
Dumitru Baleanu

USERN Advisory Board


B.Sc. degree in University of Craiova, Romania

M.Sc. degree in University of Bucharest, RomaniaPh.D. degree in Institute of Atomic Physics, Romania


Visiting Assistant Professor   ( 2001-2008 ), Çankaya University, Faculty of Art and Sciences, Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Balgat 0630, Ankara, Turkey

Visiting Associate Professor  ( 2001-2008), Çankaya University, Faculty of Art and Sciences, Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Balgat 0630, Ankara, Turkey

Visiting  Professor  (2008-2015), Çankaya University, Faculty of Art and Sciences, Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Balgat 0630, Ankara, Turkey

Professor (since April 2006),  Institute of Space Sciences, P.O. Box, MG_23, R 76900, Magurele-Bucharest, Romania.

Main Research Interests:

– Fractional Calculus and its applications

– Discrete Mathematics

– Quantization of   the systems with constraints

– Hamilton-Jacobi formalism

– Geometries admitting generic and non-generic symmetries

– Chemometric techniques and their applications

– The Wavelet method and its applications

– Dynamic Systems on Time Scales


. MESA (Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications) (2007)

. Russian Gravitational Society (2000)

. American Association for the Advance of Science (2002)

. European Physical Society (1999)

. Turkish Physical Society (1999)

. Romanian Physical Society (1990)

Fractional Calculus Models and Numerical Methods, authors: D. Baleanu, K. Diethelm, E. Scalas, J.J. Trujillo, accepted for publication by World Scientific Publishing, proposed for publication on  December 2010.

Publications in Science Citation Index Journals:                                                 

1) Spinning particles in the Euclidean Taub-NUT space, D. Baleanu, Helv.Phys.Acta, vol.67 , 405-418, (1994)

2) Theory of a charged spinning particle in an electromagnetic field on
Taub-NUT space-time, D. Baleanu, Il Nuovo Cimento B , vol.111, no.8, 973-981, (1996)

3) Stochastic  quantisation of Proca’s model, D. Baleanu, Helv. Phys. Acta. 70, 886-893, (1997)

4) New non-generic symmetries on extended Taub-NUT space-time, D. Baleanu, Helv.Acta.Phys.,vol.70, no.3, 343-351, (1998)

5) Geodesic motion on extended Taub-NUT spinning space, D. Baleanu, Gen. Rel. Grav., vol.30,no.2, 195-207, (1998)

6) Symmetries of the Taub-NUT dual metrics, D. Baleanu, S. Codoban , Gen. Rel.  Grav., vol.31, no. 4,  497-509, (1999)

7) Hamilton-Jacobi quantization of the finite dimensional systems with constraints, D. Baleanu, Y. Güler, Il Nuovo Cimento B, vol.114,709-714, (1999)

8) Quantization of Floreanini-Jackiw chiral harmonic oscillator, D. Baleanu ,Y. Güler, Il Nuovo Cimento B, vol.114 , no.9, 1023-1028, (1999)

9) Dual Killing-Yano symmetry and  multipole moments in electromagnetism and mechanics of continua, D. Baleanu, V. Dubovik, S. Misicu, Helv. Phys. Acta, vol.72, 171-179, (1999)

10) Killing-Yano tensors and Nambu tensors, D. Baleanu,  Il Nuovo Cimento B , vol. 114, no.9, 1065-1072, (1999)

11) Lax tensors, Killing tensors and geometric duality, D. Baleanu, A.  Karasu,  Mod. .Phys. Lett. A ,vol.14, no.37, 2587-2594, (1999)

12) Hamilton-Jacobi treatment of fields with constraints, D. Baleanu, Y. Güler, Il Nuovo Cimento B, vol.115, no. 1, 25-31, (2000)

13) On the construction of the phase space of a singular system, D. Baleanu , Y. Güler, Il Nuovo Cimento B, vol 115, no.3, 291-296, (2000)

14) A general treatment of singular lagrangian with linear velocities, D. Baleanu , Y. Güler, Il Nuovo Cimento B, vol.115, no.3, 319-324,(2000)

15) Geometrization of the Lax pair tensors, D. Baleanu, S. Baskal, Mod. Phys. Lett.A,  vol.15, no.24, 1503-1510,(2000)

16) Hamilton-Jacobi treatment of the non-relativistic particle on the curved space, D. Baleanu , Y. Güler, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., vol. 34, 73-80, (2001)

