
C Van Vleuten

USERN Advisory Board

Curriculum Vitae Cees P.M. van der Vleuten Page 1

Curriculum Vitae
Cees P.M. van der Vleuten

1 January 2017
Addresses Office Department of Educational Development and Research

P.O. Box 616

University of Maastricht

6200 MD Maastricht

The Netherlands

T: +31 -43-3885725

E: [email protected]


Birth : June 6, 1956

Marital Status: Married, four children


1982: M.A. in Psychology (cum laude), University of Tilburg, Tilburg, The Netherlands

1989: Ph.D. in Education, University of Maastricht. Dissertation title: Towards a rational

system of student achievement evaluation in problem-based medical education

Professional Experience

1981 - 1982: Assistant Professor, Department of Personality Psychology and Psychometrics,

University of Tilburg, Tilburg, The Netherlands

1982 - 1989: Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Development and Research,

University of Maastricht, Maastricht, The Netherlands (tenure)

1989 - 1996: Associate Professor, Department of Educational Development and Research,

University of Maastricht, Maastricht, The Netherlands (tenure)

1992 - 2015: Chair of medical school section Department of Educational Development and


1993 - 2005: Coordinator educational research program Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of

Health Science

1996 - present: Professor of Education

1996 - 2015: Chair Department of Educational Development and Research, University of

Maastricht, Maastricht, The Netherlands

2005 – present Scientific Director, School of Health Professions Education, University of

Maastricht (

2010 – 2012 Research Chair, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


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Society Memberships

• Dutch Association of Educational Research

• Dutch Association of Medical Education

• Association for the Study of Medical Education (UK)

• Society of Directors of Research in Medical Education

• Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) (Member of Executive Committee,

2006 - present)


Educational Activities

1982 - present: Member of the Task Force on Student Assessment, University of Maastricht,

responsible for the centralized examination system of the medical school, from

1988 to 2006 as chairman

1985 - 1992: Member of the "Project on Computer Assisted Instruction", responsible for

courseware development

1982 - present: Various teaching activities as tutor in the problem-based medical program, lectures

and courses in education and psychometrics for medical and health sciences students, tutor in faculty development courses, and teacher in a graduate program in


1991 - 1995: University Committee on Problem-based Learning (for advice and exchange of

information between faculties)

1992 - 1996: Member of the Education Committee, Faulty of Medicine

1996 – 2008: Advisor of the Examination Committee, Faculty of Medicine

1996 – present: Program Director Annual International Summercourse on Problem-based learning

and Advances in Health Sciences Education

1993 - present: Various teaching activities in the Masters Programme of Health Profession

Education, University of Maastricht

1995 – 2006: Yearly courses in student assessment and research in medical education in national

faculty development programme (CMO)

1995 – present: Steering Committee on Education (advisory board to the Vice Chancellor)

1998 - 2001 present: Board Advisor UNISCENE network (international network of

student-centred universities)

1998 – 2001: Member Preparation Committee New Curriculum Faculty of Medicine

1998 – 2001: Chairman of Taskforce on the preparation of a new assessment program for the

Faculty of Medicine

2001- 2006: Monitering Committee New Curriculum, Faculty of Medicine

2004-2005: Member Preparation Committee New Graduate Entry Program of Medicine

2004 – 2006: Member Preparation Committee New Graduate Entry Program, Faculty of


2001 – 2005: Scientific Director Masters of Health Profession Education (MHPE).

2008 - 2010: Member Revision Committee Clinical Clerckship Rotations

2009 – 2012: Member Taskforce Innovation Postgraduate Education, Maastricht University

Medical Centre

Teaching Workshops

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A variety of workshops are regularly given at the local university, and at national and international

institutions. Topics include:

• Designing assessment programmes

• Methods of assessment

• Construction of written and performance-based measures

• Desiging (electronic) portfolios

• Standard setting

• Designing examination rules

• Statistics to support assessment

• Generalizability theory

• Best Evidence in Education

• Clinical (skills) teaching

• Problem-based learning

• Active learning techniques

• Management of Problem-based learning

• Designing clinical skills teaching

• Assessment as an educational desion problem

• Research in Education

• Quality assurance in test development

• Portfolio

• Work-based assessment

Periodic workshops include:

• New Methods in Student Assessment, two-day workshop as part of the summer courses "New

Ideas for Health Professions Education", annually organized at Maastricht since 1988; since

1994 also in national winter courses

• Assessment in Problem-based Learning, one-day workshop as part of the International

Visitors Workshop, yearly organized by the Department of Educational Development and

Research since 1983 until 1987.

• Coordinator of the
Summer course
since 1996: a 2 week international program on innovation

in education, in collaboration with the University of Nijmegen and the University of


• Sheffield Assessment Courses: Annual two day course in assessment at the medical school of

Sheffield in the UK (1998-2004)

• International Advanced Assessment Course (IAAC), Royal College of Obstetricians and

Gynaecologists, London, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.

• International Advanced Assessment Course (IAAC), Singapore, 2015, 2016.

• Wintercourse on Problem-Based Learning, Sulaiman AlRahji Colleges, Quassim, Kingdom of

Saudi Arabia, 17-21 January 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.

• Assessment for future learning and research: trends and perspectives for The Dutch

Interuniversity Centre for Educational Sciences (ICO), 2009, 2011.


1984 - 1988: Associate Director Student Assessment Program (responsible for running the

centralized examination program for the Faculty of Medicine)

1988 - 2000: Director Student Assessment Program

1985 - 1988: Director of the Computer Assisted Instruction Program (responsible for

implementing CAI in the curriculum for the Faculty of Medicine)

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1989 - 1996: Facultary Advisory Group on "Informatics en Computerfacilities" (Director Dr.

Ch. Limonard)

1989 - present: Chair Department of Educational Development and Research

1993 - present: Scientific Director Research Institute on Education

1996 – 2000: Member of Management Team of the national research school on education (ICO)

2001 – 2005: Scientific Director Masters of Health Professions Education

2005 – present: Scientific Director School of Health Professions Education (SHE), Faculty of

Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (

2006 – 2012: Member of the AMEE (Association of Medical Education in Europe) Executive


2010 – present: Director of the European Board of Medical Assessors (EBMA), Maastricht, Italy

(founding member)

Professional Activities


1. Dutch Diabetes Association, 1984-1986.

2. Dutch College of General Practitioners, 1985 – 1993.

3. Dutch College of General Practitioners, 1985 –1992.

4. University of Nijmegen, Quality Assurance project in physiotherapy, 1989.

5. Scientific Advisory Board of the Dutch Institute of Marketing certifying examinations, 1990-


6. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Australia, 1990-1994.

