
Upendra Sainju

USERN Advisory Board

Upendra M. Sainju

USDA, Agricultural Research Service

Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory

1500 North Central Avenue

Sidney, MT 59270, USA

Phone: 406-433-9408

Fax: 406-433-5038

E-mail: [email protected]




1989    Ph.D., Soil Science, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 40506.

1982    M.S., Soil Science, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 32611.

1973    B.S., Agriculture, University of Udaipur, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.




2016-present   Research Soil Scientist, GS-15, USDA-ARS-NPARL, Sidney, MT 59270, USA

2011-2016       Research Soil Scientist, GS-14, USDA-ARS-NPARL, Sidney, MT 59270, USA

2007-2011       Research Soil Scientist, GS-13, USDA-ARS-NPARL, Sidney, MT 59270, USA

2004-2007       Research Soil Scientist, GS-12, USDA-ARS-NPARL, Sidney, MT 59270, USA

1995-2004       Research Associate, Agricultural Research Station, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, GA, 31030.

1991-1995       Postdoctoral Associate, Crop and Soil Sciences Department, Washington State University Research and Extension Center, Puyallup, WA, 98371.

1990-1991       Postdoctoral Associate, Center for Coastal and Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, NJ.

1989-1990       Research Associate, Agronomy Department, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 40506.

1986-1989       Graduate Research Assistant, Forestry Department, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.

1983-1986       Visiting Professor, Institute of Forestry, Tribhuvan University, Hatauda, Nepal

1980-1982       Graduate Research Assistant, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 32601.

1973-1980       Assistant Soil Scientist and Agronomist,
Department of Agriculture, Kathmandu, Nepal.



Dr. Upendra M. Sainju has been working as a Research Soil Scientist in dryland and irrigated cropping systems for the past 14 years in USDA-ARS, Sidney, Montana. Prior to this, he worked in postdoctoral positions and visiting scientist in Rutgers University, Washington State University, Fort Valley State University, and Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He received Ph.D. from University of Kentucky, M.S. from University of Florida, and B.S. from University of Udaipur, India. 
He is nationally and internationally renowned in developing soil and crop management practices that increase crop yields and quality, sequester C and N in the soil, increase organic matter, improve soil quality and productivity, reduce N fertilization rate and N leaching, and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Over the past 30 years, he has conducted extensive research on the effects of tillage, cropping systems, cover crops, N fertilization rates poultry litter application, sheep grazing, and irrigation on soil C and N cycling, greenhouse gas emissions, and crop yields. His research accomplishments have been documented in 121 referred journal articles, 12 book chapters, 18 proceedings, 30 popular press, 4 technical reports, and 130 abstracts. He has actively participated in ASA and SSSA by serving in ASA community leader (Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions), committees (ASA and SSSA Fellows Committees, Best Paper Review Committee, Applied Soil Science Award Committee, Environmental Quality Award Committee), meetings (session chair, moderator, and paper presentation), journal (AJ, SSSAJ, and JEQ) reviewer, and Associate and Academic Editor in Agronomy Journal (2009-2012), Journal of Environmental Quality (2015-2016), and PLOS ONE (2014-2016). He received SSSA Fellow (2014) and ASA Fellow (2015). At present, he is engaged in the development of novel soil and crop management practices that enhance C sequestration and N cycling, reduce N fertilization rate, and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions while sustaining dryland and irrigated crop yields and quality for the semiarid regions in the northern Great Plains, USA. He has received numerous scholarships and fellowships, including, the “most outstanding researcher” award at Fort Valley State University, USDA certificate of merit for superior performance (2011-2016), certificate of recognition for organizing and for phenomenal and noteworthy keynote presentation in 5th International Conference on Agriculture and Horticulture, June 27-19, 2016, Cape Town, South Africa, and is the recipient of several grants totaling more than $5 million.





1970                USAID scholarship for study at University of Udaipur, India.

1980                USAID scholarship for study at University of Florida.

1986                Research assistantship for study at University of Kentucky.

2004                Outstanding Scientist Award for Scientific Paper Publications, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, GA.     

2011-2013       USDA-ARS Certificate of Merit Award.

2014                Soil Science Society of America Fellow

2015                American Society of Agronomy Fellow

2016                Certificate of recognition for phenomenal and noteworthy keynote presentation in 5th International Conference on Agriculture and Horticulture, June 27-19, 2016, Cape Town, South Africa.

2011-2016       USDA certificate of merit for outstanding job performance.





  1. Awarded $300,000 grant from USDA Capacity Building Grant to Fort Valley State University (FVSU) to evaluate the effect of management practices on soil quality and tomato yield (1997).


  1. Awarded $275,000 grant from southern SARE to study the effects of cover crops in conservation tillage cotton, for which FVSU received $60,000 (2001-2004).


  1. Awarded $10,000 grant from Georgia Cotton Commission to FVSU to study management effects on cotton yield (2003).


  1. Awarded $5,000 grant from Alabama A & M University to determine the effects of tillage, cover crop, and poultry manure on soil carbon and nitrogen fractions (2006).


  1. Awarded $33,000 grant from Montana Fertilizer Advisory Board in collaboration with Montana State University to evaluate the effect of N fertilizer in nitrous oxide emission, out of which ARS, Sidney, MT obtained $10,000 (2006 and 2007).


  1. Awarded $60,000 grant from USDA-ARS GRACEnet project in collaboration with 30 ARS agencies to study the effect of management practices on greenhouse gas emission and carbon sequestration (2006-2010). 


  1. Awarded $72,000 grant from Western Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in collaboration with Montana State University (MSU) for
    Using sheep in no-till wheat- pea/hay barley-fallow rotation to control weeds; comparisons with minimum tillage and complete tillage systems" out of which ARS, Sidney, MT received $10,000 (2009).


