
Ladislav Volicer

USERN Advisory Board

Courtesy Full Professor, School of Aging Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, 33620

External Professor, 3rd Medical Faculty, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Western Sydney, Sydney, Australia


Faculty of General Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czechoslovakia

M.D. (with honors) 1959

Department of Medicine, Hospital of Jindrichuv Hradec, Jindrichuv Hradec, Czechoslovakia

Resident (1959 - 1961)

Institute of Pharmacology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czechoslovakia

Ph.D. (Pharmacology) 1964

Laboratory of Chemical Pharmacology, National Heart Institute, NIH Bethesda, MD

Visiting Associate (1965-6)

Diagnostic Interview Schedule training 1983


Boston University School of Medicine

Laboratory Director (1969 - 1978)

E.N. Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital, Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center, Bedford, MA 01730

Acting Director (1986)

Deputy Director (1987 - 1991)

Acting Director (1991 - 1992)

Clinical Director (1992 - 2004)


Educational Council for Foreign Medical Graduates

Certified, 1972

Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine (#36317)

Registered, 1974

HONORS AND AWARDS: M.D. with honors

Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences Award

Merck Faculty Development Award

Veterans Administration Alcoholism Research Award

Listed in: Who's Who

Men of Achievement

Who’s Who in the East

Fellow, Gerontological Society of America

Fellow, American Academy of Nursing

Gibson Travelling Fellow, Australian Association of Gerontology

Barry Reisberg Award for Alzheimer’s Research



1. Original Papers: 

Kaasalainen S, Hunter PV, Bello-Haas VD, Dolovich L, Froggatt K, Thomas Hadjistavropoulos T, et al. (2020)  Evaluating the feasibility and acceptability of the Namaste Care program in long-term care settings in Canada. BMC 6:34

Volicer, L. (2019) Czech version of a scale for measurement of apathy in long-term care residents. Geri a Gero 8 (3), 112-114.

Smaling, H. J. A., Joing, K. J., van de Ven, P. M., Bosmans, J. E., Simard, J., Volicer, L. et al. (2018). Effects of the Namaste Care Family programme on quality of life of nursing home residents with advanced dementia and on family caregiving experiences: study protocol of a cluster-randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 8, e025411.

Holup, AA.; Hyer, K; Meng, H; Volicer, L. Profile of Nursing Home Residents Admitted Directly From Home. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2017; 18(2): 131-137

Steffl, M.; Volicer, L.; Musalek, M.; Kramperova, V.; Petr, M.; Kohlikova, E.; Holmerova, I. Assessment of diagnostics tools for sarcopenia severity using the item response theory (IRT). Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging 2016; 20(10): 1051-1055

Ali N, Luther SL, Volicer L, Algase D, Beattie E, Brown LM, Molinari V, Moore H, Joseph I. Risk assessment of wandering behavior in mild dementia. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2016 Apr;31(4):367-74.

Seredova M, Maskova A, Mrstinova M, Volicer L. Effects of Hippotherapy on Well-Being of Patients With Schizophrenia, Arch Neurosci. 2016 ; 3(4):e39213.

Rauh SP, Heymans MW, Mehr DR, Kruse RL, Lane P, Kowall NW, Volicer L, van der Steen JT. Predicting mortality in patients treated differently: updating and external validation of a prediction model for nursing home residents with dementia and lower respiratory infections. BMJ Open. 2016 Aug 30;6(8), e011380

van der Steen JT, Radbruch L, de Boer ME, Jünger S, Hughes JC, Larkin P, Gove D, Francke AL, Koopmans RT, Firth P, Volicer L, Hertogh CM. European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC). Achieving consensus and controversy around applicability of palliative care to dementia. Int Psychogeriatr. 2016 Jan;28(1):133-45. 

Volicer L, Stets K. Acceptability of an Advance Directive That Limits Food and Liquids in Advanced Dementia. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2016 Feb;33(1):55-63. 

Machacova K, Vankova H, Volicer L, Veleta P, Holmerova I. Dance as Prevention of Late Life Functional Decline Among Nursing Home Residents. J Appl Gerontol. 2015 Aug 28. pii: 0733464815602111. PMID: 26320145

Manzar BA, Volicer L.  Effects of Namaste Care: Pilot Study.  American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 2015; 2 (1) 24-37

van der Steen JT, Regnard C, Volicer L, Van Den Noortgate NJA, Sampson, EL. Detecting pain or distress in people with dementia: an appraisal of two strategies. Eur J Palliat Care 2015;22(3):110-113 

van der Steen JT, Radbruch L, de Boer ME, Jünger S, Hughes JC, Larkin P, Gove D, Francke AL, Koopmans RT, Firth P, Volicer L, Hertogh CM. Achieving consensus and controversy around applicability of palliative care to dementia. Int Psychogeriatr. 2015;10:1-13

Galindo-Garre F, Volicer L, van der Steen JT. Factors Related to Rejection of Care and Behaviors Directed towards Others: A Longitudinal Study in Nursing Home Residents with Dementia. Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis Extra. 2015; 10;5(1):123-34

Stacpoole M, Hockley J, Thomsell A, Simard J, Volicer L. The Namaste Care programme can reduce behavioural symptoms in care home residents with advanced dementia. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2015;30(7):702-9

van der Steen JT, Radbruch L, Hertogh CM, de Boer ME, Hughes JC, Larkin P, Francke AL, Jünger S, Gove D, Firth P, Koopmans RT, Volicer L; White paper defining optimal palliative care in older people with dementia: a Delphi study and recommendations from the European Association for Palliative Care. Palliat Med. 2014;28(3):197-209

Galindo-Garre F, Hendriks SA, Volicer L, Smalbrugge M, Hertogh CM, van der Steen JT. The Bedford Alzheimer nursing-severity scale to assess dementia severity in advanced dementia: a nonparametric item response analysis and a study of its psychometric characteristics. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2014;29(1):84-9

Vankova H, Holmerova I, Machacova K, Volicer L, Veleta P, Celko AM The effect of dance on depressive symptoms in nursing home residents. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2014;15(8):582-7

Volicer L, Stets K. Acceptability of an Advance Directive That Limits Food and Liquids in Advanced Dementia. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2014 Oct 13. pii: 1049909114554078

Fullarton J, Volicer L. Reductions of antipsychotic and hypnotic medications in Namaste Care. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2013;14:708-709.

Volicer L, Van der Steen JT, Frijters DH. Involvement in activities and wandering in nursing home residents with cognitive impairment. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord 2013;27:272-277.

Galindo-Garre F, Hendriks SA, Volicer L, Smalbrugge M, Hertogh CM, Van der Steen JT. The Bedford Alzheimer Nursing-Severity Scale to assess dementia severity in advanced dementia. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen 2013.

Volicer L, Frijters DH, Van der Steen JT. Apathy and weight loss in nursing home residents: longitudinal study. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2013;14:417-420.

Erel M, Shapira Z, Volicer L. Behavioral problems of seniors in an emergency department. J Emerg Med 2013 Jul;45(1):13-8 2013;45:13-18.

Vandervoort A,  Van den Block L,  van der Steen JT,  Volicer L,  Vander Stichele R,  Houttekier D, Deliens L: Nursing Home Residents Dying With Dementia in Flanders, Belgium: A Nationwide Postmortem Study on Clinical Characteristics and Quality of Dying. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2013.01.016

Volicer L, Harper DG, Stopa EG:  Severe impairment of circadian rhythm in Alzheimer’s disease. J Nutr Health Aging  16(10): 888-890, 2012


van der Steen JT, Lane P, Kowall NW, Knol DL, Volicer L.,  Antibiotics and mortality in patients with lower respiratory infection and advanced dementia. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 13(2):156-61, 2012

Dobbs D, Mong H, Hyer K, Volicer L.. The influence of hospice use on nursing home and hospital use in assisted living among dual-eligible enrollees. J Am Med Dir Assoc 13(2):189.e9-189.e13, 2012

Volicer L, Frijters DH, van der Steen JT. Relationship between symptoms of depression and agitation in nursing home residents with dementia. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 27(7):749-54, 2012

Volicer L, Frijters DH, van der Steen JT. Underdiagnosis and undertreatment of depression in nursing home residents. European Geriatric Medicine 2 (6): 332–337, 2011

Rolland Y, Aquino JP, Andrieu S, Beard J, Benetos A, Berrut G, Coll-Planas L, Dartigues JF, Dong B, Forette F, Franco A, Franzoni S, Hornez T, Metais P, Ruault G, Stephan E, Swagerty D, Tolson D, Volicer L, Vellas B, Morley J. Identification of the main domains for quality of care and clinical research in nursing homes. J Nutr Health Aging, 15(5):410-24, 2011

Tolson D, Rolland  Y, Andrieu S, AquinoJ-P, Beard  J, Benetos A, Berrut G, Coll-Planas L, Dong B, 

Forette F,  Franco A, Franzoni S, Salva A, Swagerty D, Trabucchi M, Vellas B, Volicer L, Morley JE, International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics: a global agenda for clinical research and quality of care in nursing homes. J Am Med Dir Assoc 12: 184–189, 2011

Simard J, Volicer L. Effects of Namaste Care on residents who do not benefit from usual activities.

Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 25(1):46-50, 2010

Holmerova I, Machacova K, Vankova H, Veleta P, Juraskova B, Hrnciarikova D, Volicer L, Andel R. Effect of the Exercise Dance for Seniors (EXDASE) Program on lower-body functioning among institutionalized older adults. J Aging Health 22(1):106-119, 2010.

van der Steen JT, Gijberts M-J H E, Muller MT, Deliens L, Volicer  L: Evaluations of end of life with dementia by families in Dutch and U.S. nursing homes. Internat Psychgeriatr 21(2):321-329, 2009.

Mitchell SL, Teno JM, Kiely DK, Shaffer ML, Jones RN, Prigerson HG, Volicer L, Givens JL, Hamel MB. The clinical course of advanced dementia. N Engl J Med. 361(16):1529-1538, 2009.


McCarty CE, Volicer L. Hospice access for individuals with dementia. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 24(6):476-85, 2009.

Volicer L, van der Steen JT, Frijters D: Modifiable factors related to abusive behaviors in nursing home residents with dementia. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 10(9):617-22, 2009.

Harper DG, Stopa EG, Kuo-Leblanc V, McKee AC, Asayama K, Volicer L, Kowall N, Satlin A.: Dorsomedial SCN neuronal subpopulations subserve different functions in human dementia. Brain. 131(Pt 6):1609-17, 2008.

Volicer L, DeRuvo L, Hyer K, Piechniczek-Buczek J, Riordan M.E: Development of a scale to measure quality of visits with relatives with dementia. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 9(5):327-331, 2008.

Molinari V, King-Kallimanis B, Volicer L, Brown L, Schonfeld L: Wandering behavior in veterans with psychiatric

diagnoses residing in nursing homes. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry  23: 748–753, 2008.

Pang MCS, Volicer L, Chung PMG, Chung YMI, Leung WKA, White P. Comparing the ethical challenges of forgoing tube feeding in American and Hong Kong patients with advanced dementia. J Nutr Health Aging 11:55-58, 2007

Volicer L, Bass EA, Luther SL. Agitation and resistiveness to care are two separate behavioral syndromes of dementia. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 8(8):527-32, 2007

Piechniczek-Buczek J, Riordan ME, Volicer L. Family member perception of quality of their visits with relatives with dementia: a pilot study. J Am Med Dir Assoc.  8(3):166-72, 2007.

Emerson Lombardo NB.Volicer L. Martin A, Wu B, Zhang  XW. Memory preservation diet 2005 to reduce risk and slow progression of Alzheimer’s disease (AD).  in Vellas B. Grundman M. Feldman H. Fitten LJ. Winblad B. editors, Research and Practice in Alzheimer's Disease and Cognitive Decline  9: 138-159, 2006.

van der Steen JT, Volicer L, Gerritsen DL, Kruse RL, Ribbe MW, Mehr DR. Defining severe dementia with the Minimum Data Set. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry.  21:1099-106, 2006. 

Volicer, L., Simard, J., Pupa, J.H., Medrek, R. and Riordan, M.E.: Effects of continuous activity programming on 

behavioral symptoms of dementia. J Am Med Dir Assoc 7, 426-431, 2006.

Kiely, D.K., Volicer, L., Teno, J., Jones, R.N., Prigerson, H.G. and Mitchell, S.L.: The validity and reliability of scales for the evaluation of end-of-life care in advanced dementia. Alzheimer Dis Assoc Disord 20, 176-181, 2006

Mitchell, S.L., Kiely DK, Jones RN, Prigerson H, Volicer L, Teno JM. Advanced Dementia Research in the Nursing Home: The CASCADE Study. Alz Dis Assoc Disord 20, 166-175, 2006.

Pang, M.S., Volicer, L., Leung, W.A.: An empirical analysis of the decision-making of foregoing life-sustaining treatments for patients with advanced dementia in the United States. Chin. J. Geriatr. 24(4): 300-304, 2005 (in Chinese).

Harper, D.G. Volicer, L., Stopa, E.G. McKee, A.C. Nitta,M., Satlin, A.: Disturbance of endogenous circadian rhythm in aging and Alzheimer disease. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry 13(5):359-68, 2005.

Harvey, R.M., Horvath, K.J., Levine, S.A., Volicer, L.: Models of physician education for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia: practical application in an integrated network. Clin. Gerontologist 29(2), 11-23, 2005

Volicer, L., Lane, P., Panke, J.A. and Lyman, P.: Management of constipation in residents with dementia: sorbitol effectiveness and cost. J.Am.Med.Dir.Assoc. 5,239-241, 2004, also J Am Med Dir Assoc 6,(3 Suppl):S32-4, 2005

Ganzini, L., Volicer, L., Nelson, W.A., Fox, E. and Derse, A.R.: Ten myths about decision-making capacity. J. Am. Med. Dir. Assoc. 5,263-267, 2004, also J. Am. Med Dir Assoc 6(3 Suppl):S100-104, 2005

Harper, D.G., Stopa, E.G., McKee, A.C., Satlin, A., Fish, D. and Volicer, L.: Dementia severity and Lewy bodies affect circadian rhythms in Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiol. Aging 25,771-781, 2004.

Volicer, L., Mills, P.D., Hurley, A.C. and Warden, V.: Home care for patients with dementia. Federal Practitioner  13-28, 2004.

Boult, L., Dentler B., Volicer, L., Mead, S. and Evans, J.M.: Ethics and research in Long-term care: a position statement from the American Medical Directors Association. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 4,171-174,2003.

Volicer, L. and Ganzini, L.:  Health professionals' views on standards for decision-making capacity regarding refusal of medical treatment in mild Alzheimer's disease.  J.Am.Geriatr.Soc.  51, 1270-1274, 2003.

Ganzini, L., Volicer,L., Nelson,W. and Derse,A.:  Pitfalls in assessment of decision-making capacity.  Psychosomatics  44, 237-243, 2003.

Volicer,L., Hurley,A.C. and Blasi,Z.V.:  Characteristics of dementia end-of-life care across care settings.  American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care  20, 191-200, 2003.

Warden,V., Hurley,A.C. and Volicer,L.:  Development and psychometric evaluation of the PAINAD (Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia) Scale.  JAMDA  4, 9-15, 2003.

Volicer,L., Cantor,M.D., Derse,A.R., Edwards,D.M., Prudhomme,A.M., Gregory,D.C.R., Reagan,J.E., Tulsky,J.A., Fox,E. and Natl Ethics Comm Veterans Hlth Adm:  Advance care planning by proxy for residents of long-term care facilities who lack decision-making capacity.  J.Am.Geriatr.Soc.  50, 761-767, 2002.

Volicer,L., Hurley,A.C. and Blasi,Z.V.:  Scales for evaluation of end-of-life care in dementia.  Alzheim.Dis.Assoc.Disord.  15, 194-200, 2001.

Volicer L, Harper DG, Manning BC, Goldstein R, and Satlin A, Sundowning and circadian rhythms in Alzheimer's disease. Am.J.Psychiatry 158: 704-711, 2001.

Harper DG, Stopa EG, McKee AC, Satlin A, Harlan PC, Goldstein R, and Volicer L, Differential circadian rhythm disturbances in men with Alzheimer disease and frontotemporal degeneration. Arch.Gen.Psychiatry 58: 353-360, 2001.

Jones JA, Brown EJ, and Volicer L, Target outcomes for long-term oral health care in dementia: a Delphi approach. J.Public Health Dent 60: 330-334, 2000.

Khodeir,M.; Conte,E.E.; Morris,J.J.; Frisoni,G.B.; Volicer,L., Effect of decreased mobility on body composition in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging 4: 19-24; 2000.

Guo,Z.; Cupples,L.A.; Kurz,A.; Auerbach,S.H.; Volicer,L.; Chui,H.; Green,R.C.; Sadovnick,A.D.; Duara,r.; DeCarli,C.; Johnson,K.; Go,R.C.; Growdon,J.H.; Haines,J.L.; Kukull,W.A.; Farrer,L.A., Head injury and the risk of AD in MIRAGE study. Neurology 54: 1316-1323; 2000.

Volicer,L.; Camberg,L.; Hurley,A.C.; Ashley,J.; Woods,P.; Ooi,W.L.; McIntyre,K., Dimensions of decreased psychological well-being in advanced dementia. Alzheimer Dis. Assoc. Disord. 13: 192-201; 1999.

Hurley, A.C., Volicer, L., Camberg, L., Ashley, J., Woods, P., Odenheimer, G., Ooi, W.L., McIntyre, K. and Mahoney, E.:  Measurement of observed agitation in patients with Alzheimer's disease.  J.Mental Health Aging  5, 117-133, 1999.