7. The Royal Australian College of Anesthesiologists, Australia, 1991.

8. Medical School Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand, 1992.

9. National University of Singapore, School of Postgraduate Medical Studies, Singapore, 1992.

10. European Board of Urology, Rotterdam, 1993-1996.

11. Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1994.

12. Faculty of Medicine, University of Sherbrooke, External Evaluation Review, 1994

13. Royal College of General Practitioners, London, United Kingdom, 1994

14. Irish College of General Practitioners, Dublin, Ireland, 1995.

15. Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, 1996.

16. College of Pharmacy, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, 1996.

17. Royal Australian College of General of General Practitioners, Melbourne, Australia, 1996.

18. Department of General Practice, University of Brisbane, Townsville, Australia, 1996.

19. Faculty of Medicine, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 1997.

20. Faculty of Medicine, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, 1997.

21. Faculty of Medicine, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China, 1997.

22. St. Bartholomew and the Royal London School of Medicine, United Kingdom, 1998.

23. Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 1998.

24. Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, 1998.

25. Advisor of the Flemish Government, Department of education on innovation in higher

education, 1998 – present.

26. St. Bartholomew and the Royal London School of Medicine, United Kingdom, 1999.

27. St. Georges Medical School, London, United Kingdom, 1999.

28. Workshops on Training and Assessment in Postgraduate Medical Education, Danmark, 1999.

29. Royal College of General Practioners, London, United Kingdom, 1999.

30. Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen. Assessment in an active learning evironment.

Conferentie over Onderwijsontwikkeling georganisserd door het Netwerk

Onderwijsontwikkeling van de Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen, November 2000.

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31. Vejle Hospital, Evidence and Education: How do people Learn, Veilje, Denmark, September


32. Dental School, Trinity College Dublin, Consultation on PBL and assessment, June 2001.

33. Chinese University of Hong Kong. Consultation and workshops Faculty of Medicine Chinese

University of Hong Kong on Active Learning Techniques, Skills training and Assessment.,

November 2000.

34. Chinese University of Hong Kong. Consultation on newer teaching methods for the Vice

Chancellor and Deans of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, November 2000.

35. Dental School of the Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry January 10th

2001, Workshop on Principles of Assessment

36. University of Tilburg, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Business, February 2001.

37. Hogeschool Limburg Diepenbeek, België, Workshop over toetsing in PGO, Diepenbeek,

Belgium, 14 and 18 March 2001.

38. Université de Montréal, Innovations in Problem-based learning, Montral, Canada 3 October


39. Chinese University of Hong Kong and University of Hong Kong. External Advisor of the

International Consortium for Sharing Student Assessment Banks. Hong Kong, China,

December 2001 – present.

40. Postgraduate Medical Institute Danmark, Workshop on assessment in postgraduate medical

training, January 2002.

41. Technical University Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Member Board of Advisors Faculty of

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

42. St George's Hospital Medical School, Teaching and Learning Event 2003, Workshop on

Theory and Research in Assessment, London, June, 2003.

43. External Advisor, Universities Medical Assessment Parnership (UMAP), Consortium of five

UK medical schools developing and sharing item banks, Consortium coordinator, University

of Manchester, UK

44. External Advisory of the Centre for the Assessment of Professional Practice, University of

Sheffield, UK

45. Toetsing in hoger onderwijs. Katholieke Hogeschool Kempen, België, Januari 2005.

46. Toetsing in competentiegericht onderwijs, Faculteit Gezondheidszorg, Hogeschool van

Utrecht, oktober 2005.

47. Toetsing van medische competentie. Universiteit van Antwerpen, Faculteit der Geneeskunde,

Februari 2006.

48. Expert Assessor for benchmarking exercise of European university management systems in

relation to ‘Innovative Teaching and Learning’ organised by the European Centre for

Strategic Management of Universities, Brussels, June 2006 – January 2007.

49. Member of the Expert Panel on Assessment providing support and advice of the independent

inquiry into modernizing medical careers in the UK (final report by Prof John Tooke,

Aspiring to Educational Excellence: Findings and recommendations of the independent

inquiry into modernizing medical careers,

50. Royal College of General Practitioners, expert advice on the revised assessment programme

for licensure in general practice, December 2007.

51. Advisor to the Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board, a UK national authority

for postgraduate medical education, since 2008.

52. Member of the Expert Advisory Group of The University of Birmingham, Cambridge

University [Psychometrics Centre] and The Open University (UK) selection review to

postgraduate training in the UK.

53. Review of the new Membership Examination of the Royal College of Physicians in the UK,

November 2008.

54. College of Pharmacists of British Columbia, Evaluation of recertification program, 2009.

55. European Board of Urology, Review of European Certification Examinations, Examination

Committee Meeting, Schiphol, The Netherlands, 31 March 2009.

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56. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, revision of Master of Veterinary Medicine, 2009-2010.

57. King Saud bin Abdulaziz University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, work-based assessment, 4-5

April 2010.

58. College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, September 2010,

Research in Education

59. General Medical Council (GMC), UK, advisor to the GMC advice on assessment in

undergraduate medical education, Advice supplementary to Tomorrow’s Doctors (2009),


60. School of Medicine, Cardiff University, UK, advisor to new curriculum and its assessment

program, 2011.

61. Chair of the Advisory Board for national testing of knowledge of students in teacher-training

programs, The Netherlands Association of Universities of Applied Sciences (HBO-raad).

62. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, introduction of Progress Testing, 2011 -2012.

63. Rotterdam University of Aplied Sciences, training program on innovation in assessment.

October 2011.

64. Dutch Postgraduate Training Program in General Practice, advisor to the development of a

new quality assurance system for all Dutch training programs, 2011.

65. Panel Member to the Research Accreditation Review of the Faculty of Psychology, Erasmus

University Rotterdam, September 2011.

66. Advisor to the core group on Work Place Based Assessment (WPBA) of the Royal College of

General Practitioners, 2011.

67. International advisor to PRACTICUM Foundation, Institute of Applied Research in Health

Sciences Education for Life-long learning, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2011 and onwards.

68. Member of the Higher Education Committee on External Validation of Examinations

(Commissie Bruin), Report “Vreemde Ogen Dwingen”.

69. Advisor to the Higher Education Council (HBO-raad) “Tien voor de Leraar” on a national

collaborative approach to assessment, 2011 – present.

70. The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, advisor to a modernization of their

licensure assessment.

71. Faculty of Medicine, University of Kuwait, Training and advice on their assessment program

in the school.

72. Chair of Expert Group “Assessment in Primary Education”, advising the Ministry of

Education on the validity of new tests for mathematics and language in primary education

developed by parties in the commercial market, 2014 – present.

