
Pershia Davoodi


• Sep 2013- Feb 2021

Medical student, school of medicine , Islamic Azad University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, IR Iran

Dissertation title:

Association of early childhood obesity and asthma in children attending to Pediatric Medical Center in Tehran in 2019-2020

AdvisorDr.MHematyar , Pediatrician, IAUTMU , Tehran , IR Iran

• 2001-2013

Shahid Mahdavi Educational Complex , Tehran ,IR Iran



Islamic Azad University of Medical Sciences, Tehran ,IR Iran

Universal Scientific and Educational Network(USERN), Tehran, Iran

Special Qualifications and Skills


• Language Proficiency:

•  Persian  Native proficiency

  English-Full Professional proficiency (FCE certified)

•  Deutsch-median level proficiency

•  French- median level Proficiency

• Computer knowledge:

• Statistical Analysis 

      Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)

• Reference organizer programs



• Scientific Visualization


• Fathi M, Davoodi P, Semyari N, Ildarabadi A, FayaziN, et al. Dysmenorrhea and Quality of Life: A Cross-sectional Survey Among Medical Students. IntervPain Med Neuromod. 2022;2(1):e132793.


Certifications and Professional Associations

USERN Research Week Workshops:

March 4th,2023

Scientific Writing  

March 5th ,2023 

Journal Selection, Submission , and Peer-Review      

March 6th,2023

Basic Statistics

March 11th,2023

Systematic Review

March 12th,2023


March 13th ,2023

Editing books with International Publishers


August 12th, 2022

USERN FNRC “Scientific Writing “ workshop


5th USERN Lab Techniques School(July2023):

DNA Extraction, qPCR and Electrophoresis

RNA Extraction, cDNA synthesis and Real-Time PCR

Fundamentals of Cell Culture


Western Blot

Lab Animal Techniques


Primer Design


Advanced Molecular Biology

Tissue Engineering


Systems Biology


10th USERN Research Week (2023):

Statistical Analysis with R


FNRC and NINI's Summer School Workshops (Sep.2023):

Scientific Proposal

Research Methodology and Scientific Writing

Linkedin in Medical Sciences


AI in Medical Research

Submission and Ethics in Research

Searching in Scientific Databases

Invention;from Ideation to Patenting



Systematic Review

Original Article Writing

Designing Figures in Scientific Articles


Graduated USERN Research Internship 2023

Poster presentation at the 8th international USERN congress held in Yerevan-Armenia 2023 

6th USERN Laboratory Techniques School(Feb. 2024): bioanformatics

7th USERN Laboratory Techniques School(Aug. 2024):Principles of molecular tests (DNA extraction& PCR)

USERN Laboratory Techniques Internship 2024 (currently participating)


Community Involvement

• Member of Red Crescent Youth Organization in Iran(2015-Present)



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