André is presently a section leader in the CERN CMS team and is focused on the upgrade of the CMS endcap calorimeter for the HL-LHC phase, starting in the mid 2020s. The new calorimeter is a highly-granular silicon and scintillator detector, measuring space, time, and energy, and presents multiple scientific and engineering challenges.
Between 2015 and 2017, André co-convened the CMS Higgs Physics Analysis group. He used the CERN hostel for the first time in the year 2000 just before he decided to embark on a PhD in the NA60 fixed-target experiment. He worked on the silicon pixel and microstrip detectors of NA60 and his analysis of intermediate mass dimuon events paved the way for the discovery of thermal radiation shining off a QGP in heavy-ion collisions.
In 2006, André joined the CMS experiment where he led the commissioning of the ECAL. With the first LHC collision data, he went to perform the first LHC cross-section measurement of isolated single photon production.
Since 2010 that André was heavily involved in the search for - and later observation of - the Higgs boson in the diphoton decay channel. André's need to understand the big picture led him to become one of the conveners of the CMS Higgs Combination and Properties group, as well as CMS contact in the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group for exploring the properties of this new particle. Before the LHC Run 2, André was a major contributor to the CMS combination of Run 1 Higgs results, and was deeply involved in combinations between ATLAS and CMS, such as the LHC combined measurement of the Higgs boson mass, which is the scientific article with the largest ever number of co-authors.
André's interests include science communication and the usefulness of CERN for non-particle physicists in general. That is why he is a CERN official guide since 2004 and was involved with the CLOUD experiment for six years.
Last update: September 2021
Personal information:
Surname, First name TINOCO MENDES, André David
Address 19J rue du Jura, 01630 St. Genis Pouilly, France
Telephone Æ +41 75 411 3849
Nationality Portuguese
Date of birth February 28, 1977 Gender Male Personal situation Married, two children
CERN, CH-1211 Genève 23, Switzerland
Ó +41 22 76 76147 +41 22 76 68931 R [email protected]
Research interests
Use the LHC to understand electroweak symmetry breaking through the detailed characterization of
the 125 GeV boson.
End-to-end experimental particle physics: from simulation, prototyping and testing, through construction and commissioning, to data taking and data analysis.
Electronics for data acquisition and trigger.
Public awareness of fundamental research.
Work history
since 2017 Applied Physicist at CERN, Geneva
Working on the CMS experiment detector upgrades for the High-Luminosity LHC, with emphasis
on the High-Granularity Calorimeter. Responsible for the control and data acquisiton system of the
since 2017 Invited Professor at IST, Lisboa
Lecturing on advanced computational and analysis techniques applied to particle physics.
2019 Invited Professor at Università di Torino
Lecturing on Higgs physics and experimental methods and techniques.
2013–2017 Research Physicist at CERN, Geneva
Responsible for the measurement programme to characterize the newly found Higgs boson, using the
CMS experiment. Member of the team measuring the W boson mass in CMS.
3 Distinguished EPJ referee 2015.
3 2013 CMS Young Researcher Prize for “sustained and critical contributions to the preparation and commissioning of the electromagnetic calorimeter, to the search of the Higgs boson in its decay to photons, and to the combination of results from its various decay modes”.
3 2013 EPS HEPP Prize to the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations for “the discovery of a Higgs boson, as predicted by the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism”.
Jun 2009–Feb 2013 Researcher of LIP-Lisbon at CERN, Geneva
Responsible for accompanying the work of PhD students and active member of the CMS Run Coordination team. Heavily involved in photon-related analyses, especially in the first inclusive prompt
isolated photon cross-section measurement, in the low-mass Standard Model Higgs boson search with
di-photons, and the characterization of the newly found state.
3 2008 CMS Achievement Award for “key efforts on the ECAL DAQ and central operations”.
Jul 2006–Jun 2009 Post-doctoral fellow of LIP-Lisbon at CERN, Geneva
with Prof. João Varela, LIP-Lisbon and CERN.