73. Member of the National Clinical Assessment Service (NCAS) Expert Reference Group, 2015

– present.

74. College of Medicine, King Saud Medical School-Health Sciences Assessment Workshop,

Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 29 – 31 March 2016.

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Research Scholarship Metrics

Number of peer-reviewed international journal articles: 594

Number of peer-reviewed national (Dutch) journal articles: 88

Number of international books: 7

Number of national books: 9

Number international chapters in books: 89

Number of national chapters in book: 69

Total number of publications: 856

Total grant income: € 3.031.200 (14 projects)

Hirsch citation index
(Google Scholar): 81

Number of papers > 10 citations: 429

Number of invited addresses/keynotes: 175

Number of PhD students completed: 80 (incl. 1 honorary doctorate)

Number of PhD students in supervision: 23

Academic awards and honours 33 (incl. 6 career awards)


• Academic Medicine

• Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training

• Advances in Health Sciences (Editorial Board Member 1998-2007)

• AMEE guides on theories in medical education

• AMEE PhD reports

• American Association of Medical Colleges for the RIME-conferences

• Anatomical Sciences Education

• Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

• Best Evidence in Medical Education (BEME) series

• BMC Medical Education

• BMC Family Practice

• BMC Public Health

• BMC Psychiatry

• British Journal of General Practice

• British Medical Journal (Educational advisor group (2001 -2003)

• British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

• BMJ Open

• Comprehensive Psychiatry

• Dutch National Science Foundation (PROO)

• Education Research International

• European Journal of Dental Education

• European Journal of General Practice

• European Journal of Internal Medicine

• Evaluation & the Health Professions

• Evaluation and Program Planning

• Evidence-based Medicine

• Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine

• Fonds National de la Recerche Luxumbourg

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• Health Professions Education (Editorial Board)

• Instructional Science

• International Journal of Higher Education

• International Journal of Medical Education (Editorial Board Member untill 2012)

• International Scholarly Research Network Public Health


• Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

• Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions

• Journal of General Internal Medicine

• Journal of Medical Systems

• Learning & Instruction

• Luxemburg National Research Fund

• Medical Education

• Medical Teacher (Editorial Board Member)

• Military Medicine

• National Board of Medical Examiners (Stemmler Foundation)

• National Council of Canada

• Nature Reviews

• Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Geneeskunde

• NVMO Congres

• Nederlandse organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Dutch Research Foundation)

• Nursing Research and Practice

• Onderwijsinnovatie (Editorial Board Member until May 2010)

• Pedagogische Studiën

• Pediatrics

• Perspectives on Medical Education (Editorial Board)

• Psychology, Health and Medicine

• Psychological Reports, Perceptual & Motor Skill

• Psychologie

• QJM: An International Journal of Medicine

• Regulation & Governance

• Social Science & Medicine

• Stemmler Fund, National board of Medical Examiners, USA

• Studies in Educational Evaluation

• Teacher and Teacher Education

• Teaching and Learning in Medicine

• Tertiary Fund, Higher Education Division, Ministery of Education, Singapore

• The Egyption Journal of Medical Education

• The Lancet

• Tijdschrift voor Examens (Editorial Board Member)

• Tijdschrift voor Hoger Onderwijs

• Tijdschrift voor Onderwijsresearch

• Zon-MW (Dutch Health Research Council)

Conference Organisation

• Symposium "Two Decades of Experiences in Problem-based Learning", Maastricht, May 25-

26, 1989

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• Member of the organizing committee for the annual educational conference of the Dutch

Association of Medical Education

• Symposium "Problem-based Learning in Maastricht and McMaster: One Pair or Two of a

Kind?, Maastricht, October 28, 1991

• "First International Symposium on Student Assessment" organized by "The Network of

Community-Oriented Educational Institutions for Health Sciences", Malaysia, January 1993

• "Sixth International Cambridge Conference on Medical Education" (theme: Quality

Assurance in Education), invitational conference, July, 1993.

• Medical Education for the 21 -st century, a European conference on medical education,

Maastricht, May 1995.

• Conference on Teaching Physiology: Research, Ideas and Experiences, Maastricht, 9

September 1995.

• 7th Ottawa Conference on Clinical Competence Assessment to be held in Maastricht, June


• Coordinator of the Summer Course on Expanding Horizons in Problem-Based Learning,

Annual three week course on innovations in medical education, since 1996 – 2005.

• Organising committee of the 2005 International Conference of the Association of Medical

Education in Europe (AMEE), Amsterdam, 30 August - 3 September 2005

• ASME Conference 2006, Medical Education: Its history, current status and future challenges,

Maastricht, 5-6 July 2006.

• The Saudi International Medical Education Conference simec 2014, 24-27 November 2014,

Qassim, Saudi Arabia.

Invitational conferences

• Fourth International Cambridge Conference on Assessment of Clinical Competen-ce,

Cambridge, England, June, 1989.

• Fifth International Cambridge Conference on Certification and Recertification, Adelaide,

Australia, July 1991.

• Sixth International Cambridge Conference on Quality Assurance in Education and Health

Care, Vaalsbroek, juli 1993.

External Expert Review for Promotion Appointments

Review and recommendation letters have been written for promotion appointments or awards for

candidates in The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Israel,

Belgium, Germany and Denmark.

Ph.D. Supervision


1. J. Rethans, Does Competence Predict Performance (cum laude), Oktober 1991, Universiteit


2. P. Frijns, Scoringsmodellen voor open-vraag vormen, Oktober 1992, Universiteit Maastricht

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3. S. Bögels, Teaching and Assessing diagnostic interviewing skills, Oktober 1994, Universiteit


4. S. van Luijk, Al doende leert men: Enkele studies naar aspecten van betrouwbaarheid en

validiteit over de toetsing van vaardigpresent, Oktober 1994, Universiteit Maastricht

5. Y. van Leeuwen, Growth in knowledge of trainees in general practice, December 1995,

Universiteit Maastricht

6. Scherpbier, Kwaliteit van vaardigheidsonderwijs gemeten, Juli 1996, Universiteit Maastricht

7. K. Jansen, Toetsing van huisartsgeneeskundige vaardigpresent, Juni 1998, Universiteit


8. L. Schuwirth, Computergestuurde Casusgerichte Toetsing, December 1998, Universiteit


9. C. van Til, De voortgang van voortgangstoetsen. July 1998, Universiteit Maastricht

10. P. Ram, Comprehensive assessment of general practitioners: A study on validity, reliability

and feasibility, December 1998, Universiteit Maastricht

11. R. Remmen, An evaluation of clinical skills training. June 1999, Universiteit van Antwerpen.

12. M. van den Hurk, Individual study in problem-based learning, October 1999, Universiteit


13. E. Murray. Teaching internal medicine in general practice: an evaluation. Universiteit

Maastricht, May 2001

14. J. van Dalen, Communication Skills: Teaching, Testing and Learning, September 2001 ,

Universiteit Maastricht.

