Michael R. Kosorok
Department of Biostatistics
School of Public Health
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
3101 McGavran-Greenberg Hall, CB 7420
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7420
Phone: 919-966-8107
Fax: 919-966-3804
Email: [email protected]
1988 Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, B.M. Music Composition, Magna cum laude
1988 Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, M.S. Statistics
1991 University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, M.S. Biostatistics
1991 University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, Ph.D. Biostatistics;
Dissertation: A variance reduction method for combining multivariate failure times in order to increase power in clinical trials.
1999 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, M.M. Music Composition
1992 Senior Fellow, Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
1992-1998 Assistant Professor, Departments of Statistics and Biostatistics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin (UW-Madison)
1992-1997 Biostatistician, General Clinical Research Center, UW-Madison
1992-2006 Member, University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center, UW-Madison
1993-1998 Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, UW-Madison
1998-2003 Associate Professor, Departments of Statistics and Biostatistics & Medical Informatics, UW-Madison
Affiliate Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, UW-Madison
2003-2006 Professor, Departments of Statistics and Biostatistics & Medical Informatics, UW-Madison
2003-2013 Affiliate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, UW-Madison
2006-present Professor, Department of Biostatistics, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (UNC-Chapel Hilll)
2006-2016 Chair, Department of Biostatistics, UNC-Chapel Hill
2007-present Professor, Department of Statistics and Operations Research, UNC-Chapel Hill
2008-present Research Fellow, Cecil B. Sheps Center for Health Services Research, UNC-Chapel Hill
2008-present Director, NC TraCS (CTSA) Biostatistics Core, UNC-Chapel Hill
2009-present Member, Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, UNC-Chapel Hill
2013-present W. R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor, Department of Biostatistics
2017-present Chair, Department of Biostatistics, UNC-Chapel Hill
2004- Associate Editor, Annals of Statistics
2011- Associate Editor,
Journal of the American Statistical Association, Theory and Methods
2015- Associate Editor,
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B
2005-2013 Associate Editor, International Journal of Biostatistics
2007-2009 Associate Editor, Electronic Journal of Statistics
2007-2009 Associate Editor,
Probability and Statistics Letters
2007-2009 Associate Editor,
Statistics Surveys
U.S. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Data Safety Monitoring Board
2001-2006 U.S. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Chair, Intramural Data Safety Monitoring Committee (DSMC)
2003-2009 University of Wisconsin Postpartum Depression Treatment Study, Chair, DSMC
2004-2005 GlaxoSmithKline Study CKA20001, DSMC
1997-2002 U.S. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Clinical Research Committee
2002 Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Program Chair, WNAR/IMS Joint Statistical Meeting, Los Angeles, California, June 23-26.
2006 Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Program Co-Chair (with Jason P. Fine), ENAR/IMS Joint Statistical Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 19-22.
2008 Special Committee for Promotion (for Dr. F. Vonta), University of Cyprus, Cyprus,
May 12.
2008-present Member, Board of Trustees, National Institute of Statistical Sciences.
2009 Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Program Co-Chair (with Xiaotong Shen), Joint Statistical Meeting, Washington, D.C., August 1-6, 2009.
2011-2017 BMRD Study Section, National Institutes of Health
2015 Steering Committee Member for the SAMSI Innovations Lab on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Biomedical Data Science Challenges, July 20-24, 2015.
2016 International Scientific Advisory Committee for the Medical Research Council Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge University, February 17-18, 2016.
2016 Planning Committee Member, Discussant, and Participant in Workshop on “Refining the Concept of Scientific Inference When Working with Big Data”, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Washington, D.C., June 8-9, 2016.
2016-2019 COPSS Awards Committee
2018 Society for Epidemiologic Research, Session Co-Organize (with Daniel J. Westreich), Baltimore, MD, June 19-22
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Statistical Association
Institute of Mathematical Statistics
International Biometric Society
International Chinese Statistical Association
International Statistical Institute
Royal Statistical Society
Accredited Professional StatisticianTM (American Statistical Association), PStat®
1987 National Collegiate Mathematics Award
1987-88 Composer in Residence for the Brigham Young University Percussion Ensemble
1988 Rothamsted Research Award in Statistics, Brigham Young University
1990 Donovan J. Thompson Outstanding Student in Biostatistics, University of Washington
1997 National Cancer Institute FIRST Award
2004 Honored Alumni, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Brigham Young University
2006 Fellow, American Statistical Association
2007 Fellow, Institute of Mathematical Statistics
2007 Inducted into Delta Omega, the Honorary Public Health Society
2010 Yakovlev Colloquium Speaker, University of Rochester, Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology
2011 Third Place in the American Statistical Association Biopharmaceutical Section Poster Award Competition for “Reinforcement Learning Strategies for Lung Cancer Clinical Trials”
2012 2011 International Biometrics Society Best Paper in Biometrics Award for “Detecting disease outbreaks using local spatiotemporal methods”
2015 Myra Samuels Memorial Lecturer, Purdue University, Department of Statistics
2015 Institute of Mathematical Statistics Medallion Lecturer
2016 Distinguished Alumni Lecturer, University of Washington, Department of Biostatistics
2016 Plenary Speaker, Conference on Statistical Learning and Data Science, Chapel Hill, NC
2016 Distinguished Lecturer, IMS Asia Pacific Rim Meeting, Hong Kong
2016 Conference (Plenary) Speaker, SINAPE, Porto Alegre, Brazil
2016 Elected Member, International Statistical Institute
2016 Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science
2018 Keynote Speaker, Conference on Statistics and Health (Personalized Medicine and Big Data), Institut de Mathématiques de Tououse, Toulouse, France, January, 2018.
Biostatistics, Data Science, Machine Learning, Precision Medicine.
