Haeri, “A Necessary Condition for Double Scroll Attractor Existence in Fractional-Order Systems,” Physics Letters A, Volume 367, Issues 1-2, July 2007, Pages 102-113.

  66. M. S. Tavazoei, M. Haeri, S. Bolouki and M. Siami, “Using Fractional-Order Integrator to Control Chaos in Single-Input Chaotic Systems,” Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 55, Number 1-2, January 2009, Pages 179-190.

  67. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Haeri, “A Note on the Stability of Fractional Order Systems,” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 79, Issue 5, January 2009, Pages 1566-1576.

  68. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Haeri, “Chaos in the APFM Nonlinear Adaptive Filter”, Signal Processing, Volume 89, Issue 5, May 2009, Pages 697-702.

  69. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Haeri, “Chaos Generation via a Switching Fractional Multi-Model System,” Nonlinear Analysis Series B: Real World Applications, Volume 11, Issue 1, February 2010, Pages 332-340.

  70. M. S. Tavazoei, M. Haeri, and S. Jafari, “Taming Single Input Chaotic Systems by Fractional Differentiator Based Controller: Theoretical and Experimental Study,” Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, Volume 28, Number 5, 2009, Pages 625-647.

  71. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Haeri, “Describing Function Based Methods for Predicting Chaos in a Class of Fractional Order Differential Equations,” Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 57, Number 3, August, 2009, Pages 363-373.

  72. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Haeri, “Determination of Active Sliding Mode Controller Parameters in Synchronizing Different Chaotic Systems,” Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 32, Issue 2, April 2007, Pages 583-591.

  73. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Haeri, “An Optimization Algorithm based on Chaotic Behavior and Fractal Nature,” Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 206, Issue 2, September 2007, Pages 1070-1081.

  74. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Haeri, “Comparison of One Dimensional Maps as Chaotic Search Pattern in Chaos Optimization Algorithms,” Applied Mathematics and Computation, Volume 187, Issue 2, April 2007, Pages 1076-1085.

  75. M. Haeri, M. S. Tavazoei and M. R. Naseh, Synchronization of Uncertain Chaotic Systems Using Active Sliding Mode Control,” Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 33, Issue 4, August 2007, Pages 1230-1239.

  76. M. Haeri and M. S. Tavazoei, “Transient Response Control for Ramp Input,” Iranian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Volume 3, No. 2, Fall and Winter 2005, Pages 103-108 (In Persian).

Chapters in Books

  1. F. Farokhi, M. Haeri, and M. S. Tavazoei, "Comparing Numerical Methods for Solving Nonlinear Fractional Order Differential Equations," New Trends in Nanotechnology and Fractional Calculus Applications, Ed. D. Baleanu, Z. B. Guvenc, and J. A. Tenereio Machado, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 171-179, 2010.

  2. S. Bolouki, M. Haeri, M. S. Tavazoei, M. Siami, "Some Bounds on Maximum Number of Frequencies Existing in Oscillations Produced by Linear Fractional Order Systems," New Trends in Nanotechnology and Fractional Calculus Applications, Ed. D. Baleanu, Z. B. Guvenc, and J. A. Tenereio Machado, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 213-220, 2010.

  3. N. Nazari, M. Haeri, and M. S. Tavazoei, "Phase Plane Characteristics of Marginal Stable Fractional Order Systems," Ed. J. A. Tenerio Machado, Nonlinear Science and Complexity, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 293-302, 2009.

  4. M. S. Bahavarnia and M. S. Tavazoei, "Non-Fragile Tuning of Fractional-Order PD Controllers for Integrating and Double Integrating Time-Delay Systems," Fractional Calculus: Theory, Chapter 10, Nova Science Publishers, pp. 237-256, 2014.


Invited Talks

  1. M. S. Tavazoei, "Fractional Order Dynamics: The Key to Enter a New World in Control Systems," 21st Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Mashhad, Iran, May 16, 2013.

  2. M. S. Tavazoei, “Fractional Calculus and Its Applications in Control Systems,” 20th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Tehran, Iran, May 15, 2012.


Conference Papers

  1. M. Tavakoli-Kakhki and M. S. Tavazoei, “Parameter and Order Estimation from Noisy Step Response Data,” IFAC Joint Conference: 5th Symposium on System Structure and Control, 11th Workshop on Time-Delay Systems, and 6th Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications, Grenoble, France, February 4-6, 2013.

  2. M. Bahavarnia and M. S. Tavazoei, “Non-Fragile Tuning of Fractional-Order PD Controllers for IPD-Modelled Processes,” IFAC Joint Conference: 5th Symposium on System Structure and Control, 11th Workshop on Time-Delay Systems, and 6th Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications, Grenoble, France, February 4-6, 2013.

  3. S. Tabatabaei, M. J. Yazdanpanah, and M. S. Tavazoei, "Incommensurate Order Fractional Optimal Control: Application to Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders," 21st Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, Mashhad, Iran, May 14-16, 2013.

  4. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Tavakoli-Kakhki, “A Geometric Approach to Represent and Analyze of Fractional Order Systems,” 5th IFAC Symposium on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications, Nanjing, China, May 14-17, 2012.