  1. Awarded $650,000 grant from Western IPM in collaboration with MSU for “Comparing Sheep Grazing and Herbicides to Control Weeds in a No-Till Wheat–Pea/Hay Barley-Fallow Rotation: Effects on Crop Yields, Soil and Environmental Quality, and Weed and Insect Population Dynamics” out of which ARS Sidney, MT obtained $129,000 (2010).


  1. Awarded $999,922 from USDA-NIFA-AFRI in collaboration with Fort Valley State University for “Carbon Sequestration and Nitrogen Cycling for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation by Southeastern US Annual and Perennial Energy Crops” out of which ARS, Sidney, MT received $125,000 (2011).


10.   Awarded 742,907 from USDA-NIFA-AFRI in collaboration with Montana State University for “Reducing tillage intensity in organic crop systems: ecological and economic impacts of targeted sheep grazing on cover crops, weeds, soil health, carbon sequestration, and greenhouse gas emissions”




American Society of Agronomy (28 years)

Soil Science Society of America (28 years)

International Union of Soil Science (28 years)

European GeoScience Union (1 year)

Soil and Water Conservation Society (4 years)

USDA-ARS, GRACEnet Group (6 years)

American Society for Horticultural Science (4 years)

Western Society of Soil Science (7 years)

American Geophysical Union (3 years)

Global Research Alliance on Greenhouse Gas Emissions (2 years)

American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (2 years)




  • Cover crops for improving soil and water quality and sustaining crop production. March 1999. University of Georgia, Athens, GA.
  • Effects of tillage, cover crop, and N fertilization on soil organic matter and crop production. February 2000. Georgia Organic Grower’s Association Meeting, Fort Valley, GA.
  • Rhizoma peanut and perennial weeds influence on soil carbon and nitrogen pools. June 2, 2004. Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, GA.
  • Soil carbon and nitrogen pools. March 17, 2004. Beech, ND.
  • Invited to be a Research Scholar (Professorship) to present research papers in the university-wide seminars in various places of Japan and collaborate with Hokkaido University, Sapporo, and Ibaraki University, Tokyo, Japan. November 2007- February 2008.
  • Invited to conduct a special session in soil nutrients in Bioenergy crops, October 19-26, 2011 in Dalian, China and Biotechnology meeting in, March 21-23, 2011 in Hyderabad, India.
  • Invited to discuss on collaborative proposal and present a paper, “Soil greenhouse gas emissions affected by sheep grazing under dryland cropping systems”, Northwest University, Sept. 24-29, 2012, Xian, China and BIT’s 2nd Annual World Congress of Agricultural Biotechnology, Sept. 20-23, 2012, Dalian, China.
  • Invited to chair more than 15 sessions in various professional society meetings in agronomy and soil science.
  • Invited to organize special symposium, “Management practices impact on soil nitrogen conservation”, 2014 ASA-SSSA meeting, Long Beach, CA 




  • Reviewed more than 2000 scientific papers for publications in Soil Science Society of America Journal, Agronomy Journal, Journal of Environmental Quality, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, Soil and Tillage Research, Agriculture, Ecosystem, and Environment, Plant and Soil, PLUS ONE, Soil Use and Management, and HortScience.
  • Reviewed 10 research proposals for approval of funding from USDA animal manure management, Ohio State University, University of California, and California Department of Agriculture.
  • Served as Associate Editor, Agronomy Journal and Academic Editor, PLUS ONE.
  • Organized and Chaired more than 25 sessions in Soil and Water Management and Conservation in various professional meetings, Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, and Dryland Cropping Systems.




Peer-Reviewed Journals


Lenssen, A.W., Sainju, U.M., Jabro, J.D., Allen, B.L., and Stevens, W.B. 2018. Dryland corn production and water use affected by tillage and crop management intensity. Agronomy Journal. Accepted 08/15/2018.

Lenssen, A.W., Sainju, U.M., Jabro, J.D., Allen, B.L., and Stevens, W.B. 2018. Dryland pea production and water use responses to tillage, crop rotation, and weed management practice. Agronomy Journal 110:1843-1853.

Sainju, U.M., Singh, H.P., and Singh, B.P., Whitehead, W.F., Chiluwal, W., and Paudel, R. 2018. Soil carbon and nitrogen under bioenergy forage sorghum influenced by cover crop and nitrogen fertilization. Agrosystem, Geosciences, and Environment. 1:180004 doi:10.2134/age2018.03.0004.

#Wang, J., Ghimire, R., Fu, X., Sainju, U.M., and
Liu, W. 2018. Straw mulching increases precipitation storage rather than water-use efficiency and dryland winter wheat yield. Agricultural Water Management. 206:95-101. https:/  

#Lenssen, A.W., Sainju, U.M., Jabro, J.D., Allen, B.L., and Stevens, W.B. 2018. Dryland pea productivity and water use responses to tillage, crop rotation, and weed management practice. Agronomy Journal 110:1-11.

#Wang, J., Fu, X., Zhao, F. and Sainju, U.M. 2018. Response of soil carbon fractions and dryland maize yield to mulching. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 82:371-381. doi:10.2136/sssaj2017.11.0397.

Chiluwal, A., Singh, B.P., Sainju, U.M., Whitehead, W.F, and Singh, B.P. 2018. Spacing effects on energycane growth, physiology, and biomass yield. Crop Science. 58:1371-1384. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2017.08.0513. Submitted 12/22/2015. Accepted 03/25/2018. Publlished 05/10/2018. Previously submitted to European Journal of Agronomy. Log # 324374.

#Wang, J., Fu, Xin, Sainju, U.M., and Zhao, F. 2018. Soil carbon fractions in response to straw mulching in the Loess Plateau of China. Biology and Fertility of Soils 54:423-436.

#Sainju, U.M., Lenssen, A.W., Allen, B.L., Stevens, W.B., and Jabro, J.D. 2018. Nitrogen balance in dryland agroecosystem in response to tillage, crop rotation, and cultural practice. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 110:467-483.

#Sainju, U.M., Singh, H.P., Singh, B.P., Whitehead, W.F., Chiluwal, A., and Paudel, R. 2018. Cover crop and nitrogen fertilization influence soil carbon and nitrogen under bioenergy sweet sorghum. Agronomy Journal 110:463-471.

