Best Junior Presentor in 6th USERN Congress, 2021
Individual silver and group bronze medals in the field of interdisciplinary studies of Medical Humanities during the 13th Scientific Olympiad of Iranian Medical Students, 2021
Group silver medal in the field of interdisciplinary studies of Medical Humanities in the 11th Scientific Olympiad of Iranian Medical Students, 2019
Executive Deputy Member of Medical Humanities Association USERN Intrest Group
Steering committee member in Kums Local Usern Office
Co-founder and Editor of Philosophy of Medicine Service in the “Z” magazine, First Iranian Magazine in the field of Medical Humanities
An active member of the Student Advisory Committee at Kums
Scientific Secretary in the First Medical Ethics Student Symposium, 2021
Publication and participation in volume Health Humanities for Quality of Care in Times of COVID -19, 2022, Springer
Presentation in 6th USERN Congress, The Topic; NarrativeMedicine: A Road Towards Rehumanizing Medicine, 2021
Presentation in ICHPE 2021 (Iranian Conference on Health Professions Education),
Presentation in the First Medical Ethics Student Symposium,
Presentation in USERN Public Helath School in Berlin 2022: Questioning the Notion of Health
Presentation in 7th USERN Congress, Muscat, Oman 2023: On Being a Truthseeker
Hermeneutical Nature of medicine and its implications: A case study of clinical empathy Iranian Journal of Philosophy of Science, 2021, Farsi
An Introduction to Existential Medicine, Chapter in Encyclopedia of Islamic Medical Ethics, Tehran University of Medical Science, Farsi, In the Judging process
The third international school of “Doctor as Humanist”, 2020
USERN school Of Public Health 2022, Berlin
Team work
Critical Thinking
Teaching medical philosophy at KUMS
Participate in the event 6th USERN Congress Junior Talk
Participate in the event 6th USERN Congress In-person Sessions
Participate in the event 6th USERN Congress Workshop: Health Pseudoscience and Multidisciplinary Studies
Participate in the event 6th USERN Congress Webinars
Participate in the event 7th USERN Congress In-Person Sessions
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