Responsible for the development, test and deployment of the CMS ECAL DAQ software.
3 6-year Portuguese post-doctoral grant for studies abroad.
Feb 2006–Jul 2006 Post-doctoral fellow of CFTP-IST at CERN, Geneva
with Prof. João Seixas, IST-UTL, Lisboa.
Analysis of the intermediate mass region of the NA60 dimuon data.
Feb 2001–Feb 2006 Doctoral Student of CFTP-IST at CERN, Geneva
with Prof. João Seixas, IST-UTL, Lisbon and Dr. Carlos Lourenço, CERN.
Participation in all aspects of the NA60 particle physics experiment from conception to data analysis
at the CERN SPS.
3 3-year CERN Doctoral Studentship to work on the NA60 readout and data acquisition.
3 4-year Portuguese scholarship for doctoral studies abroad.
Jan 2000–Nov 2000 Graduate thesis at CFIF-IST, Lisbon
“Dimensional Regularisation of 4th-order Feynman Diagrams in Nuclear Physics”
3 1-year Portuguese scholarship for Initiation to Scientific Research.
Nov 1999–May 2000 Intern at INESC Microsystems and Nanotechnologies, Lisbon
with Prof. Paulo Freitas
Consultant for Nordiko UK on R&D of “Pulsed DC Magnetron Reactive Sputtering of Thick Al2O3
Coating for Wafer Passivation”
Research assistant on “Nanosecond Switching of Spin Tunneling Junctions for MRAM Applications”
Formal education
Apr 2018 Habilitation (“Agregação”) in Physics
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
2001–2006 Doctorate in Experimental Particle Physics
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
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vitæ of
André David
Prepared on October 2, 2019.
1995–2000 Diploma in Technological Physics Engineering
Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
since Oct 2017 Convener of the CMS HGCAL data acquisiton and front-end coordination group. (10 people)
Sep 2015–Sep 2017 Co-convener of the CMS Higgs Physics Analysis Group. (300 people)
2012–2016 Co-convener of the Higgs properties working group in the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group.
(50 people)
2008–2016 Part of a two-person team responsible for the online field operations of the CMS experiment at CERN
for periods of two to three weeks, many times during the LHC startup periods. (50+ people)
2013–2015 Co-convener of the Higgs combination and properties sub-group of the CMS experiment at CERN.
(20+ people)
2010–2015 Co-coordinator of the operations of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the CMS experiment at CERN.
(30 people)
2008–2009 Coordinator of the data acquisition system and trigger of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the CMS
experiment at CERN. (20 people)
Jun 2006–Mar 2008 Coordinator of the data acquisition systems for the CLOUD experiment at CERN. (5 people)
Jun 2006–Jan 2008 Deputy Coordinator of the data acquisition system for the Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the CMS
experiment at CERN. (20 people)
Dec 2004–Oct 2006 Technical Coordinator and Group Leader in Matters of Safety for the NA60 experiment at CERN. (30
Aug 2004–Nov 2004 Run Coordinator for the NA60 proton-nucleus run of 2004. (30 people)
Dec 2000–Mar 2004 Readout Electronics Coordinator for the Silicon Microstrip Telescope of the NA60 experiment. (5
Jul 2019 ttH and combination session chair
Higgs Hunting 2019, Paris, France.
2014–2017 Member of the International Advisory Committee for the Higgs Effective Field Theories workshop.
2014–2017 Member of the International Advisory Committee for the International Workshop on Higgs Couplings.
Jul 2017 Higgs and New Physics session co-convener
EPS-HEP 2017: European Physics Society Conf. on High Energy Physics, Venice, Italy.
Jun 2016 Higgs session co-convener
LHCP 2016: 4th Large Hadron Collider Physics Conf., Lund, Sweden.
since 2009 Local co-organiser of the CERN Portuguese Language Teachers Programme, a yearly week-long programme at CERN for highschool teachers of Physics, gathering some 70 participants from more than 5
portuguese-speaking countries.