McKeon-O'Malley, C., Wells, J., Fine, R., Ullman, M.D. and Volicer, L.:  PC 12 cells transfected with a C-terminal fragment of the amyloid precursor protein (APP C-100), exhibit enhanced sensitivity to the calcium ionophore A23187, and diminished sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide.  Mol.Brain Res.  72, 103-107, 1999.

Volicer, L., Wells, J.M., McKee, A.C. and Kowall, N.W.:  Enhanced inhibition of free radical-induced deoxyribose breakdown by Alzheimer brain homogenates.  Neurosci.Lett.  270, 169-172, 1999.

Camberg, L., Woods, P., Ooi, W.L., Hurley, A., Volicer, L., Ashley, J., Odenheimer, G. and McIntyre, K.:  Evaluation of Simulated Presence: a personalized approach to enhance well-being in persons with Alzheimer's disease.  JAGS  47, 446-452, 1999.

Mahoney, E.K., Hurley, A.C., Volicer, L., Bell, M., Gianotis, P., Hartshorn, M., Lane, P., Lesperance, R., MacDonald, S., Novakoff, L., Rheaume, Y., Timms, R. and Warden, V.:  Development and testing of the resistiveness to care scale.  Res.Nurs.Health  22, 27-38, 1999.

Stopa, E.G., Volicer, L., Kuo-Leblanc, V., Harper, D., Lathi, D., Tate, B. and Satlin, A.:  Pathologic evaluation of the human suprachiasmatic nucleus in severe dementia.  J.Neuropathol.Exp.Neurol.  58, 29-39, 1999.

Rheaume, Y.L., Manning, B.C., Harper, D.G. and Volicer, L.:  Effect of light therapy upon disturbed behaviors in Alzheimer patients.  Am.J.Alzheim.Dis.  13, 291-295, 1998.

Robinson, E.M., Hurley, A.C. and Volicer, L.:  Advance proxy planning in patients who become incompetent.  Fed.Practit.  15, 26-42, 1998.

Turiak, G., Rosene, D. and Volicer, L.:  Determination of thiobarbituric acid reactive products formed from deoxyribose in biological samples.  Neuroscience Research Communications  23, 151-158, 1998.

Volicer, L., Berman, S.A., Cipolloni, P.B. and Mandell, A.: Persistent vegetative state in Alzheimer disease - Does it exist?  Arch.Neurol.  54, 1382-1384, 1997.

Volicer, L. and Hurley, A.:  Comorbidity in Alzheimer's disease.  J.Mental Health Aging  3, 5-17, 1997.


Volicer, L., Stelly, M., Morris, J., McLaughlin, J., and Volicer, B.J. Effects of dronabinol on anorexia and disturbed behavior in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Intern.J.Geriat.Psychiat.12, 913-919, 1997. 

Lautenschlager, N.T., Cupples, L.A., Rao, V.S., Auerbach, S.A., Becker, R., Burke, J., Chui, H., Duara, r., Foley, E.J., Glatt, S.L., Green, R.C., Jones, R., Karlinsky, H., Kukull, W.A., Kurz, A., Larson, E.B., Martelli, K., Sadov¬nick, A.D., Volicer, L., Waring, S.C., Growdon, J.H. and Farrer, L.A.: Risk of dementia among relatives of Alzheimer's disease patients in the MIRAGE study: What is in store for the oldest old. Neurology 46, 641-650, 1996.

Hurley, A.C., Volicer, B.J. and Volicer, L.: Effect of fever-management strategy on the progression of dementia of the Alzheimer type. Alzh.Dis.Assoc.Disord. 10, 5-10, 1996.

Chen, J.C., Fine, R.E., Squicciarini, J. and Volicer, L.: Neurotoxicity of free¬ radical-mediated serotonin neurotoxin in cultured embryonic chick brain neurons. Eur.J.Pharmacol. 303, 109-114, 1996.

Rao, V.S., Cupples, L.A., Van Duijn, C.M., Kurz, A., Green, R.C., Chui, H., Duara, r., Auerbach, S.A., Volicer, L., Wells, J., Van Broeckhoven, C., Growdon, J.H., Haines, J.L. and Farrer, L.A.:  Evidence for major gene inheritance of Alzheimer disease in families of patients with and without apolipoprotein E e4.  Am.J.Hum.Genet.  59, 664-675, 1996.


Hurley, A.C., Volicer, L., Rempusheski, V.F. and Fry, S.T.:  Reaching consensus: The process of recommending treatment decisions for Alzheimer's patients.  Adv.Nurs.Sci.  18(2), 33-43, 1995.

Sachs, G.A., Ahronheim, J.C., Rhymes, J.A., Volicer, L. and Lynn, J. Good care of dying patients: The alternative to physician-assisted suicide and euthana¬sia. J.Am.Geriatr.Soc. 43, 553-562, 1995.

Little, J.T., Satlin, A., Sunderland, T. and Volicer, L.: Sundown syndrome in severely demented patients with probable Alzheimer's disease. J.Ger.Psych.Neurol. 8, 103-106, 1995.

Volicer, L., Smith, S. and Volicer, B.J.: Effect of seizures on progression of dementia of the Alzheimer type. Dementia 6, 258-263, 1995.

Chen, J.C., Turiak, G., Galler, J. and Volicer, L.: Effect of prenatal malnutri¬tion on release of monoamines from hippocampal slices. Life Sci. 57, 1467-1475, 1995.

Satlin, A., Volicer, L., Stopa, E.G. and Harper, D.: Circadian locomotor activ¬ity and core-body temperature rhythms in Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol.Aging 16, 765-771, 1995.

Farrer, L.A., Cupples, L.A., Van Duijn, C.M., Kurz, A., Zimmer, R., Müller, U., Green, R.C., Clarke, V., Shoffner, R., Wallace, D.C., Chui, H., Flanagan, S.D., Duara, r., St George-Hyslop, P., Auerbach, S.A., Volicer, L., Wells, J.M., Van Broeckhoven , C., Growdon, J.H. and Haines, J.L.: Apolipoprotein e genotype in patients with Alzheimer's disease:   Implications for the risk of dementia among relatives. Ann.Neurol. 38, 797-808, 1995.

Farrer, L.A., Abraham, C.R., Volicer, L., Foley, E.J., Kowall, N.W., McKee, A.C. and Wells, J.M.: Allele e4 of apolipoprotein E shows a dose effect on age at onset of Pick disease. Exp.Neurol. 136, 162-170, 1995.

Mahoney, M.A., Hawkins, J.W., Hurley, A.C., Smith, S.J. and Volicer, L.: A com¬puterized care plan for patients with dementia of the Alzheimer's type. Fed.Practit. November, 40-47,

Volicer, L., Hurley, A.C., Lathi, D.C. and Kowall, N.W.: Measurement of severity in advanced Alzheimer's disease. J.Gerontol. 49, M223-M226, 1994.

L. Volicer, A. Collard, A. Hurley, C. Bishop, D. Kern and S. Karon: Impact of special care unit for patients with advanced Alzheimer's disease on patients' discomfort and costs. JAGS 42, 597-603, 1994.  

L. Volicer, Y. Rheaume and D. Cyr: Treatment of depression in advanced Alz¬heimer's disease using sertraline. J.Ger.Psych.Neurol. 7, 227-229, 1994.

G. Turiak and L. Volicer: Stability of o-phthalaldehyde-sulfite derivatives of amino acids and their methyl esters: electrochemical and chromatographic proper¬ties. J.Chromatogr.A 668, 323-329, 1994.

G.J. Blatt, J.-C. Chen, D.L. Rosene, L. Volicer and J.R. Galler: Prenatal pro¬tein malnutrition effects on the serotonergic system in the hippocampal forma¬tion:  An immunocytochemical,  ligand binding, and neurochemical study. Brain Res.Bull. 34, 507-518, 1994.

A.C. Hurley, R. Bottino and L. Volicer: Nursing role in advance proxy planning for Alzheimer patients. Caring Mag. 13, 72-76, 1994.

Volicer, L., Volicer, B.J. and Hurley, A.C. Is hospice care appropriate for Alz¬heimer patients? Caring Mag. 12 (November), 50-55, 1993.

A.C. Hurley, B. Volicer, M.A. Mahoney and L. Volicer: Palliative fever manage¬ment in Alzheimer patients: quality plus fiscal responsibility. Adv.Nurs.Sci. 16, 21-32, 1993.

T.A. Davies, R.E. Fine, R.J. Johnson, C.A. Levesque, W.H. Rathbun, K.F. Seetoo, S.J. Smith, G. Strohmeier, L. Volicer, L. Delva and E.R. Simons: Non-age related differences in thrombin responses by platelets from male patients with advanced Alzheimer 's disease. Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun. 194, 537-543, 1993.

D.J. Fedele, J.A. Jones, L. Volicer, L.R. Herz and F.G. Oppenheim: Effects of medication on parotid salivary flow rates in an individual with dementia of the Alzheimer type. Spec.Care Dent. 13, 215-218, 1993.

