
Ravi Agarwal

USERN Advisory Board


April, 2016

Name : Ravi P Agarwal

Present Position : Professor & Chairman

Address : Department of Mathematics

Texas A&M University-Kingsville

Kingsville, TX 78363, U.S.A.

[email protected]; 1(361)5932600(o_ce) 1(361)2211388(personal)

Doctor Honoris Causa : Universitatea \Ovidius" din Constanta, Romania

Profesor Honoris Causa : Universitatea Babe_s-Bolyai Din Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Degrees : Master in Science (1969) Agra Univ., 1st class, 2nd position

Ph.D. (1973) Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India

Field of Research : Numerical Analysis, Di_erential and Di_erence Equations,

Inequalities, and Fixed Point Theorems

Research Experience : 46 years

Research Publications : About 1400 research papers in the following Journals

and Series:

1. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae

2. Acta Mathematica Hungarica

3. Advances in Di_erence Equations

4. Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Application

5. Aequationes Mathematicae

6. Analele Stiinti_ce ale Universitatii. `Al. I. Cuza' din Iasi

7. Annales Polonici Mathematici

8. Applied Mathematics and Computation

9. Applied Mathematics Letters

10. Applicable Analysis

11. Archivum Mathematicum (Brno)

12. Atti della Accad. Nazionale Dei Lincei

13. BIT

14. Boundary Value Problems

15. Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica

16. Bulletin UMI

17. Chinese Journal of Mathematics

18. Communications in Applied Analysis

19. Communications in Applied Numerical Methods

20. Computers and Mathematics with Applications

21. Di_erential and Integral Equations

22. Dynamic Systems and Applications

23. *Dynamic Systems and Applications, Dynamic Publishers

24. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems

25. Fixed Point Theory and Applications

26. Fluid Dynamics Research

27. Functional Di_erential Equations

28. Funkcialaj Ekvacioj

29. Georgian Mathematical Journal

30. Hiroshima Mathematical Journal

31. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics

32. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

33. International Journal of Computer Mathematics

34. *International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Birkhauser

35. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics

36. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis

37. Journal of Approximation Theory

38. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A

39. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series B

40. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

41. Journal of Di_erence Equations and Applications

42. Journal of Di_erential Equations

43. Journal of Inequalities and Applications

44. Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society

45. Journal of the London Mathematical Society

46. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

47. Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

48. Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis

49. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications

50. Korean Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

51. *Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer-Verlag

52. Mathematica Slovaca

53. Mathematical Inequalities and Applications

54. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences

55. Mathematical and Computer Modelling

56. Mathematical Problems in Engineering: Theory, Methods and Applications

57. Mathematics Seminar Notes, Kobe University

58. Mathematika

59. Mathematische Nachrichten

60. *Matscience Reports

61. Neural, Parallel and Scienti_c Computations

62. Nonlinear Analysis Forum

63. Nonlinear Analysis : Theory, Methods and Applications

64. Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications

65. Nonlinear World

66. *North-Holland Mathematics Studies

67. PanAmerican Mathematical Journal

68. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society

69. *Proceedings of the Conference of ISTAM

70. *Proceedings of the International Conference on Di_erence Equations and Applications,

Gordon and Breach

71. *Proceedings of the First World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, Walter de


72. Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences

73. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh

74. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society

75. *Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, American Math. Soc.

76. Proceedings of the Tamil Nadu Acad. Sci.

77. Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences

78. Results in Mathematics

79. Rivista di Math. della Univ. Parma

80. Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics

81. Series in Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Gordon and Breach

82. *Stability and Control: Theory, Methods and Applications, Gordon and Breach

83. Studies in Applied Mathematics

84. Tamkang Journal of Mathematics

85. Tohuku Mathematical Journal

86. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis

87. Utilitas Mathematica

88. ZAA

89. ZAMM

(* Conference Proceedings/ Special Volumes)

Monographs and Books:

(1) R.P. Agarwal, Boundary Value Problems for Higher Order Di_erential Equations,

World Scienti_c, Singapore, Philadelphia, 1986, p. 307.

`This comprehensive monograph provides an exhaustive state of the art coverage

of basic results on boundary value problems associated with higher{order di_erential

equations. It is without question one of the most through reviews I have seen, on

any subject. Those doing research in this _eld would be well advised to refer to this

work. The author consistently poses questions to researchers who are looking for open

problems.' (Mathematical Reviews)

`The monograph is an excellent account of the various techniques available in

the literature to prove existence and uniqueness of various boundary value problems

which occur in applications. Graduate students and research mathematicians will

_nd it very useful.' (Zentralblatt fur Mathematik)

(2) R.P. Agarwal and R.C. Gupta, Essentials of Ordinary Di_erential Equations,

McGraw-Hill Book Co., Singapore, New York, 1991, p.467.

(3) R.P. Agarwal, Di_erence Equations and Inequalities : Theory, Methods and

Applications, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1992, p.777.

`This book is a virtual encyclopedia of results concerning di_erence equations. It

is well written and is easy to read. This book covers over 400 recent publications.

This book should not only be of interest to mathematicians and statisticians but

also to electrical engineers, biologists, economists, psychologists, and sociologists to

name a few. This indeed is a very good book to have in ones own personal library.'

