
Philippe Dubois

USERN Advisory Board

Philippe Dubois, Ph.D. in sciences, is full professor at University of Mons (UMONS, Belgium) and honorary senior research associate of the Belgian FNRS. He is currently director of the Center of Innovation and Research in Materials and Polymers (CIRMAP, ca. 160 persons) and Vice-President of the Institute of Research in Sciences and Engineering of Materials (Materials Institute, ca. 290 persons). Prof. Dubois is Scientific Director at Materia Nova Research Center in Mons and Past-President of the Belgian Royal Chemical Society. His expertise covers organic chemistry, macromolecular chemistry and applications in biomedical and electronic fields, catalysis in polymer materials, melt (reactive)processing/engineering and physico-chemical and thermo-mechanical characterization of nanocomposite and nanohybrid materials, incl. biodegradable polymers and biosourced polymers. He has authored ca. 560 peer-reviewed scientific publications (h-index:68, citations: 22500), 30 book chapters, 8 books and scientific special journal issues, and is inventor of 64 patents. Ph. Dubois is member of the editorial board of 15 leading journals in the field of polymers and composites. Ph. Dubois is currently Vice-Rector/Executive Vice-President of scientific research at UMONS and elected titular member of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Belgium.

Current academic positions

- Vice-rector for scientific research/executive vice-president of research, UMONS (B)
- Director/Founder member of the Center of Innovation and Research in Materials and Polymers (ca. 165 people)
at UMONS (B)
- Vice-President/Founder member of the Institute of Research in Sciences and Engineering of Materials (ca. 290
people) at UMONS (B)
- Founder member of the Inter-university Research Center in Science of Polymeric Materials, Mons-Liège (B)
- Adjunct Professor, Chemical Engineering Faculty, Michigan State University, Lansing (US)
- Visiting professor, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
- Guest professor, National Key-lab of Chemical Engineering de la Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
- Invited Professor at University of Namur (B)
- Adjunct Professor at University of Liège (B)
- Scientific collaborator at Gembloux AgroBio-Tech, ULg in Gembloux (B)


Current representative national and international distinctions and involvements

- Academician - Elected Titular Member of the “Académie Royale de Belgique” (Class of Sciences) (since 2010)
- Past President of the Belgium Royal Chemical Society (President in 2007/08)
- Scientific Director at Materia Nova asbl Research Center, Mons (B)
- Honorary Research Associate by the Belgian National Funds for Scientific Research FNRS (B)
- Vice-President of Japan-Belgium Association of Polymer Science (Japan/B)
- Member of International Research Committees/advisory boards of the “Ecole des Mines”, Alès (France), the
Center of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies, Lodz (Poland), Institute IMP at University Claude Bernard
Lyon 1 (France), Institute of Polymers of the Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia (Bulgaria), Expert for New
Eurasia Foundation FNE (Russia), Elected Member of Science Europe (PHYCHEMA committee).


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