B.J. Volicer, A. Hurley, K.J. Fabiszewski, P. Montgomery and L. Volicer: Pre¬dicting short-term survival for patients with advanced Alzheimer's disease. J.Am.Geriatr.Soc. 41, 535-540, 1993.

J.R. Duguid, C. Trzepacz, T. Kemper, W.W. Tourtellote and L. Volicer: Heteroge¬neity of brain gene expression in Alzheimer's disease. Ann.NY Acad.Sci. 679, 178-187, 1993.

A.C. Hurley, B.J. Volicer, P. Hanrahan, S. Houde and L. Volicer: Assessment of discomfort in advanced Alzheimer patients. Res.Nurs.Health 15, 369-377, 1992.

J.-C. Chen, J. Tonkiss, J.R. Galler and L. Volicer: Prenatal protein malnutri¬tion in rats enhances serotonin release from hippocampus. J.Nutr. 122, 2138-2143, 1992.

S.M. De la Monte, L. Volicer, S.L. Hauser and J.R. Wands: Increased levels of neuronal thread protein in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Alzheimer's dis¬ease. Ann.Neurol. 32, 733-742, 1992.

L.R. Herz, L. Volicer, V. Ross, and Y. Rheaume. Single case study method for treatment of resistiveness in Alzheimer patients.  Hosp. Comm. Psychiat. 43, 720-724, 1992.

A. Satlin, L. Volicer, V. Ross, L. Herz, and S. Campbell. Bright light treatment of behavioral and sleep disturbances in Alzheimer's disease patients. Am. J. Psychiatry, 149, 1028-1032, 1992.

J.-C. Chen, P.W. Schnepper, A. To, and L. Volicer. Neurochemical changes in rat brain after intraventricular administration of tryptamine-4,5-dione. Neurophar¬macol. 31, 215-219, 1992.

A. Satlin, M.H. Teicher, H.R. Lieberman, R.J. Baldessarini, L.  Volicer and Y. Rheaume: Circadian locomotor activity rhythms in Alzheimer's disease. Neuropsy¬chopharm. 5, 115-126, 1992.

B.A. Vogt, P.B. Crino, and L. Volicer. Laminar alterations in GABAa, muscarinic and beta adrenoreceptors and neuron degeneration in cingulate cortex in Alz¬heimer's disease. J. Neurochem. 57,282-290, 1991.

J.B. Fishman, J.B. Rubins, J.-C. Chen, B.F. Dickey and L.  Volicer: Modification of brain guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins by tryptamine-4,5-dione, a neurotoxic derivative of serotonin. J. Neurochem. 56,1851-1854, 1991.

L. Volicer, Y. Rheaume, M.E. Riley, J. Karner, and M. Glennon. Discontinuation of tube feeding in patients with dementia of the Alzheimer type. Am. J. Alzheim. Care 5,22-25, 1990.

N. Wolfe, D.I. Katz, M.L. Albert, A. Almozlino, R. Durso, M.C. Smith, and L. Volicer. Neuropsychological profile linked to low dopamine: In Alzheimer's dis¬ease, major depression, and Parkinson's disease. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychia¬try 53,915-917, 1990.

K.J. Fabiszewski, B. Volicer, and L. Volicer. Effect of antibiotic treatment on outcome of fevers in institutionalized Alzheimer patients.  J.Amer.Med.Assoc. 263,3168-3172, 1990.

P.B. Crino, B.A. Vogt, L. Volicer, and R.G. Wiley. Cellular localization of ser¬otonin 1A, 1B and uptake sites in cingulate cortex of the rat. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 252,651-656, 1990.

P. Cai, J.K. Snyder, J.-C. Chen, R. Fine, and L. Volicer. Preparation, reactiv¬ity, and neurotoxicity of tryptamine-4,5-dione. Tetrahedron Lett. 31,969-972, 1990.

L.R. Herz, L. Volicer, N. D'Angelo, and D. Gadish. Additional psychiatric ill¬ness by diagnostic interview schedule in male alcoholics. Comp. Psych. 31,1-8, 1990.

M.E. Riley, and L. Volicer. Evaluation of a new nutritional supplement for patients with Alzheimer's disease.  J.Am.Diet.Assoc. 90, 433-435, 1990.

P.B. Crino, M.D. Ullman, B.A. Vogt, E.D. Bird, and L. Volicer. Brain ganglios¬ides in dementia of the Alzheimer type. Arch. Neurol. 46,398-401, 1989.

L. Volicer, B. Seltzer, Y. Rheaume, J. Karner, M. Glennon, M.E. Riley, and P.B. Crino. Eating difficulties in patients with probable dementia of the Alzheimer type. J. Ger. Psych. Neurol. 2,188-195, 1989.

J.-C. Chen, P.B. Crino, P.W. Schnepper, A.C.S. To, and L. Volicer. Increased serotonin efflux by a partially oxidized serotonin: tryptamine-4,5-dione. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 250,141-148, 1989.

P.B. Crino, B.A. Vogt, J.-C. Chen, and L. Volicer. Neurotoxic effects of par¬tially oxidized serotonin: tryptamine-4,5-dione. Brain Res. 504,247-257, 1989.

B. Seltzer, Y. Rheaume, L. Volicer, K.J. Fabiszewski, P.C. Lyon, J.E. Brown and B. Volicer: The short-term effects of in-hospital respite on the patient with Alzheimer's disease. Gerontologist 28,121-124,1988.

M.M. Farag and L. Volicer: Acute hepatic damage in rats impairs metharbital metabolism. Pharmacology 34,181-191,1987.

L. Volicer, M.D. Ullman and L.R. Herz: Food as a source of urinary substances which inhibit benzodiazepine receptor binding in the brain. Nutr. Beh. 3,251-256,1987.

L. Volicer, B. Seltzer, Y. Rheaume, K. Fabiszewski, L. Herz, R. Shapiro and P. Innis: Progression of Alzheimer-type dementia in institutionalized patients: a cross-sectional study. J. Appl. Gerontol. 6,83-94,1987.

Y. Rheaume, M.E. Riley, and L. Volicer. Meeting nutritional needs of Alzheimer patients who pace constantly. J. Nutr. Elderly 7,43-52, 1987.

L. Volicer: Need for hospice approach to treatment of patients with advanced progressive dementia. J. Am. Geriat. Soc. 34,655-658,1986.

L. Volicer, Y. Rheaume, J. Brown, K. Fabiszewski and R. Brady: Hospice approach to the treatment of patients with advanced dementia of the Alzheimer type. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 256,2210-2213,1986.

G.S. Zubenko, J.K. Marquis, L. Volicer, L.K. Direnfeld, P.J. Langlais and R.A. Nixon: Cerebrospinal fluid levels of angiotensin converting enzyme, acetylcholi¬nesterase, and dopamine metabolites in dementia associated with Alzheimer's dis¬ease and Parkinson's disease: a correlative study. Biol. Psych. 21,1365-1381, 1986.

M.J.W. Brennan, L. Volicer, M.C. Moore-Ede and D. Borsook: Daily rhythms of ben¬zodiazepine receptor numbers in frontal lobe and cerebellum of the rat. Life Sci. 36, 2333-2337, 1985.

L. Volicer, L. Greene and F.M. Sinex: Epinephrine-induced cyclic AMP production in skin fibroblasts from patients with dementia of Alzheimer type and controls. Neurobiol. Aging 6, 35-38, 1985.

L. Volicer, B.J. Volicer and N. D'Angelo: Assessment of genetic predisposition for alcoholism in male alcoholics. Alcohol Alcoh. 20, 63-68, 1985.

J.K. Marquis, L. Volicer, K.A. Mark, L.K. Direnfeld and M. Freedman: Cholines¬terase activity in plasma, erythrocytes and cerebrospinal fluid of patients with dementia of the Alzheimer type. Biol. Psychiat. 20, 605-610, 1985.

L. Volicer, P.J. Langlais, W.R. Matson, K.A. Mark and P. Gamache: Serotoninergic system in dementia of Alzheimer type: Abnormal forms of 5-hydroxytryptophan and serotonin in cerebrospinal fluid. Arch. Neurol., 42, 1158-1161, 1985.

L. Volicer, L.K. Direnfeld, P.J. Langlais, M. Freedman, E.D. Bird and M.L. Albert: Catecholamine metabolites and cyclic nucleotides in cerebrospinal fluid in dementia of Alzheimer type. J. Gerontology 40, 708-713, 1985.

L. Volicer and M.D. Ullman: Inhibition of benzodiazepine receptor binding by urinary extracts: Effect of ethanol. Alcoholism 9, 407-410, 1985.

M.M. Farag and L. Volicer: Aminopyrine breath test in zonal hepatic damage. Pharmacology 31, 309-317, 1985.

L. Volicer, M.F. Beal, L.K. Direnfeld, J.K. Marquis and M.L. Albert: Cerebrospi¬nal fluid cyclic nucleotides and somatostatin in Parkinson's disease. Neurology, 36, 89-92, l986.