(Mathematical Reviews)

`This new monograph combines all aspects of the theory and methods of solutions

of di_erence equations and their applications in real world problems providing in{

depth coverage of more than 400 recent publications. This monograph with the

wealth of information it contains is very well come.' (Newsletter on Computational

and Applied Mathematics)

`This book contains a complete account of standard results concerning di_erence

equations, as well as an extensive discussion of recent papers concerning the theory

and practice of their solutions. This book should be useful both as textbook and for

reference.' (Mathematika)

`This book is essential for the enrichment of knowledge in mathematics, physics

and statistics. The comprehensive compilation of the book is useful for researchers of

natural philosophy.' (Indian J. Physics)

`Comprehensive treatment develops discrete versions of Rolle's, mean value, Kneser's

theorems_ _ _' (The American Mathematical Monthly)

`This excellent monograph combines all aspects of the theory and methods of

solutions of di_erence equations and their applications providing in{depth coverage

of more than 400 recent publications. It serves as a basic reference for mathematicians

and users of mathematics interested in di_erential and di_erence equations and their

applications.' (Acta Sci. Math. Szeged)

`It is a de_nite reference for applied mathematicians, numerical analysts, physicists,

engineers, and graduate{level students in courses on di_erence equations.' (INSPEC

The Institute of Electrical Engineers)

`Focusing on a wide range of possible mathematical uses, the book o_ers various

methods of solving linear and nonlinear di_erence equations.' (Bulletin Bibliographique)

`Deals with the many aspects of di_erence equations including theory, methods

of solutions, and applications. Reviews more than 400 recent related publications.'

(The New York Public Library)

(4) R.P. Agarwal and V. Lakshmikantham, Uniqueness and Nonuniqueness Criteria

for Ordinary Di_erential Equations, World Scienti_c, Singapore, 1993, p. 312.

`The book is devoted to a branch of the theory of di_erential equations that is

classical on the one hand but still alive and developing on the other hand. The book

is very interesting and well written. It is warmly recommended to any student in

analysis and to any specialist in the theory of di_erential equations.' (Mathematical

Reviews and Zentralblatt fur Mathematik)

(5) R.P. Agarwal and P.J.Y.Wong, Error Inequalities in Polynomial Interpolation

and Their Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1993, p.365.

`A main theme of this book lies behind the selection and organization of the material

in it is the use of interpolation in the theory of ordinary di_erential equations_ _ _ :

It will no doubt _nd uses among specialists in di_erential equations. Otherwise, the

wealth of detail and the precision of the error estimates in it go beyond what is generally

available in book or monograph form and commend the work to a more general

audience.' (Journal of Approximation Theory)

(6) R.P. Agarwal and R.C. Gupta, Solutions Manual to Accompany Essentials of

Ordinary Di_erential Equations, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Singapore, New York, 1993,


(7) R.P. Agarwal and P.Y.H. Pang, Opial Inequalities with Applications in Differential

and Di_erence Equations, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1995,


`The monograph under review presents a complete survey of results related to

the Opial's inequality developed over the last three decades_ _ _. The book under

review is very well written and most of the material is presented with detailed proofs.

The book can be warmly recommended not only to specialist working in the area of

mathematical analysis and applications but also to graduate students, engineers and

researchers in the applied sciences.' (Zentralblatt fur Mathematik)

(8) R.P. Agarwal and P.J.Y. Wong, Advanced Topics in Di_erence Equations,

Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1997, p.507.

`One of the specialists in the _eld is without doubt Ravi P Agarwal. His previous

book Di_erence Equations and Inequalities (1992) is a survey of the theory of

di_erence equations and contains a wealth of information for the researchers. This

new book, co{authored by Patricia J. Y. Wong, can be seen as an update of the _rst

one_ _ _ : The results in this book are of great interest to other specialists in the _eld.

This book o_er an easy way to get access to them.' (Mathematical Reviews)

`The book contains a collection of recent results and it will serve as a reference

book for researchers in discrete dynamical systems and their applications and reader

will also _nd material, which is not available in other books on di_erence equations.

It will also be of interest to graduate students interested in the theory of _nite di_erence

equations and their applications. The presentation is clear and it is a welcome

addition to the literature.' (Zentralblatt fur Mathematik)

(9) R.P. Agarwal, Focal Boundary Value Problems for Di_erential and Di_erence

Equations, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1998, p.289.

`Agarwal's great knowledge of the literature in this area makes this book very

appealing. The book will be useful for a graduate course concerned with boundary

value problems for either di_erential equations or di_erence equations. It also would

be an excellent book for mathematicians doing research in this area.' (Mathematical


(10) R.P. Agarwal, D. O'Regan and P.J.Y. Wong, Positive Solutions of Di_erential,

Di_erence and Integral Equations, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,

1999, p.417.

`The majority of the book is devoted to some of the recent developments by the

authors. The book should be a good reference book and the extensive bibliography

could prove to be very helpful. In addition, the examples at the end of each chapter

are a good source of illustrative material.' (Mathematical Reviews)

(11) R.P. Agarwal, Di_erence Equations and Inequalities: Second Edition, Revised

and Expended, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2000, xv+980pp.

(12) R.P. Agarwal, M. Meehan and D. O'Regan, Fixed Point Theory and Applications,

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001, 170pp.

