
Elisabete Weiderpass

USERN Advisory Board


Name:           Elisabete Weiderpass Vainio

Born:            11.04.1966 in Santo Andre, São Paulo, Brazil

Civil status:  Married to Harri Uolevi Vainio

Phones:         +47 229 28 809 (office); +47 913 00 623 (mobile)

E-mail:          [email protected]


Post doc:





Post doc:



Cancer epidemiology. Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Cancer epidemiology. Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Title: Some hormonal factors in the etiology of endometrial cancer

Supervisor: Ingemar Persson, John Baron and Hans-Olov Adami

Special trainee in cancer epidemiology.Unit of Environmental Cancer Epidemiology,
International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France

Epidemiology. Federal University of Pelotas, RS, Brazil

Subject: Mode of delivery and breastfeeding duration








MD: Medicine. Federal University of Pelotas, RS, Brazil

Academic qualification

2011- Professor of Medical Epidemiology Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
2008- Professor of Cancer Epidemiology University of Tromsø, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway

Associate professor/ Medical Epidemiology Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
2003- Associate professor/ Epidemiology

Appointed Professor of Epidemiology, 2004
School of Public Health, Tampere University, Finland
2000-2005 Docent/ Cancer Epidemiology Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Current (*) and earlier positions

2015*           Head of Research Department and Etiological research group, Cancer Registry of Norway, Oslo, Norway

2011*           Professor in Medical Epidemiology, Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

2008*           Professor in Cancer Epidemiology, Department of Community Medicine, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway

2007*           Leader of Genetic Epidemiology Group, Program for Genetic Research, Folkhälsan Research Center, Helsinki, Finland

2005-2011    Associate Professor in Medical Epidemiology (Senior Lector), Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet,
Stockholm, Sweden

2004-2014    Senior Cancer Epidemiologist, Department of Research, Cancer Registry of Norway, Oslo, Norway

2004              Senior Cancer Epidemiologist, Finnish Cancer Registry, Helsinki, Finland

2003-2004     Associate Professor in Cancer Epidemiology (Docent; in 2004 nominated to Professor in Cancer Epidemiology), School of Public Health, Tampere University

2001-2004     Medical Officer / Senior Epidemiologist,Unit of Field and Intervention Studies, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France

Assistant Professor in Cancer Epidemiology (Docent), Department of Medical

                      Epidemiology, Karolinska Institutet,
Stockholm, Sweden

1999-2000     Scientist / post-doctoral fellow supported by the Swedish Cancer Society, Department of Medical Epidemiology, Karolinska Institutet,
Stockholm, Sweden

Research support as Principal Investigator (selected)

-       Norwegian Research Council: EPINOR, National research school in population based epidemiology; 2013-2020 (Currently with 150 PhD students in epidemiology;

-       Norwegian Cancer Society: Physical activity and mortality risk from cancer; 2013-2015

-       Swedish Research Council: Women’s Lifestyle and Health cohort study; 2012-2014

-       NGO Samfundet Folkhälsan in Finland and Academy of Finland with complementary funds: Cohort study Health in Teens – Fin –HIT; 2011-2015 (

Leading positions of scientific groups and associations

-       President of the Scientific Committee for e-Health Research, International Congress 2016, Paris, France, 2016

-       Chair of the Scientific Evaluation Committee, SIRIC, Institute du Cancer (INCa), Paris, France, 2015-2016

-       Co-chair for LS7 selection panel: Diagnostic tools, Therapies, Biotechnology and Public Health, ATIP-Avenir grant program for young researchers, National Institute for health and medical Research (INSERM) and National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris, France, 2016

-       Chair of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) Public Health evaluation committee, Paris, France, 2015

-       Deputy Chair of the Programme Board for Global Health and Vaccination Research (GLOBVAC), The Research Council of Norway, 2015-2017

-       President Scientific Council, Research program on Electromagnectic Fields, Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire (ANSES), France, 2015-2016

-       President Scientific Council, Research program Étude Épidémiologique auprès des Enfants des Femmes (E4N), France, 2014-2016 (

-       Regional Councilor for Europe, International Epidemiological Association (IEA), 2014

-       Co-President, Scientific Council, Research program Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire (ANSES), France, 2014

-       President, Scientific Council, Research program on Electromagnectic Fields, Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire (ANSES), France, 2013-2014

-       Steering Committee
 and Leader, Working Group on bladder cancer, European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), since 2013

International Consortium member (ongoing)

-          European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, EPIC; since 2013

-          Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD), as a collaborator, 2013 onwards

-          European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition – EPIC (Norwegian representative); since 2013

-          Nordic Occupation and Cancer Collaboration – NOCCA (Swedish co-PI); since 2005

-          NIH/NCI cohort consortium on cancer and mortality (Washington-Bethesda, USA), since 2005

-          Harvard pooling project on diet and cancer (Boston, USA); since 2004

-          Oxford University pooling project on hormones and breast, ovarian and endometrial cancer (Oxford, UK); since 2004

Visiting scientist (selected)

-       Adjunct professor of 
Cancer Epidemiology, Gansu Provincial Maternity and Child Care Hospital, Lanzhou, China; December 2013 – December 2016 (ongoing, regular stints)

-       Senior Foreign Expert on Non-Communicable Diseases, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu province, China; since May 2013 (ongoing, regular stints)

-       Visiting Scientist, Cancer Institute of Iran, Teheran, Iran; 2012 (UICC support)

