Current Positions
2012 - Full Professor for Neuroscience, Medical Faculty, University Geneva
2005 - Director of the EEG core of the Lemanic Biomedical Imaging Center of the
Universities and Hospitals of Geneva and Lausanne and the Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology Lausanne (CIBM)
1994 - Head of the Functional Brain Mapping Laboratory, Department of Clinical
Neurosciences, Medical Faculty, University Geneva.
1998 Habilitation: Acceptance of the Venia legendi (Privat-docent) by the Faculty of
Medicine of the University Geneva, Switzerland.
1988 PhD., Doctor of Natural Sciences of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
(ETH), Zürich, Switzerland (Silver Medal).
1984 M.Sc. (diploma) in Natural Sciences from the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology (ETH), Zürich, Switzerland.
1980 B.Sc. (matura type C), Gymnasium Reussbühl, Switzerland.
Professional Activities
2003 - Principal Investigator and laboratory director, Department of Clinical and
1994 - 2003 Fundamental Neurosciences, University Geneva
Research Group Leader, Neurology Clinic, University Hospital Geneva.
1992 - 1994 Research Assistant at the Brain Mapping Laboratory of the Department of
1991 - 1992 Neurology of the University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland.
Visiting postdoctoral fellow at the Neuromagnetism Laboratory of the
1988 - 1991 Department of Physics and Psychology, New York University, USA.
Postdoc at the Brain Mapping Lab of the Department of Neurology of the
1984 - 1988 University Hospital Zürich, Switzerland.
Ph. D. student and research assistant at the Laboratory for Behavioral at the
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zürich, Switzerland.
2000 Receiver of the “Robert Bing Award 2000” from the Swiss Academy of Medical
1992 Sciences (Fr. 50’000.-).
Young Researcher Award of the International Society for Brain Electromagnetic
Topography (ISBET).
Academic Functions
2013-2015 President of the Swiss Society for Neuroscience
2011-2013 President of the International Society for Brain Electromagnetism
2006-2013 Council Member and Secretary of the Swiss Society for Neuroscience
2009-2015 Member of the Board of the Swiss League Against Epilepsy
Scientific Functions
2011- Member of the Ambizione Evaluation Board of the Swiss National
Science Foundation
2007- Editor-in-Chief of “Brain Topography”
2015- Associate Editor of “European Journal of Neuroscience”
2013- Associate Editor of “Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience”
2007- Editorial Board Member of “The Open Neuroimaging Journal”.
2009- Editorial Board Member of “Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience”.
2009- Member of the Faculty 1000, Section Neurological Disorders.
2009- Chairman of the Evaluation Board for Brain and Mind Research of the Central
European Institute of Technology, Brno, Cz
2000-2007 Editorial Board Member of “Brain Topography”
2004-2011 Editorial Board Member of “Clinical Neurophysiology”
2001-2011 Editorial Board Member of “International Journal of Psychophysiology”
Functions in Scientific Communications
2016 Chair of the Local Organizing Committee of the Annual Meeting of the
Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Geneva (approx. 3000
2013 attendees).
Organizer of the 1st International meeting for Basic and Clinical Multimodal
2008 Imaging (BaCI), Geneva, September 2013 (360 attendees)
Member of the LOC and the task force committee of the 6th FENS Forum of
European Neuroscience in Geneva (4500 attendees)
2006 - Co-organizer of the Annual Alpine Brain Imaging meeting,
Champéry, January (180 attendees).
2007 Organizer of the Lemanic Neuroscience Meeting, Les Diablerets, September.
2005 Co-organizer of the 17th World Congress of the International Society for Brain
Electromagnetic Topography (ISBET) in Bern, October.
2004 Organizer of the Autumn meeting of the Swiss Neurology Society in Geneva, November.
2004 Member of the expert group of the 93rd Dahlem workshop, Berlin, April.
2002 Chair of the 3rd Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research
Forum in Geneva, Mai.
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