17) Symmetries of  NUT-Kerr-Newman dual metrics, D. Baleanu,  Il Nuovo Cimento B vol. 116 , no. 2 , 205-213,(2001)

18) Spectrophotometric multicomponent analysis for a mixture of metamizol, acetaminophen and caffeine in two pharmaceutical formulations by two chemometric techniques, E. Dinc, D.  Baleanu , F. Onur, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal.,vol. 26, 949-957, (2001)

19) Chemometric quantittive analysis of pridoxine HCl and thiamine HCl in a vitamin combination by principal component analysis, classical least squares and inverse least square techniques,  E. Dinc, D. Baleanu, F.  Onur, Spectr. Lett., SL 34(3), 279-288, (2001)

20) The  Hamilton-Jacobi treatment of  supersymmetric quantum mechanics, D. Baleanu, Y. Güler,  Int. J. Mod. Phys.A, vol. 16, no. 13, 2391-2397, (2001)

21) Hamilton-Jacobi treatment of chiral Schwinger model, D.  Baleanu, Y.  Güler, Int. J. Theor. Phys.,  vol.40, no.11, 2017-2024, (2001)

22) Multi Hamilton-Jacobi quantization of O(3) nonlinear sigma model, D. Baleanu, Y. Güler, Mod. Phys. Lett. A vol.16, no.13, 873-879, (2001)

23) Dual metrics for a class of radiative space-times, D. Baleanu, S. Baskal , Mod. Phys. Lett. A, vol 16, no 3, 135-142, (2001)

24) Two new chemometric approach for the spectrometric analysis of the codeine phosphate , acetylsalicylic acid and caffeine in tablets by inverse least square and  principal component regression, E. Dinc,  D. Baleanu, Il Farmaco , vol. 57, 33-37, (2002)

25) Symmetries of the dual metrics, D. Baleanu, Int.J. Mod. Phys.D, vol.11, no.3, 405-416, (2002)

26) Simultaneous spectrophotometric analysis of codeine phosphate, acetylsalicylic acid and caffeine in tablets by inverse least- squares and principal component regression techniques, E. Dinc, D. Baleanu, F. Onur, Anal. Lett. 35(3), 545-558, (2002)

 27) Hamilton-Jacobi treatment of the systems with time-dependent constraints, D. Baleanu, Y.Güler,  Int. J. Theor. Phys., no. 41, 861-866, (2002)

28) Dual metrics and nongeneric supersymmetries for a class of Siklos spacetimes, D. Baleanu and S. Baskal, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, vol. 17, 3737-3747, (2002)

29) Hamilton-Jacobi formalism of Abelian Proca's model revisited, D. Baleanu , Y.Güler,  Il Nuovo Cimento B, vol.117, no.3,  353-357, (2002) 

30) Spectrophotometric quantitative determination of cilazapril and hydrochlorothiazide in tablets by chemometric methods,  E. Dinç, D. Baleanu ,  J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., vol. 30, 715-723, (2002)

31) Killing-Yano symmetry for a class of spacetimes admitting parallel null 1-planes, D. Baleanu, S. Baskal, Il Nuovo Cimento B, vol. 117, no. 5, 501-510, (2002)

32) 2D gravity and the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism, D. Baleanu, Y.Güler,  Il Nuovo Cimento B, vol. 117, no. 8, 917-923,  (2002)

33)The Hamilton-Jacobi treatment of front-form Schwinger model, D. Baleanu Y. Guler, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A. vol.17(10), 1449-1456 (2002)

34)  Multidetermination of thiamine HCl and pyridoxine HCl in their mixture using continuous daubechies and biorthogonl wavelet analysis, E. Dinç, D. Baleanu, Talanta 59, 707-717, (2003)

35) A zero-crossing technique for the multidetermination of thiamine HCl and pyridoxine HCl in their mixture by using one-dimensional wavelet transform, E. Dinç,  D. Baleanu, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal.31, 969-978, (2003)

36) Hamilton-Jacobi formalism of the massive Yang-Mills theory revisited, D. Baleanu, Il Nuovo Cimento B, vol. 118, no.2, 197-203,  (2003)

37) An approach of  quantitative two-component analysis of a mixture containing hydrochlorothiazide and spironolactone   in tablets by one-dimensional continuous daubechies and biorthogonal wavelet analysis of UV-spectra, E. Dinç, D. Baleanu, Ö. Üstündağ, Spect. Lett. 36, no. 4, 341-355, (2003)