#Jabro, J.D., Iversen, W.M., Stevens, W.B., Brett A.L., and Sainju, U.M.
2017. A new automated passive capillary lysimeter for logging real-time drainage water fluxes. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 33:849-857. Doi: ore/10.13031/aea.12433.

#Nash, P., Gollany, H., and Sainju, U.M. 2018. CQESTER - Simulated response of soil organic carbon to management, yield, and climate change in northern Great Plains region. Journal of Environmental Quality 47:674-683. doi:10.2134/jeq.2017.07.0273.

#Sainju, U.M., Lenssen, A.W., Allen, B.L., Stevens, W.B., and Jabro, J.D. 2017. Soil total carbon and nitrogen and crop yields after eight years of tillage, crop rotation, and cultural practice. Heliyon 3, e00481. Doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2017.e00481.

#Sainju, U.M., Allen, B. L., Lenssen, A.W., Mikha, M. 2017. Root and soil total carbon and nitrogen under bioenergy perennial grasses with various nitrogen rates. Biomass Bioenergy107:326-334.

Sainju, U.M. 2017. Determination of nitrogen balance in agroecosystems. MethodsX 4:199-208.

*Sainju, U.M., Allen, B. L., Lenssen, A.W., Ghimire, R.P. 2017. 
Root biomass, root/shoot ratio, and soil water content under perennial grasses with different nitrogen rates. Field Crops Research 210:183-191.  

Fu, X., Wang, J., Sainju, U.M., and Liu, W. 2017. Soil carbon fractions in response to long-term crop rotations in the Loess Plateau of China. Soil Science Society of America Journal 81:503-513. doi:10.2136/sssaj2016.04.0122.

*Sainju, U.M., Lenssen, A.W., Allen, B.L., Stevens, W.B., and Jabro, J.D. 2017. Soil residual nitrogen under various crop rotations and cultural practices. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 180:187-196. Doi.

*Sainju, U.M. 2017. Global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity. Methods of Soil Analysis 1:1-9. doi:10.2136/methods-soil.2015.0036. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI.

*Sainju, U.M., Singh, H.P., and Singh, B.P. 2017. Soil carbon and nitrogen in response to perennial bioenergy perennial grasses, cover crop, and nitrogen fertilization. 
Pedosphere 27:223-238. Doi 10.1016/S1003-0160(17)60312-6.

*Sainju, U.M., Lenssen, A.W., Allen, B.L., Stevens, W.B., and Jabro, J.D. 2017. Soil total carbon and crop yield affected by crop rotation and cultural practice. Agronomy Journal 109:1-9.

Sainju, U.M., Lenssen, A.W., Allen, B.L., Stevens, W.B., and Jabro, J.D. 2017. Soil total carbon and crop yield affected by crop rotation and cultural practice. Agronomy Journal 109:1-9.

Sainju, U.M., A.W. Lenssen, B.L. Allen, W.B. Stevens, and J.D. Jabro. 2016. Nitrogen balance in response to dryland crop rotations and cultural practices. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 233:25-32.

Jabro, J.D., Stevens, W.B., Iversen, W.M., Allen, B.L., and Sainju, U.M. 2016. Suction cup samplers for estimating nitrate-nitrogen in soil water in irrigated sugarbeet production. Journal of Environmental Protection 7:1324-1354.

Ghimire, R., Lamichhane, S., Acharya, B.S., Bista, P., and Sainju, U.M.
2016. Tillage, crop residue, and nutrient management effects on soil organic carbon sequestration in rice-based cropping systems: A review. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 15:60346-60347. Doi: 10.1016/S2095-3119(16)61337-0. 

Barsotti, J.L., Sainju, U.M., Lenssen, A.W, Miller, Z.J. and Hatfield, P.G. 
2016. Sheep grazing enhances coarse relative to microbial organic carbon in dryland cropping systems. Sustainable Agricultural Research. 5:1-14. doi: 10.5539/sar.v5n2p1.

Sainju, U.M. 2016. A global meta-analysis on the impact of management practices on net global warming potential and greenhouse intensity from cropland soils. PLOS ONE 11 (2):1/26-26/26. DOI 10.137/journal pone 0148527.

Sainju, U.M. 2016. Can novel management practice improve soil and environmental quality and sustain crop yield simultaneously? PLOS ONE 11 (2): 1/12-12/12. DOI 10.137/journal pone 0149005.

Wang, J., Liu, Q.Q., Chen, R.R., Liu, W.Z. and
u, U.M. 2015. Soil carbon dioxide emissions in response to
precipitation frequency in the Loess Plateau, China. Applied Soil Ecology 96:288-295.

Sainju, U. M., B. A. Allen, T. Caesar-TonThat, and A. W. Lenssen. 2015. Dryland soil chemical properties and crop yields affected by long-term tillage and cropping sequence. SpringerPlus 4:230. DOI 10.1186/s40064-015-1122-4.

Stevens, W.B., U.M. Sainju, T. Caesar-TonThat, and W.M. Iversen.
2015. Malt barley yield and quality affected by irrigation, tillage, crop rotation, and nitrogen fertilization. Agronomy Journal. 107:2107-2119.

Sainju, U.M., Brett, A.L., Caesar-TonThat, T., Lenssen, A.W. 2015. Dryland soil carbon and nitrogen after thirty years of tillage and cropping sequence. Agronomy Journal 107:1822-1830..

Sainju, U.M. 2015. Comparison of net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity affected by management practices in two dryland cropping systems. Journal of Environmental Protection 6:1042-1056..

Sainju, U.M., H.P. Singh, and B.P. Singh. 2015. Cover crop effects on soil carbon and nitrogen under bioenergy sorghum crops. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 70:410-417.