Nov 2015 Session convener and International Advisory Committee member
HEFT 2015, Chicago, USA.
Oct 2015 Member of the organizing committee of the CMS LPC Precision Mass Measurements Retreat at FNAL.
Jun 2015 Member of the local organizing committee of the 2015 CERN-Fermilab Hadron Collider Physics Summer School at CERN.
Apr 2015 Higgs session co-convener
Standard Model at LHC 2015, Firenze, Italy.
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André David
Prepared on October 2, 2019.
Jun 2014 Higgs session co-convener
LHCP 2014: 2nd Large Hadron Collider Physics Conf., New York, New York.
Jun 2014 Higgs properties session co-convener
Workshop of LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group, CERN, Switzerland.
Apr 2014 Main co-organiser of and lecturer at the First CERN School Philippines, an event that gathered more
than a hundred students for an 8-day intensive program.
Sep 2012 CMS week in Lisbon, a week-long meeting of the CMS Collaboration that took place in Lisbon, bringing
together over 300 pepple.
Feb 2008 MEFT@CERN 2008, a week-long workshop at CERN for Portuguese Physics MSc students.
Sep 2007 Responsible for the visits of the Estágio no CERN - Professores de Escolas Portuguesas.
Oct 2006 MEFT@CERN 2006, a week-long workshop at CERN for Portuguese Physics MSc students.
Nov 2004 Local co-organiser of the First Int. Conf. on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear
Collisions, Ericeira, Portugal.
since 2016 Referee for the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong.
since 2017 External expert for the European Research Council (ERC) in the “Fundamental Constituents of Matter”
panel (PE2).
2017 Referee for the Czech Science Foundation.
2017 Referee of Particle Data Group Review of Particle Physics Higgs boson review.
2017 Scientist-in-charge for the CERN participation in the “HiggsTrain” ITN (H2020-MSCA-ITN-
2017/ETN/765721) proposal.
2017 Referee for the Royal Society of London.
2016 Referee for the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zürich.
2015 Referee for the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France).
2004–2013 Co-editor of yearly reports and grant proposals to the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal)
under the CERN Fund programme.
2008 Junior CERN liaison for the Portuguese Diplomatic Delegation during the CERN LHC Inauguration.
2008 Responsible for the TOTEM and LHC tunnel visit itinerary at CMS, LHC Point 5 during the CERN
LHC Open Day.
2006 Co-editor in two proposals to the European Union FP7 in the context of the CLOUD experiment at
Personal skills
and competencies
Direct supervision
Advanced training
since 2018 Bora Akgun, CERN post-doctoral applied fellow
“Electronics systems and system tests for the CMS HGCAL”
2014–2016 Nicholas Wardle, CERN post-doctoral research fellow
“Dark matter searches” and “Higgs boson measurement combinations”
2011–2012 Pasquale Musella, LIP-CMS post-doc
“H ! gg measurements”
Third cycle (PhD)
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André David
Prepared on October 2, 2019.