1. Tolley HD and Kosorok MR: An empirical method of comparing risks using stochastic dominance.
Transactions of the Society of Actuaries 41:507-545, 1989.
2. Swenson PD, Riess JT, Kosorok MR and Oberle MW: HBsAg subtyping with monoclonal antibodies in Southeast Asian refugees entering the United States.
In: Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease, Ed. Hollinger FB, Lemon SM, and Margolis HS, Pages 199-202.
Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1991.
3. Kosorok MR, Omenn GS, Diehr P, Koepsell TD, and Patrick DL:
Conditions associated with restricted activity days among older adults.
American Journal of Public Health 82:1263-1267, 1992.
4. Kosorok MR and Fleming TR: Using surrogate failure time data to increase cost effectiveness in clinical trials.
Biometrika 80:823-833, 1993.
5. Baken LA, Koutsky LA, Kuypers J, Kosorok MR, Lee SK, Kiviat NB, Holmes KK:
Genital human papillomavirus infection among male and female sexual partners:
Prevalence and type-specific concordance. Journal of Infectious Diseases 171:429-432, 1995.
6. Kosorok MR, Chao W-H: The analysis of longitudinal ordinal response data in continuous time.
Journal of the American Statistical Association 91:807-817, 1996.
7. Kosorok MR, Wei W-H, Farrell PM: The incidence of cystic fibrosis.
Statistics in Medicine 15:449-462, 1996.
8. van Egmond AWA, Kosorok MR, Koscik RE, Laxova A, Farrell PM: Effect of linoleic acid intake on growth of infants with cystic fibrosis.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 63:746-752, 1996.
9. Farrell PM, Kosorok MR, Laxova A, Shen G, Koscik RE, Bruns T, Splaingard M, Mischler EH, and the Wisconsin Cystic Fibrosis Neonatal Screening Group: Nutritional benefits of newborn screening for cystic fibrosis.
New England Journal of Medicine 337:963-969, 1997.
10. Farrell PM, Shen G, Splaingard M, Colby CE, Laxova A, Kosorok MR, Rock MJ, Mischler EH: Acquisition of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa in children with cystic fibrosis. Pediatrics, 100(5):
URL: http://www.pediatrics.org/cgi/content/full/100/5/e2, 1997.
11. Gregg RG, Simantel A, Farrell PM, Koscik R, Kosorok MR, Laxova A, Laessig R, Hoffman G, Hassemer D, Mischler EH, Splaingard M:
Newborn screening for cystic fibrosis in Wisconsin: Comparison of biochemical and molecular methods.
Pediatrics 99:819-824, 1997.
12. Pursley JR, Kosorok MR, Wiltbank MC: Reproductive management of lactating dairy cows using synchronization of ovulation.
Journal of Dairy Science 80:301-306, 1997.
13. Kosorok MR, Jalaluddin M, Farrell PM, Shen G, Colby CE, Laxova A, Rock MJ, Splaingard M:
Comprehensive analysis of risk factors for acquisition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in young children with cystic fibrosis.
Pediatric Pulmonology 26:81-88, 1998.
14. Lai H-C, Kosorok MR, Sondel SA, Chen S-T, FitzSimmons SC, Green CG, Shen G, Walker S, Farrell PM: Growth status in children with cystic fibrosis based on the national Cystic Fibrosis Patient Registry data: Evaluation of various criteria used to identify malnutrition. Journal of Pediatrics 132:478-485, 1998.
15. Pan W, Chappell R, Kosorok MR: On consistency of the nonparametric MLE of survival for left truncated and interval censored data.
Statistics and Probability Letters 38:49-57, 1998.
16. Douglas JA, Kosorok MR, Chewning BA: A latent variable model for multivariate failure time data with psychometrical applications.
Psychometrika 64: 69-82, 1999.
17. Gourley GR, Kreamer B, Cohnen M, Kosorok MR: Neonatal jaundice and diet.
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine 153:184-188, 1999.
18. Johnson CA, Wakeen M, Taylor CA, Zimmerman SW, Bhattacharya A, Kosorok MR: Comparison of intraperitoneal and subcutaneous epoetin in peritoneal dialysis patients.
Peritoneal Dialysis International 19:578-582, 1999.
19. Kosorok MR: Two-sample quantile tests under general conditions.
Biometrika 86:909-921, 1999.
20. Kosorok MR, Lin C-Y: The versatility of function-indexed weighted log-rank statistics.
Journal of the American Statistical Association 94:320-332, 1999.
21. Kosorok MR, Qu RP: Exact simultaneous confidence bands for a collection of univariate polynomials in regression analysis.
Statistics in Medicine 18:613-620, 1999.
22. Lai H-C, Corey M, FitzSimmons S, Kosorok MR, Farrell PM: Comparison of growth status in patients with cystic fibrosis between United States and Canada.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 69:531-538, 1999.
23. Lin C-Y, Kosorok MR: A general class of function-indexed nonparametric tests for survival analysis.
Annals of Statistics 27:1722-1744, 1999.
24. Pridham K, Kosorok MR, Greer F, Carey P, Kayata S, Sondel S: The effects of prescribed versus ad libitum feedings and formula caloric density on growing premature infants.
Nursing Research 48:86-93, 1999.
25. Taylor CA, Kosorok MR, Zimmerman SW, Johnson CA: Pharmacokinetics of intraperitoneal epoetin alpha in patients on peritoneal dialysis using 8-hour “dry dwell” dosing technique.
American Journal of Kidney Diseases 34:657-662, 1999.
26. Jalaluddin M, Kosorok MR: An algorithm for robust inference for the Cox model with frailties.
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 9:642-652, 2000. (Jalaluddin was one of four winners of the ASA Statistical Computing Section Student Paper Competition.)