-       African Network of Cancer Registries, Malawi Cancer Registry, 1st Course on Cancer Registration; 2012 (as a teacher with UICC support)

-       Visiting Professor, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya; 2011 (EU support)

-       National Cancer Center, Korean Cancer Institute, Goyang, Korea; yearly since 2010 (ongoing)

-       Senior Research Fellow, National Cancer Center, Tokyo, Japan; January to March 2010 (Foundation for Promotion of Cancer Research)

-       Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda; since 2001

  • Ongoing collaboration on infectious diseases and cancer research (funded by SIDA, Sweden 2001-2010, and private donations since 2013)
  • In 2007 (November/December) – 2008 (January): International Agency for Research on Cancer/ World Health Organization Expert Transfer Fellowship Award, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda

Participation in scientific groups/ scientific boards (selected)

-       Member of Scientific Council, International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC - WHO, Lyon, France, 2015-2019.

-       Member of the Advisory Group for the European Commission Program Horizon 2020, Health, demographic changes and wellness – Societal Challenges 1, 2013-2015, 2016-2018

-       Scientific Council E4N: Étude Épidémiologique auprès des Enfants des Femmes E3N,
 Institute National de la Santé et de la Recherché Médicale (INSERM), France, 2014- ongoing.

-       Regional Councillor for Europe, International Epidemiological Association (IEA), 2014

-       Co-President, Scientific Council, Research program, Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire (ANSES), France; 2013-2014, ongoing.

-       President, Scientific Council, Program on Electromagnectic Fields, Agence Nationale de Sécurité Sanitaire (ANSES), France; 2013-2014, ongoing.

-       Norwegian Institute of Public Health/Cancer Registry of Norway, impact of HPV vaccination implementation - evaluation committee, HPV Norvaks, 2010-2013.

-       Board member - steering Committee, Norwegian Research Council, Program for Global Health and Vaccination (GLOBVAC); 2008-2014, ongoing.

-       Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Institute National de Recherché et Sécurité pour la prevention des accidents du travail et des maladies professionals (INRS), Paris, France, 2012-2015, ongoing.

-       Member of the Scientific Council - Project Constances, Institute National de la Santé et de la Recherché Médicale (INSERM), France, since 2013, ongoing

-       Danish Cancer Society, Enterolactone and chronic diseases project, 2014-2016; Inequalities and Cancer, 2012-2014; 

-       Steering Committee of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), representing Norway; since 2012, ongoing.

International advisory service (selected)

-    Cancer early detection and prevention expert for IAEA imPACT mission to Sierra Leone in collaboration with IARC/WHO (28 November – 3 December 2016)

-    National Working Group on Non-Communicable Diseases Prevention, Norwegian Public Health Institute and Norwegian Ministry of Health (2016-2025)

-    Public Health Institute’s working group on establishment of HPV vaccination program for boys, Norwegian Public Health Institute, Oslo, Norway (26 Aug 2015)                                                                        

-    International expert in Eurocan Platform “Cancer Prevention Europe” workshop, IARC, Lyon, France (6-7 Jul 2015)

-    WP5 Extern Expert Group on National Cancer Control Planning (NCCP) and Outcome of Prevention for Cancer Control Joint Action (CANCON), 2015-2016

-    Advisor for the Ministry of Health and Medical Education of Iran; Evaluation of cancer registration system in Iran (2014-2015)

-    Advisor, National Breast Cancer Screening Program, Kingdom of Jordan (2013- ongoing)

-    Advisor for Medical Research Council of Pakistan; Cancer Registry establishment in Islamabad, Pakistan (2013-2016) – supported by a grant from the Norwegian Government

-    Expert on Cancer Registration, African Network of Cancer Registries: Mozambique (2013), Angola (2014)

-    Cancer Registration Expert for IAEA cancer control capacity in Pakistan, impact mission in collaboration with PAEC, WHO and the Ministry of Capital Administration and Development (2-6 December 2013)

-    The World Bank, Cambodia; Senior Technical Advisor on Cancer (January-July 2013)

-    Ministry of Health, Cambodia. Second Health Sector Support Program, Needs Assessment for 
cancer screening; prevention and treatment in Cambodia (March-April 2012)                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Editorial Board Member

-       Guest Editor for the journal “Epidemiology and Health” (epiH), Korea


-          PhD Thesis main supervisor: 11 (7 completed, 4 ongoing)

-          PhD Thesis co-supervisor: 10 (5 completed, 5 ongoing)

-          Post-doctoral fellows main supervisor:
11 (10 completed, 1 ongoing)

-          Post-doctoral fellow co-supervisor:
1 (completed)

-          Master field supervisor: 1 (completed)

-          Mentor: 1 (ongoing)

Language skills

Fluent:Portuguese (mother tongue), Spanish, Swedish,French, English

Working/social knowledge:Norwegian, German, Italian


Total published: 605; H-index: 62 (Web of Science), 68 (Scopus), 81 (Google Scholar)

Medline/PubMed Indexed articles: 539

-    Original articles: 498, Reviews: 30, Collaborative group member (not by name): 11

Not indexed in Medline/PubMed: 40

-    Books: 8, Book chapters: 22, Articles: 10 (Original articles: 7, Review articles: 3)

Other publications (thesis, letters, responses to comments, web-publications): 26

Authorship:     First author: 45

                        Last author: 146

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