(13) R.P. Agarwal, S.R. Grace and D. O'Regan, Oscillation Theory for Di_erence

and Functional Di_erential Equations, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000,


`This good monograph contains some of the recent developments in the oscillation

theory of di_erence and functional-di_erential equations (FDEs)... It provides an

excellent reference to the recent work for research workers in this interesting _eld.'

(Mathematical Reviews)

(14) R.P. Agarwal and D. O'Regan, In_nite Interval Problems for Di_erential,

Di_erence and Integral Equations, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2001,


`This book develops the basic ideas used in proving the existence of solutions to

boundary value problems on in_nite intervals and it mainly contains the results which

the authors have obtained in their research during the last decade.' Mathematical


(15) R.P. Agarwal, M. Meehan and D. O'Regan, Nonlinear Integral Equations

and Inclusions, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2001, 362pp.

(16) R.P. Agarwal, S.R. Grace and D. O'Regan, Oscillation Theory for Second

Order Linear, Half{linear, Superlinear and Sublinear Dynamic Equations, Kluwer

Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 2002, 672pp.

`Those who are already in the _eld will welcome the systematic organization of

the material and _nd the book to be a valuable reference.' (Mathematical Reviews)

(17) R.P. Agarwal, S.R. Grace and D. O'Regan, Oscillation Theory for Second

Order Dynamic Equations, Taylor & Francis, U.K., 2003, 404pp.

`The authors study systematically various techniques about oscillation and nonoscillation

of each type of equations. There are numerous examples in each chapter and

each chapter ends with detailed historical notes and an extensive list of references.

The book is very readable and it is a valuable source and an important contribution

to oscillation theory.' (Mathematical Reviews)

(18) R.P. Agarwal and D. O'Regan, Singular Di_erential and Integral Equations

with Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003, 402pp.

`The authors have produced a monograph in which they present some of the

recent development in existence of solutions theory of nonlinear singular integral and

di_erential equations. In addition to theory, the monograph focuses on applications.

Much of the material focuses on recent developments of the authors. A primary

purpose of the monograph is to provide a readable account and introduce the material

to a broader audience.' (Mathematical Reviews)

(19) R.P. Agarwal, M. Bohner and W.-T. Li, Nonoscillation and Oscillation Theory

for Functional Di_erential Equations, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2004, 376pp.

(20) R.P. Agarwal, M. Bohner, S.R. Grace and D. O'Regan, Discrete Oscillation

Theory, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2005, 1000pp.

`This is truly a compendium of many di_erent results, all having a relation in

some way to results which may or may not be fairly well known for the continuous

case. One of the very useful features of this book is the discussion at the end of each

chapter of the results presented and references to the original sources, as far as the

authors are aware. Moreover, the authors have included a large number of examples

throughout which serve to illustrate the many and varied results which are obtained.

All of the authors are very well known in oscillation theory and have all contributed

a great deal to this area. It is indeed a useful addition to the literature to have such

a comprehensive survey of the area and to point the direction to new results. It will

serve as a valuable reference in the area for many years to come.' (Mathematical


(21) R.P. Agarwal and D. O'Regan, An Introduction to Ordinary Di_erential

Equations, Springer, New York, 2008.

(22) R.P. Agarwal and D. O'Regan, Ordinary and Partial Di_erential Equations

with Special Functions, Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems, Springer, New

York, 2009.

(23) R.P. Agarwal, D. O'Regan and D.R. Sahu, Fixed Point Theory for Lipschitzian{

type Mappings with Applications, Springer, New York, 2009

(24) R.P. Agarwal, S. Ding and C.A. Nolder, Inequalities for Di_erential Forms,

Springer, New York, 2009.

(25) K. Perera, R.P. Agarwal and D. O'Regan, Morse Theoretic Aspects of p{

Laplacian Type Operators, Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Volume 161,

American Mathematical Society, Providence Island, 2010.

(26) R.P. Agarwal, K. Perera and S. Pinelas, An Introduction to Complex Analysis,

Springer, New York, 2011.

(27) S.K. Sen and R.P. Agarwal, _; e; _ with MATLAB: Random and Rational

Sequences with Scope in Supercomputing Era, Cambridge Scienti_c Publishers,

Cambridge, 2011.

(28) R.P. Agarwal, L. Berezansky, E. Braverman and A. Domoshnitsky, Nonoscillation

Theory of Functional Di_erential Equations with Applications, Springer, New

York, 2012.

(29) A. Aral, V. Gupta and R. P. Agarwal, Applications of q{Calculus in Operator

Theory, Springer, New York, 2013.

(30) R.P. Agarwal, D. O'Regan and P.J.Y. Wong, Constant{Sign Solutions of

Systems of Integral Equations, Springer, New York, 2013.

(31) V. Gupta and R. P. Agarwal, Convergence Estimates in Approximation

Theory, Springer, New York, 2014.

(32) R.P. Agarwal, D. O'Regan and S.H. Saker, Oscillation and Stability of Delay

Models in Biology, Springer, New York, 2014.

(33) R.P. Agarwal, D. O'Regan and S.H. Saker, Dynamic Inequalities on Time

Scales, Springer, New York, 2014.

(34) R.P. Agarwal, C. Cuevas and C. Lizama, Regularity of Di_erence Equations

on Banach Spaces, Springer, New York, 2014.

