Ph.D. Topic : Fuzzy and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Goal Programming
Comparative Education,
Neutrosophic and Hybrid Neutrosophic Decision
ResearcherID:F-8878-2018 ( current)
[1]. Published books: 7
[2]. Published Editorial Books: 02
[3]. Published book Chapters: 24
[4]. Published Papers International, National Journals: 126
[5]. Papers Presented in International, National, and State Level Seminar, Conferences, Congress : (22+19+ 36= 77)
[6]. Paper presented at Regional Science and Technology Congress, West Bengal, India: 13
[7]. Participated in International, National, and State Level Seminar, Conferences, Congress : 16
[8]. Participated in National level and state Level workshop: 10
Published Papers and chapters: 150 (
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Editor-in-Chief: American Journal of Business and Operations Research:
Editorial Board Member of International Journals
Editorial Board Member of International Journals
11. Engineering and Technology Journal. Everant Publisher Pvt Ltd.
12. International Journal of Neutrosophic Science :
13. Current Chinese Science: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics".
Performed as a reviewer:
10. Industrial and Engineering International.
Publisher: Springer
11. International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics. Publisher:
12. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing.
Publisher: Springer
13. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making Publisher:
World Scientific Publishing Co.
14. International Journal of Systems Science. Publisher: Taylor and Francis
15. Soft Computing and Automation Journal. Publisher: Taylor and Francis
16. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks.
Publisher: Sage Publishing
17. IEEE Access. Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. (IEEE)
18. Filomat. Publisher:
Universitet of Nis
19. Current Chinese Computer Science (CCCS):
Bentham Science Publishers.
20. PLOS One. Publisher: Public Library of Science( PLOS)
21. Information. Publisher: MDPI
22. Mathematical Problem in Engineering. Publisher: Hindawi
23. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society.
Publisher: Hindawi
24. Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences: Publisher:
Natural Sciences Publishing Corporation
25. Annals of Fuzzy Mathematics and Informatics (AFMI): publisher:
Kyung Moon Sa Co
26. Neutrosophic Sets and Systems: Publisher: University of New Mexico
27. Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing
(Autosoft Journal)
28. RAIRO-Operations Research
29. Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems (IJFS)
30. Journal of Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences.
Associated with:
[1]. Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology (IIEST), Shibpur,
- Ph. D. Guide in Mathematics
[2]. Jadavpur University- Ph. D. Guide in Mathematics.
[3]. Operational Research Society of India (Senior life Member:1360/S/03/ML)
[4]. Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata (Life Member: L/8267)
[5]. Calcutta Mathematical Society, Kolkata (Life Member)
[6]. Centre for Mathematical Biology and Ecology, Jadavpur university (Life Member)
[7]. All India Association for Educational Research (Life membership no:3558)
[8]. Indian Association for Teacher Educators (Life Membership no: S399)
[9]. Global Educational Research Association (Life Membership no:
[10]. Netaji Subhas Foundation (life Member)
[11]. International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS), Japan.
Membership ID: M007518.
[12]. The Association of Mathematics Teachers of India, Chennai:I19052
[13]. Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences.
Membership no. RSMAMS/52/12.
[14]. SAS Society: Membership ID: SAS/ LMSASS/121
[1]. IAENG membership number is: 249590
[2]. Universal Association of Arts and Management Professionals (Fellow Student Member category). Membership ID is SM101000602379.
Supervision of research (Ph. D.) in mathematics”: 5 candidates received Ph. D. Award.
Title of the thesis: Some studies on linear and non-linear bi-level programming problems in fuzzy environment.
(Awarded on 08/04/2015) by Jadavpur University
2. Durga Banerjee
Title of the thesis: Some studies on decision making in an uncertain environment. (Awarded on 08/09/2017)by Jadavpur University.