  5. A. Rasoolzadeh and M. S. Tavazoei, “Fractional Control of Chaos in Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motors,” 5th IFAC Symposium on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications, Nanjing, China, May 14-17, 2012.

  6. S. Tabatabaei, M. J. Yazdanpanah, M. S. Tavazoei, and A. Karimian, “On Dynamic Models of Human Emotion,” 20th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 2012.

  7. M. Siami and M. S. Tavazoei, “Analysis of Oscillations in Fractional Order LTI Systems,” 7th ASME/IEEE International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA), Washington, DC, USA, August 28-31, 2011.

  8. K. Paridari and M. S. Tavazoei, “Fractional PI Tuning Satisfying Gain and Phase Margin Constraints,” 7th ASME/IEEE International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications (MESA), Washington, DC, USA, August 28-31, 2011.

  9. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Haeri., “Existence of Chaos in the Fractional Order Unified System: The Lowest Effective Dimension,” 7th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ELECO), Bursa, Turkey, December1-4, 2011.

  10. M. A. Rahimian and M. S. Tavazoei, "Comparing the Stability Regions for Fractional-Order PI Controllers and Their Integer-Order Approximations," 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, December 15-17, 2010.

  11. M. S. Tavazoei, and M. S. Bahavarnia, "Fractional-Order Models and Overshooting Step Responses," 4th IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications, Badajoz, Spain, October 18-20, 2010.

  12. M. A. Rahimian, M. S. Tavazoei, and F. Tahami, "Fractional-Order PI Speed Control of a Two-Mass Drive System with Elastic Coupling," 4th IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications, Badajoz, Spain, October 18-20, 2010.

  13. M. Siami, M. S. Tavazoei, and M. Haeri, "Stability Preservation Analysis in Direct Discretization of Fractional Order Transfer Functions," Symposium on Fractional Signals and Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, 4-6 November, 2009.

  14. M. Tavakoli-Kakhki, M. Haeri, and M. S. Tavazoei, "A Four Parameter Fractional Order Model Structure and its Use in Control System Design," Symposium on Fractional Signals and Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, 4-6 November, 2009.

  15. I. Kheirzad, M. S. Tavazoei, and A. A. Jalali, "Expanding Gain-Phase Margin Specifiable Area In Control of Unstable Processes via Fractional Calculus Based Techniques," Symposium on Fractional Signals and Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, 4-6 November, 2009.

  16. M. S. Tavazoei, M. Haeri, M. Siami, and S. Bolouki, “Stability Preservation Problem in Methods that Find Rational Approximation of Fractional order Systems,” 6th EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June, 30-July, 4 2008.

  17. M. Attari, M. Haeri, and M. S. Tavazoei, “Study on Fractionalized Oscillatory Systems in Polar Coordinates,” 6th EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June, 30-July, 4 2008.

  18. S. Bolouki, M. Haeri, M. S. Tavazoei and M. Siami, “Upper and Lower Bounds for Maximum Number of Frequencies Exist in Oscillations Generated by Linear Fractional Order Systems,” 3rd IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Ankara, Turkey, 05 - 07 November, 2008.

  19. F. Farokhi, M. Haeri, and M. S. Tavazoei, “On Comparison of Numerical Methods to Solve Nonlinear Fractional Order Differential Equations,” 3rd IFAC Workshop on Fractional Differentiation and its Applications, Ankara, Turkey, 05 - 07 November, 2008.

  20. M. S. Tavazoei, M. Haeri, and S. Alibeaki, “Generalized Synchronization of Chaotic Systems with Minimum Control Effort in the Steady State,” 2nd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity, Porto, Portugal, July 28-31, 2008.

  21. N. Nazari, M. Haeri, and M. S. Tavazoei, “Phase Plane Characteristics of Marginally Stable Fractional Order Systems,” 2nd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity, Porto, Portugal, July 28-31, 2008.

  22. N. Nazari, M. Haeri, and M. S. Tavazoei, “Estimating the fractional order of orthogonal rational functions used in the identification,” International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, Korea, pp. 1130-1134, 2008.

  23. S. Jafari, M. Haeri and M. S. Tavazoei., “Experimental Study and Synchronization of Chen Systems via Single State Unidirectional Coupling,” International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, Korea, pp. 963-967, 2008.

  24. M. S. Tavazoei and M. Haeri., “Comparison of the Existing Methods in Determination of the Characteristic Polynomial,” ARAS Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 130-133, 2005.

  25. M. Haeri and M. S. Tavazoei, “To Determine the Characteristic Polynomial Coefficients Based On the Transient Response,” International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, Korea, pp. 11-15, 2005.


Awards and Achievements         

(2012) Young Investigator Award of Sharif University of Technology.
(2012) Young Investigator Award of IEEE Iran Section.     
(1998) The SILVER MEDAL, 16th National Mathematical Olympiad, Iran.
(1997) The BRONZE MEDAL, 15th National Mathematical Olympiad, Iran.


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