(35) R.P. Agarwal and S.K. Sen, Creators of Mathematical and Computational

Sciences, Springer, New York, 2014.

(36) S.K. Sen and R.P. Agarwal, Zero, A Landmark Discovery, the Dreadful Void,

and the Ultimate Mind, Academic Press, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2015, pp. 157.

(37) H.K. Pathak, R.P. Agarwal and Y.J. Cho, Functions of a Complex Variables,

CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2015, pp. 718.

(38) R.P. Agarwal, E. Karapinar, D. O'Regan and A.F. Rodan-Lopez-de-Hierro,

Fixed Point Theory in Metric Type Spaces, Springer, New York, 2015, pp385.

Teaching and Other Experiences:

1. 44 years, various courses for B.Sc., M.Sc., B.E. and M.E.

2. U.G.C. Visiting Professor, Marathwada University, Aurangabad (February, 1979).

3. Visiting Scientist, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (September 1979).

4. Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation Fellow at der Ludwig - Maximilians Universit

at, Munchen, with Prof. Dr. G. Hammerlin. (1980-81)

5. Visiting Professor, Instituto Matematico, Firenze, Italy (1981-82), with Prof.

Roberto Conti.

6. Visiting Scientist, International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (April

1982, April 1983).

7. Visiting Scientist, The University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada (April-May

1983, April 1986).

8. Visiting Scientist, The University of Western Australia (April 1989).

9. Visiting Professor, University of Saskatchewan, Canada (April 1991).

10. Visiting Scientist, JSPS Cooperation Programmes, Japan (June 1991).

11. Visiting Professor, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy (June 1995).

12. Visiting Professor, University of Delaware, U.S.A. (June 1997{May 1998).

13. Visiting Professor, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy (December 2007).

14. Visiting Professor, University of Roma, Italy (May 2007).

15. Visiting Professor, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy (June 2008).

16. KFUPM Chair Professor, King Fahd Univ. Petro. Minerals, Saudi Arabia

(June 2010).

17. KFUPM Chair Professor, King Fahd Univ. Petro. Minerals, Saudi Arabia

(May-July 2011).

18. Honorary Distinguished Professor, King Abdual Aziz University, Saudi Arabia


Thesis Direction:

1. P.R. Krishnamoorthy, Boundary Value Problems for Higher Order Di_erential

Equations, Ph.D. thesis, University of Madras, 1979.

2. E. Thandapani, On Continuous and Discrete Inequalities, Ph.D. thesis, University

of Madras, 1981.

3. P.J.Y. Wong, On Two-Point Boundary Value Problems, Honours Project, National

University of Singapore, 1984.

4. F.C. Weng, On the Oscillatory Behaviour of Second Order Delay Di_erential

Equations, Honours Project, National University of Singapore, 1985.

5. G.L. Meng, Maximum Principles for Higher Order Di_erential Inequalities, Honours

Project, National University of Singapore, 1987.

6. P.J.Y.Wong, Error Bounds for Quintic and Biquintic Spline Interpolation, Masters

thesis, National University of Singapore, 1987.

7. Ng Bee Cheow, On Gronwall's Inequality and its Applications, Honours Project,

National University of Singapore, 1988.

8. Goh Lee Leng, Uniqueness of Initial Value Problems, Honours thesis, National

University of Singapore, 1988.

9. P.J.Y. Wong, Sharp Polynomial Interpolation Error Bounds for Derivatives and

their Applications, Ph.D. thesis, National University of Singapore, 1991.

10. Lim Ee Tuo, Nonlinear Variation of Parameters for Di_erential and Di_erence

Equations, Honours Project, National University of Singapore, 1992.

11. Chan Kwok Leong, Opial Type Inequalities, Honours Project, National University

of Singapore, 1993.

12. Ngan Ngiap Teng, Gram Matrices, Inequalities and Applications, Honours Project,

National University of Singapore, 1994.

13. T.A. Smith, On Periodic Solutions of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations of the

Fourth Order, Ph.D. thesis, Florida Institute of Technology, U.S.A. 2006.

Citations : Over 10750 (MathSciNet) and 33,000 ( in the following

Journals and Series are known.

1. Acta Math. Hungar.

2. Advances in Computational Mathematics

3. Advances in Di_erence Equations

4. Annales Polonici Mathematici

5. Appl. Math. Comp.

6. Appl. Math. Letters

7. Applicable Analysis

8. Archiv der Mathematik

9. Arch. Math. (Brno)

10. Astrophysics and Space Science

11. Boundary Value Problems

12. Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.

13. Comm. Appl. Numer. Methods

14. Computers Math. Applic.

15. Computing

16. CWI Monograph, North-Holland

17. Czech. Math. Jour.

18. de Gruyter Series in Nonlinear Analysis and Applications

19. Di_erential and Integral Equations

20. Dynamic Systems and Applications

21. Fixed Point Theory and Applications

22. Funkcialaj Ekvacioj

23. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control

24. Int. Jour. Comp. Math.

25. Int. Series of Numer. Math.

26. Izv. Akad. Nauk. Arm. SSR, Mathematika

27. Jour. Approximation Theory

28. Jour. Comp. Appl. Math.

29. Jour. Comp. Physics

30. Jour. Di_erence Equations and Appl.

31. Jour. Di_erential Equations

32. Jour. Inequalities and Applications

33. Jour. Math. Anal. Appl.

34. Jour. Mathl. Phyl. Sci.

35. Mathematical and Computer Modelling

36. Mathematics and its Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers

37. Mathematics in Science and Engineering, Academic Press, Inc.

38. Mathematics Studies, North Holland

39. Mathematika

40. Nonlinear Analysis : TMA

41. Nonlinear Times and Digest

42. Numerische Mathematik

43. Pitman Advanced Publishing Program

44. Prentice Hall Series in Computational Mathematics

45. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.