15. B. Charlin, Standardized assessment of ill-defined clinical problems: The Script Concordance

Test. Universiteit Maastricht, December 2002.

16. Verhoeven, B. The utility of an assessment concept. Universiteit Maastricht, April 2003.

17. Kramer, A. Acquisition of clinical competence during postgraduate training in general

practice, Universiteit Maastricht, May 2003.

18. DeGryse, J. De eindproef huisartsgeneeskunde: Ontwikkeling en evaluatie van een

certificatieprocedure voor huisartsen in Vlaanderen. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Juli,


19. Blok, G. Dealing with Grief and Requesting Donation. An international challenge.

Universiteit Maastricht, October 2003.

20. C. Ringsted, In-training assessment in a work-based postgraduate medical education context,

Universiteit Maastricht, July 2004.

21. Busari, J. The medical resident as a teacher: teaching and learning in the clinical workplace.

Universiteit Maastricht, December 2004.

22. Thistlethwaite, J. Informed shared decision making and medical education. Universiteit

Maastricht, December 2004.

23. Daelmans, H.E.M. In-training assessment in an undergraduate clerkship. Vrije Universiteit

Amsterdam, June 2005.

24. Van der Hem-Stokroos, H.H. The clerkship as a learning environment. Vrije Universiteit

Amsterdam, June 2005.

25. Hobma, Sj. Directed self-learning as approach to continuing professional development.

Universiteit Maastricht, May 2005.

26. Semeijn, J.H. Academic Competences and Labour Market Entry. Universiteit Maastricht,

September 2005.

27. Kristina, T.N. Generic objectives for community-based education in undergraduate medical

programmes: the perspective from developing countries. Universiteit Maastricht, November


28. Tigelaar, E.H. Design and evaluation of a teaching portfolio. Universiteit Maastricht,

December 2005.

29. Prince, C.J.A.H. Problem-based learning as a preparation for professional practice.

Universiteit Maastricht, April 2006.

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30. Wass, V. The assessment of clinical competence in high stakes examinations; Are we justified

in abandoning old methods in favour of the new?. Universiteit Maastricht, May 2006.

31. Sargeant, J. Multi-source feedback for physician learning & change. Universiteit Maastricht,

May 2006.

32. Pleijers, A. Tutorial group discussion in problem-based learning. Universiteit Maastricht,

January 2007.

33. Niemantsverdriet, S. Learning from international internships. A reconstruction in the medical

domain. Universiteit Maastricht, June 2006.

34. Niessen, T. Emerging epistemologies; making sense of teaching practice. Universiteit

Maastricht, November 2007.

35. Baartman, L. Assessing the assessment. University of Utrecht, April 2008.

36. Schoonheim-Klein, M. The use of the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in

dental education. University of Amsterdam, June 2008.

37. Driessen, E. The self-critical doctor. Maastricht University, June 2008.

38. Wagenaar, A. Learning in Internships, What and how students learn from experience.

Maastricht University, December 2008.

39. Bokken, L. Innovative use of simulated patients for educational purposes. University of

Maastricht, March 2009.

40. Teunissen, P. Learning by doing unravelled. Free University Amsterdam, February 2009.

41. Boor, K. 'The clinical learning climate. Free University Amsterdam, February 2009.

42. De Leng, B. University of Maastricht, Wired for learning: how computers can support

interaction in medical education. Maastricht University, December 2009.

43. Van Mook, W. Teaching and assessing professional behaviour: Rhetoric and Reality,

Maastricht University, May 2011 .

44. Van Blankenstein, F. Elaboration during problem-based, small group discussion. A new

approach to study collaborative learning, Maastricht University, May 2011.

45. Veldhuijzen, W. Challenging the patient-centred paradigm: designing feasible guidelines for

doctor-patient communication. Maastricht University, June 2011.

46. Govaerts, M.J.B. Climbing the pyramid; towards understanding performance assessment.

Maastricht University, September 2011. (Cum laude)

47. Durning, S.J. Exploring the Influence of Contextual Factors of the Clinical Encounter on

Clinical Reasoning Success. Maastricht University, September 2011.

48. Singaram, S.V. Exploring the impact of diversity factors on problem-based collaborative

learning. Maastricht University, December 2011.

49. Pawlikowska, T.R.B. Patient enablement: a living dialogue. Maastricht University, December


50. De Rijdt, C.C.E. Staff development in higher education: working to improve capabilities and

practices of educators. Maastricht University, December 2011.

51. Claramita, M. Doctor-patient communication in a culturally hierarchical context of Southeast

Asia: A partnership approach. Maastricht University, March 2012.

52. Leppink, J. Propositional knowledge for conceptual understanding of statistics. Maastricht

University, June 2012.

53. Al-Kadri, H. Does Assessment Drive Students Learning? Clinical Context Assessment and

Students’ Approaches to Learning. Maastricht University, June 2012.

54. Cillier, F. The Pre-assessment Learning Effects of Consequential Assessment: Modelling how

the Examination Game is Played. Maastricht University, September 2012.

55. Prescott-Clements, L. Ensuring the competence of dental practitioners through the

development of a workplace-based system of assessment. Maastricht University, November


56. Duvivier, R. Teaching and Learning Clinical Skills, Mastering the Art of Medicine.

Maastricht University, December 2012.

57. Jippes, M. Culture matters in medical schools: How values shape a succesful curriculum

reform. Maastricht University, February 2013.

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58. Pelgrim, E. Clarifying observation and assessment feedback in workplace-based learning.

Radboud University, September 2013.

59. Junod-Perrron, N. Towards a learner-centred approach to postgraduate communication skills

teaching. Maastricht University, October, 2013.

60. Alves de Lima, A. Assessment of clinical competence: Reliability, Validity, Feasibility and

Educational Impact of the mini-CEX. Maastricht University, October, 2013.

61. Winston, K. Remediation Theory and Practice; Transforming At-Risk Medical Students.

Maastricht University, December, 2013.

62. Houwink, I. Training in genetics and genomics for primary health care workers. Free

University of Amsterdam, December 2013.

63. Bergman, E. Dissecting Anatomy Education in the Medical Curriculum. Maastricht

University, June 2014.

64. Bok, H. Competency-based veterinary education; an integrative approach to learning and

assessment in the clinical workplace. Utrecht University, June 2014.