M-M.  Mesulam, L. Volicer, J.K. Marquis, E.J. Mufson and R.C. Green: Systematic regional differences in the cholinergic innervation of the primate cerebral cor¬tex: Distribution of enzyme activities and behavioral implications. Ann. Neurol. 19, 144-151, l986.

E.B. Fishman, G.C. Siek, R.D. MacCallum, E.D. Bird, L. Volicer and J.K. Marquis: Distribution of the molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase in human brain: alterations in dementia of the Alzheimer type. Ann. Neurol., 19, 246-252, 1986.

L. Volicer, L.K. Direnfeld, M. Freedman, M.L. Albert, P.J. Langlais and E.D. Bird: Serotonin and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in CSF: Difference in Parkinson's

disease and dementia of Alzheimer type. Arch. Neurol. 42, 127-129, 1985.

G.S. Zubenko, L. Volicer, L.K. Direnfeld, M. Freedman, P.J. Langlais and R.A. Nixon: Cerebrospinal fluid levels of angiotensin-converting enzyme in Alz¬heimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and progressive supranuclear palsy. Brain Res. 328, 215-221, 1985.

L.K. Direnfeld, M.L. Albert, L. Volicer, P.J. Langlais, J. Marquis and E. Kaplan: Parkinson's disease: The possible relationship of laterality to dementia and neurochemistry. Arch. Neurol.  41, 935-941, 1984.

L. Volicer, C. West and L. Greene: Effect of dietary restriction and stress on body temperature in rats. J. Gerontol. 39, 178-182, 1984.

L. Volicer and K.L. Nelson: Development of reversible hypertension during disul¬firam therapy. Arch. Int. Med. 144, 1294-1296, 1984.

L. Volicer, B.J. Volicer, and N. D'Angelo: Relationship of family history of alcoholism to patterns of drinking and physical dependence in male alcoholics. Drug Alc. Depend. 13, 215-223, 1984.

W.R. Matson, P. Langlais, L. Volicer, P.H. Gamache, E. Bird and K.A. Mark: N-e¬lectrode 3-dimensional LCEC for neurotransmitter analysis. Clin. Chem. 30, 1477-1489, 1984.

L. Volicer, C. D. West, A.R. Chase and L. Greene: Beta-adrenergic receptor sen¬sitivity in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells: effect of age and of dietary restriction. Mech. Ageing Dev. 21, 283 - 293, 1983.

B. J. Volicer, L. Volicer and N. D'Angelo: Variation in length of time to devel¬opment of alcoholism by family history of problem drinking. Drug Alc. Depend. 12, 69-83, 1983.

D. DiPette, B. Waeber, L. Volicer, P. Chao, I. Gavras, H. Gavras and H. Brunner: Salt-induced hypertension in chronic renal failure: Evidence for a neurogenic mechanism. Life Sci. 32, 733-740, 1983.

L. Volicer and T.M. Biagioni: Presence of two benzodiazepine receptors in the rat hippocampus. J. Neurochem., 38, 591-593, 1982.

L. Volicer and T.M. Biagioni: Effect of ethanol administration and withdrawal on GABA receptor binding in rat cerebral cortex. Subst. Alc. Actions/Mis., 3, 31-39, 1982.

L. Volicer and B.J. Volicer: Self reports on alcohol use and compliance with anti-hypertensive medication. Clin. Exper. Hypert., A4, 849-865, 1982.

L. Volicer and T.M. Biagioni: Effect of ethanol administration and withdrawal on benzodiazepine receptor binding in rat brain. Neuropharmacol. 21, 283-286, 1982.

B.J. Volicer and L. Volicer: Randomized response technique for estimating alco¬hol use and noncompliance in hypertensives. J. Stud. Alc. 43, 739-750, 1982

S.K. Puri and L. Volicer: Age-related changes of cyclic nucleotide levels in rat brain regions. Mech. Aging Dev., 15, 239-242, 1981.

A. O'Donnell and L. Volicer: Thermoregulation in spontaneously hypertensive rats: Effects of antihypertensive treatments. Clin. Exper. Hypert. 3, 555-567, 1981.

G.D. Goldman, L. Volicer, B.J. Gold and R.H. Roth: Cerebrospinal fluid GABA and cyclic nucleotides in alcoholics with and without seizures. Alcoholism, 5, 431-434, 1981.

T.P. Hartz, Jr. and L. Volicer: Cyclic nucleotides immunohistochemistry: The inhibition of phosphodiesterase activity in unfixed cryostat sections of rat cerebellar cortex. The effect of ethanol on cyclic GMP immunohistochemistry, J. Histotechnol., 4, 108-112, 1981.

L. Volicer: GABA levels and receptor binding after acute and chronic ethanol administration. Brain Res. Bull. 5, Suppl. 2, 809-813 1980.

L. Volicer, G. Snider, C. Sherter, L. Stjarne and A.A. Mathe: Epinephrine dispo¬sition in control and asthmatic subjects. Int. Archs. Allergy appl. Immun. 68: 14-20, 1980.

L. Volicer, A. O'Donnell, A. Chase and H. Gavras: Cyclic nucleotide levels in brains of control and hypertensive rats. Life Sci. 24: 131-136, 1979.

L. Volicer, W.K. Schmidt, T.P. Hartz, Jr., B.A. Klosowicz and R. Meichner: Cyclic nucleotides and ethanol tolerance and dependence. Drug. Alc. Depend. 3: 295-305, 1979.

L. Volicer, C-S. Liang, H. Gavras, C.P. Tifft, G.R. Kershaw, I. Gavras, D.L. Griffith, R. Vukovitch and H.R. Brunner: Effect of nadolol in treatment of hyp¬ertension. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 19: 1 7-147, 1979.

L. Volicer, R. Mirin and R. Meichner: Metabolic factors affecting brain cyclic nucleotides. Adv. Exper. Med. Biol. 116: 65-74, 1979.

A.V. Chobanian, L. Volicer, C.P. Tifft, H. Gavras, C.S.  Liang, and D. Faxon: Mineralocorticoid-induced hypertension in patients with orthostatic hypotension. New England J. Med., 301: 68-73, 1979.

L. Volicer and B.A. Klosowicz: Effect of ethanol and stress on gamma¬aminobutyric acid and guanosine 3'5'-monophosphate levels in the rat brain. Biochem. Pharmacol. 28: 2677-2679, 1979.

V.K. Khetarpal and L. Volicer: Effect of ethanol on blood pressure of normal and hypertensive rats. J. Stud. Alcohol, 40: 732-736, 1979.

P.P. Choma, S.K. Puri and L. Volicer: Circadian rhythm of cyclic nucleotide and GABA levels in the rat brain. Pharmacol., 19: 307-313, 1979.

S.K. Puri, P. Choma and L. Volicer: Cyclic nucleotide levels in the rat striatum and cerebellum: Effect of dopamine and acetylcholine receptor agonists and antagonists. Biochem. Pharm. 27: 2333-2336, 1978.

B.J. Volicer and L. Volicer: Cardiovascular changes associated with stress dur¬ing hospitalization. J. Psychosom. Res. 22: 159-168, 1978.

H. Gavras, I. Gavras, S. Textor, L. Volicer, H. R. Brunner and E. J. Ruckinska: Effect of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition on blood pressure, plasma renin activity and plasma aldosterone in essential hypertension. J. Clin Endo¬crin. Met 46: 220-226, 1978.

A. A. Mathe, R J. Sohn and L. Volicer: Effect of histamine on cyclic AMP levels in control and antigen-sensitized guinea pig lungs. Pharmacol. 16: 30-36, 1978.

S. K. Puri and L. Volicer: Effect of aging on cyclic AMP levels and adenylate cyclase and phosphodiesterase activities in the rat corpus striatum. Mech. Aging Dev. 6: 53-58, 1977.

L. Volicer, R. Mirin and B. I. Gold: Effect of acute ethanol administration on the cyclic AMP system in rat brain. J. Studies Alcohol 38: 11-24, 1977.

S. K. Puri, L. Volicer and H. Lal: Effect of apomorphine on striatal dopamine turnover and adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate in morphine dependent rats. Neuroph¬armacology 16: 205-209, 1977.

L. Volicer and B. P. Hurter: Effect of acute and chronic ethanol administration and withdrawal on adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate and guanosine 3',5'monophosphate levels in the rat brain. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 200: 298-305, 1977.

A. A. Mathe and L. Volicer: Effect of anaphylaxis, phenoxybenzamine and cocaine on uptake of norepinephrine in guinea-pig lungs. Int. Arch. Allergy Appl. Immun. 54: 356-363, 1977.

L. Volicer, B.P.  Hurter, R. Williams, S.K. Puri and B.J. Volicer: Relationship between brain levels of cyclic nucleotides and GABA during ethanol withdrawal in rats. Drug. Alc. Depend. 2: 317-327, 1977.

L. Volicer, S K. Puri and P. Choma: Cyclic GMP and GABA levels in rat striatum and cerebellum during morphine withdrawal: Effect of apomorphine Neuropharmacol 16: 791-794, 1977.