46. Proc. R. Soc. London

47. Proc. Royal Society of Edinburgh

48. Rocky Mountain J. Math.

49. SIAM J. Math. Anal.

50. SIAM Review

51. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.

52. World Scienti_c Series in Applicable Analysis

53. ZAA

54. ZAMM

Refereed more than 8000 papers for the following Journals:

1. Journal of Di_erential Equations

2. Journal Approximation Theory

3. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

4. Nonlinear Analysis

5. Applicable Analysis

6. Applied Mathematics Letters

7. Applied Mathematics & Optimization

8. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

9. Communications in Applied Numerical Methods

10. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering

11. Computers & Mathematics with Applications

12. Advances in Computational Mathematics

13. Dynamic Systems and Applications

14. Journal of Di_erence Equations and Applications

15. Archivum Mathematicum

16. Mathematical and Computer Modelling

17. Mathematische Nachrichten

18. Japan Jour. Indusl. Appl. Math.

19. International Journal of Math. and Mathl. Sciences

20. International Journal of Numer. Methods Engg.

21. Jour. Appl. Math. Simulation

22. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control

23. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.

24. Numer. Methods Partial Di_. Equns.

25. Jour. Austral. Math. Soc.

26. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.

Service as a reviewer of research monographs: Refereed several research

monographs for Kluwer Academic, Springer{Verlag and World Scienti_c publishers.

I have also written reviews for several monographs in the journal SIAM


Member of the Editorial Boards:

1. Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Springer, U.S.A.

2. Editor-in-Chief, Advances in Di_erence Equations, Springer, U.S.A.

3. Editor-in-Chief, Boundary Value Problems, Springer, U.S.A.

4. Editor-in-Chief, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, Springer, U.S.A.

5. Editor, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, Elesiver, The

Netherlands (till 2012)

6. Editor, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Elesiver, The Netherlands

(till 2012)

7. Senior Editor, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier, The Netherlands

(till 2013)

8. Editor, Series in Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Gordon and Breach,


9. Editor, World Scienti_c Series in Applicable Analysis, World Scienti_c, Singapore.

10. Editor, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Pushpa Publishing House,

India.(till 2008)

11. Associate Editor, Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Application, Japan.

12. Honorary Editor, Applicable Analysis, Gordon and Breach, U.K. (till 2012)

13. Associate Editor, Applied Mathematics Letters, Elsevier, The Netherlands.(till


14. Associate Editor, Archivum mathematicum, Masaryk Univ., Brno, Czech Rep.

(till 2007)

15. Associate Editor, Communications in Applied Analysis, Dynamic Publishers,


16. Associate Editor, Communications in Applied Nonlinear Analysis, International

Publications, U.S.A.(till 2012)

17. Associate Editor, Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society, Korea.(

till 2010)

18. Associate Editor, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Elsevier, The

Netherlands.(till 2012)

19. Associate Editor, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems,

University of Waterloo, Canada.

20. Associate Editor, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems (series

B, Applied Mathematics), University of Waterloo, Canada.(till 2008)

21. Associate Editor, Facta Universitatis: Mathematics and Informatics, University

of Nis, Yugoslavia.

22. Associate Editor, Functional Di_erential Equations, The Research Institute,

College of Judea and Samaria, Israel.

23. Associate editor, International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Academic Publications,


24. Associate Editor, International Journal of Computational and Numerical Analysis

and Applications, Academic Publishers, Bulgaria

25. Associate Editor, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Gordon and

Breach, U.K.(till 2009)

26. Associate Editor, International Journal of Di_erential Equations and Applications,

Academic Publications, Bulgaria.

27. Associate Editor, Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society

28. Associate Editor, Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics,


29. Associate Editor, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Academic

Press, U.S.A (Till 2007)

30. Associate Editor, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Yokohama Publishers,


31. Associate Editor, The Korean Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,

Korea (till 2010)

32. Associate Editor, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Elsevier, The Netherlands.

(till 2012)

33. Associate Editor, Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, Zagreb, Croatia.

34. Associate Editor, Mathematical Sciences Research Hot-Line, International Publications,

U.S.A. (till 2009)

35. Associate Editor, Memoirs on Di_erential Equations and Mathematical Physics,

Publishing House GCI, Tiblisi, Republic of Georgia.

36. Associate Editor, Neural, Parallel and Scienti_c Computations, Dynamic Publishers,


37. Associate Editor, Nonlinear Di_erential Equations: Theory, Methods and Applications,

Andhra University, India.

38. Asociate Editor, Nonlinear Analysis Forum, Korea.

39. Associate Editor, Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, Kyungnam

University Press, Korea.