Stevens, W.B., R.G. Evans, W.M. Iversen, J.D. Jabro, U.M. Sainju, and B.L. Allen. 2015. Strip tillage and high-efficiency irrigation applied to a sugarbeet-barley rotation. Agronomy Journal 107:1250-1258.

Baumhardt, R.L., B.A. Stewart, and U.M. Sainju. 2015. North American soil degradation: Processes, practices, and mitigation strategies. Sustainability 7:2936-3960.

Lenssen, A.W., U.M. Sainju, J.D. Jabro, B.L. Allen, and R.G. Evans. 2015. Management and tillage system influence forage barley productivity and water use in dryland cropping systems. Agronomy Journal 107:551-557.

Miller, Z.J., F.B. Menalled, U.M. Sainju, A.W. Lenssen, and P.G. Hatfield. 2015. Integrating sheep grazing into cereal-based crop rotations: spring wheat yields and weed communities. Agronomy Journal 107:114-112.

Sainju, U.M., Stevens, W.B., Caesar-Tonthat, T, and Montagne, C. 2014. Nitrogen dynamics affected by management practices in croplands transitioning from conservation reserve program. Agronomy Journal. 106:1677-1689.

Wang, J., and U.M. Sainju. 2014. Soil carbon and nitrogen fractions and crop yields affected by residue placement and crop species. PLOS ONE 9 (8): 1-11. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105039.

Wang J., and Sainju, U.M. 2014. Aggregate-associated carbon and nitrogen affected by residue placement, crop species, and nitrogen fertilization. Soil Science 179:153-165.

Sainju, U.M., J.L. Barsotti, A.W. Lenssen, and P.G. Hatfield. 2014. Particulate and active soil nitrogen fractions are reduced by sheep grazing in dryland cropping systems. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 99:79-93.

Caesar-TonThat, T., Stevens, W.B., Sainju, U.M., Caesar, A.J., Gaskin, J.F., West, M.S. 2014. Soil-aggregating bacterial community as affected by irrigation, tillage, and cropping system in the Northern Great Plains. Soil Science 179:11-20.

Lenssen, A.W., Sainju, U.M., Iversen, W.M., Allen, B.L., and Evans, R.G. 2014.Crop diversification, tillage, and management influences on spring wheat yield and soil water use. Agronomy Journal 106:1445-1454.

Allen, B.L., Lenssen, A.W., Sainju, U.M., Caesar-TonThat, T., and Evans, R.G. 2014. Nitrogen use in durum and selected brassicaceae oilseeds in two-year rotations. Agronomy Journal 106:821-830.

Sainju, U.M., J. Wang, and J.L. Barsotti. 2014. Net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity affected by cropping sequence and nitrogen fertilization. Soil Science Society of America Journal 78:248-261. Submitted 10/28/2012.

Sainju, U.M., Stevens, W.B., Caesar-Tonthat, T. Liebig, M.A., and Wang, J. 2014. Net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity influenced by irrigation, tillage, crop rotation, and nitrogen fertilization. Journal of Environmental Quality 43:777-788. Doi: 10.2134/jeq2013.10.0405.

Sainju, U.M., Stevens, W.B., Caesar-Tonthat, T. 2014. Soil carbon and crop yields affected by irrigation, tillage, crop rotation, and nitrogen fertilization. Soil Science Society of America Journal 78:936-948.

Sainju, U.M. 2014. Cropping sequence and nitrogen fertilization impact on surface residue, soil carbon sequestration, and crop yields. Agronomy Journal 106:1231-1242.Doi: 10.2134/agronj14.0026.

Barsotti, J.L., Sainju, U.M., Lenssen, A.W., Montagne, C., and Hatfield, P.G. 2013. Crop yields and soil organic matter responses to sheep grazing in US northern Great Plains. Soil and Tillage Research 134:133-141.

Sainju, U.M. 2013. Tillage, cropping sequence, and nitrogen fertilization influence dryland soil nitrogen. Agronomy Journal 105:1253-1263.

Sainju, U.M., W.B. Stevens, R.G. Evans, and W.M. Iversen. 2013. Irrigation system and tillage effects on soil carbon and nitrogen fractions. Soil Science Society of America Journal 77:1225-1234.

Lenssen, A.W., U.M. Sainju, and P.G. Hatfield. 2013. 
Integrating sheep grazing into wheat-fallow systems: Crop yield and soil properties. Field Crops Research 146:75-85.

Sainju, U.M., J. Wang, and J.L. Barsotti. 2013. Net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity affected by cropping sequence and nitrogen fertilization. Soil Science Society of America Journal. Accepted. 9/30/2013.

Caesar-TonThat, T., E. Espeland, A.J. Caesar, U.M. Sainju,
R.T. Lartey, and J.F. Gaskin. 2013. Effects of Agricus lilaceps fairy rings on soil aggregation and microbial community structure in relation to growth simulation of western wheatgrass in eastern Montana. Microbial Ecology 66:120-131.

Barsotti, J.L., U.M. Sainju, A.W. Lenssen, C. Montagne, and P.G. Hatfield. 2013. Net greenhouse gas emissions affected by sheep grazing in dryland cropping systems. Soil Science Society of America Journal 77:1012-1025..

Sainju, U.M., Lenssen, A.W., and J.L. Barsotti. 2013. Dryland malt barley yield and quality affected by tillage, cropping sequence, and nitrogen fertilization. Agronomy Journal 105:329-340.

Wang, J., W. Z. Liu, T. H. Dang, and U. M. Sainju. 2013. Nitrogen fertilization effect on soil water and wheat yield in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Agronomy Journal 105:143-149.

Sainju, U.M., Lenssen, A.W., Caesar, T., Jabro, J.D., Lartey, R.T., Evans, R.G., and Allen, B.L. 2012. Dryland soil nitrogen cycling influenced by tillage, crop rotation, and cultural practice. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 93:309-322.

Sainju, U.M., Lenssen, A.W., Caesar-TonThat, T., Lartey, R.T., Evans, R.G., Allen, B.L., Jabro, J.D. 2012. Tillage, crop rotation, and cultural practice effects on dryland soil carbon fractions. Open Journal of Soil Science 2:242-255.