2012–2014 Cristóvão Silva, LIP-CMS PhD Student (Co-advisor: Prof. João Varela)
“Spin hypothesis testing in Higgs decay to diphotons and stau production”
2006–2010 Pasquale Musella, LIP-CMS PhD Student (Co-advisor: Prof. João Varela)
“Measurement of the inclusive photon production cross section and study of associated Wg production
in proton-proton collisions at the LHC” and “CMS ECAL DAQ base classes and infrastructure”
CMS Thesis award in 2011 (two in total in 2011)
2006–2007 Pedro Silva, LIP-CMS PhD Student (Co-advisor: Prof. João Varela)
“Implementation of a software test system to verify the operation of the ECAL DAQ off-detector electronics”
2005–2006 Pedro Martins and Pedro Parracho, Portuguese PhD Students (Co-advisor: Prof. João Seixas)
Students of CFTP-IST in the NA60 experiment working on data analysis and the data acquisition
Second cycle (MSc)
2019 Gwen Gardner, Cornell/BU student at CERN
“pyrame in Zynq SoC systems”
2018–2019 Patrick Sieberer, CERN technical student from Vienna
“HGC prototype detector development”
2018 Cyriel Corbier, CERN trainee from the Télécom Physique Strasbourg
“A hardware test system for the HGCAL detector modules”
2015 Sam Greydanus, Research Semester at CERN student from Dartmouth College, NH
“Calibrating of NLO QCD BSM against NLO QCD+EWK SM”
2015 Fariha Vardag, CERN summer student from Pakistan (Co-supervisor: Michael Dührssen)
“Electroweak corrections to high Q2 Higgs processes mimicking new physics”
2015 Nur Zulaiha Jomhari, CERN summer student from Malaysia (Co-supervisor: Michael Dührssen)
“Electroweak corrections to high Q2 Higgs processes mimicking new physics”
2014 Artiom Poluden, Vilnius University MSc Erasmus student at CERN
“Improvements to a GUI used to explore the inputs files used in extracting Higgs properties”
2014 Andrius Versockas, Vilnius University MSc Erasmus student at CERN
“Development of a GUI to explore the inputs files used in extracting Higgs properties”
2013 Jaana Heikkilä, CERN summer student from Finland
“Testing for mass-degenerate Higgs states”
2008–2009 João Simões, CERN Technical Student
“A visual database editor for the CMS ECAL configurations of DAQ, Trigger and front-end” and “A
tool for parametrized automatic generation of software configurations for the CMS ECAL DAQ”
2006–2007 Ana Vila Verde, CERN Technical Student
“An interactive monitoring system for the synchronization of the CMS calorimeters” and “Ultimate
resolution of silicon detectors in an NA60-like fixed-target experiment”
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Prepared on October 2, 2019.
First cycle
2019 Antra Gaile, CERN summer student from Latvia
“Time of arrival calibration of HGCAL prototype modules”
2019 Mélanie Adil, CERN trainee
“AXI streaming solutions in Zynq SoC applications”
2019 Sacha Cormenier, CERN trainee from the Télécom Physique Strasbourg
“IPBus performance over PCIe in the Serenity platform”
2019 Alice Faure, CERN trainee from the Télécom Physique Strasbourg
“Qualification of performance of 28G and 14G Firefly optical and electrical links in the Serenity platform”
2018 Deepak Choubey, visiting undergraduate student from India
“HGCAL beam test preparation and data analysis”
2016 Ujjwal Agarwal, CERN summer student from India
“Clustering for HGCAL” and “Analytic likelihood formulae in the presence of bounded parameters”
2015 Shivesh Mandalia, CERN summer student from the United Kingdom (Co-supervisor: Phil Harris)
“Study of the structure jets from parton hadronization”
2015 Abdulrahim Al Balushi, CERN summer student from Oman (Co-supervisor: Nicholas Wardle)
“Exact and deterministic application of data-MC corrections via quantile matching”
2014 Justin Alvarez, CERN summer student from the Philippines
“Using the HiggsML challenge to learn about machine learning”
2012 Angelo Marco Ramoso, CERN summer student from the Philippines
“Characterisation of 2HDM models with measured Higgs deviations”
2005 Chloe Berenguer, CERN summer student from France
“Effects of uncertainties of nuclear distribution functions in the results of Glauber models”
2003 Ronen Ingbir, CERN summer student from Israel
“Design of a readout hybrid circuit for a silicon pad sensor”
2002 Manuel Silva, Portuguese Summer Student at CERN
“Slow control and power system for the NA60 silicon micro-strip tracker”
2002 Artur Palha, Portuguese Summer Student at CERN
“A JTAG configuration system for the NA60 silicon micro-strip tracker”
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