
Filip Dochy

USERN Advisory Board USERN Policy Making Council

Full professor

Research on Learning & Development in organizations


1. Personal information

Fields of expertise: HRD

  • Learning solutions & training in corporate settings (L&D)

  • Effectiveness of training and teamwork

  • Group dynamics & Leadership in organisations

HRD - general

High Impact Learning in organisations



2. Educationand training

Bachelor and Master degrees in Psychology & Educational Sciences, Physical Education, and Law, University of Gent, Belgium 

Degree of specialisation in policy and organisation, University of Leuven, Belgium

PhD degree in Learning Sciences, 1992. Doctoral thesis: Assessment of prior knowledge as a determinant for future learning. London/Utrecht: J. Kingsley Publishers/ Lemma b.v. (Preface by Prof. Erik De Corte & Prof. Robert Glaser).

3. Professional activities

Research Assistant, Department of Educational Research and Development, Universiteit Limburg, Maastricht (1984) (NWO/SVO fund).

Project-co-ordinator Skillslab Medical faculty and Health Sciences and research assistant Department of Educational Research and Development, Universiteit Limburg (Medical Faculty/ Health Sciences University of Maastricht) (1985).

Assistant Professor (Universitair Docent), Department of Educational Research and Development, Medical Faculty/ Health Sciences University of Maastricht (Rijksuniversiteit Limburg) (1985 -1987).

Assistant Professor (Universitair Docent), Center for Educational Technology and Innovation (OTIC), Open University of the Netherlands (1987-1989).

Associate Professor (Universitair Hoofddocent) Center for Educational Technology and Innovation (OTIC), Open University of the Netherlands (1989 - 1998) (From 1997 on 0.5 Fte)

Full Professor at the University of Maastricht, Medical Faculty / Faculty of Law, Department of Educational Innovation and Information Technology, (1997- 2005: 0.5 Fte)

Professor, (1997- 2005: 0.5 Fte) Centre for Research on Professional Learning and Development, Corporate training and Lifelong Learning, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences.

Full Professor, (2005 - )Research Unit on Occupational and Organisational Psychology and Professional Learning (O2L),

(Onderzoeksgroep Arbeids- en Organisatiepsychologie & Opleidingskunde, KU Leuven), Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences,

and Special Honorary Professor of Training Innovation at the University of Maastricht, Faculty of Law,  The Netherlands.



Fouding editor of the Educational Research Review (2005-2010)

           (Founding Editor – current Impact Factor. 3.86)

Fouding editor Frontline Learning Research (2013-2017)

Editorial board member & referee for scientific journals :

Vocations & Learning, Academy of Management Review, Group Dynamics-Theory Research and Practice, Journal of Management, Small group research, Journal of organisational behaviour, Journal of workplace learning, Journal of Education and Training Studies, Journal of Adult Learning, Knowledge and Innnovation, Human Resource Development Quarterly, Human Resource Development International, Human Resource Management Journal, Human Resource Management, Advances in developing human resources, Instructional Science, Studies in Educational Evaluation, Learning & Instruction, Studies in Higher Education, Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation (PARE), Review of Educational Research, Educational Research and Reflection.

Referee voor EARLI conference proposals, AERA proposals (Learning & Instruction), EAWOP proposals, INGROUP proposals.


Academic positions in international organisations:

Secretary of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (1997 - 1999)

List-owner en manager van de EARLI-Assessment & Evaluation list (Surfnet - Internet) (1992 - heden)

List-owner en manager van de EARLI General list (Supporting manager: F. Van Gelder) (Surfnet - Internet) (1992 - heden)

4. Other scientific accomplishments

Nomination as Chair of the L. Verhaeghen professorship (ere-rector Limburgs Universitair Centrum), Univeristy of Hasselt, 1999.

Nomination for the publication award of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, 2001  for the journal article:

Dochy, F., Segers, M., & Buehl, M. (1999). The Relation Between Assessment Practices and Outcomes of Studies: The Case of Research on Prior Knowledge. Review of Educational Research,Summer 1999, Vol. 69, No. 2, pp. 147-188. 


Elected functions in the scientific community:

Secretary of EARLI (1995-1999)

President-elect of EARLI , European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (2001-2003)

President of EARLI (2003-2005)

Chair of the Board of EAPRIL, European Assocation for Practictioner Research for Improving Learning in Education & the Professions (2006-2011)

Managing Director of EARLI (2005 - 2016)

Member of the European Academy of Science (2015 -  )

Founder of EAPRIL (

5. Workshops and keynote addresses:

-      Several workshops are yearly given to corporate audiences and students on HR subjects

-      During the last 10 years, about 10 invited keynote lectures at international conferences were given yearly

6. More details and list of publications


Recent publications:



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