27. Karofsky PA, Zeng L, Kosorok MR: The relationship between adolescent-parental communication and the initiation of first intercourse by adolescents.
Journal of Adolescent Health 28:41-45, 2000.
28. Koscik RE, Kosorok MR, Farrell PM, Collins J, Peters ME, Laxova A, Green CG, Zeng L, Rusakow LS, Hardie RC, Campbell PW, Gurney JW: The Wisconsin Cystic Fibrosis Chest Radiograph Scoring System: Validation and standardization for application to longitudinal studies. Pediatric Pulmonology 29:457-467, 2000.
29. Kosorok MR: Monte Carlo error estimation for multivariate Markov chains.
Statistics and Probability Letters 46:85-93, 2000.
30. Lai H-C, FitzSimmons SC, Allen DB, Kosorok MR, Rosenstein BJ, Campbell PW, Farrell PM: Persistent growth impairment in children with cystic fibrosis following treatment with alternate-day prednisone.
New England Journal of Medicine 342:852-859, 2000.
31. Lai H-C, Kosorok MR, Laxova A, Davis LA, FitzSimmons SC, Farrell PM: Nutritional status of patients with cystic fibrosis with meconium ileus: A comparison with patients without meconium ileus and diagnosed early through neonatal screening.
Pediatrics 105:53-61, 2000.
32. Wei W-H, Kosorok MR: Masking unmasked in the proportional hazards model.
Biometrics 56:991-995, 2000.
33. Farrell PM, Kosorok MR, Rock MJ, Laxova A, Zeng L, Lai H-C, Hoffman G, Laessig RH, Splaingard ML, and the Wisconsin Cystic Fibrosis Neonatal Screening Study Group: Early diagnosis of cystic fibrosis through neonatal screening prevents severe malnutrition and improves long-term growth. Pediatrics 107:1-13, 2001.
34. Kosorok MR, Zeng L, West SEH, Rock MJ, Splaingard ML, Laxova A, Green CG, Collins J, Farrell PM: Acceleration of lung disease in children with cystic fibrosis after
Pseudomonas aeruginosa acquisition. Pediatric Pulmonology 32:277-287, 2001.
35. Pridham K, Kosorok MR, Greer F, Kayata S, Bhattacharya A, Grunwald P: Comparison of caloric intake and weight outcomes of an ad lib feeding regimen for preterm infants in two nurseries.
Journal of Advanced Nursing 35:751-759, 2001.
36. Gern JE, Martin MS, Anklam KA, Shen K, Roberg KA, Carlson-Dakes KT, Adler K, Gilbertson-White S, Hamilton R, Shult PA, Kirk CJ, DaSilva DF, Sund SA, Kosorok MR, Lemanske RF Jr.: Relationships among specific viral pathogens, virus-induced interleukin-8, and respiratory symptoms in infancy. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology 13:386-393, 2002.
37. Gilbert PB, Wei LJ, Kosorok MR, Clemens JD: Simultaneous inferences on the contrast of two hazard functions with censored observations.
Biometrics 58:773-780, 2002.
38. Kosorok MR: On global consistency of a bivariate survival estimator under univariate censoring.
Statistics and Probability Letters 56:439-446, 2002.
39. Kosorok MR, Fine JP, Jiang H, Chappell RJ: Asymptotic theory for the gamma frailty model with dependent censoring.
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 54:476-499, 2002.
40. Lai H-C, Kosorok MR, Laxova A, Makholm M, Farrell PM: Delayed diagnosis in females with cystric fibrosis.
American Journal of Epidemiology 156:165-173, 2002.
41. West SHE, Zeng L, Lee BL, Kosorok MR, Laxova A, Rock MJ, Splaingard MJ, Farrell PM: Respiratory infections with
Pseudomonas aeruginosa in children with cystic fibrosis: Early detection by serology and assessment of risk factors.
Journal of the American Medical Association 287:2968-2972, 2002.
42. Farrell PM, Li Z, Kosorok MR, Laxova A, Green CG, Collins J, Lai H-C, Makholm LM, Rock MJ, Splaingard ML: Longitudinal evaluation of bronchopulmonary disease in children with cystic fibrosis.
Pediatric Pulmonology 36:230-240, 2003.
43. Farrell PM, Li Z, Kosorok MR, Laxova A, Green CG, Collins J, Lai H-C, Rock MJ, Splaingard ML: Bronchopulmonary disease in children with cystic fibrosis after early or delayed diagnosis.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 168:1100-1108, 2003.
44. Kosorok MR: Bootstraps of independent but not identically distributed stochastic processes.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 84:299-318, 2003.
45. Potegal M, Kosorok MR, Davidson RJ: Temper tantrums in young children: 2. Tantrum duration and temporal organization.
Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 24:148-154, 2003.
46. Cook TD, Kosorok MR: Analysis of time-to-event data with incomplete event adjudication.
Journal of the American Statistical Association 99:1140-1152, 2004.
47. Fine JP, Yan J, Kosorok MR: Temporal process regression. Biometrika 91:683-703, 2004.
48. Gangnon RE, Kosorok MR: Weighted log-rank statistics and sample size formula for clustered survival data.
Biometrika 91:263-275, 2004.
49. Koscik RL, Farrell PM, Kosorok MR, Zaremba KM, Laxova A, Lai H-C, Douglas JA, Rock MJ, Splaingard ML: Cognitive function of children with cystic fibrosis: Deleterious effect of early malnutrition.
Pediatrics 113:1549-1558, 2004.
50. Kosorok MR, Lee BL, Fine JP: Robust inference for univariate proportional hazards frailty regression models.
Annals of Statistics 32:1448-1491, 2004.