38) Surface terms , angular momentum and Hamiltonian-Jacobi formalism, Y. Güler, D. Baleanu, M. Cenk, Il Nuovo Cimento B  vol. 118, no.3, 293-306, (2003)

39) Chain and Hamilton-Jacobi approaches for systems with purely second class constraints, D. Baleanu, Y. Guler, Il  Nuovo Cimento B, vol.118B, no. 6, 615-623, (2003)

40) Multicomponent quantitative resolution of binary mixtures using continuous wavelet transform,  E. Dinç, D. Baleanu, J. AOAC International, 87 (2), 360-365, (2004)

41) Killing-Yano tensors and angular momentum, D. Baleanu, O. Defterli,  Czech. J. Phys. 54 (2), 157-165, (2004)

42) Continuous wavelet transformation applied to the simultaneous quantitative analysis of two-complex mixtures,  E. Dinç, D. Baleanu , O. Ustundag,  Y. H. Aboul-Enein, Die Pharmazie , 59(8), 618-623, (2004)

43) Application of the wavelet method for the simultaneous quantitative determination of benezapril and hydrochlorothiazide in their mixtures,  E. Dinç, D. Baleanu, J. AOAC International, 87 (4), 834-841, (2004)

44) Lagrangians with linear velocities within Riemann-Lioville fractional derivatives, D. Baleanu, T. Avkar, Il Nuovo Cimento B, vol.119 B, no.1, 73-79, (2004)

45) Reparametrization invariance and Hamilton-Jacobi formalism, D. Baleanu, Il Nuovo Cimento B, vol.119 B, no.1, 89-95, (2004)

46) Spectrophotometric multicomponent determination of tertamethrin, propoxur and piperonyl butoxide in insecticide formulation by principal component regression and partial least squares with continuous wavelet transform, E.Dinc, D. Baleanu, M.Kanbur, Canad.J.Anal.Scienc., vol.49, no.4, 218-225, (2004)

47) One-dimension continuous wavelet resolution for the simultaneous analysis of binary mixture of benazepril and hydrochlorothiazide in tablets using spectrophotometric absorbance data, E. Dinç, D. Baleanu, Rev. Roum. Chim. 49(11),  917-925 (2004)

48) Chemometric calibration based on the wavelet transform for the quantitative resolution of two-colorant mixtures, E. Dinç, D. Baleanu, O. Üstündağ, K. Taş, Rev. Roum.Chim., 50(4), 283-290 (2004)

49) A new application of chemometric techniques to HPLC data for the simultaneous analysis of a two-component mixture , Dinc E, Ustundag O, Ozdemir A, D. Baleanu, J. Liq. Chrom. & Rel. Techn. 28 (14), 2179-2194 (2005)

50) Lagrangian formulation of classical fields within Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives , D. Baleanu, Muslih SI, Physica Scripta 72 (2-3),  119-121 (2005)

51) Formulation of Hamiltonian equations for fractional variational problems, D. Baleanu, Muslih SI, Czech. Journ. Phys 55 (6), (2005) 633-642

52) Metafluid dynamics and Hamilton-Jacobi formalism, D. Baleanu, Czech. Journ. Phys 55 (4), (2005) 473-478

53) Comparative study of the continuous wavelet transform, derivative and partial least squares methods applied to the overlapping spectra for the simultaneous quantitative resolution of ascorbic acid and acetylsalicylic acid in effervescent tablets, Dinc E, Ozdemir A, D. Baleanu, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 37 (3), (2005), 569-575

54) An application of derivative and continuous wavelet transforms to the overlapping ratio spectra for the quantitative multiresolution of a ternary mixture of paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid and caffeine in tablets, Dinc E, Ozdemir A, D.Baleanu, Talanta 65 (1), (2005), 36-47

55) Hamiltonian formulation of systems with linear velocities within Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives, Muslih SI, D. Baleanu, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 304 (2), (2005) 599-606

56) Quantization of classical fields with fractional derivatives, S. I. Muslih, D. Baleanu, Nuovo Cimento B, vol. 120(5), (2005), 507-512
57) Discrete variational principles for higher order Lagrangians, D.Baleanu and F.Jarad, Nuovo Cimento B, vol. 120(9)  (2005), 931-938 

58) Comparative application of wavelet approaches to absorption and ratio spectra for the simultaneous determination of diminazene aceturate and phenazone in veterinary granules for injection, E. Dinç, D. Baleanu, Pharmazie, 60, (2005),892-896

59) Fractional Hamiltonian analysis of higher order derivatives systems, D. Baleanu, S. Muslih, K. Tas, J. Math. Phys., 47(10), Art. No. 103503, (2006)

60) Fractional Hamiltonian analysis of irregular systems, D. Baleanu, Signal Processing, 86, (2006) 2632-2636.