A. V. Chobanian, L. Volicer, C-S. Liang, G.  Kershow, and C. Tifft: Use of pro¬pranolol in the treatment of idiopathic orthostatic hypotension. Trans. Amer. Assn. Phys. 90: 324-334, 1977.

N. Simon and L. Volicer: Effect of neonatal asphyxia on growth and development in the rat. J. Neurochem. 26: 893-900, 1976.

B. I. Gold and L. Volicer: Adenosine triphosphate-derived nucleotide formation in the presence of ethanol. Biochem. Pharmacol. 25: 1825-1830, 1976.

A. A. Mathe, S. K. Puri, L. Volicer and R. Sohn: Effect of epinephrine on cyclic AMP levels and adenylate cyclase and phosphodiesterase activities in control and antigen sensitized guinea-pig lungs. Pharmacology 14: 511-521, 1976.

L. Volicer, R. Jean-Charles and A. V. Chobanian: Effects of head-down tilting on fluid and electrolyte balance in normal subjects. Aviat. Space Env. Med. 10: 1065-1068, 1976.

S. K. Puri, L. Volicer and J. Cochin: Changes in the striatal adenylate cyclase activity following acute and chronic morphine treatment and during withdrawal. J. Neurochemistry 27: 1551-1554, 1976.

S. K. Puri, A. A. Mathe and L. Volicer: Adenylate cyclase activity in heart and lung. Effect of epinephrine and histamine in control and sensitized guinea-pigs. Int. Arch. All. Appl. Immun. 52: 331-334, 1976.

S. K. Puri, J. Cochin and L. Volicer: Effect of morphine sulfate on adenylate cyclase and phosphodiesterase activities in rat corpus striatum. Life Sci. 16: 759-768, 1975.

L. Volicer and E W. Pelikan: Academic achievement in pharmacology and use of audio-visual aids. J. Med. Education 50: 478-480, 1975.

C-s.  Liang and L. Volicer: Effects of arterial hypoxemia and splenic nerve stimulation on myocardial adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate in dogs. Pharmacology 13: 193-200, 1975.

L. Volicer: Kinetics of norepinephrine metabolism in the rat heart in vivo. Biochem. Pharmacol. 23: 697-703, 1974.

A. A. Mathe, L. Volicer and S. K. Puri: Effect of anaphylaxis and histamine in guinea pig lung. Res. Comm. Chem. Path. Pharm. 8: 635-651, 1974.

A. A. Mathe, S. K. Puri and L. Volicer: Sensitized guinea-pig lungs: altered adenylate cyclase stimulation by epinephrine. Life. Sci. 15: 1917-1924, 1974.

L. Volicer, M.A. Beaven, W.D. Reid: The accumulation of H3-serotonin in plate¬let-free rats. Pharmacology 4, 203-208, 1974.

L. Volicer: Relationship between physiological research and philosophy in the work of Pavlov and Sherrington. Persp. Biol. Med. 16, 381-392, 1973.

G. Gardos, J.O. Cole, L. Volicer, M.H. Orzack, A.C. Oliff: A dose response study of propranolol in chronic schizophrenics. Curr. Ther. Res. 15, 314-323, 1973.

L. Volicer, P. Polgar, S.L.N. Rao, A.M. Rutenburg: Localization of the cyclic AMP system in the arterial wall. Pharmacology 9, 193-201, 1973.

L. Volicer and B.I. Gold: Effect of ethanol on cyclic AMP levels in the rat brain. Life Sci. 13, 269-280, 1973.

L. Volicer, C.G. Loew: Penetration of angiotensin II into the brain. Neurophar¬macology 10, 631-636, 1971.

L. Volicer, S. Hynie: Effect of catecholamines and angiotensin on cyclic AMP in rat aorta and tail artery. Europ. J. Pharmacol. 15, 214-220, 1971.

L. Volicer, C.G. Loew: Effect of urethane anesthesia on the cardiovascular action on angiotensin II. Pharmacology 5, 193-201, 1971.

L. Volicer, D. Visweswaram: The effect of angiotensin on the turnover of norepi¬nephrine in the heart of rats. Life Sci. 9/1, 651-659, 1970.

M. Hertle, M. Kiese, Y. Lafontant, L. Volicer: Effect of phospholipids on the alimentary hyperlipidemia of the pig. (in German). Z. ges. exp. Med. 152, 143-151, 1970.

L. Volicer, W.D. Reid: Effect of drugs on turnover rate of heart norepinephrine. Internat. J. Neuropharm. 8, 1-7, 1969.

L. Volicer: Correlation between behavioral and biochemical effects of p-chlo¬rophenylalanine in mice and rats. Internat. J. Neuropharm. 8, 361364, 1969.

W.D. Reid , L. Volicer, B.B. Brodie: Effect of phenoxybenzamine on the turnover rate of heart norepinephrine. Biochem. Pharm. 18, 265-268, 1969.

L. Volicer, E. Scheer, H. Hilse, D. Visweswaram: The turnover of norepinephrine in the heart during experimental hypertension in rats. Life Sci. 7/I, 525-532, 1968.

W.D. Reid, L. Volicer, E.B. Brodie: Inhibition of 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid transport from the brain by 2,4-dinitrophenol. Life Sci. 7/I, 577-581, 1968.

W.D. Reid, L. Volicer, H.H. Smookler, M.A. Beaven, B.B. Brodie: Brain amines and temperature regulation. Pharmacology 1, 329-344, 1968.

L. Volicer, Z. Jiricka, I. Janku, O. Motl: Die Wirkung von Schizandra chinensis auf die Samenblasen, Prostata und Nebernieren bei intakten and kastrierten Rat¬ten. Abhandl. Deutschen Akad. Wiss. Med., 2, 353-355, 1966.

B. Trivedi, L. Volicer, O. Motl: Spasmolytic principle present in the drug "tangkuej" (Angelica sinensis Diels). (in Czech). Cs. farmacie 15, 206-209, 1966.

L. Volicer, M. Sramka, I. Janku, R. Capek, R. Smetana, V. Ditteova: Some pharma¬cological effects of Schizandra chinensis. Arch. int. Pharmacodyn. 163, 249-262, 1966.

Z. Jiricka, L. Volicer: Presence of blood in tears during mecholyl test. Med. Pharmacol. Exper. 12, 56-63, 1965.

I. Janku, M. Krsiak, L. Volicer, R. Capek, R. Smetana, J. Novotny: Studies on 6-azauridine and 6-azacytidine. II The effects of 6-azauridine on the central nervous system. Biochem. Pharmacol. 14, 1525-1535, 1965.

I. Janku, M. Krsiak, J. Novotny, L. Volicer, R. Capek: Studies on 6-azauridine and 6-azacytidine. IV. Correlation between metabolic and central nervous effects of 6-azacytidine. Biochem. Pharmacol. 14, 1545-1548, 1965.

J. Elis, H. Raskova, L. Volicer, B. Rybova: To the pharmacology of placebo. Proc. III. Cong. Hungar. Ther. Invest. Pharmacol. 91-94, 1965.

L. Volicer, J. Turinsky, L. Krulich: Hypoglycaemic reaction after infusion of glucose into the carotid artery in unaneasthetized dogs. Physiologia Bohemos¬lovenica, 10, 432-437, 1961.


2. Review articles and book chapters.

Jester, DJ, Lee, S, Molinari, V,  Volicer, L Cognitive deficits in Parkinson's disease with excessive daytime sleepiness: a systematic review. Aging & Mental Health, DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2019.

 Volicer, L. Physiological and pathological functions of beta-amyloid in the brain and Alzheimer's disease: A review. Chinese Journal of Physiology, 63 (3) 95-100, 2020

Volicer, L. Neurobiological Differences Between Aggression and Agitation in Persons with Dementia. Journal of Neurological Research and Therapy, 2(4):28-36, 2019.

Volicer, L. Review of Programs for Persons Facing Death with Dementia. Healthcare 2019, 7, 62.

Volicer, L. Behavioral Problems and Dementia. in Clin. Geriatr. Med. 34, 637-65, 2018

Volicer, L. Quality Of Life in Advanced Dementia. J Aging Sci, 4 (2) 1000e122, 2016,

Volicer, L. Namaste Care improves quality of life for dementia patients. Today’s Geriatric Medicine 9(2): 5-7, 2016

Volicer L, Simard J. Palliative care and quality of life for people with dementia: medical and psychosocial interventions. Int Psychogeriatr. 2015;9:1-12

Van der Steen,J.T.; Regnard,C.; Volicer,L.; Van Den Noortgate,N.; Sampson,E.L.: Detecting pain or distress in people with dementia: an appraisal of two strategies. European Journal of Palliative Care 22, 110-113, 2015

Volicer, L.: Palliative care in dementia. Progress in Palliative Care, 21(3): 146-150, 2013

Hurley, A.C., Volicer, L. and Mahoney, E.K.: Mental status measurement: Mini-Mental State Examination. In Fitzpatrick J.J. and Kazer M.W.. eds, Encyclopedia of Nursing Research 3rd edition, Springer Publications, New York, 288-290, 2012.