3. Pranab Biswas
Title of the thesis: Multi attribute decision making in neutrosophic environment.(Awarded on 20/02/2018)
Jadavpur University
4. Shyamal Dalpati
Title of the thesis: “Some Studies on Neutrosophic Decision Making”. (Awarded on 02/04/2019) by
Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur
5. Kalyan Mondal: Title of the thesis: Some Decision Making Models Based on Neutrosophic Strategy. (Awarded on 02/05/2019) Jadavpur University
Best Paper Awards/Outstanding paper in Seminar/Conference/Congress (06) :
Outstanding paper award in Regional Science Congress in West Bengal
Published Books of Surapati Pramanik: 07.
[1]. Pramanik, S. (2016).
গণিতশিক্ষণেরআধুনিককৌশল. Pedagogy of mathematics teaching)., Kolkata: Aaheli Publishers. ISBN: 81-89169-35-1.
[2]. Panda. M. & Pramanik, S. (2016).
শিক্ষার্থীওশিখনপদ্ধতিরঅনুধাবন. Understanding the learner & learning process. Kolkata:Aaheli Publishers.. ISBN:81-89169-54-8.
[3]. Pramanik, S. (2014).
আধুনিকগণিতশিখনওশিক্ষণ. Adhunik ganit shikhan o sikhsan. Kolkata: Aaheli Publishers. ISBN: 81-89169-73-4.
[4]. Pramanik, S., Sen, S., Dev, N., & Mandal, A. (2014).
শিক্ষণেপ্রযুক্তিবিজ্ঞান. Technology of teaching. Kolkata: Aaheli Publishers. ISBN: 81-89169-35-1.
[5]. Pramanik, S., Mukherjee, M., Mandal, A., Biswas, S. K. Saha, M., & Majundar, D. (2014).
সমাজবিদ্যাশিক্ষণেরবিষয়বস্তুওপদ্ধতিগতকৌশল(Samajvidya shikshaner bishay bastu o padhatigata koishal (Content-cum methodology of teaching social studies.) Aaheli Publishers, Kolkata. ISBN:81-89169-42-4.
[6]. Pramanik, S., Mukherjee, M., Adok, C., Sen, S., & Saha, M. (2014).
ভারতবর্ষেশিক্ষা(Education in India). Kolkata: Aaheli Publishers. ISBN:81-89169-13-0.
[7]. Pal, S., Chand, B., Pramanik, S., Sen, S., Ganguly, A., Mondal, A.,… Kar, R. (2014). Shikhaker Karjabali (Functions of teacher). Kolkata: Aaheli Publishers. ISBN:81-89169-57-2.
Editorial Books : 02
Book Chapters: 24
24. Mondal, K., & Pramanik, S. (2020). Decision making for logistics center location selection in trapezoidal neutrosophic environment. In F. Smarandache, & Broumi, S. (Eds.), Neutrosophic theories in communication, management and information technology (pp.239-260). NewYork. Nova Science Publishers. 23. Pramanik, S. (2020). Rough neutrosophic set: an overview. In F. Smarandache, & Broumi, S. (Eds.), Neutrosophic theories in communication, management and information technology (pp.275-311). NewYork. Nova Science Publishers. 22. Mondal, K., Pramanik, S., & Giri, B. C. (2020). Some similarity measures for MADM under a complex neutrosophic set environment. In F. Smarandache, & M. A. Basset (Eds.), Optimization theory based on neutrosophic and plithogenic sets (pp 97-116). Elsevier. Academic Press. 21. Roy, R., Pramanik, S., & Roy, T. K. (2020). Interval rough neutrosophic TOPSIS strategy for multi-attribute decision making. In M. Abdel-Basset, & F. Smarandache (Eds.), Neutrosophic Sets in Decision Analysis and Operations Research (pp. 98-118). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-2555-5.ch005 20. Pramanik, S., & Mallick, R. (2020). Extended GRA-Based MADM strategy with single-valued trapezoidal neutrosophic numbers. In M. Abdel-Basset, & F. Smarandache (Eds.), Neutrosophic Sets in Decision Analysis and Operations Research (pp. 150-179). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-2555-5.ch008 19. Biswas, P., Pramanik, S., & Giri, B. C. (2019). Neutrosophic TOPSIS with group decision making. In C. Kahraman & I. Otay (Eds.), Fuzzy multicriteria decision making using neutrosophic sets, studies in fuzziness and soft computing 369. doi. 18. Mondal, K., Pramanik, S., & Giri, B. C. (2019). Rough neutrosophic aggregation operators for multi-criteria decision-making. In C. Kahraman & I. Otay (Eds.), Fuzzy multicriteria decision making using neutrosophic sets, studies in fuzziness and soft computing 369 17. Pramanik, s., & Guha, D. (2019). A comparative study on development of secondary mathematics curricula of India and China. In M. Chakrabarti ( Ed.) , Cognizance: The new vistas of education & psychology ( pp. 140-149). Kolkata: Paschimbanga Anchalik Itihas O Loksanskriti Charcha Kendra ( PAIOLCK). 16. Pramanik, S., Dalapati, S., & Roy, T. K. (2016). Neutrosophic multi-attribute group decision making strategy for logistics center location selection. In F. Smarandache, M. A. Basset, & V. Chang (Eds), Neutrosophic operational research volume III, (pp.13-32). Brussels: Pons asbl. 15. Pramanik, S., Roy, R., S., & Roy, T. K, (2016). Teacher selection strategy based on bidirectional projection measure in neutrosophic number environment. In F. Smarandache, M. A. Basset, & V. Chang (Eds), Neutrosophic operational research volume II, (pp.29-53), Brussels: Pons asbl. 14. Broumi, S., Bakali, A., Talea, M., Smarandache, F., Uluçay, V., Sahin, S., Dey, A., Dhar, M., Tan, R. P., de Oliveira, A., & Pramanik, S. (2018).Neutrosophic sets: An overview. In F. Smarandache, & S. Pramanik (Eds., vol.2), New trends in neutrosophic theory and applications (pp. 403-434). Brussels: Pons Editions. 13. Pramanik, S., Roy, R., & Roy, T. K. (2018). Multi criteria decision making based on projection and bidirectional projection measures of rough neutrosophic sets. In F. Smarandache, & S. Pramanik (Eds., vol.2), New trends in neutrosophic theory and applications (pp. 175-187). Brussels: Pons Editions. 12. Pramanik, S., Dey, P. P., & Giri, B. C. (2018). Hybrid vector similarity measure of single valued refined neutrosophic sets to multi-attribute decision making problems. In F. Smarandache, & S. Pramanik (Eds., vol.2), New trends in neutrosophic theory and applications (pp. 156-174). Brussels: Pons Editions. 11. Pramanik, S., Dalapati, S., Alam, S & Roy, T. K. (2018). TODIM method for group decision making under bipolar neutrosophic set environment. In F. Smarandache, & S. Pramanik (Eds., vol.2), New trends in neutrosophic theory and applications (pp. 140-155). Brussels: Pons Editions. 10. Mondal, K., Pramanik, S., & Giri, B. C. (2018). Multi-criteria group decision making based on linguistic refined neutrosophic strategy. In F. Smarandache, & S. Pramanik (Eds., vol.2), New trends in neutrosophic theory and applications (pp. 125-139). Brussels: Pons Editions. 9. Biswas, P., Pramanik, S., & Giri, B. C. (2018). Multi-attribute group decision making based on expected value of neutrosophic trapezoidal numbers. In F. Smarandache, & S. Pramanik (Eds., vol.2), New trends in neutrosophic theory and applications (pp. 103-124). Brussels: Pons Editions. 8. Pramanik, S., Banerjee, D., & Giri, B.C. (2016). TOPSIS approach for multi attribute group decision making in refined neutrosophic environment. In F. Smarandache, & S. Pramanik (Eds.), New trends in neutrosophic theory and applications (pp. 79-91). Brussels: Pons Editions. 7. Pramanik, S., Dalapati, S., & Roy, T. K, (2016). Logistics center location selection approach based on neutrosophic multi-criteria decision making. In F. Smarandache, & S. Pramanik (Eds.),New trends in neutrosophic theory and applications (pp. 161-174). Brussels: Pons Editions. 6. Mondal, K., Pramanik, S., & Smarandache, F. (2016). Several trigonometric Hamming similarity measures of rough neutrosophic sets and their applications in decision making. In F. Smarandache, & S. Pramanik (Eds.), New trends in neutrosophic theory and application (pp. 93-103). Brussels, Belgium: Pons Editions. 