51. Kosorok MR, Shi Y, DeMets DL: Design and analysis of group sequential clinical trials with multiple primary endpoints.
Biometrics 60:134-145, 2004.
52. Lai H-C, Cheng Y, Cho H, Kosorok MR, Farrell PM: Relationship between initial disease presentation, lung disease outcomes and survival in patients with cystic fibrosis.
American Journal of Epidemiology 159:537-546, 2004.
53. Li Z, Lai H-C, Kosorok MR, Laxova A, Rock MJ, Splaingard ML, Farrell PM: Longitudinal pulmonary status of cystic fibrosis children with meconimum ileus.
Pediatric Pulmonology 38:277-284, 2004.
54. Corech R, Rao A, Laxova A, Moss J, Rock MJ, Li Z, Kosorok MR, Splaingard ML, Farrell PM, Barbieri JT: Early immune response to the type-III system of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa in children with cystic fibrosis. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 43:3956-3962, 2005.
55. Dixon JR, Kosorok MR, Lee BL: Functional inference in semiparametric models using the piggyback bootstrap.
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 57:255-277, 2005.
56. Eng KH, Kosorok MR: A sample size formula for the supremum log-rank statistic.
Biometrics 61:86-91, 2005.
57. Farrell PM, Lai H-C, Li Z, Kosorok MR, Laxova A, Green CG, Collins J, Hoffman G, Laessig R, Rock MJ, Splaingard ML: Evidence on improved outcomes with early diagnosis of cystic fibrosis through neonatal screening: Enough is enough!
Journal of Pediatrics 147:S30-S35, 2005.
58. Gourley GR, Li Z, Kreamer BL, Kosorok MR: A controlled, randomized, double-blind trial of prophylaxis against jaundice in breastfed newborns.
Pediatrics 116:392-399, 2005.
59. Jiang H, Fine JP, Kosorok MR, Chappell RJ: Pseudo self-consistent estimation of a copula model with informative censoring. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 32:1-20, 2005.
60. Koscik RL, Lai H-C, Laxova A, Zaremba KM, Kosorok MR, Douglas JA, Rock MJ, Splaingard ML, Farrell PM: Preventing early, prolonged vitamin E deficiency: An opportunity for better cognitive outcomes via early diagnosis through neonatal screening.
Journal of Pediatrics 147:S51-S56, 2005.
61. Kosorok MR, Ma S: Comment on “Semilinear high-dimensional model for normalization of microarray data: a theoretical analysis and partial consistency” by J. Fan, H. Peng, T. Huang.
Journal of the American Statistical Association 100:805-807, 2005.
62. Lee BL, Kosorok MR, Fine JP: The profile sampler. Journal of the American Statistical Association 100:960-969, 2005.
63. Li Z, Kosorok MR, Farrell PM, Laxova A, West SEH, Green CG, Collins J, Rock MJ, Splaingard ML: Longitudinal development of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection and lung disease progression in children with cystic fibrosis.
Journal of the American Medical Association 293:581-588, 2005.
64. Ma S, Kosorok MR: Penalized log-likelihood estimation for partly linear transformation models with current status data.
Annals of Statistics 33:2256-2290, 2005.
65. Ma S, Kosorok MR: Robust semiparametric M-estimation and the weighted bootstrap.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 96:190-217, 2005.
66. Braun AT, Farrell PM, Ferec C, Audrezet MP, Laxova A, Li Z, Kosorok MR, Gershan WM: Cystic fibrosis mutations and genotype-pulmonary phenotype analysis.
Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 5:33-41, 2006.
67. Brody AS, Kosorok MR, Li Z, Broderick LS, Foster JL, Laxova A, Bandla H, Farrell PM: Reproducibility of a scoring system for computerized tomography scanning in cystic fibrosis.
Journal of Thoracic Imaging 21:14-21, 2006.
68. Kosorok MR, Gangnon RE: Resolving the tail instability in weighted log-rank statistics for clustered survival data.
Statistics and Probability Letters 76:304-309, 2006.
69. Ma S, Kosorok MR: Adaptive penalized M-estimation with current status data.
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 58:511-526, 2006.
70. Ma S, Kosorok MR, Fine JP: Additive risk models for survival data with high dimensional covariates.
Biometrics 62:202-210, 2006.
71. Ma S, Kosorok MR, Huang J, Xie H, Manzella L, Soares MB: Robust semiparametric cDNA microarray normalization and significance analysis.
Biometrics 62:555-561, 2006.
72. Cheng Y, Fine JP, Kosorok MR. Nonparametric analysis of multivariate competing risks data.
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 102:1407-1415, 2007.
73. Kosorok MR: Discussion on “Maximum likelihood estimation in semiparametric regression models with censored data” by D. Zeng, D.Y. Lin.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 69:551-552, 2007.
74. Kosorok MR, Fine JP: Comment on “Implementation of estimating-function based inference procedures with Markov chain Monte Carlo samplers” by L. Tian, J. S. Liu, L. J. Wei.
Journal of the American Statistical Association 102:896-897, 2007.
75. Kosorok MR, Ma S: Marginal asymptotics for the “large p, small n” paradigm: with applications to microarray data.
Annals of Statistics 35:1456-1486, 2007.
76. Kosorok MR, Song R: Inference under right censoring for transformation models with a change-point based on a covariate threshold.
Annals of Statistics, 35:957-989, 2007.
77. Cheng G, Kosorok MR: Higher order semiparametric frequentist inference with the profile sampler.
Annals of Statistics 36:1786-1818, 2008.
78. Cheng G, Kosorok MR. General frequentist properties of the posterior profile distribution.
Annals of Statistics 36:1819-1853, 2008.