Rolland Y, Aquino J-P, Andrieu S, Beard J, Benetos A, Berrut G, Coll-Planas L, Dartigues J-F, Dong BR, Forette F, Franco A, Franzoni S, Hornez T, Metais P, Ruault G, Stephan E, Swagerty D, Tolson D, Volicer L, Vellas B, Morley J: Identification of main domains for quality of care and clinical research in nursing homes. Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging 15:410-424, 2011

Molinari V, Volicer L: Dementia. In: The Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology, Irving B. Weiner and W. Edward Craighead, eds. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2010, pp. 472-474. 

Simard, J, Volicer, L.: Namaste care and dying in institutional settings. In: Supportive Care for the Person with 

Dementia, Hughes JC, Lloyd-Williams M, Sachs GA, eds., Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2010, pp. 291-299.

Volicer, L: Palliative medicine in dementia. In: Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine, 4th edition, G. Hanks et al. eds, Oxford University Press, Oxford UK, 2010, pp. 1375-85.

Volicer L, Simard J: Management of advanced dementia. In: Textbook of Alzheimer Disease and Other Dementias, edited by M.F. Weiner and A.M. Lipton, The American Psychiatric Publishing, Arlington, VA, 2009, pp. 333-349.

Volicer L: Do we need another dementia pain scale? J Am Med Dir Assoc. 10(7):450-2, 2009

Volicer, L: Can dietary intervention help in management of problem behaviors in dementia? Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging, 13:499-501,2009.

Volicer, L: Decisions by and for adults with questionable mental capacity. In: Decision Making near the End of Life, J.L. Werth and D. Blevins, eds, Routledge, New York, London, 2009, pp. 325-345.

Volicer, L: End-of-Life Care for people with Dementia in Long-Term Care settings. Alzheimer's Care Today. 9(2):84-102, 2008

Volicer, L: Epidemiology of wandering. In: Evidence Based Protocols for Managing Wandering Behaviors, edited by A.L. Nelson and D.L. Algase, Springer Publishing Company, New York, 2007, pp. 53-64.

Volicer, L.: Does wheelchair use improve ambulation and quality of life? Alzheimer’s Care Today 8, 231-234, 2007.

Volicer, L: Terminal stage. In: Clinical Diagnosis and Management of Alzheimer’s Disease, edited by S. Gauthier, 3rd edition, Informa Healthcare, Oxon, England, 2007, pp. 247-255.

Volicer, L., Krsiak, M.: Assessment and measurement of pain in patients with advanced dementia (in Czech). Bolest 1, 8-13,2006

Volicer, L.: Quality of life in end-of-life dementia. Les Cahiers de la Fondation Mederic Alzheimer 2, 88-97, 2006

Volicer, L.: Treatment of behavioral disorders. In: Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine, edited by J. Pathy, A.J. Sinclair and J.E. Morley, Chichester, England, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2006, pp. 1135 – 1148.

Volicer, L: Hospice and palliative care, In: Principles and Practice of Geriatric Psychiatry, edited by M.E. Agronin and G.J. Maletta, Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006, pp. 235 – 245.

Volicer, L, Simard, J.: Application of SOC model to care for residents with advanced dementia, In: Geropsychological Interventions in Long-Term Care, L. Hyer and R.C. Intrieri eds, Springer Publishing Company, Inc., New York, NY, 2006,  pp. 207-220.

Robinson L, Hughes J, Daley S, Keady J, Ballard C, Volicer L. End-of-life care and dementia. Reviews in Clinical Gerontology 15: 135 -148, 2005.

Volicer, L: End-of-life care for people with dementia in residential care settings., Alzheimer’s Association, 2005

Hughes JC, Robinson L, Volicer L.: Specialist palliative care in dementia. British Medical Journal  330(7482):57-8, 2005.

Volicer,L.: Caregiver burden in dementia care: prevalence and health effects. Current Psychosis & Therapeutics Reports 3:20-25, 2005

Volicer, L.: Medical issues in late-stage dementia. Alzh.Care Quart. 6,29-34, 2005

Volicer, L, Wrona M.Z., Matson,W., Dryhurst, G. Neurotoxic oxidative metabolite of serotonin – Possible role in Alzheimer’s disease. In: Bioimaging in Neurodgeneration, Broderick,P.A., Rahni, D.N., Kolodny, E.H. eds, Humana Press Inc, Totowa, 2005,  pp. 85-93.

Volicer, L.: Dementias. In: Palliative Care in Neurology, edited by R. Voltz, J.L. Bernat, G.D. Borasio et al., Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004, pp. 59 – 67.

Volicer, L.: End-of-life care and bereavement effect on family carers. Lancet Neurol. 3, 144, 2004.

Volicer, L.: Advances in Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s Association MA Chapter Newsletter 22 (3), 1 – 5, 2004.

Volicer,L. and Hurley,A.C.:  Management of behavioral symptoms in progressive degenerative dementias.  Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences  58A, 837-845, 2003.

Volicer,L. and Brenner,P.R.  Ethical issues in care of individuals with Alzheimer's disease. In:  Aging, Spirituality, and Religion, edited by M.A.Kimble and S.H.McFadden.  Minneapolis:  Fortress Press, 2003, p. 368-388.

Volicer,L.:  Care at the end of life in severe dementia.  Research & Practice in Alzheimer's Disease  8, 194-199, 2003.

Lane,P., Kuntupis,M., MacDonald,S., McCarthy,P., Panke,J.A., Warden,V. and Volicer,L.:  A pain assessment tool for people with advanced Alzheimer's and other progressive dementias.  Home Healthcare Nurse  21, 32-37, 2003.

Satlin,A., Harper,D., Rheaume,Y. and Volicer,L.  Bright light therapy. In:  Agitation in Patients with Dementia: A Practical Guide to Diagnosis and Management, edited by D.P.Hay, D.T.Klein, L.K.Hay, G.T.Grossberg and J.S.Kennedy.  Washington, DC, London, England:  American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc., 2003, p. 119-134.

Volicer,L.:  Palliative approach to patients with dementia (in Czech).  Czech Geriatric Revue  1, 16-19, 2003.

Hurley,A.C. and Volicer,L.:  Alzheimer Disease: "It's okay, mama, if you want to go, it's okay".  JAMA  288, 2324-2331, 2002.

Panke, J.A. and Volicer, L.: Caring for persons with dementia: a palliative approach. J. Hospice Palliat. Nursing 4,143-149, 2002

Volicer,L.:  Commentary on "Terminal care for nursing home residents with dementia" by M.S. Moss et al.  Alzheimer's Care Quarterly  3, 247-251, 2002.

Volicer,L.  Quality of life in advanced dementia. In:  "Curing" Old Age, edited by A.Guerci and S.Consigliere.  Genova: 2002, p. 261-266.

Blasi,Z., Hurley,A.C. and Volicer,L.:  End of life care in dementia: a review of problems, prospects, and solutions in practice.  Journal of American Medical Directors Association  3, 57-65, 2002.

Morris,J. and Volicer,L.:  Nutritional management of individuals with Alzheimer's disease and other progressive dementias.  Nutrition in Clinical Care  4, 148-155, 2001.

Volicer,L.:  Care at the end of life.  Alzheimer's Care Quarterly  2, 59-66, 2001.

Volicer,L.  Management of late stage dementia. In:  Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Annual 2001, edited by S.Gauthier and J.L.Cummings.  London:  Martin Dunitz Ltd, 2001, p. 193-210.

Volicer L, Strategies for prevention of tube feeding in advanced dementia. AAHPM Bulletin 1: 1-18, 2001.

Volicer L, McKee A, and Hewitt S, Dementia. Neurologic Clinics of North America 19: 867-885, 2001.

Volicer L, Management of severe Alzheimer's disease and end of life issues. Clinics in Geriatric Medicine 17: 377-391, 2001.

Volicer L, Alzheimer's disease treatment in the VHA: why cholinesterase inhibitors are worth the cost. Fed.Practit. 18: 25-35, 2001.

Volicer L, Jones J, Smith S, and Hewitt S, Caring for patients at the end of life with advanced Alzheimer's and dementia. VHSJ 5, Supplement: 10-13, 2001.

Hurley AC, Volicer L, and Mahoney EK, Comfort in older adults at the end of life. Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics 20: 120-143, 2000.

Hurley AC, Volicer L, and Blasi ZV, End-of-life care for patients with advanced dementia. JAMA  284: 2449-2450, 2000.

Lane P, Trudeau SA, Hewitt S, Bloom-Charette L, Morris J, and Volicer L, Interdisciplinary assessment of persons with Alzheimer's disease and other progressive dementias. Alzheimer's Disease Quarterly 1: 16-43, 2000.

Volicer,L., Goals of Dementia Special Care Units. Research & Practice in Alzheimer's Disease 4: 93-103; 2000.