65. Dijkstra, J. Guidelines for designing programmes of assessment. Maastricht University, June


66. Essers, G. Explicating context in doctor-patient communication; implications for medical

education. Radboud University, June 2014.

67. Frambach, J. The cultural complexity of problem-based learning across the world.

Maastricht University, March 2014.

68. Watling, C. Cognition, culture and credibility: Deconstructing Feedback in Medical

Education, Maastricht University, January 2014.

69. Embo, M.P.C. Integrating workplace learning, assessment and supervision in health care

education. Maastricht University, March 2015.

70. Gingerich, A. Questioning the rater idiosynchrasy: Explanation for error variance by

searching for multiple signals. Maastricht University, September 2015.

71. Slootweg, I.A. Teamwork of clinical teachers in postgraduate medical training. Maastricht

University, June 2015.

72. Van den Eertwegh, V.P.M. Unraveling postgraduate communication learning: From transfer

to transformative learning. Maastricht University, November 2015.

73. Jacobs, A. Conceptions of learning and teaching in teachers. Vrije Universiteit Maastricht,

September 2015.

74. Schlegel, C. Simulation and standardized patients in health professions education: the impact

of quality improvement. Maastricht University, June 2016.

75. Sörensen, J. Designing simulation-based medical education and the role of fidelity.

Maastricht University, June 2016.

76. Koops, W. Computer-supported collaborative learning in clinical clerkships:

Profits of an online asynchronous discussion forum for medical students during workplace

learning. Maastricht University, June 2016.

77. Ginsburg, S. Hidden in plain sight: The untapped potential of written assessment comments.

Maastricht University, September 2016.

78. Sagasser, G. Self-regulation and entrustment in workplace learning: An exploratory study in

postgraduate training for general practice. Radboud University, Nijmegen, September 2016.

79. Huwendiek, S. Virtual Patients for learning of clinical reasoning. Maastricht University,

November 2016.

Under supervision (supervisors in brackets)

1. Winslade, N. (McGill University, Canada) Assessment of continuing competence of

practising pharmacists, Maastricht University, Expected completion in 201 7. (Vander

Vleuten, Schuwirth, Tamblyn).

2. McGill, D. (Oxford University) Psychometric validation of work-based assessments. Oxford

University, University, Expected completion in 2017 (Clarke, Van der Vleuten).

Curriculum Vitae Cees P.M. van der Vleuten Page 133. Melo, B. Simulation training: how to develop an instructional design oriented scenario aiming

at transferability to clinical practice and clinical outcome. Maastricht University, Expected

completion in 2017.

4. Harrison, C. Feedback after Summative Assessment. Maastricht University, Expected

completion in 2017. (Van der Vleuten, Schuwirth, Konings, Wass)

5. Maas, M. (Radboud University Nijmegen) Script Concordance Testing in physiotherapy.

Radboud University Nijmegen, Expected completion in 2017. (Nijhuis, Van der Vleuten)

6. Yanofsky, S. Influence of Rater Characteristics on Rater Performance in Workplace-based

Assessment. Expected completion in 201 7. (Van der Vleuten, Nyquist, Gold)

7. Berkhout, J. (University of Amsterdam) Self-regulated learning in undergraduate medical

education. Expected completion in 2017. (Jaarsma, Van der Vleuten, Helmich, Teunissen),

8. De Jonge, L. Towards a deeper understanding of evaluator subjectivity: An in-depth

exploration of the language used in assessments. Expected completion in 2018. (Van der

Vleuten, Muris, Timmerman, Kramer)

9. Smirnova, A. On the relationship between quality of training and quality of health care.

Expected completion in 2017. (Van der Vleuten, Lombarts, Stalmeijer)

10. Bonvin, R. National Licensing Systems: Types and Effects on Pregraduate Training.

Expected completion in 2020. (Vander Vleuten, Govaerts)

11. Expected completion in 2019. Pacifico, J. Evaluating the Utility of Programmatic Assessment

in Post-graduate training. (Van der Vleuten, Heeneman, Stalmeijer, Sana)

12. Van der Meulen, Mirja. Exploration towards programmatic evaluation of physicians: profiling

the professional. Expected completion in 2019. (OudeEgberink, Heeneman, Lombarts, Van

der Vleuten).

13. Ramani, Subha. Improving feedback through transformation of departmental culture. (Van

der Vleuten, Könings)).

14. Schut, Suzanne. Understanding low stake assessment in programmatic assessment. Expected

completion in 2020. (Heeneman, Driessen, Van der Vleuten).

15. Matsuyama, Y. How does self-regulated learning develop and function in East Asian Medical

Education? Expected completion in 2020 (Van der Vleuten, Leppink)

16. Janssen, Xandra. What teachers need to create programs of assessment. Expected completion

in 2021. (Van der Vleuten, Sluijsmans).

17. De Jong, Lubberta. Undertsanding decision-making in programmatic assessment. Expected

completion in 2021 Utrecht University. (Kremer, Van der Vleuten, Bok).

18. Kellar, Jaimie. Defining the Good Pharmacist in Pharmacy Education in 21st Century North

America. Expected completion in 2021. (Oude Egberink, Van der Vleuten, Stalmeijer).

19. Nicholson, Joseph. Assessing entrustability in evidence-based medicine. Expected completion

in 2021. (Van der Vleuten, Kalet, Clarebout, De Bruin).

20. Porte, Petra. Competent use of medical tecnology. Expected completion in 2021 Utrecht

University. (Wagner, Van der Vleuten).

21. Schumacher, Daniel. Association Between Entrustment Decisions and Indicators of Quality

Care. Expected completion in 2020. (Van der Vleuten, Caraccio, Holmboe, Busari).

22. De Vos, Marlies. Assessors’ decision-making during performance assessments in vocational

education. Expected completion in 2021 Utrecht University. (De Bruijn, Van der Vleuten,


23. Zijlstra, Nienke. How programmes of assessment influence student learning. Expected

completion in 2021 Utrecht University. (De Bruijn, Van der Vleuten, Baartman).

Examiner in Doctoral Disseration Committee

1. Wolfhagen, I. Kwaliteitsbewaking van stages, Universiteit Maastricht, september 1992

2. Zuidweg, J. Diabeteskennistoetsen van huisartsen, Universiteit Maastricht, december 1993.

Curriculum Vitae Cees P.M. van der Vleuten Page 14

3. Jolly, B. Bedside Manners: Teaching and Learning in the hospital setting, Universiteit

Maastricht, november 1994.

4. Magzoub, M. Studies in Community-based Education, Universiteit Maastricht, november


5. Pollemans, M. Kennistoetsing bij huisartsen, Universiteit Maastricht, december 1994.

6. Goedhuys, J. De kwaliteit van het handelen van huisartsen-in-beroepsopleiding, Universiteit

van Leuven, februari 1997.

