Fiona Morrison

German and English as first languages. Professional working proficiency in Spanish. Adequate French.


Honourary Positions

2021 - current

  • Election team of the Green Youth Brandenburg
  • Help in Election Lokale of Annalena Baerbock
  • Inclusions-commission Green Youth Brandenburg
  • Base-delegate of the Federal Womens' Council of the Green Party Germany

BSSSC Youth Advocacy Group Member - Baltic Sea States Subregional Co-operation

Scientific Assistant - Innovative University Potsdam

Translator Spanish-German-English - IRIA Akkon University for Human Sciences

  • Translation of partner meeting between IRIA (Akkon University) and the Escuela de Estudios Tecnicos de Enfermeria A.C.
  • Translation of presentation and symposium of the 15. International World Tuberculosis Symposium

Global Health Summer School - IRIA Akkon University of Human Sciences and USERN-Network

  • Winner 2nd place presentation prize

Student Assistant in Communication - Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Germany

Journal Club Berlin Epidemiological Methods Colloquium - Charite Germany

USERN-Congress (7th) in Oman

  • Winner best oral presentation (Junior Presenter)


Hermann-von-Helmholtz Highschool Potsdam - 1,3 Average (one of best in yeargroup)

  • Majored in Chemistry and English

Akkon University of Human Sciences - current average 1,1

  • International Crisis and Catastrophe Management


DELE Spanish exam level B1 (level B2 achieved in Highschool)

Foundation License Radio Society of Great Britain

Global Health and Humanitarianism - University of Manchester

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