79. Kosorok MR. Bootstrapping the Grenander estimator. In: Beyond Parametrics in Interdisciplinary Research: Festschrift in Honor of Professor Pranab K. Sen. Eds. N. Balakrishnan, E.A. Peña, M.J. Silvapulle. Collections, Volume 1. Institute of Mathematical Statistics: Beachwood, OH. Pages 282-292, 2008.
80. Kosorok MR. Semiparametric maximum likelihood inference in survival analysis. In:
Statistical Advances in the Biomedical Sciences: Clinical Trials, Epidemiology, Survival Analysis, and Bioinformatics. Eds. A. Biswas, S. Datta, J. P. Fine, M. R. Segal. Wiley: New York. Pages 159-175, 2008.
81. Song R, Cook TD, Kosorok MR: What we want versus what we can get: A closer look at failure time endpoints for cardiovascular studies.
Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 18:370-381, 2008.
82. Song R, Kosorok MR, Cai J: Robust covariate-adjusted log-rank statistics and corresponding sample size formulas for recurrent events data.
Biometrics 64:741-750, 2008.
83. Anand IS, Carson P, Galle E, Song R, Boehmer J, Ghali J, Jaski B, Lindenfeld J, O’Connor C, Steniberg J, Leigh J, Yong P, Kosorok MR, Feldman AM, DeMets D, Bristow M. Cardiac resynchronization therapy reduces the risk of hospitalizations in patients with advanced heart failure: results from the COMPANION trial. Circulation 119:3093-3100, 2009.
84. Cheng Y, Fine JP, Kosorok MR: Nonparametric association analysis of exchangeable clustered competing risks data.
Biometrics 65:385-393, 2009.
85. Cheng G, Kosorok MR: The penalized profile sampler. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 100:345-362, 2009.
86. Farrell PM, Collins J, Broderick LS, Rock MJ, Li Z, Kosorok MR,
Laxova A, Gershan WM, Brody AS: Association between
mucoid Pseudomonas infection and bronchiectasis in children with cystic fibrosis.
Radiology 252:534-543, 2009.
87. Kosorok MR: What’s so special about
semiparametric methods? (with discussion and rejoinder) Sankhya Series A 71-A:331-371.
88. Kosorok MR: Discussion of: Brownian distance covariance. Annals of Applied Statistics 4:1270-1278, 2009.
89. Ma S, Kosorok MR: Identification of differential gene pathways with principal component analysis.
Bioinformatics 25:882-889, 2009.
90. Song R, Kosorok MR, Fine JP: On asymptotically optimal tests under loss of identifiability in semiparametric models.
Annals of Statistics 37:2409-2444, 2009.
91. Song R, Zhou H, Kosorok MR: On semiparametric efficient inference for two-stage outcome-dependent-sampling with a continuous outcome.
Biometrika 96:221-228, 2009.
92. Zhao YF, Kosorok MR, Zeng D: Reinforcement learning design for cancer clinical trials.
Statistics in Medicine 28:3294-3315, 2009.
93. Han X, Li Y, Huang J, Zhang Y, Holford T,
Lan Q, Rothman N, Zheng T, Kosorok MR, Ma S: Identification of predictive pathways for non-Hodgkin lymphoma prognosis. Cancer Informatics 9:281-292, 2010.
94. Ma S, Kosorok MR: Detection of gene pathways with predictive power for breast cancer prognosis.
BMC Bioinformatics 11:1, 2010.
95. Cao H, Kosorok MR: Simultaneous critical values for t-tests in very high dimensions.
Bernoulli 17:347-394, 2011.
96. Goldberg Y, Kosorok MR: Comment on “Adaptive confidence intervals for the test error in classification” by E. B. Labor and S. A. Murphy.
Journal of the American Statistical Association 106:920-924, 2011.
97. Ma S, Kosorok MR, Huang J, Da Y:Incorporating higher-order representative features improves prediction in network-based cancer prognosis analysis. BMC Medical Genomics 4:5, 2011.
98. Nadkarni N, Zhao YQ, Kosorok MR: Inverse regression estimation for censored data. Journal of the American Statistical Association 106:178-190, 2011.
99. Zhao YQ, Zeng D, Herring AH,
Ising A, Waller A, Richardson D, Kosorok MR: Detecting disease outbreaks using local spatiotemporal methods. Biometrics 67:1508-1517, 2011. (Winner of both the 2011 International Biometrics Society Best Paper in Biometrics Award and the 2010 American Statsitical Association Statistics in Epidemiology Young Investigator Award.)
100. Zhao YF, Zeng D,
Socinski MA, Kosorok MR: Reinforcement learning strategies for clinical trials in non-small cell lung cancer. Biometrics, 67:1422-1433, 2011. (A poster based on this paper was the Third Place Winner of the 2011 American Statistical Association Biopharmaceutical Section Poster Award Competition.)
101. Carpenter WR, Meyer AM, Abernethy AP, Sturmer T, Kosorok MR: A framework for understanding cancer comparative effectiveness research data needs. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 65:1150-1158, 2012.
102. Goldberg Y, Kosorok MR: Q-learning with censored data.
Annals of Statistics 40:529-560, 2012.
103. Goldberg Y, Kosorok MR: An exponential bound for Cox regression.
Statistics and Probability Letters 82:1267-1272, 2012.
104. Kang C, Zhu H, Wright FA, Zou F, Kosorok MR: The interactive decision committee for chemical toxicity analysis.
Journal of Statistical Research 46:157-186, 2012.
105. Li Z, Sanders DB, Rock MJ, Kosorok MR, Collins J, Green CG, Brody AS, Farrell PM: Regional differences in the evolution of lung disease in children with cystic fibrosis.
Pediatric Pulmonology 47:635-640, 2012.