61) Equations of motion for Einstein's field in non-integer dimensional space, M. Sadallah , S.I. Muslih , D. Baleanu, Czech. Journ. Phys. 56 (4) (2006), 323-328

62) Hamiltonian formulation of classical fields within Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives, S.I. Muslih , D. Baleanu, E. Rabei, Physica Scripta 73 (5),(2006) 436-438

63) Discrete and continuous wavelet transforms for the multicomponent determination of sunset Yellow and tartrazine in their soft drink powders, E. Dinç, D. Baleanu, Ustundag O, Aboul-Enein HY, Rev. Chim. 57 (1), (2006) 29-35

64) Fractional Hamilton formalism within Caputo's derivative, D. Baleanu D, O.P.Agrawal, Czech. Journ. Phys. 56 (10-11),(2006), 1087-1092

65)Cosmological perturbations in FRW model with scalar field within Hamilton-Jacobi formalism and symplectic projector method, D. Baleanu,Centr. Eur. J. Phys., 4 (4): 503-510, (2006)

66) A new fractional wavelet approach for the simultaneous determination of ampicillin sodium and sulbactam sodium in a binary mixture, E. Dic, D. Baleanu,  Spectr. Acta Part A, 63 (2006), 631-638

67) Fractional multipoles in fractional space, S.I. Muslih, D.Baleanu, Non. Anal.Real World Appl. 8 (1): 198-203, (2007)

68) The Hamilton formalism with fractional derivatives , E. M. Rabei, K. I. Nawafleh, R. S. Hijjawi, S. I. Muslih,  D. Baleanu, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 327(2), 891-897, (2007)

69) Discrete variational principles for Lagrangians linear in velocities, F.Jarad , D. Baleanu , Rep. Math. Phys. 59 (1): 33-43, (2007)

70)  Simultaneaous determination of clortetracycline and benzocaine in bolus by chemometric methods, Dinc E., Kanbur, M., D. Baleanu, Rev.Chim 58 (2), (2007) 195-198  

71) Quantitative Analysis of a Mixture containing ampicilin Sodium and Sulbactam Sodium by ratio spectra-first and ratio spectra-second derivative methods,E. Dinc, Baleanu, D., Rev.Chim. 58 (3), (2007) 261-265

72)    Continuous wavelet and derivative transforms for the simultaneous quantitative analysis and dissolution test of levodopa–benserazide tablets,Dinç, E.,  Kaya, S., Doganay, T., D. Baleanu, J.  Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 44 (4), (2007) 991-995

73)     Comparative spectral analysis of veterinary powder product by continuous wavelet and derivative transforms,Dinç, E., Kanbur, M.,  D. Baleanu,  Spectr. Acta Part A, 68 (2007) 225-230

74) Fractional Hamilton’s equations of motion in fractional time, S. I. Muslih, D. Baleanu, E.M. Rabei, Centr. Eur.J. Phys. 5(4) (2007) 549-557

75) Gravitational potential in fractional space, S. I. Muslih, D. Baleanu, E.M. Rabei, Centr. Eur.J. Phys. 5(3) 285-292 (2007)

76) Fractional wavelet analysis of the composite signal of two-component mixture by multivariate spectral calibration,  E. Dinç, D.Baleanu, Tas, K.,  J.  Vibr. Contr., vol 13(9-10), (2007) 1283-1290

77)   Heisenberg’s equations of motion with fractional derivatives, Rabei, E.,Tarawneh, D. M., Muslih, S.I., D. Baleanu, J.  Vibr. Contr. vol 13(9-10), (2007), 1239-1247

78) Fractional Euler-Lagrange equations of motion in fractional space, S. I. Muslih, D. Baleanu, J.  Vibr. Contr., vol 13(9-10), (2007),1209-1216

79) A Hamiltonian formulation and a direct numerical scheme for fractional optimal control problems, O. P.,Agrawal, D. Baleanu, J.  Vibr. Contr., vol 13(9-10),(2007) 1269-1281

80)  Fractional Euler-Lagrange and  Fractional Hamilton Equations for Super Symmetric Classical Model, D. Baleanu, S.I. Muslih, Fractals, vol. 15( 4), 379 – 383, (2007)