40. Associate Editor, Nonlinear Oscillations, The Publication of the Institute of

Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine

41. Associate Editor, PanAmerican Mathematical Journal, International Publications,

U.S.A. (till, 2012)

42. Associate Editor, Journal of Mathematical Control Science and Applications,

International Science Press, India.

43. Associate Editor, East Asian Mathematical Journal, The Busan Gyeongnam

Mathematical Society, Korea.

44. Associate Editor, Analele Stiinti_ce ale Universitatii Ovidius din Constanta,


Editorial Work:

1. Numerical Mathematics, Singapore, (with Y. M. Chow and S. J. Wilson) International

Series of Numerical Mathematics, Volume 86. Birkhauser Verlag,

Basel, 1988, p. 526.

2. Recent Trends in Di_erential Equations, World Scienti_c Series in Applicable

Analysis, Volume 1, 1992, p.583.

3. Contributions in Numerical Analysis,World Scienti_c Series in Applicable Analysis,

Volume 2, 1993, p.475.

4. Inequalities and Applications, World Scienti_c Series in Applicable Analysis,

Volume 3, 1994, p.592.

5. Advances in Di_erence Equations, Special issue: Computers and Mathematics

with Applications, Pergaman - Press, Volume 28 Numbers 1-3 (1994), pp 1-332.

6. Dynamical Systems and Applications, World Scienti_c Series in Applicable

Analysis, Volume 4, 1995, p.700.

7. Recent Trends in Optimization Theory and Applications, World Scienti_c Series

in Applicable Analysis, Volume 5, 1995, p.482.

8. Advances in Di_erential and Integral Inequalities, Special issue: Nonlinear Analysis:

Theory, Methods and Applications, Pergaman - Press, Volume 25 Numbers

9-10 (1995), pp 871-1078.

9. Computer Aided Geometric Design (with Ruibin Qu), Special issue: Neural,

Perallel & Scienti_c Computations, Dynamic Publishers, Volume 5 Numbers

1-2 (1997), 1-296.

10. Positive Solutions of Nonlinear Problems, Special issue: Journal of Computational

and Applied Mathematics, Elsevier, Volume 88 Number 1 (1998), pp


11. Proceedings of Equadi_ 9 (with J. Vosmansk'y), Special issue: Archivum mathematicum,

Masaryk University, Volume 34 (1998), pp 1-226.

12. Proceedings of Equadi_ 9 (with F. Neuman and J. Vosmansk_y), Stony Brook:

Electronic Publishing House, 1998, p. 251.

13. Advances in Di_erence Equations II, Special issue: Computers and Mathematics

with Applications, Pergaman Press, Volume 36 Numbers 10-12 (1998), 1-429.

14. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Di_erence and Di_erential Inequalities

(with L. E. Persson and A. Zafer), Special issue: Mathematical Inequalities

and Applications, Volume 1 Number 3 (1998), 347-461.

15. Discrete and Continuous Hamiltonian Systems (with M. Bohner), Special issue:

Dynamic Systems and Applications, Volume 8 Numbers 3-4 (1999), 307-588.

16. Fixed Point Theory with Applications in Nonlinear Analysis (with Donal O'Regan),

Special issue: Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Elsevier,

Volume 113 Numbers 1-2 (2000), 1-412.

17. Integral and Integrodi_erential Equations (with Donal O'Regan), Series in Mathematical

Analysis and Applications, Gordon & Breach, Amesterdam, Volume

2, 2000, p. 326.

18. Lakshmikantham's Legacy: A Tribute on his 75th Birthday, Special issue: Nonlinear

Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, Pergaman - Press, Volume

40 Numbers 1-8 (2000), pp 1-661.

19. Nonlinear Operator Theory (with Donal O'Regan), Special issue: Mathematical

and Computational Modelling, Pergamon Press, Volume 32 Numbers 11-13

(2000), 1287-1528.

20. Advances in Di_erence Equations III (with Donal O'Regan), Special issue:

Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Pergaman Press, Volume 42

Numbers 3-5 (2001), 273-754.

21. Orthogonal Systems and Applications (with G.V. Milovanovic), Special issue:

Applied Mathematics and Computation, Elsevier, Volume 128 Issues 2-3 (2002),


22. Advances in Di_erence Equations IV (with Martin Bohner and Donal O'Regan),

Special issue: Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Pergaman Press,

Volume 45 Numbers 6-9 (2003), 861-1468.

23. Advances in Integral Equations (with Donal O'Regan), Special issue: Dynamic

Systems and Applications, Dynamic Publishers, Volume 14 Number 1 (2005),


24. Proceedings of the Conference Di_erential and Di_erence Equations and Applications

(with K. Perera), Hindawi, 2006, p. 1237.

International Conferences: Participated and gave invited lectures in the

following conferences:

1. Approximate Methods for Navier - Stokes Problems (Paderborn 1979, Germany)

2. General Inequalities 3 (Oberwolfach 1981, Germany)

3. Operator Inequalities (Oberwolfach 1981, Germany)

4. Ordinary Di_erential Equations (Oberwolfach 1983, Germany)

5. General Inequalities 4 (Oberwolfach 1983, Germany)

6. International Conference on Qualitative Theory of Di_erential Equations (Edmonton

1984, Canada)

7. Trends in the Theory and Practice of Nonlinear Analysis (Texas 1984, U.S.A.)

8. EQUADIFF 6 (Brno 1985, Czechoslovakia)

9. General Inequalities 5 (Oberwolfach 1986, Germany)

10. International Conference on Optimization : Techniques and Applications (1987,


11. International Conference on Functional Equations and Inequalities (Szczawnica,

1987, Poland)

12. International Conference on Numerical Mathematics (1988, Singapore)

13. International Symposium on Asymptotic and Computational Analysis (Winnipeg

1989, Canada)

14. General Inequalities 6 (Oberwolfach 1990, Germany)

15. First World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts (Tampa, 1992, U.S.A.)

16. Second International Conference on Dynamic Systems and Applications (Atlanta

1995, U.S.A.)