Sainju, U.M., T. Caesar-TonThat, A.W. Lenssen, and J.L. Barsotti. 2012. Dryland soil greenhouse emissions affected by cropping sequence and nitrogen fertilization.
Soil Science Society of America Journal 76: 1741-1757.

Sainju, U.M., W.B. Stevens, T. Caesar-TonThat, and M. Liebig. 2012. Soil greenhouse gas emissions affected by irrigation, tillage, crop rotation, and nitrogen fertilization. Journal of Environmental Quality 41:1774-1786.

Wang, J., Sainju, U.M., and J.L. Barsotti. 2012. Residue placement and rate, crop species, and nitrogen fertilization effects on soil greenhouse gas emissions. 
Journal of Environmental Protection 3:1238-1250.

Lenssen, A.W., W.M. Iversen, U.M. Sainju, T. Caesar-TonThat, S.L. Blodgett, B.L. Allen, and R.G. Evans. 2012. Yield, pests, and water-use of durum and selected crucifer oilseeds in two-year rotations. Agronomy Journal 104:1295-1304

Sainju, U.M., T. Caesar-TonThat, and A.J. Caesar. 2012. Comparison of soil carbon dioxide flux measurements 
by static and portable chambers in various management practices. Soil and Tillage Research 118:123-131

Jabro, J.D., U.M. Sainju, W.B. Stevens, and R.G. Evans. 2012. Estimation of CO2 
diffusion coefficient at 0-10 cm depth in undisturbed and tilled soils. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 58:1-9.

Sainju, U.M., A.W. Lenssen, H. Goosey, E. Snyder, and P. Hatfield. 2011. Sheep grazing in the wheat-fallow system affects soil properties and grain yield. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 75:1789-1798.

Sainju, U.M., and A.W. Lenssen. 2011. Soil nitrogen dynamics under dryland alfalfa and durum-forage cropping sequences. Soil Science Society of America Journal.75: 669-677.

Sainju, U.M., and A.W. Lenssen. 2011. Dryland soil carbon dynamics under alfalfa and durum-forage cropping sequences. Soil and Tillage Research 113:30-37.

Sainju, U.M., A.W. Lenssen, T. Caesar-TonThat, J.D. Jabro, R. T. Lartey, R.G. Evans, and B. L. Allen.
 2011. Dryland residue and soil organic matter as influenced by tillage, crop rotation, and cultural practice. Plant and Soil. 338:27-41.

Caesar-TonThat, T., U.M. Sainju, S.E. Wright, W.L. Shelver, R.L. Kolberg, and M.S. West. 2011.
Long-term tillage and cropping effects on microbiological properties associated with aggregation in a semi
arid soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils 47:157-165.

Jabro, J.D., Sainju, U.M., Lenssen, A.W., Evans, R.G. 2011. Tillage Effects on Dryland Soil Physical Properties in Northeastern Montana.  Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 42:2179-2187.

Caesar, A. and U.M. Sainju. 2010. The Plant Pathology of Native Plant Restoration. Environmental Research Journal. 4:403-414. 

Jabro, J.D., U.M. Sainju, W.B. Stevens, and R.G. Evans. 2010. Estimation of CO2 diffusion coefficient at 0-10 cm depth in undisturbed and tilled soils. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science.

Sainju, U.M., A.W. Lenssen, H. Goosey, E. Snyder, and P. Hatfield. 2010. Dryland soil carbon and nitrogen influenced by sheep grazing in the wheat-fallow system. Agronomy Journal 102:1553-1561.

Sainju, U.M., W.B. Stevens, T. Caesar-ThonThat, and J.D. Jabro. 2010. Land use and management practices impact on plant biomass carbon and soil carbon dioxide emission. Soil Science Society of America Journal 74:1613-1622.

Lenssen, A.W., S.D. Cash, P.G. Hatfield, U.M. Sainju, W.R. Gray, S.L. Blodgett, H.B. Goosey, D.A. Griffin, and G.D. Johnson. 2010. Yield, quality, and water and nitrogen use of durum and annual forages in two-year rotations. Agronomy Journal 101:1261-1268.

Caesar-TonThat, T., A.W. Lenssen, A.J. Caesar, U.M. Sainju, and J.F. Gaskin. 2010. Effects of tillage on microbial populations associated to soil aggregation in dryland spring wheat system. European Journal of Soil Biololgy 46:119-127.

Sainju, U.M., J.D. Jabro, and T. Caesar-TonThat. 2010. Tillage, cropping sequence, and nitrogen fertilization effects on dryland soil carbon dioxide emission and carbon content. Journal of Environmental Quality 39:935-945.

Sainju, U.M., Z. Senwo, E. Nyakatawa, I. Tazisong, and K.C. Reddy. 2010. Poultry litter increases nitrogen cycling compared with inorganic N fertilization. Agronomy Journal 102: 917-925.

Sainju, U.M., T, Caesar-ThonThat, and J.D. Jabro. 2009. Carbon and nitrogen fractions in dryland soil aggregates affected by long-term tillage and cropping sequence. Soil Science Society of America Journal 73:1488-1495.

Sainju, U.M., T. Caesar-TonThat, A.W. Lenssen, and R.G. Evans 2009.
Dryland crop yields and soil organic matter as influenced by long-term tillage and cropping sequence. Agronomy Journal 101:243-251.

Sainju, U.M., T. Caesar-Thonthat, A.W. Lenssen, R.G. Evans, and R. Kohlberg. 2009. Tillage and cropping sequence impacts on nitrogen cycling in dryland farming in eastern Montana, USA.
Soil and Tillage Research 103:332-341.

Jabro, J.D., Sainju, U.M., W.B. Stevens, A.W. Lenssen, and R.G. Evans. 2009.
Long-term tillage influences on soil physical properties under dryland conditions in northeastern Montana. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 55:633-640.