7. Van de Wiel, M. Knowledge encapsulation. Universiteit Maastricht, september, 1997.

8. Wiesman, F. Information retrieval by graphically browsing meta-information, Universiteit

Maastricht, mei 1998

9. De Grave, W. Probleemgestuurd leren als kennisconstructie. Universiteit Maastricht, juni


10. Mpofu, M. Introducing Problem-based Learning into a traditional medical school; student and

staff perceptions of the United Arab Emirates University’s innovation, Universiteit

Maastricht, november 1999

11. Winants, M. Coassistentschappen als inwijdingsritueel in de medische beroepscultuur;

Gender studies in het proces van socialisatie tot arts, februari 1999, Universiteit Maastricht

12. Nikkarinen, T. Evaluation model for continuing medical education: A case study, Department

of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Finland, November 2002.

13. Maiburg, B. Computer-based instruction on nutrition for general practice. Universiteit

Maastricht, June 2004.

14. Gorter, S. Rheumatologists’ daily practice performance; a study with incognito standardized

patients, Universiteit Maastricht, October 2003.

15. Boltjes, E. VOORBEELDig ONDERWIJS; voorbeeldgestuurd onderwijs, een opstap naar

abstract denken, vooral voor meisjes. Universiteit Maastricht, May 2004.

16. Bruynestein, K. Scoring methods for joint damage on plain radiographs in rheumatoid

arthritis: progressive understanding of methodological issues. Universiteit Maastricht, June


17. Eekelen, I. The way teachers learn. PBL in postgraduate medical training. Universiteit

Maastricht, June 2005.

18. Meng, C. Discipline-Specific or Academic ? Acquisition, Role and Value of Higher

Education Competencies. Universiteit Maastricht, January 2006.

19. Mamede, S. Reflective Practice in Medicine. Erasmus University Rotterdam, March 2006.

20. Dornan, T. Experience Based Learning. Learning clinical medicine in workplaces.

Universiteit Maastricht, May 2006.

21. Gulikers,.J. Authenticity is in the eye of the beholder: Beliefs and perceptions of authentic

assessment and the influence on student learning. Open Universiteit Nederland, November


22. Nijhuis, J. Learning strategies, students’characteristics and their perceptions of the learning

environment; an integrated study among business students. Universiteit Maastricht,

November 2006.

23. Biesman, R. Competences in Public Health. Universiteit Maastricht, April 2007.

24. Tempelaar, D. Expectancy-value based achievement motivations and their role in student

learning. Universiteit Maastricht, May 2007.

25. Marambe, K. Patterns of Student learning in medical education – A Sri Lankan study in

traditional curriculum. Universiteit Maastricht, June 2007.

26. Budé, L. On the improvement of students’conceptual understanding in statistics education.

Universiteit Maastricht, October 2007.

27. Derkx, H. ‘For your ears only’. Quality of telephone triage at out-of-hours centres in the

Netherlands June 2008.

28. Maiorova, T. The role of gender in medical specialty choice and general practice preferences.

Maastricht University, May 2009.

Curriculum Vitae Cees P.M. van der Vleuten Page 15

29. Van Hell, A. The clinical learning environment: transition, clerkship activities and feedback.

University of Groningen, December 2009.

30. Wetzels, S. Individualised strategies for prior knowledge activitation. Open University The

Netherlands, December 2009.

31. Lew, M. Student self-assessment in higher education. Erasmus University Rotterdam.

October 2010.

32. Rientjes, B. Understanding social interaction in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning.

The role of motivation on social interaction. Maastricht University, May 2010.

33. Stolper, E. Gut feelings in general practice. Maastricht University, February 2010.

34. Stalmeijer, R. Evaluating Clinical Teaching through Cognitive Apprenticeship. Maastricht

University, July 2011.

35. Malling, B. Managing work-based postgraduate medical education in clinical departments.

Maastricht University, July 2011.

36. Beausaert, S. The use of personal development plans in the workplace: effects, purposes and

supporting conditions. Maastricht University, October 2011.

37. Widyandana, D. Integrating pre-clinical skills training in skills laboratory and primary health

care centers to prepare medical students for their clerkships. Maastricht University, October


38. Kloppenburg, R. Inhoud, functie en kwaliteit van competentiegerichte assessments in social

work opleidingen (conten, function and quality of competency-based assessments in social

work training programs). Utrecht University, October 2011.

39. Overeem, K. Doctor performance assessment: development and impact of a new system.

Radboud University Nijmegen, November 2011.

40. Ying Liaw, S. Rescuing A Patient In Deteriorating Situations (RAPIDS). A programmatic

approach in developing and evaluating a simulation-based educational program. Maastricht

University, November 2011.

41. Zundert, M. Conditions of Peer assessment for Complex Learning. Maastricht University,

May 2012.

42. Ahmad, A. Development and assessment of nursing competency profile of registered nurses

in public teaching hospitals in Malaysia. University of Malaya, Malaysia, July 2012.

43. Van Roermund, T. How do postgraduate medical teachers develop their technical skills? A

study about the beliefs of teachers, and feedback of residents in academic day release

programmes. Radboud University, Nijmegen, January 2013.

44. Wijnen-Meijer, M. Readiness for clinical practice: Studies about transitions in medical

education, the influence of vertically integrated curricula and the assessment of readiness for

practice. Utrect University, February 2013.

45. Ladhani, Z. Community Based Education and Professional Competencies: A study of

institutional structures, perspectives and practices in Pakistan. Maastricht University, July


46. De Kleijn, R. Master’s Thesis Supervision: Feedback, interpersonal relationships, and

adaptivity. Utrecht University, September 2014.

47. Susilo, A. Learning to be the patient advocate: The development of a communication skills

course to enhance nurses’contribution to the informed consent process. Maastricht University,

October 2013.

48. Mpotos, N. Achievement and maintenance of high quality resuscitation skills: Automated

Learning through an Interactive Virtual Environment (ALIVE). Gent University, November


49. Boerebach, B. Evaluating clinicians’ teaching performance. University of Amsterdam,

November 2014.

50. Dirkx, K. Testing the testing-effect. An investigation of educationally relevant research of the

testing-effect among secondary school students. Open University, April 2014.

51. Hill, E. A cutting culture: gender and identification in the figured world of surgery.

Maastricht University, December 2014.

Curriculum Vitae Cees P.M. van der Vleuten Page 16

52. Boerebach, B. Evaluating clinicians’ teaching performance. University of Amsterdam,

January 2015.

53. Dirkx, K. Testing the testing-effect. An investigation of educationally relevant research of the

testing-effect among secondary school students, Open University, April 2015.