106. Meyer AM, Carpenter WR, Abernethy AP, Sturmer T, Kosorok MR: Data for cancer comparative effectiveness research: Past, present, and future potential. Cancer 118:5186-5197, 2012.
107. Tang R, Banerjee M, Kosorok MR: Likelihood based inference for current status data on a grid: A boundary phenomenon and an adaptive inference procedure.
Annals of Statistics 40:45-72, 2012.
108. Zhao YQ, Zeng D, Rush AJ, Kosorok MR: Estimating individualized treatment rules using outcome weighted learning.
Journal of the American Statistical Association 107:1106-1118, 2012.
109. Zhu R, Kosorok MR: Recursively imputed survival trees. Journal of the American Statistical Association 107:331-340, 2012.
110. Cao H, LaVange, LM, Heyse JF, Mast TC, Kosorok MR: Medical records based post-marketing safety evaluation of rare events with uncertain status.
Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 23:201-212, 2013.
111. Cao H, Sun W, Kosorok MR: The optimal power puzzle: scrutiny of the monotone likelihood ratio assumption in multiple testing.
Biometrika 100:495-502, 2013.
112. Chen G, Sullivan PF, Kosorok MR: Biclustering with heterogeneous variance.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110:12253-12258, 2013.
113. Ding K, Kosorok MR, Zeng D: On the local and stratified likelihood approaches in single-index model.
Communications in Mathematics and Statistics 1:115-132, 2013.
114. Goldberg Y, Song R., Kosorok MR: Adaptive Q-Learning. In:
From Probability to Statistics and Back: High-Dimensional Models and Processes -- A Festschrift in Honor of Jon Wellner. Eds. M. Banerjee, F. Bunea, J. Huang, V. Koltchinskii, M.H. Maathuis. Collections, Volume 9. Institute of Mathematical Statistics: Beachwood, OH. Pages 150-162, 2013.
115.Monaco JH, Cai J, LaVange LM, Kosorok MR: History of the Department of Biostatistics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In:
Strength in Numbers: The Rising of Academic Statistics Departments in the U. S.Eds Agresti AA, Meng X-L. Springer: New York. Pages 453-468, 2013.
116. Wei S, Kosorok MR: Latent supervised learning. Journal of the American Statistical Association 108:957-970, 2013.
117. Goldberg Y, Song R, Zeng D, Kosorok MR: Comment on “Dynamic treatment regimes: technical challenges and applications” by E. B. Laber, D. J. Lizotte, M. Qian, W. E. Pelham, and S. A. Murphy.
Electronic Journal of Statistics 8:1290-1300, 2014.
118. Ren Z, Davidian M, George SL, Goldberg RM, Wright FA, Tsiatis AA, Kosorok MR: Research methods for clinical trials in personalized medicine: a systematic review. In:
Lost in Translation: Barriers to Incentives for Translational Research in Medical Sciences. Eds. Srivastava R, Maksymowicz W, Lopaczynski W. World Scientific: Singapore. Pages 659-684, 2014.
119. R. Song R, Kosorok MR, Fine JP: Discussion of "Multiscale change point inference" by K. Frick, A. Munk and H. Sieling.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 76:564, 2014.
120. Zhao YQ, Kosorok MR: Comment on “Combining biomarkers to optimize patient treatment recommendations” by C. Y. Kang, H. Janes, and Y. Huang.
Biometrics 70:713-716, 2014.
121. Holdsworth La E, Zhu R, Hassmiller Lich K, Ellis AR, Swartz MS, Kosorok MR, Morrissey JP: The effects of state psychiatric hospital waitlist policies on length of stay and time to readmission.
Administration and Policy in Mental Health 42:332-342, 2015.
122. Song R, Kosorok MR, Zeng D, Zhao YQ, Laber EB, Yuan M: On sparse representation for optimal individualized treatment selection with penalized outcome weighted learning.
Stat 4:59-68, 2015.
123. Song R, Wang W, Zeng D, Kosorok MR: Penalized Q-learning for dynamic treatment regimes.
Statistica Sinica 25:901-920.
124. Zhao YQ, Zeng D, Laber EB, Kosorok MR: New statistical learning methods for estimating optimal dynamic treatment regimes.
Journal of the American Statistical Association 110:583-598, 2015.
125. Zhao YQ, Zeng D, Laber EB, Song R, Yuan M, Kosorok MR: Doubly robust learning for estimating individualized treatment with censored data.
Biometrika 102:151-168, 2015.
126. Zhu R, Zeng D, Kosorok MR: Reinforcement learning trees.
Journal of the American Statistical Association 110:1770-1784, 2015.
127. Chen G, Liu Y, Shen D, Kosorok MR: Composite large margin classifiers with latent subclasses for heterogeneous biomedical data.
Statistical Analysis and Data Mining 9:75-88, 2016.
128. Chen J, Liu Y, Zeng D, Song R, Zhao YQ, Kosorok MR: Comment on “Bayesian nonparametric estimation for dynamic treatment regimes with sequential transition times” by Y. Xu, P. Müller, A. S. Wahed, P. F. Thall.
Journal of the American Statistical Association 111:942-947.
129. Chen G, Zeng D, Kosorok MR: Personalized dose finding using outcome weighted learning (with discussion and rejoinder).
Journal of the American Statistical Association 111:1509-1547, 2016.
130. Laber EB, Zhao YQ, Regh T, Davidian M, Tsiatis A, Stanford JB, Zeng D, Song R, Kosorok MR: Using pilot data to size a two-arm randomized trial to find a nearly optimal personalized treatment strategy. Statistics in Medicine 35:1245-1256, 2016.