5. Dey, P.P., S. Pramanik, & Giri, B.C. (2016). TOPSIS for solving multi-attribute decision making problems under bi-polar neutrosophic environment. In F. Smarandache, & S. Pramanik (Eds.), New trends in neutrosophic theory and applications (pp. 65-77). Brussels: Pons Editions. 4. Dey, P.P., S. Pramanik, & Giri, B.C. (2016). Extended projection-based models for solving multiple attribute decision making problems with interval –valued neutrosophic information. In F. Smarandache, & S. Pramanik (Eds), New trends in neutrosophic theory and applications (pp. 127-140). Brussels: Pons Editions. 3. Biswas, P., Pramanik, S., & Giri, B. C. (2016). GRA method of multiple attribute decision making with single valued neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy set information. In F. Smarandache, & S. Pramanik (Eds.), New trends in neutrosophic theory and applications (pp. 55-63). Brussels: Pons Editions. 2. Biswas, P., Pramanik, S., & Giri, B. C. (2016). Some distance measures of single valued neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy sets and their applications to multiple attribute decision making. In F. Smarandache, & S. Pramanik (Eds.), New trends in neutrosophic theory and applications (pp. pp. 27-34). Brussels: Pons Editions. 1. Mondal, K., Pramanik, S., & Smarandache, F. (2016). Role of neutrosophic logic in data mining. In F. Smarandache, & S. Pramanik (Eds.), New trends in neutrosophic theory and application (pp. 15-23). Brussels, Belgium: Pons Editions. |
All Published papers: 126
126. Maiti, I., Mandal, T., & Pramanik, S. (2020).
FGP approach based on Stanojevic’s normalization technique for multi-level multi-objective linear fractional programming problem with fuzzy parameters.
Recent Advances in Intelligent Information Systems and Applied Mathematics, 863, 392-402.
125. Mallick, R., & Pramanik, S. (2019).
Interval trapezoidal neutrosophic number VIKOR strategy for multi attribute decision making.
Mathematical Science for Advancement of Science and Technology, 8, 129-133
124. Maiti, I., Mandal, T., & Pramanik, S. (2019). Neutrosophic goal programming strategy for multi‑level multi‑objective linear programming problem.
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. doi:10.1007/s12652-019-01482-0. IF: 1.91. Science Citation Index Expanded.
123. Pramanik, S. & Dey, P. P. (2019). Multi-level linear programming problem with neutrosophic numbers: A goal programming strategy.
Neutrosophic Sets and System, 29, 242-254.
122. Pramanik, S., & Guha, d. (2019). Level of performances in International Mathematics Olympiad of China, USA & India: The current scenario.
International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanities, 10(4), 463-473.
121. Biswas, P., Pramanik, S., & Giri, B. C.
(2019). Non-linear programming approach for single-valued neutrosophic TOPSIS method.
New Mathematics and Natural Computation,
15 (2), 307-326
doi: 10.1142/S1793005719500169. SCOPUS INDEXED.
120. Biswas, P., Pramanik, S., & Giri, B. C.
(2019). NH-MADM strategy in neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy set environment based on extended GRA.
Informatica, 30 (2), 1–30. DOI:
Science Citation Index Expanded
119. Pramanik, S., &
Mallick, R.(2019).
TODIM strategy for multi-attribute group decision making in trapezoidal neutrosophic number environment.
Complex & Intelligent Systems,
5 (4), 379–389
118. Guha, D., & Pramanik, S. (2019).
A comparative study on philosophy of mathematics education in China, and India.