Sainju, U.M, Z.N. Senwo, E.Z. Nyakatawa, I.A. Tazisong, and K.C. Reddy. 2008. Tillage, cropping system, and nitrogen fertilizer source effects on soil carbon sequestration and fractions. Journal of Environmental Quality 37: 880-888.

Sainju, U.M, Z.N. Senwo, E.Z. Nyakatawa, I.A. Tazisong, and K.C. Reddy. 2008. Soil carbon and nitrogen sequestration as affected by long-term tillage, cropping systems, and nitrogen fertilizer sources. Agriculture Ecosystem and Environment 127:234-240.

Sainju, U.M., and B.P. Singh. 2008. Nitrogen storage with cover crops and nitrogen fertilization in tilled and non-tilled soils. Agronomy Journal 100:619-627.

Sainju, U.M., J.D. Jabro, and W.B. Stevens. 2008.
Soil carbon dioxide emission and carbon sequestration as influenced by irrigation, tillage, cropping system, and nitrogen fertilization. Journal of Environmental Quality 37:98-106.

Jabro, J.D., U.M. Sainju, W.B. Stevens, and R.J. Evans. 2008. Carbon dioxide flux as affected by tillage and irrigation in soil converted from perennial forages to annual Crops. Journal of Environmental Management 88:1478-1494.

Sainju, U.M., T. Caesar-Thonthat, A.W. Lenssen, R.G. Evans, and R. Kohlberg. 2007. Long-term tillage and cropping sequence effects on dryland residue and soil carbon fractions. Soil Science Society of America Journal 71: 1730-1739.

Sainju, U.M., H.H. Schomberg, B.P. Singh, and W.F. Whitehead, P. Glynn Tillman, and S.L. Lachnicht-Weyers. 2007. Cover crops effects on soil carbon pools under conservation tillage cotton. Soil and Tillage Research 96:205-218.

Sainju, U.M., A. Lenssen, T. Caesar-Tonthat, and J. Waddell. 2007. Dryland plant biomass and soil carbon and nitrogen pools as influenced by tillage and crop rotation. Soil and Tillage Research. 93:452-461.

Sainju, U.M., B.P. Singh, W.F. Whitehead, and S. Wang. 2007. Accumulation and crop uptake of soil mineral nitrogen as influenced by tillage, cover crops, and nitrogen fertilization. Agronomy Journal 99:682-691.

Caesar-TonThat, T.C., A.J. Caesar, J.F. Gaskin. U.M. Sainju, and W.J. Busscher. 2007. Taxonomic diversity of predominant bacteria associated with microaggregates from two different agroecosystems and their ability to aggregate soil in vitro. Applied Soil Ecology 36:10-21.

Sainju, U.M. 2006. Carbon and nitrogen pools in soil aggregates separated by dry and wet sieving methods. Soil Sci. 172:937-949.

Sainju, U.M., B.P. Singh, W.F. Whitehead, and S. Wang . 2006. Tillage, cover crops, and nitrogen fertilization effects on soil nitrogen and cotton and sorghum yields. Europ. J. Agron. 25:372-382. 

Sainju, U.M., A. Lenssen, T. Caesar-Tonthat, and J. Waddell. 2006. Carbon sequestration in dryland soil and plant residue as affected by tillage and crop rotation. J. Environ. Qual. 35: 1341-1347.

Sainju, U.M., B.P. Singh, W.F. Whitehead, and S. Wang. 2006. Carbon supply and storage in tilled and non-tilled soils as influenced by cover crops and nitrogen fertilization. J. Environ. Qual 35:1507-1517.

Sainju, U.M., T.H. Terrill, S. Gelaye, and B.P. Singh. 2006. Soil carbon and nitrogen pools under long-term productivity of rhizoma peanut and perennial weeds management systems. Archives Agron. Soil Sci. 52:45-59.

Sainju, U.M., A. Lenssen, T. Caesar-Tonthat, and J. Waddell. 2006. Tillage and crop rotation effects on dryland soil and residue carbon and nitrogen. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:668-678.

Sainju, U.M., W.F. Whitehead, and B.P. Singh. 2005.
Biculture legume-cereal covercrops for enhanced biomass yield and carbon and nitrogen. Agron. J. 97:1403-1412.

Sainju, U.M., W.F. Whitehead, and B.P. Singh. 2005. Tillage, cover crops, and nitrogen fertilization effects on cotton and sorghum root biomass, carbon, and nitrogen. Agron. J. 97:1279-1290.

Sainju, U.M., W.F. Whitehead, and B.P. Singh. 2005. Carbon accumulation in cotton, sorghum, and underlying soil as influenced by tillage, cover crops, and nitrogen fertilization. Plant Soil 273:219-234.

Sainju, U.M., W.F. Whitehead, and B.P. Singh. 2003. Agricultural management practices to sustain crop yields and improve soil and environmental qualities.
TheScienceWorld Journal 3:768-789.

Sainju, U.M., R. Dris, and B.P. Singh. 2003. Mineral nutrition of tomato.
Journal of Food, Agriculture, and Environment 12:176-183.

Sainju, U.M., W.F. Whitehead, and B.P. Singh. 2003. Cover crops and nitrogen fertilization
effects on soil aggregation and carbon and nitrogen pools. Canadian Journal of Soil Science

Sainju, U.M., T.H. Terrill, S. Gelaye, and B.P. Singh. 2003. Soil aggregation and carbon and

                                                nitrogen pools under rhizoma peanut and perennial weeds.
Soil Science Society of

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Sainju, U.M., B.P. Singh, and W.F. Whitehead. 2002. Long-term effects of tillage, cover crops,

and nitrogen fertilization on soil organic carbon and nitrogen concentrations in sandy

loam soils in Georgia, USA. Soil and Tillage Research 63:167-179.

Sainju, U.M., B.P. Singh, and S. Yaffa. 2002. Soil organic matter and tomato yield following tillage, cover cropping, and nitrogen fertilization.
Agronomy Journal 94:594-602.