Hurley, A.C., Volicer, L. and Mahoney, E.K.: “Mini-Mental State” examination: relevance to nursing research. In Fitzpatrick J.J. and Fulmer, T. eds, Geriatric Nursing Research Digest, Springer Publications, New York, 336-339, 2000.

Volicer,L., Clinical guidelines for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and other progressive dementias. Federal Practitioner Supplement 16: 16-25; 1999.

Volicer, L. and Hurley, A.C.:  Assessment of behavioral symptom management in demented individuals.  Alzheim.Dis.Assoc.Disord.  13, Suppl. 1, S59-S66, 1999.

Volicer, L. and Bloom-Charette, L.: Assessment of quality of life in advanced dementia. In: Enhancing the Quality of Life in Advanced Dementia, edited by L. Volicer and L. Bloom-Charette. Philadelphia, Brunner/Mazel, 1999, p. 3 – 20.

Harper, D.G., Rheaume, Y., Manning, B.C. and Volicer, L.: Light therapy in  Alzheimer’s disease. In: Enhancing the Quality of Life in Advanced Dementia, edited by L. Volicer and L. Bloom-Charette. Philadelphia, Brunner/Mazel, 1999, p. 186 - 205.

Volicer, L., Hurley, A.C. and Camberg, L: A model of psychological well-being in advanced dementia. J. Mental Health Aging 5, 83 – 94, 1999.

Satlin, A., Harper, D., Rheaume, Y. and Volicer, L.  Bright light therapy. In:  A Practical Guide to the Diagnosis and Management of Agitation in Dementia Patients, 1999.

Mahoney, M.A., Hurley, A.C. and Volicer, L.  Advance proxy planning. In:  Hospice care for patients with advanced progressive dementia, edited by L. Volicer and A. Hurley.  New York:  Springer Publishing Company, 1998, p. 169-188.

Simard, J. and Volicer, L.  Barriers to providing hospice care for people with dementia. In:  Hospice care for patients with advanced progressive dementia, edited by L. Volicer and A. Hurley.  New York:  Springer Publishing Company, 1998, p. 231-246.

Volicer, L., Hurley, A.C. and Mahoney, E.  Behavioral symptoms of dementia. In:  Hospice Care for Patients with Advanced Progressive Dementia, edited by L. Volicer and A. Hurley.  New York:  Springer Publishing Company, 1998, p. 68-87.

Volicer, L., Brandeis, G. and Hurley, A.C.  Infections in advanced dementia. In:  Hospice Care for Patient with Advanced Progressive Dementia, edited by L. Volicer and A. Hurley.  New York:  Springer Publishing Company, 1998, p. 29-47.

Volicer, L., Mahoney, E. and Brown, E.J.  Nonpharmacological approaches to the management of the behavioral consequences of advanced dementia. In:  Behaviors in Dementia: Best Practices for Successful Management, edited by M. Kaplan and S.B. Hoffman.  Baltimore, MD:  Health Professions Press, 1998, p. 155-176.

Volicer, L.  Tube feeding in Alzheimer's disease is avoidable. In:  Weight loss & eating behaviour in Alzheimer's patients, edited by B. Vellas, S. Riviere and J. Fitten.  Paris and New York:  Serdi and Springer Publishing Company, 1998, p. 71 - 74.

Volicer, L.: Effective management of Alzheimer’s disease. Pharmacy Practice News 19-21, April 1998.

Volicer, L. and A. Hurley.  Comorbidity in Alzheimer's disease. In:  Measurement in Elderly Chronic Care             Populations, edited by J.A. Teresi, M.P. Lawton, D. Holmes and M. Ory.  New York, N.Y.:  Springer                 Publishing Company, Inc., 1997, p. 117-129.

Volicer, L.:  Ethical issues in late stage dementia.  NCCE News  5, 1-10, 1997.

Volicer, L., Hurley, A.C., and Mahoney, E. Psychopharmacology and late-stage dementia behaviors. In: Late-stage Dementia Care: A Basic Guide, edited by Kovach, C.R.Bristol, PA and London:Taylor & Francis, 1997,p. 143-155.

Volicer, L. and Hurley, A.C. Physical status and complications in Alzheimer patients: Implication for outcome studies. Alzheim.Dis.Assoc.Disord. 11, 60-65, 1997. 

Hurley, A.C., Volicer, L. and Mahoney, E.: Progression of Alzheimer's disease and symptom management. Fed.Practit. 13, Suppl., 16-22, 1996.

L. Volicer. Clinical issues in advanced dementia. In: Special Care Programs for People with Dementia, edited by S.B. Hoffman and M. Kaplan. Baltimore, London, Toronto, Sydney: Health Professions Press, 1996, p. 61-77.

Volicer, L. and Simard, J.: Establishing a dementia special-care unit. Nurs.Home Econ. 3 (1), 12-19, 1996.

Volicer, L., Hurley, A.C. and Mahoney, E.: Management of behavioral symptoms of dementia. Nurs.Home Med. 3, 300-306, 1995.

Sachs, G.A., Ahronheim, J.C., Rhymes, J.A., Volicer, L. and Lynn, J.: Good care of dying patients:  The alternative to physician-assisted suicide and euthana¬sia. J.Am.Geriatr.Soc. 43, 553-562, 1995.

A.C. Hurley, M.A. Mahoney and L. Volicer. Comfort care in end-stage dementia: what to do after deciding to do no more. In: Controversies in Ethics in Long¬Term Care, edited by E. Olson, E.R. Chichin and L.S. Libow. New York: Springer Publishing Com pany, 1995, p. 73-86.

Hurley, A.C., Bottino, R. and Volicer, L.: Nursing role in advance proxy plan¬ning for Alzheimer patients. Caring Mag. 13, 72-76, 1994.

L. Volicer, B.J. Volicer and A.C. Hurley: Is hospice care appropriate for Alz¬heimer patients? Caring Mag. 12 (November), 50-55, 1993.

L. Volicer: Alzheimer's Disease: Course, management, and the hospice approach. Nurs.Home Med. 1 (5), 31-37, 1993.

M.A. Mahoney, A. Hurley, S. Smith and L. Volicer. Advance management prefer¬ences: the nurse's role in surrogate decision making.  In: Ethical Dilemmas in Contemporary Nursing Practice, G.B. White ed, Kansas City, MO: American Nurses Association, 1992, p. 45-58.

L. Volicer, and P.B. Crino. Involvement of free radicals in dementia of the Alz¬heimer type: a hypothesis. Neurobiol. Aging 11,567-571, 1990.

L. Volicer, J-C. Chen, P.B. Crino, B.A. Vogt, J. Fishman, J.  Rubins, P.W.  Schnepper, and N. Wolfe: Neurotoxic properties of a serotonin oxidation product: possible role in Alzheimer's disease. In: Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disor¬ders,( K. Iqbal, H.M. Wisniewski, and B. Winblad. (eds.)New York:Alan R. Liss, Inc., 1989, p. 453-465.

L. Volicer. Pharmacologic management of behavioral problems in adult dental patients with severe cognitive impairment. Gerodontics 4,160-161, 1988.

L. Volicer and K.J. Fabiszewski: The use of medical technology in advanced Alz¬heimer's disease. Am. J. Alzheim. Care 3,11-17,1988.

L. Volicer, Y.L. Rheaume, J. Brown, K.J. Fabiszewski and R.J. Brady: Ethical issues in the treatment of advanced Alzheimer dementia: hospice approach. In Clinical Management of Alzheimer's Disease, L. Volicer, K.J. Fabiszewski, Y.L. Rheaume and K.E. Lasch eds.: Chapter 10. Aspen Publishers, Inc., Rockville, MD, Royal Tunbridge Wells pp. 167-184. 1988.

L. Volicer: Drugs used in the treatment of Alzheimer dementia. In Clinical Man¬agement of Alzheimer's Disease, L. Volicer, K.J. Fabiszewski, Y.L. Rheaume and K.E. Lasch eds.: Chapter 11. Aspen Publishers, Inc., Rockville, MD, Royal Tun¬bridge Wells pp. 185-200. 1988.

Y.L. Rheaume, K.J. Fabiszewski, J. Brown, P. Innis, M. Glennon, D. Berkley, S. Shea and L. Volicer: Education and training of interdisciplinary team members caring for Alzheimer patients. In Clinical Management of Alzheimer's Disease, L. Volicer, K. J. Fabiszewski, Y.L. Rheaume and K.E. Lasch eds.: Chapter 12. Aspen Publishers, Inc., Rockville, MD, Royal Tunbridge Wells pp. 201-222. 1988.

L. Volicer and L.R. Herz: Pharmacological management in dementia of the Alz¬heimer type. Amer. Fam. Phys. 32, 123-128, 1985.

C.D. West, L. Volicer and D.W. Vaughan: Aging in the food-restricted rat: body temperature, receptor function, and morphologic changes in the brain. in: Nutri¬tional Intervention in the Aging Process, H.J. Armbrecht, J.M. Prendergast and R.M. Coe eds., Springer-Verlag, New York, Berlin,

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