Supervisor Honorary Doctorate

Honorary Supervisor for Howard S. Barrows, on the occasion of the 25
anniversary of the University

of Maastricht, 12 January 2001.

Software Development

An approximate of 100 computer programmes to score, administer and archive examinations of the

medical school.


1984: Development of progress testing in Physiotherapy, Grant Organisation: Minister of

Education (€100.000)

1989: Computer-based assessment of clinical reasoning Grant Organization: IBMNederland, (€90.000,-)

1993: Assessment of medical expertise Grant Provider: Profileringsfonds RL (€90.000,-)

1995: Computerized Problem-based Testing, Grant Organization: Europian Union


1996 – 1998: Various studyabiliy funds (national government funds, Ministery of Education)

achieved in several faculties of the UM (€350.000)

2000 Dutch Research Council, Teacher portfolio development (€125.000; ref nr 411-21-


2001 Script Concordance Test and use of expertise (B.Charlin), Royal College of

Surgeons in Canada (US$ 28000)

2001: Development of Electronic portfolios. Stichting SURF, Utrecht. (€450.000; SURF 02.1271, Un of Utrecht, Higher Education Utrecht)

2004 European Portfolio Initiatives Coordination Committee, Eurepean Union Brussels

(€652.185; ref nr 2003- 4719 /001-001 EDU-ELEARN; partners: Eur Inst for

Elearning France, Centre for Educ Technology Interoperability Standards UK, Eur

School Net Belgium, Giunti Labs UK, Helsinki University of Technology Finland)

2007-2009: Electronic Virtual Patients, European Union Brussels (€250.000; ECP-2006-EDU-

410030; partners: St Georges Un of London, Karolinska Institutet, Ludwig

Maximiliaens Clinic Un of Muenchen, Un of Warwick, Fac of Med Heidelberg, Un

of Med and Pharm Cluj-Napoca, Un of Jagiellonski)

2007-2008: Medical Council of Canada (MCC), Towards a systems-based culture of

professional self-regulation through directed self-assessment (Can$50.000;

partners: Un of Dalhousie Can, Un of Calgary Can, McMaster Un Can, Manchester

Un UK, Am Board of Int Med USA)

2007-2009: Demand-driven longitudinal feedback in multisite progress testing, Stichting SURF,

Utrecht. (€250.000; ref nr OW07.0422; partners: Un of Groningen, Nij megen,


2010-2012: AdaPT, adaptieve voortgangstoetsing (adaptive progress testing). Stichting SURF,

Utrecht. (€120.000; partners: Cito, Arnhem)

2010-2013: VGTogether – samenwerken in voortgangstoetsing (collaboration on progress

testing). Stichting SURF, Utrecht. (€396.200; partners: Cito, Arnhem)

Curriculum Vitae Cees P.M. van der Vleuten Page 17

2011-2012 Dutch Research Council, Review on effective formative assessment strategies

(€50.000; ref nr 411 -11-697)

Academic Awards and Honours

1. Thomas Hale Ham Award for New Investigators 1989, American Association for Medical

Colleges for Kraan, H.F., Crijnen, A.A.M., Vleuten, C.P.M. van der & Imbos, Tj. (1989)

Comparison of self and expert evaluation of medical interviewing skills: A multitraitmultimethod approach. Proceedings of the Twenty-eigth Annual Conference on Research in

Medical Education.

2. Outstanding Publication Award 1990, American Educational Research Association Division

I, for Vleuten, C.P.M. van der & Swanson, D.B. (1990) Assessment of clinical skills with

standardized patients: State of the art. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 2, 58-76.

3. Cox Lectureship Academic Award 1993 Memorial University, St. John's Newfoundland,

Canada for scholarship in medical education.

4. Visiting Professor in 1994, Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University.

5. Cudmore Lectureship Academic Award 1996, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada; for

scholarship in medical education.

6. Visiting Professor of the Royal Society of Medicine, Paediatrics section, 1997, United


7. Thomas Hale Ham Award for New Investigators 1998, American Association for Medical

Colleges for Dolmans, D., Wolfhagen, I. & Vleuten, C.P.M. van der (1998) Motivational and

cognitive processes influencing tutorial groups. Academic Medicine.

8. Lord Cohen Lectureship, September 1999, Honorary Life Membership of Association for the

Study of Medical Education (ASME), United Kingdom

9. Terril A. Mast TLM Excellence Award 1999, for outstanding paper, published in Teaching

and Learning in Medicine, that has made a significant contribution to medical education

10. Best Publication Award Dutch College of General Practitioners 1999 for Ram, P., Grol, R.,

Rethans, JJ. & Vleuten, C.P.M. van der (1999) Videotoetsing van huisartsen in de eigen

praktijk (Video assessment of general practitioners in their own practice). Huisarts en

Wetenschap, 10, 39-46.

11. Outstanding Publication Award 2002, American Educational Research Association Division

I, for Norman, G.R., Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. & Newble, D.I. (Eds.) (2002) International

Handbook of Research in Medical Education. Vol I & II. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic


12. Spinoza Professorship 2004, University of Amsterdam.

13. John P. Hubbard Award, for significant contribution to research and development of

assessment of medical competence. National Board of Medical Examiners, Philadelphia,

USA, NBME Board Meeting, March 2005 (career award).

Curriculum Vitae Cees P.M. van der Vleuten Page 18

14. Fox Award for the Best Research Presentation at the Annual Meeting for J. Sargeant, K.

Mann, D. Sinclair, C. van der Vleuten, J. Metsemakers, P. Muirhead, Suzanne Ferrier, Family

physicians' learning in practice: Experiences of high-scorers. , Society for Academic

Continuous Medical Education (SACME), Austin Texas, USA, April 2005.

15. St Georges, University of London, 2007/8 Honorary Visiting Professor.

16. The Richard Farrow Gold Medal awarded by the Association for the Study of Medical

Education (ASME) in the UK for outstanding contribution to medical education (later called

the ASME Gold Medal Award), ASME Scientific Meeting, Leicester, United Kingdom,

September 2008 (career award).

17. Royal College Lecturer of the year 2009, The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of


18. Royal civil decoration: Officer in the Order of Orange-Nassau, in honour of the societal merit

of academic achievements, April 2010 (career award).

19. Research Chair, King Saud University, Riyahd, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1 June 2010 until

January 2012.

20. Honorary Professor in Assessment in Medical Education, Department of Surgery and Internal

Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 1 July 2010 – 1 July 2015.

21. Best paper by a New Investigator Award 2011, American Educational Research Association

Division I, for Govaerts, M., Schuwirth, L., Muijtjens, A. & van der Vleuten, C., "Assessing

Raters for Workplace-Based Assessment: A Cognitive Approach", April 2011.

