
Elisabetta Comini

USERN Advisory Board


Elisabetta Comini received her degree in physics at the University of Pisa in 1996. She received her Ph.D. degree in material science at the University of Brescia. In 2001 she has been appointed assistant professor of physics of matter at Brescia University. In 2016 she became full professor. She has been organizer of several symposia in the sensing field for MRS and E-MRS. She was chair of MRS fall meeting 2013. She has a high productivity confirmed by the numerous publications on international journals (more than 350) and the high number of invited presentations at conferences. EC is a researcher specialist in the growth of metal oxides, particularly nanowires, thin films and the measurement of their electronic, functional and structural properties. EC is the director of SENSOR laboratory (Brescia University, and is a co-founder of NASYS. 


September 2016 - today

University of Brescia, Department of Information Engineering (DII), SENSOR Lab

Full professor, head of SENSOR laboratory

Specialist in growth and characterization of metal oxides for the development of devices such as

chemical sensors.

November 2014 –August 2016

University of Brescia, Department of Information Engineering (DII), SENSOR Lab

Associate professor

November 2001 – October 2013

Assistant professor Physics of Matter Chemistry and Physics department, Engineering Faculty,

University of Brescia

October 2001 – November 1999

Technician INFM: temporary employed as “Tecnologo INFM” Unit of Brescia, working on growth of

thin films by sputtering for sensing application and their functional characterization


2000, PhD in Materials for Engineering 

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Brescia, Italy

Thesis: “Preparation and characterization of thin semiconductor gas sensors”, Elisabetta Comini,

Supervisor: Prof. Giorgio Sberveglieri

1996, Degree in Physics 

Degree in Physics at the University of Pisa on 11/7/1996

109/110. Thesis: Study of CaSGG crystals doped with Erbium for the development of laser in the

near IR and visible range

Tutor: Prof. Mauro Tonelli; Reviewers: Prof. G. Grosso e Prof. F. Giammanco.

1991. High School Diploma 5 EQF

Dipl,ma at “Liceo scientico Statale E. Fermi Salò (Bs)” 60/60


▪ Award for outstanding oral presentation at EUROSENSORS XIX conference held in Barcelona in


▪ Award for outstanding oral presentation at EUROSENSORS XX conference held in

Goteborg in 2006

▪ 1st place Science as art winner at 2010 MRS Spring Meeting April 5-9 San Francisco, CA

▪ Elisabetta Comini has been nominated EUROSENSORS 2012 fellow, September 2012.

▪ Research article ”Branch-like NiO/ZnO heterostructures for VOC sensing” in collaboration with CERIC

(Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium, of-hazardous-chemicals/)

was selected Highlights on the website CERIC (Central European Research Infrastructure


▪ Best Poster Award at the conference ESTS’18, ”Application of Electronic Nose in Combination with

Artificial Neural Networks to Discriminate the Geographical Origin of Garda DOP Extra Virgin Olive

Oils” Manohar Prasad Bhandari Giorgio Duina, Veronica Sberveglieri, Rajani Malla, Elisabetta Comini

and Giorgio Sberveglieri EMERGING SENSING TECHNOLOGIES SUMMIT 24–26 September

2018, Melbourne, Australia

▪ Research article “Chemical Vapor Deposition: Mn3O4 Nanomaterials Functio- nalized with Fe2O3

and ZnO: Fabrication, Characterization, and Ammonia Sensing Properties

( selected as Cover for Wiley ”ADVANCED MATERIALS

INTERFACES” journal, Vol. 6, N. 24, December 2019. 


Stable and highly sensitive gas sensors based on semiconducting oxide nanobelts  

Published: Sep 2002 in Applied Physics Letters

DOI: 10.1063/1.1504867

Metal oxide nano-crystals for gas sensing

Authors:  Comini, Elisabetta 

Published: May 2006 in Analytica Chimica Acta

DOI: 10.1016/J.ACA.2005.10.069

Quasi-one dimensional metal oxide semiconductors: Preparation, characterization and application as chemical sensors

Authors:  Comini, E.; Baratto, C.; Faglia, G.; ...  Sberveglieri, G.

Published: Jan 2009 in Progress in Materials Science

DOI: 10.1016/J.PMATSCI.2008.06.003

Ultrasensitive and highly selective gas sensors using three-dimensional tungsten oxide nanowire networks

Published: May 2006 in Applied Physics Letters

DOI: 10.1063/1.2203932

TiO2 thin films by a novel sol-gel processing for gas sensor applications

Authors:  Garzella, C; Comini, E; Tempesti, E; ...  Sberveglieri, G; see more

Published: Aug 2000 in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical

DOI: 10.1016/S0925-4005(00)00428-7

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