17. First International Conference on Neural, Parallel and Scienti_c Computations

(Atlanta 1995, U.S.A.)

18. Second International Conference on Di_erence Equations and Applications (Vesprem

1995, Hungary)

19. General Inequalities 7 (Oberwolfach 1995, Germany)

20. InternationalWorkshop on Di_erence and Di_erential Inequalities (Gebze, 1996,


21. Second World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts (Athens, 1996, Greece)

22. Modelling and System Stability Investigations (Kiev, 1997, Ukraine)

23. EQUADIFF 9 (Brno 1997, Czechoslovakia)

24. Third Midwest-Southeastern Atlantic Joint Regional Conference on Di_erential

Equations (Nashville, TN 1997, U.S.A)

25. The Centennial Celebration: A Century of mathematics and Statistics at Nebraska

(Lincoln 1998, U.S.A)

26. Third International Conference on Dynamic Systems and Applications (Atlanta

1999, U.S.A.)

27. Third World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts (Catania, 2000, Italy)

28. Sixth International Conference on Di_erence Equations and Applications (Augsburg,

2001, Germany)

29. International Conference on Di_erential, Di_erence Equations and their Applications

(Patras 2002, Greece)

30. Fourth International Conference on Dynamic Systems and Applications (Atlanta

2003, U.S.A.)

31. Fourth World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts (Orlando, 2004, U.S.A.)

32. The 24th Annual Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Di_erential

Equations (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 2004, U.S.A.)

33. Fifth International Conference on Dynamic Systems and Applications (Atlanta


34. Fifth World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts (Orlando, 2008, U.S.A.)

35. Boundary Value Problems (Santiago de Compostela, 2008, Spain)

36. Fourteenth International Conference on Di_erence Equations and Applications

(Istanbul, 2008, Turkey)

37. EQUADIFF 12 (Brno 2009, Czech Republic)

38. International Conference on Di_erential and Di_erence Equations and Applications

(Ponta Delgada 2011, Portugal)

39. International Conference on Applied Analysis and Algebra (Istanbul 2012, Turkey)

40. 11th International Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Applications (Ankara

2012, Turkey)

41. The International Conference on Mathematical Inequalities and Nonlinear Functional

Analysis with Applications (Cinju 2012, Korea)

42. Southeastern{Atlantic Regional Conference on Di_erential Equations (Georgia

Southern University 2012, U.S.A.)

43. International Conference on Applied Analysis and Mathematical Modelling (Istanbul

2013, Turkey)

44. International Conference on Anatolian Communications in Nonlinear Analysis

(Bolu 2013, Turkey)

45. Peterson Conference, University of Nebraska{Lincoln (Lincoln 2013, U.S.A.)

46. The International Conference on Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization (Kaohsiung

2013, Taiwan)

47. 2013 Workshop on Nonlinear Analysis, Optimization and Their Applications

(Kaohsiung 2013, Taiwan)

48. International Boundary Value Problems Workshop (Diyarbakir 2014, Turkey)

49. International Conference and Workshop on Mathematical Analysis (Putrajaya

2014, Malaysia)

50. International Congress in Honour of Professor Ravi P Agarwal (Bursa 2014,


51. International Conference on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics

(Antalya 2014, Turkey)

52. ODE{day at China University of Geosciences: Conference in honor of Professor

Ravi P Agarwal (Beijing 2015, China)

53. The Ninth International Conference on Di_erential Equations and Dynamical

Systems (Dallas 2015, U.S.A.)

54. The Seventh International Conference on Dynamic Systems and Applications

(Atlanta 2015, U.S.A.)

55. The Fifth International Conference on Neural, Parallel and Scienti_c Computations

(Atlanta 2015, U.S.A.)

56. International Conference on Nonlinear Operators, Di_erential Equations and

Applications (Cluj-Napoca 2015, Romania)

57. The 11th International Conference on Fixed Point Theory and Applications

(Istanbul 2015, Turkey)

58. International Conference on Analysis and its Applications (Aligarh 2015, India)

Colloquium Talks: Several Colloquium talks delivered at the following centers

1. Universitat Karlsruhe (Germany, 1979)

2. der Universitat Munchen (Germany, 1979)

3. Georg - August - Universitat Gottingen (Germany, 1980)

4. Universitat Stuttgart (Germany, 1980)

5. Mathematisch Centrum Amsterdam (Holland, 1980)

6. University Van Amsterdam (Holland, 1980)

7. Universita Degli Studi Di Parma (Italy, 1980)

8. Universita Degli Studi Di Firenze (Italy, 1980)

9. University of Ioannina (Greece, 1980)

10. Universitat Karlsruhe (Germany, 1981)

11. der Universitat Munchen (Germany, 1981)

12. Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (Germany, 1981)

13. Universitat Osnabruck (Germany, 1981)

14. Universitat Hannover (Germany, 1981)

15. Universita Degli Studi Di Firenze (Italy, 1982)

16. Georg - August - Universitat Gottingen (Germany, 1983)

17. Johann Wolfgang Goethe - Universitat Frankfurt (Germany, 1983)

18. Albert - Ludwigs - Universitat Freiburg (Germany, 1983)

19. der Universitat Tubingen (Germany, 1983)

20. Universita Degli Studi Di Trieste (Italy, 1983)

21. Universita Degli Studi Di Trento (Italy, 1983)

22. J. E. Purkne University Brno (Czechoslovakia, 1983)

23. Comenius University Bratislava (Czechoslovakia, 1983)

24. The University of Manitoba (Canada, 1983)

25. The University of Manitoba (Canada, 1986)

26. Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Italy, 1987)

27. Politechnica di Milano (Italy, 1987)

28. Rheinisch - Westfalische Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany, 1989)

29. Universitat Karlsruhe (Germany, 1989)

30. der Universitat Munchen (Germany, 1989)

31. Georg - August - Universitat Gottingen (Germany, 1989)

32. Johann Wolfgang Goethe - Universitat Frankfurt (Germany, 1989)

33. University of Western Australia (Australia, 1989)

34. Murdoch University (Australia, 1989)

35. University of Dundee (U.K. 1989)

36. Brunel, The University of West London (U.K. 1989)

37. The University of Sussex (U.K. 1989)

38. The University of Liverpool (U.K. 1989)

39. University of Manchester (U.K. 1989)

40. University of Cambridge (U.K. 1989)

41. Oxford University (U.K. 1989)

42. University of Saskatchewan (Canada, 1991)

43. The University of Tokyo (Japan, 1991)

44. Tohoku University (Japan, 1991)

45. Nagoya University (Japan, 1991)

46. Ehime University (Japan, 1991)

47. Okayama University (Japan, 1991)

48. Kagoshima University (Japan, 1991)

49. Hiroshima University (Japan, 1991)

50. RIMS, Kyoto University (Japan, 1991)

51. der Universitat Munchen (Germany, 1995)

52. Universita Degli Studi Di Firenze (Italy, 1995)

53. Universita Degli Studi Di Trieste (Italy, 1995)

54. Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa (Italy, 1995)

55. Politechnica di Milano (Italy, 1995)

56. Universita Degli Studi Di Roma (Italy, 1995)

57. Universita Degli Studi Di Bologna (Italy, 1995)

58. SISSA, Trieste (Italy, 1995)

59. Universitat Augsburg (Germany, 1995)

60. Institute of Mathematics, Ukrainian Acad. Sci, Kiev (Ukraine, 1997)

61. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska (U.S.A., 1997)

62. Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama (U.S.A., 1997)

63. Washington University, St. Louis (U.S.A., 1997)

64. Wake Forest University, Winston Salem (U.S.A., 1998)

65. Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne (U.S.A., 1998)

66. University of Central Florida, Orlando (U.S.A., 1998)

67. North Carolina State University, Raleigh (U.S.A., 1998)

68. San Diego State University, San Diego (U.S.A., 1998)

69. University of Southern California, Los Angeles (U.S.A., 1998)

70. University of Missori, Rolla (U.S.A., 2000)

71. The University of Queensland, (Australia, 2000)

72. University of Delaware, (U.S.A. 2000)

73. Geogia Institute of technology, (U.S.A., 2000)

74. Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama (U.S.A., 2005)

75. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, (Hong Kong, 2006)

76. The University of Hong Kong, (Hong Kong, 2006)

77. City University of Hong Kong, (Hong Kong, 2006)

78. University of Calgary, (Canada, 2006)

79. Howard University, (U.S.A., 2006)

80. Georgetown University, (U.S.A., 2006)

81. Western Kentucky University, (U.S.A., 2006)

82. Michigan Technological University, (U.S.A., 2007)

83. University of Calgary, (Canada, 2007)

84. University of Rome, (Italy, 2008)

85. Politechnica di Milano (Italy, 2008)

86. Seattle University (U.S.A., 2009)

87. King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Saudi Arabia, 2009)

88. Istanbul Technical University (Turkey, 2009)

89. Middle East Technical University (Turkey, 2009)

90. Cankaya University (Turkey, 2009)

91. Osmangazi University (Turkey, 2009)

92. Izmir University (Turkey, 2009)

93. Universidade De Santiago De Compostela (Spain, 2010)

94. King Abdulaziz University (Saudi Arabia, 2010)

95. American University of Sharjah (Sharjah, 2010)

96. United Arab Emirates University (Al-Ain, 2010)

97. King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Saudi Arabia, 2010)

98. King Abdulaziz University (Saudi Arabia, 2011)

99. King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Saudi Arabia, 2011)

100. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (U.S.A., 2012)

101. PanAmerican University (U.S.A., 2012)

102. Institute Mathematics Academia Sinica (Taipei, Taiwan, 2013)

103. National Changhua University of Education (Taiwan, 2013)

104. Universitatea \Ovidius" din Constanta (Romania, 2015)

105. Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania, 2015)

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