131. Song R, Banerjee B, Kosorok MR: Asymptotics for change-point models under varying degrees of mis-specification.
Annals of Statistics 44:153-182, 2016.
132. Teran Hidalgo SJ, Lawson MT, Luckett DJ, Chaudhari M, Chen J, Choudhury A, Di Florio A, Jiang X, Nguyen CT, Kosorok MR: A master pipeline for discovery and validation of biomarkers. In:
Machine Learning for Health Informatics: State-of-the-Art and Future Challenges. Ed Holzinger A. Springer International Publishing. Pages 259-288, 2016.
133. Cui Y, Zhu R, Kosorok MR: Tree based weighted learning for estimating individualized treatment rules with censored data.
Electronic Journal of Statistics 11:3927-3953, 2017.
134. Diegidio P, Hermiz S, Hibbard J, Kosorok MR, Hultman CS: Hypertrophic burn scar research: From quantitative assessment to designing clinical sequential multiple assignment randomized trials.
Clinics in Plastic Surgery 44:917-924, 2017
135. Goldberg Y, Kosorok MR: Support vector regression for right censored data.
Electronic Journal of Statistics 11:532-569, 2017.
136. Zhang Q, Kosorok MR: Statistical monitoring of clinical trials using Brownian bridges.
International Journal of Statistics and Probability 6:142-151, 2017.
137. Zhou X, Mayer-Hamblett N, Khan U, Kosorok MR: Residual weighted learning for estimating individualized treatment rules.
Journal of the American Statistical Association 112:169-187, 2017.
138. Butler EM, Laber EB, Davis SM, Kosorok MR: Incorporating patient preferences into estimation of optimal individualized treatment rules.
Biometrics 74:18-26, 2018.
139. Chen G, Kosorok MR, Zhou X: Nonconvex Optimization. Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online. 1–9, 2018.
140. Hibbard JC, Friedstat JS, Davis SM, Edkins RE, Hultman CS, Kosorok MR: LIBERTY: A SMART study in plastic surgery.
Clinical Trials 15:286-293, 2018.
141. Saiman L, Zhou JJ, Jiang X, Kosorok MR, Muhlebach MS: Surveying cystic fibrosis care centers to assess adoption of infection prevention and control recommendations.
Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology 39:647-651, 2018.
142. Teran Hidalgo SJ, Wu MC, Engel SE, Kosorok MR: Goodness-of-fit test for nonparametric regression models: Smoothing spline ANOVA models as example.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 122:135-155, 2018.
143. Bellach A, Kosorok MR, Rüschendorf L, Fine JP: Weighted NPMLE for the subdistribution of a competing risk.
Journal of the American Statistical Association, In press.
144. Chaudhari M, Kim EH, Withana Gamage PW, McMahan CS, Kosorok MR: Study design with staggered sampling times for evaluating sustained unresponsiveness to peanut sublingual immunotherapy.
Statistics in Medicine, In press.
145. Chen J, Fu H, He X, Kosorok MR, Liu Y: Estimating individualized treatment rules for ordinal treatments.
Biometrics, In press.
146. Chen J, Zhang C, Kosorok MR, Liu Y: Double sparsity kernel learning with automatic variable selection and data extraction (with discussion and rejoinder).
Statistics and Its Interface, In press.
147. Dasgupta D, Goldberg Y, Kosorok MR: Feature elimination in kernel machines in moderately high dimensions. Annals of Statistics, In press.
148. Di Florio A, Gordan-Smith K, Forty L, Kosorok MR, Fraser C, Perry A, Bethell A, Craddock N, Jones L, Jones I: Stratification of the risk of bipolar disorder recurrences in pregnancy and postpartum.
British Journal of Psychiatry, In press.
149. El Naqa I, Kosorok MR, Jin J, Mierzwa M, Ten Haken TR: Prospects and challenges for clinical decision support in the era of big data.
Journal of Clinical Oncology Clinical Cancer Informatics, In press.
150. Kosorok MR, Laber EB: Precision medicine. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application, In press.
151. Lawson MT, Cho H, Choudhury A, Cui Y, Jiang X, Pokaprakarn T, Kosorok MR: Discussion of Laber at al. “Optimal treatment allocations in space and time for on-line control of an emerging infectious disease.”
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C, In press.
152. Liu Y, Wang Y, Kosorok MR, Zhao Y, Zeng D: Augmented outcome-weighted learning for estimating optimal dynamic treatment regimes.
Statistics in Medicine, In press.
153. Wei S, Kosorok MR: The change-plane Cox model. Biometrika, In press.
Kosorok MR: Introduction to Empirical Processes and Semiparametric Inference. Springer: New York, 2008.
Kosorok MR, Moodie EEM: Adaptive Treatment Strategies in Practice: Planning Trials and Analyzing Data for Personalized Medicine. ASA-SIAM Series on Statistics and Applied Probability. SIAM, Philadelphia, ASA, Alexandria, VA, 2016.
T32 LM012420 (CA201159 in Year 1), National Library of Medicine: Big Data to Knowledge Training Program (05/01/15-04/30/20). PI : Drs. Michael R. Kosorok (contact PI) and M. Gregory Forest; My Role: Contact Pricipal Investigator.
P01 CA142538, National Cancer Institute: Statistical Methods for Cancer Clinical Trials (04/01/10-03/31/20). PI: Drs. Michael R. Kosorok (contact PI), Marie Davidian, Stephen L. George (04/01/10-03/31/15) and Kouros Owzar (04/01/15-03/31/20); My Role: Contact Principal Investigator, 32-40% effort.
DMS-1407732, National Science Foundation: Support vector machines for censored data (07/01/14-06/30/18). PI: Dr. Michael R. Kosorok (in collaboration with Dr. Yair Goldberg); My Role: Principal Investigator, 5-10% effort.
