
Minoo Dabiri

USERN Advisory Board

Minoo Dabiri

Professor of organic chemistry, Shahid Beheshti University

Organic synthesis


Faculty: Chemistry and Petroleum Sciences
Department: Organic Chemistry and Oil
Personal website:

AffiliationShahid Beheshti University



Research interestsOrganic Synthesis


Academic and Professional Career:


1978-79: Ph.D.: Under supervision of Prof. D. I. Davies, University of London, King,s College London, Department of Chemistry, London, England.

1973 B.Sc. Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran-Iran

2011-2012: Sabbatical leave in Canada at University of New Brunswick (Visitor Professor)


ISI Professor                                            2015

ISI Professor                                            2012

Professor                                               2006-present

Associated Professor                                    2002-2006

Assistant Professor                                       1979-2002



Discovery and development of new synthetic methodologies and their applications to synthesis of architecturally complex natural products or model compounds having pharmacological importance. Asymmetric synthesis, multi-component reactions, click chemistry, and preparation of novel nano-catalysts and application in organic synthesis and screening of the molecules for their own activity.


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