Sainju, U.M., and B.P. Singh. 2001. Tillage, cover crop, and kill-planting date effects on corn yield and soil nitrogen.
Agronomy Journal 93:878-886.

Sainju, U.M., B.P. Singh, and W.F. Whitehead. 2001. Comparison of the effects of cover crops and nitrogen fertilization on tomato yield, root growth, and soil properties.
Scientia Horticulturae 91:201-214.

Sainju, U.M., S. Rahman, and B.P. Singh. 2001. Evaluating hairy vetch residue as nitrogen fertilizer for tomato in soilless medium.
HortScience 36:90-93.

            Sainju, U.M., B.P. Singh, and W.F. Whitehead. 2000. Cover crops and nitrogen fertilization effects on soil carbon and nitrogen and tomato yield.
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 80:523-532.

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Sainju, U.M., B.P. Singh, S. Rahman, and V.R. Reddy. 2000. Tillage, cover cropping, and nitrogen fertilization influence tomato yield and nitrogen uptake.
HortScience 35:217-221.

Sainju, U.M., B.P. Singh, S. Rahman, and V.R. Reddy. 2000. Tomato root growth is influenced by tillage, cover cropping, and nitrogen fertilization.
HortScience 35:78-82.

Sainju, U.M., B.P. Singh, S. Rahman, and V.R. Reddy. 1999. Soil nitrate-nitrogen under tomato following tillage, cover cropping, and nitrogen fertilization.
Journal of Environmental Quality 28:1837-1844.

                                                                                                            Sainju, U.M., B.P. Singh. and W.F. Whitehead. 1998. Cover crop root distribution and its

effects on soil nitrogen cycling. Agronomy Journal 90:511-518.     

Singh, B.P., and U.M. Sainju. 1998. Soil physical and morphological properties and root growth.
HortScience 33:966-971.

Kuo, S., and U.M. Sainju. 1998. Nitrogen mineralization and availability of mixed leguminous and non-leguminous cover crop residues in soil.
Biology and Fertility of Soils. 26:346-353.

Sainju, U.M., and B.P. Singh. 1997. Winter cover crops for sustainable agricultural systems: Influence on soil properties, water quality, and crop yields.
HortScience 32:21-28.

Kuo, S., U.M. Sainju, and E.J. Jellum. 1997a. Winter cover cropping influence on nitrogen in 
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Kuo. S., U.M. Sainju, and E.J. Jellum. 1997b. Winter cover crop effects on organic carbon and carbohydrate in soil.
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Kuo, S., U.M. Sainju, and E.J. Jellum. 1996. Winter cover cropping influence on nitrogen mineralization, presidedress soil nitrate test, and corn yields.
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Jellum, E.J., S. Kuo, and U.M. Sainju. 1995. Mineralization and plant availability of nitrogen in seafood waste compost in soil.
Soil Science 160:125-135.

Sainju, U.M., and R.E. Good. 1993. Vertical root distribution in relation to soil properties in

New Jersey Pinelands forests. Plant and Soil 150:87-97.

Kalisz, P.J., and U.M. Sainju. 1991. Determination of carbon in coal blooms.
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 22:393-398.

Sainju, U.M., and P.J. Kalisz. 1990. Characteristics of "coal bloom" horizons in undisturbed
      forest soils in eastern Kentucky. Soil Science Society of America Journal 54:879-882.


Book Chapter


Sainju, U.M., Singh, H.P., and Singh, B.P. 2017. Cover crops for enriching soil carbon and nitrogen under bioenergy sorghum. In: D.J. Field, C.L.S. Morgan, and A.B. McBratney, editors. Global Soil Security, Springer publication, New York, pp. 181-191. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-43394-3_16.

Collins, H.P., Mikha, M.M., Brown, T.T., Smith, J.L., Huggins, D.R.,
Sainju, U.M.
Increasing the sink: Agricultural management and soil carbon dynamics: Western U.S. Croplands. In: M.A. Liebig, A.J. Franzluebbers, and R.F. Follett, Eds. Managing Agricultural Greenhouse Gases. Coordinated Agricultural Research through GRACEnet to Address Our Changing Climate. Academic Press, Watham, MA, 
pp. 59-77

Caesar A., T. Caesar-TonThat, and U. M. Sainju. 2010. The Plant Pathology of Native Plant Restoration. p. 417-428.
In B. Veress and J.ozsi Szigethy (ed.) Horizons in Earth Science Research. Volume 1. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY.

Sainju, U.M. 2009. Bicultural legume-cereal cover crops for sustaining crop yields and improving soil and environmental quality. p. 113-147.
In T.L. Latos (ed.) Cover crops and crop yields. Nova Science Publishers, New York, NY.

Caesar-TonThat, T., Caesar, A.J., Gaskin, U.M Sainju, W.B. Stevens. 2007. Ecology and Function of Culturable Microbes in Soil Aggregation. p. 121-138. In Tian-Xiao Liu (ed). Soil Ecology Research Developments. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY.

Sainju, U.M. 2006. Cover crops for sustaining vegetable production, improving soil and

Water qualities, and controlling weeds and pests. p. 281-296. In R. Dris (ed.) Vegetables: Growing environment and mineral nutrition” W.F.L. Publishers. Helsinki, Finland.

Sainju, U.M. and R. Dris 2006. Sustainable production of tomato. p. 190-216. In R. Dris

(ed.) “Crops: Growth, quality, and biotechnology”, WFL Publishers, Helsinki, Finland.




Allen, B.L., A.W. Lenssen, U.M. Sainju, T. Caesar-TonThat, R.T Lartey, and R.G. Evans. 2016. Nitrogen-use efficiency in stacked versus alternate-year rotations under conventional or ecological management. In: Shaver, T. Ed., Proc. Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference, March 4-5, 2016. Denver, CO. International Plant Nutrition Institute, Brookings, SD, p. 194-199.

