
Peter Nilssen

USERN Advisory Board

peter Nilssen  has over 20 years experience in archaeological field work and research (PhD archaeology, UCT, 2000 – dissertation title: AN ACTUALISTIC BUTCHERY STUDY IN SOUTH AFRICA AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR RECONSTRUCTING HOMINID STRATEGIES OF CARCASS ACQUISITION AND BUTCHERY IN THE UPPER PLEISTOCENE AND PLIO-PLEISTOCENE can be downloaded at the following link’sphd&cv/pj nilssen phd diss.pdf ). 
He is a professional member of the Association of South African Professional Archaeologists (ASAPA follow link, has worked in Cultural Resource Management (CRM) since the late 1980s. 
He has worked on over 60 CRM projects – as Principal Archaeologist on more than 50 – including heritage resources ranging from historic to pre-historic (Stone Age) sites (link to Peter’s CV  His experience is wide-ranging and his expertise include; an understanding of the South African National Heritage Resources Act (No.25 of 1999), the production and submission of free and competitive quotations, background and literature reviews, surveying, monitoring, mapping (total station surveying), the application and acquisition of permits from the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) or Provincial Heritage Resources Authority (e.g., Heritage Western Cape [HWC]) for the disturbance, collection and/or excavation of archaeological materials (in accordance with the above-mentioned legislation), state-of-the-art archaeological excavation and survey, sorting and basic analysis of excavated materials (specialising in faunal analysis), GIS, technical drawing and photography, liaising with developers and affected parties, recruitment of unskilled, semi-skilled and professional personnel, training and supervision, directing and managing monitoring, liaising with SAHRA and/or PHRA (e.g., to expedite granting of permits), professional presentations at public meetings held in connection with rezoning and new developments, the production of professional Archaeological Impact Assessment reports and mitigation proposals that meet standards set by SAHRA, PHRA (mostly HWC), the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning and so on.

Peter initiated the ongoing research at Pinnacle Point with Curtis Marean after discovering the cave sites in 1997 with Jonathan Kaplan while conducting an archaeological impact assessment for the proposed development.



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