81)Experimental Design and Optimization for the Spectral Analysis of Two-Component Mixture, E. Dinç, F.Arslan, D. Baleanu, Rev.Chim 58(10), (2007) 964-968

82) Continuous Wavelet Transform Applied to the Overlapping Absorption Signals and their Ratio Signals for the Quantitative Resolution of Mixture of Oxfendazole and Oxyclozanide in Bolus, E.Dinç, D. Baleanu, J. Food  Drug Anal. Vol.15(2) (2007) 109-117

83) On exact solutions of a class of fractional Euler-Lagrange equations , D. Baleanu, J. J. Trujillo, Nonlinear Dynamics 52 (4), (2008) 331-335   

84) Hamilton-Jaccobi formulation of  systems with Caputo's  fractional derivative, E. M.Rabei, I. Almayteh, S. I. Muslih,  D.  Baleanu ,Phys. Scr., 77, (2008), 015101.

85) Existence and uniqueness theorem for a class of delay differential equations with left and right Caputo fractional derivatives,  T. Maraaba, D. Baleanu, F. Jarad ,    J. Math.  Phys.  49 (8), art. no. 083507, (2008)

86)     Hamilton formulation for continuous systems with second order derivatives , H.A.  El-Zalan, S.I. Muslih, E.M. Rabei, D. Baleanu, Int. J.  Theor. Phys. 47 (9), pp. 2195-2202, (2008) 

87) Fractional variational principles with delay , D. Baleanu, T. Maaraba,  F. Jarad,   J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.  41 (31), art. no. 315403, (2008)

88) On fractional Euler-Lagrange and Hamilton equations and the fractional generalization of total time derivative , D. Baleanu, Muslih, S.I., Rabei, E.M ,Nonlinear Dynamics 53 (1-2),  67-74, (2008) 

89)  Application of Haar and Mexican hat wavelets to double divisor-ratio spectra for the multicomponent determination of ascorbic acid, acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol in effervescent tablets , E.  Dinç,  D. Baleanu, J. Braz. Chem. Soc. 19 (3),  434-444, (2008)

90) Ratio spectra-continuous wavelet transform and ratio spectra-derivative spectrophotometry for the quantitative analysis of effervescent tablets of vitamin C and aspirin , E. Dinc, D. Baleanu, Rev.Chim 59 (5),  499-504 ,(2008)  

91)  Hamiltonian formulation of singular Lagrangians on time scales , F. Jarad,D.  Baleanu, A.T.  Maraaba, Chin. Phys. Lett. 25 (5),  1720-1723, (2008)  

92)  Anomalous diffusion expressed through fractional order differential operators in the Bloch-Torrey equation,  R. L. Magin, O. Abdullah, D. Baleanu, X. J. Zhou,  J. Magnetic Resonance 190 (2), 255-270, (2008)

93) Spectrophotometry simultaneous determination of levamisole and triclabendazole in tablets by principal component regression and partial least squares chemometric methods, Pektas, G., Dinç, E., D. Baleanu,  Rev.Chim 59 (2), 154-158, (2008)  

94)Noncoservative systems within fractional generalization derivatives,D. Baleanu, S. I.  Muslih, J. Vibr. Contr.14(9-10),(2008),1301-1311.

95) Solutions of massless conformal scalar field in an n-dimensional Einstei space, S. I. Muslih, D. Baleanu, E. M. Rabei, Acta Physica Polonica, Series B 39(4), 887-892, (2008)

96) On the existence and the uniqueness theorem for fractional differential equations with bounded delay within Caputo derivatives,   T. A. Maraaba, F. Jarad, D. Baleanu, Sci. China Series A: Mathematics, vol. 51(10), 1775-1786, (2008)

97) New applications of fractional variational principles , D. Baleanu, Rep.  Math. Phys. 61 (2), 199-206, (2008)

98) A central difference numerical scheme for fractional optimal control problems,D. Baleanu, O. Defterli, O. P. Agrawal, , in press, J. Vibr.Contr., (2009)

99) Characterization of benzoic acid modified glassy carbon electrode expressed quantitatively by new statistical parameters, R. R. Nigmatullin, D. Baleanu E. Dinç, A. O. Solak, accepted for publication  in Physica E:Low dimensional systems  and nanostructures

100) On fractional Schrödinger equation in  α-dimensional fractional space, R. Eid, S. I. Muslih,D. Baleanu,E. Rabei, Nonlinear Analysis:Real World Applications (in press, 2008)


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