Sainju, U.M., B.P. Singh, and H. P. Singh. 2014. Soil carbon and nitrogen affected by perennial grass, cover crop, and nitrogen fertilization. Proc. New Crops: Bioenergy, Biomaterials, and Sustainability Conference. October 13 -16, 2013. Washington DC. 

Singh, B.P., U.M. Sainju, and H.P. Singh. 2013. Soil carbon and nitrogen and sweet sorghum production affected by cover crop. Proc. First International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, July 27-29, 2013 Solo, Indonesia. Submitted 4/29/2013., pp. 1-7.

Sainju, U.M., A.W. Lenssen, H. Goosey, E. Snyder, and P. Hatfield. 2011. Sheep
 grazing effect on dryland soil carbon and nitrogen in the wheat-fallow system. P. 146-151. Proc. Western Nutrient Management Conference, March 3-4, 2011. Reno, NV.

Sainju, U.M. 2010. Management practices impact on soil nitrous oxide emission in the northern Great Plains, USA. p. 140-143.
In. R. Gikes and N. Prakongkep (ed.) Proc. 19th World Congress of Soil Science. 1-6 August 2010. Brisbane, Australia. Univ. of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia.

Caesar-TonThat, T., S.F. Wright, U.M. Sainju, R. Kolberg, and M. West. 2010. Impacts of long-term no-tillage and conventional management of spring wheat-lentil cropping systems in dryland eastern Montana, USA on fungi associated to soil aggregation. p. 24-27. In. R. Gikes and N. Prakongkep (ed.) Proc. 19th World Congress of Soil Science. 1-6 August 2010. Brisbane, Australia. Univ. of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia.

Allen, B., A. W. Lenssen, U.M. Sainju, T. Caesar-TonThat, R.B. Lartey, and R.G. Evans. 2010. Management Strategies to Improve Yield and Nitrogen Use of Spring Wheat andField Pea in the Semi-Arid Northern Great Plains USA. p. 133-136.
In. R. Gikes and N. Prakongkep (ed.) Proc. 19th World Congress of Soil Science. 1-6 August 2010. Brisbane, Australia. Univ. of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia.

Sainju, U.M. 2010. Cropping sequence and nitrogen fertilization effects on dryland soil nitrous oxide emission. Pages 24-29.
In A. Schlegel and H.D. Bond (eds.) Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference, March 2-3, 2010. Denver, CO.

Sainju, U.M., W. B. Stevens, T. Caesar-TonThat, and J. D. Jabro. 2010. Carbon input and soil carbon dioxide emission affected by land use and management practices. p. 12-15.
In. R. Gikes and N. Prakongkep (ed.) Proc. 19th World Congress of Soil Science. 1-6 August 2010. Brisbane, Australia. Univ. of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia.

Sainju, U.M. 2008. Management practices impact on soil carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emission. P. 10. Proc. SGP International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment. 2-6 July 2008. Sapporo, Japan.

Sainju, U.M. 2008. Tillage, cropping sequence, and nitrogen fertilization effects on dryland soil carbon sequestration and carbon dioxide emission. P. 318. 
Proc. 2008 International Soil Conservation Organization Meeting. 18-23 May 2008 Budapest, Hungary. 

Jabro, J.D, U.M. Sainju, and R.G. Evans.
2008. Long-term tillage frequency effects on dryland soil physical and hydraulic properties. P. 267. 
Proc. 2008 International Soil Conservation Organization Meeting. 18-23 May 2008. Budapest, Hungary.

Sainju, U.M. 2008. Tillage, cropping sequence, and nitrogen fertilization effects on dryland soil nitrogen and malt barley yield. P. 88-93. Proc. 2008 Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference. March 4-5, 2008. Denver, Co.

Sainju, U.M. 2007. Carbon and nitrogen storage in dryland soil aggregates as influenced by long-term tillage and cropping system. p. 88-89. In: A. Chabbi (ed.) Proc. International Symposium on Organic Matter Dynamics in Agro-Ecosystems. July 16-19, 2007. Poitiers, France.

Sainju, U.M., Z.N. Senwo, E.Z. Nyakatawa, I.A. Tazisong, and K.C. Reddy.
2007. Tillage, cropping system, and nitrogen fertilizer source effects on soil carbon and nitrogen sequestration. p. 446-447. In: A. Chabbi (ed.) Proc. International Symposium on Organic Matter Dynamics in Agro-Ecosystems. July 16-19, 2007. Poitiers, France.

Sainju, U.M., J.D. Jabro, and W.B. Stevens 2006.
Soil carbon dioxide emissions as influenced by irrigation, tillage, cropping system, and nitrogen fertilization. p. 1086-1098. In: V.P. Aneja et al. (eds.) Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality: State of Science. June 5-8, 2006. Potomac, MD.

Sainju, U.M., R.G. Evans, and W.M. Iversen. 2006. Irrigation system effects on soil carbon and nitrogen under sugarbeet and barley in Northern Great Plains. p. 286-291.
In A. Schlegel (ed.) Proceedings of the 2006 Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference. March 7-8, 2006. Denver, CO.

Singh, B.P., U.M. Sainju, D. Lee, and W.F. Whitehead. 2005. Effect of tillage methods and cover crops on the properties of cultivated soils. P. 1-8. In: International Agricultural Engineering Conference. 6-9 December 2005. Bangkok, Thailand.

Terrell, T.H., U.M. Sainju, S. Gelaye, and B.P. Singh. 2000. Long-term productivity of rhizoma peanut and alfalfa in central Georgia. p. 260-264.
Proceeding 2000 Forage and Grassland Conference. 16-19 July 2000. Madison, WI.

Sainju, U.M., B.P. Singh, and S. Yaffa. 1999. Tomato yield and soil quality as influenced by tillage, cover cropping, and nitrogen fertilization. p. 104-113.
In. J.E. Hook (ed.). Proceeding 22nd Annual Southern Conservation Tillage Conference for Sustainable Agriculture. 6-8 July 1999. Tif

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