22. Honorary Professor, Department of General Practice, Radboud University Nijmegen, The

Netherlands, 1 September 2011 – present.

23. Maastricht University ranked as number one on scientific productivity based on a literature

analysis of publications in medical education 1988-2010 with C.P.M van der Vleuten ranked

as the most productive author (Rotgans, J. I. (2011) The themes, institutions, and people of

medical education research 1988-2010: content analysis of abstracts from six journals. Adv

Health Sci Educ Theory Pract. 10.1007/s10459-011-9328-x)

24. Karolinska Institutet Prize for Research in Medical Education for outstanding scholarship in

research, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, October 2012 (career award).

25. Mentoring, Innovation and Leadership in Educational Scholarship (MILES) Award, 11
th Asia

Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC), Singapore, January 2014 (career award).

26. Honorary Professor, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom,

December 2012 – December 2015.

27. Adjunct Professor, School of Medicine, Western Sydney University, New South-Wales,

Australia, October 2013 – present.

28. Haydn William Fellow at Curtin University, 2014-2015, Perth, Australia.

Curriculum Vitae Cees P.M. van der Vleuten Page 19

29. Honorary Professor (Academic Level E) School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing

and Health Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia. 9 August 2014 – 8 August


30. Visiting Professor School of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the

Witwatersrand, Parktown, Johannesburg, South-Africa, 1 October 2014 – 30 September 2017.

31. 2014 Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions Award for Excellence in

Research for the paper: Durning, S.J., Ratcliffe, T., Artino, A.R., van der Vleuten, C.P.M,

Beckman, T.J., Holmboe, E., Lipner, R.S., Schuwirth, L.W.T. (2013) How is clinical

reasoning developed, maintained, and objectively assessed? Views from expert internists and

internal medicine interns. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions,


32. Cudmore Lectureship Academic Award 2015, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada; for

scholarship in medical education.

33. Honorary Fellow of the Academy of Medical Educators, October 2016, career award for an

outstanding contribution to both medical education and to the Academy.

34. Visiting Professor, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, United

States of America, 1 January 2017 – present.

Invited addresses/Keynotes/Lectures

1. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Toetsing als motor voor het leren (Assessment as a learning

engine). Invited lecture UC Leuven Limburg, Belgium, 5 January 2016.

2. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Een holistische visie op toetsing (A holistic view on assessment).

Leergang voor Onderwijskundig Leiderschap, Utrecht University, 15 January 2016.

3. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Pitfalls in conducting education research. College of Medicine

King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, 29 February – 1 March


4. Van der Vleuten. C.P.M. Taking evidence seriously: what would happen to our training

programmes? Invited lecture University of Namur, Namur, Belgium, 15 March 2016.

5. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Lessons learned in the assessment of Professional Competence.

Faculty of Medicine, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana, 11 May 2016.

6. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Naar een toekomst van programmatische toetsing (Towards a

future of programmatic assessment). Symposium Leren van Toetsen, Vlissingen, 3 June


7. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. A Programmatic Approach to Assessment. Keynote International

Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE) Education Conference, Leiden, 5 June


Curriculum Vitae Cees P.M. van der Vleuten Page 20

8. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Programmatic Assessment. Annual Scientific Meeting of the

Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME), Belfast, 7 July 2016.

9. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Crossing Boundaries in Assessment in Medical Education.

Academy of Medical Educators’ Sir Kenneth Calman Lecture, European Board of Medical

Assessors (EBMA)Annual Academic Conference, Exeter, UK, 14-15 October 2016.

10. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. A challenging different view on assessment. Grand Rounds, The

Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, USA, November 9, 2016.

11. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Crossing boundaries in Assessment. South East Asian Regional

Association for Medical Education (SEARAME) Myanmar, 16-18 November 2016.

12. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Why progress testing and what is it? Invited Lecture, University of

Bristol, 28 November 2016.

13. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Theoretical constructs and best practice in assessment. Keynote

lecture Perspectives in Competency Assessment, Touchstone Institute, Toronto, February


14. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. The future of assessment in medical education. Invited lecture

Keele University Medical Education Conference, Keele, UK, February 2015.

15. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. What would happen if we take evidence of educational research

more seriously? Invited address Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, February 2015.

16. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. A programmatic view on assessment. Marvin R Dunn Keynote at

the 2015 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, San Diego, March 2015.

17. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. A journey towards programmatic assessment 38th Annual Dr

Cudmore Memorial Lecture, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, May, 2015.

18. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Towards a future of programmatic assessment. Invited address

American Board of Pediatrics retreat on the “Future of Testing”, Durham NC, USA, May


19. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Programs of assessment in medical education. Invited lecture, New

York University School of Medicine, New York, USA, June 2015.

20. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Assessment of the future. Assessment Master Class Widening

Perspectives on Assessment, Cairns, Australia, July 2015.

21. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. The importance of assessment: A different view. Invited lecture

Monterrey Tech School of Medicine, Monterrey, Mexico, August 2015.

22. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. A journey towards programmatic assessment. Invited address

Medical Council of Canada’s 2015 Annual Meeting, September 2015.

23. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Assessment: A key tool in health professional education. Invited

address 2015 CERI Annual Research Symposium, Schulich School of Medicine &

Dentistry, London Ontario, Canada, September 2015.

Curriculum Vitae Cees P.M. van der Vleuten Page 21

24. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Lessons learned in the assessment of professional competence.

Invited address, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia, 23-November 2015.

25. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Concepts in assessment: from theory to practice. Invited lecture,

Qatar University, School of Medicine, Qatar, November 2015.

26. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. How learning may drive assessment: a personal journey. Keynote

lecture, 3rd International Conference Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Miri,

Sarawak, Malaysia, November 2015.

27. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Collaborative strategies on using Progress Testing. Invited

Address Asia Pacific Medical Education Conference (APMEC), Singapore, January 2014.

28. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Lessons learned in the assessment of professional competence.

Invited Lecture Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, January 2014.

29. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. State of the art in the assessment of professional competence.

Invited lecture, The Hull York Medical School, York, UK, February 2014.

30. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Assessment of competence: My personal journey. The Hodges

Education Scholarship International Symposium (THESIS), The Hodges Education

Scholarship International Symposium (THESIS). March 2014.

31. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Towards a future of programmatic assessment. Symposium

“Beyond Competence: Assessing for Quality and Excellence”, Western Sydney University,

Australia, April 2014.

32. Van der Vleuten, C.P.M. Programmatic assessment: a vision for the future. Sir Ewan

Waterman Oration, School of Medicine, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia, April



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