UL1 TR002489, NIH: North Carolina Translational & Clinical Sciences Institute (NC TraCS) (03/30/18-02/28/23). PI: Dr. John B. Buse; My role: Co-Project Leader, 20% effort.
UL1 TR001111, NIH: North Carolina Translational & Clinical Sciences Institute (NC TraCS) (09/26/13-04/30/18). PI: Dr. Marschall S. Runge; My Role: Director of Biostatistics Service, 20% effort.
UL1 RR025747, NIH National Center for Research Resources: UNC Clinical Translation Science Award (05/19/08-04/30/13). PI: Dr. Marschall S. Runge; My Role: Director of Biostatistics Core, 20% effort.
U24 HL138998. NIH: Data, Modeling, and Coordination for PrecISE Network (09/23/17-06/30/23). PI: Dr. Anastasia Ivanova; My Role: Co-Investigator, 15% effort.
DP3 DK113358. NIH: Accelerating Solutions to Optimize Glycemic Control and Weight Management in Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes (05/01/17-04/30/21). PI: Dr. Elizabeth Mayer-Davis; My Role: Co-Investigator, 5% effort.
DMS-0904184, National Science Foundation: Collaborative Research: Novel methods for pharmacogenomic data analysis using gene clusters (08/15/09-07/31/12). PI: Dr. Michael R. Kosorok; My Role: Principal Investigator, 5% effort.
Subcontract for R01 DK34108, Pulmonary Benefits of Cystic Fibrosis Neonatal Screening (01/01/07-12/31/11).
PI: Dr. Michael R. Kosorok; My Role: Principal Investigator on Subcontract, 8% effort.
R01 DK34108, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute: Pulmonary Benefits of Cystic Fibrosis Neonatal Screening (05/05/01-03/31/06).
PI: Dr. Philip M. Farrell; My Role: Associate Investigator, 20% effort.
Merck & Co.: Methods for interim analysis with incomplete adjudication of events (7/01/09-6/30/11). PI: Dr. Joseph Ibrahim; My Role: Co-Investigator, 10% effort.
UNC-Chapel Hill Public Health Foundation, Inc. (Gillings Innovation Laboratory Award): Innovative disease surveillance methods for the linkange, analysis, and management of large electronic repositories (08/15/08-08/14/10). PI: Dr. David Richardson; My Role: Co-Investigator, 10% effort.
R01 CA075142, National Cancer Institute: Semiparametric and Empirical Process Methods in Oncology (07/01/02-06/30/10). PI: Dr. Michael R. Kosorok; My Role: Principal Investigator, 30% effort.
R29 CA075142, National Cancer Institute: Multivariate Group Sequential Cancer Clinical Trials (07/01/97-06/30/02). PI: Dr. Michael R. Kosorok; My Role: Principal Investigator, 50% effort.
Subcontract for OBSERV04K0, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation: EPIC Observational Study (07/01/06-3/31/09). PI: Dr. Michael R. Kosorok; My Role: Principal Investigator on Subcontract, 3% effort.
GlaxoSmithKline: Independent Statistical Office for GSK Study CKA20001 (03/01/04-12/28/05). PI: Dr. Michael R. Kosorok; My Role: Principal Investigator, 15% effort.
DMS-0139160, National Science Foundation: REU Site - Summer Research Program in Biostatistics (06/01/02-05/31/05). PI: Dr. Michael R. Kosorok; My Role: PI and Co-Director (with Dr. C. David Page also as Co-Director).
Centers for Disease Control, workshop on newborn screening for cystic fibrosis, January, 1997.
Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis, Department of Mathematical Sciences Seminar, April, 1997.
"Counting Process Methods in Clinical Trials with Multiple Endpoints."
Keynote at "Biometrics and Research Statistics Technical Symposium: Survival Analysis." SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, Collegeville, PA. October, 1997.
Eastern North American Region (ENAR) of the International Biometric Society, Pittsburgh, PA, March, 1998.
University of Georgia-Atlanta, Department of Statistics Seminar, Atlanta, GA, November, 1998.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Biostatistics Service Seminar, New York, NY, November, 1998.
University of Michigan, Biostatistics Department Seminar, September, 2000.
National University of Singapore, Statistics and Applied Probability Seminar, December, 2000.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Statistics Seminar, September, 2001.
Columbia University, Department of Statistics Seminar, April, 2002.
Rutgers University, Department of Statistics Seminar, April, 2002.
International Conference on Reliability and Survival Analysis, University of South Carolina, May, 2003.
University of Iowa, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science Seminar, November 6, 2003.
Ohio State University, Department of Statistics Seminar, April, 2004.
International Conference on Statistics in Health Sciences, Nantes University of Pharmacy, Nantes, France, June, 2004.
“Empirical Data and Brownian Motion: Finding Structure in Randomness,” Honored Alumni Lecture, College of Physical and Mathemtical Sciences, Brigham Young University, October 14, 2004.
Medical College of Wisconsin, Division of Biostatistics Seminar, November, 2004.
National University of Singapore, Institute for Mathematical Sciences Seminar, March, 2005.
University of Minnesota, School of Statistics Seminar, March, 2005.
Florida State University, Department of Statistics Seminar, April, 2005.
Cornell University, Department of Statistics Seminar, April, 2005.
University of Missouri, Department of Statistics Seminar, April, 2005.
“Longitudinal Development and Clinical Impact of Mucoid Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection,” Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Williamsburg Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia, June 3-7, 2005.
International Conference on Statistics, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, June, 2005.
Joint Statistical Meetings, Minneapolis, Minnesota, August, 2005.
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Department of Biostatistics Chair Candidate Seminar, October, 2005.
University of Minnesota, Sch
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