Sanshodhan Chetana,
8 (1), 69-86.
117. Pramanik, S., &
Mallick, R. (2018).
VIKOR based MAGDM strategy with trapezoidal neutrosophic numbers.
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems,
22, 118-130.
116. Pramanik, S., & Guha, D.(2018). Professional development of secondary mathematics teachers in India and China: a comparative study. Sanshodhan Chetana,
7 (3) 97-110.
115. Pramanik, S., & Dey, P.P. (2018). Bi-level linear programming problem with neutrosophic numbers.
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems,
21, 110-121.
114. Pramanik, S., & Dalapati, S.(2018).
A revisit to NC-VIKOR based MAGDM strategy in neutrosophic cubic set environment.
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems,
113. Pramanik, S., Banerjee, D. (2018). Neutrosophic number goal programming for multi-objective linear programming problem in neutrosophic number environment.
MOJ Current Research & Review,
1(3), 135-141.doi:10.15406/mojcrr.2018.01.00021
112. Banerjee, D. Pramanik, S (2018). Single-objective linear goal programming problem with neutrosophic numbers.
International Journal of Engineering Science & Research Technology,
7(5), 454-469.
111. Pramanik, S., Mallick, R., & Dasgupta, A. (2018). Contributions of selected Indian researchers to multi-attribute decision making in neutrosophic environment.
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 20, 108-131.
110. Pramanik, S., Dalapati, S., Alam, S & Roy, T.K. (2018). NC-VIKOR based MAGDM strategy under neutrosophic cubic set environment.
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems,20, 95-108.
109. Mondal, K., Pramanik, S., & Giri, B. C. (2018). Single valued neutrosophic hyperbolic sine similarity measure based MADM strategy.
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 20, 3-11.
108. Mondal, K., Pramanik, S., & Giri, B. C. (2018). Hybrid binary logarithm similarity measure for MAGDM problems under SVNS assessments.
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 20, 12-25.
107. Pramanik, S., Maiti, I., & Mandal, T. (2018).
A Taylor series based fuzzy mathematical approach for multi objective linear fractional programming problem with fuzzy parameters.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 180(45), 22-29.
106. Pramanik, S., Roy, R., Roy, T. K., & Smarandache, F. (2018). Multi-attribute decision making based on several trigonometric Hamming similarity measures under interval rough neutrosophic environment.
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems,19, 110-118.
105. Pramanik, S., Roy, R., & Roy, T. K. (2018). Multi criteria decision making based on projection and bidirectional projection measures of rough neutrosophic sets.
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 19,101-109.
104. Pramanik, S., Dey, P.P., & Smarandache, F. (2018). Correlation coefficient measures of interval bipolar neutrosophic sets for solving multi-attribute decision making problems.
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 19,70-79.
103. Pramanik, S., Dalapati, S., Alam, S & Roy, T.K. (2018). VIKOR based MAGDM strategy under bipolar neutrosophic set environment
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 19, 57-69.
102. Mondal, K., Pramanik, S., & Giri, B. C. (2018). Interval neutrosophic tangent similarity measure based MADM strategy and its application to MADM problems.
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 19, 47-56.
101. Biswas, P., Pramanik, S., & Giri, B. C. (2018). Distance measure based MADM strategy with interval trapezoidal neutrosophic numbers.
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 19, 40-46.
100. Biswas, P., Pramanik, S., & Giri, B. C. (2018).
TOPSIS strategy for multi-attribute decision making with trapezoidal neutrosophic numbers,
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems,19, 29-39.
99. Pramanik, S., Dalapati, S., Alam, S., Smarandache, S., & Roy, T.K. (2018).
NC-cross entropy based MADM strategy in neutrosophic cubic set environment.
6 (5), 67.
98. Pramanik, S., Dalapati, S., Alam, S., Smarandache, S., & Roy, T.K. (2018). NS-cross entropy based MAGDM under single valued neutrosophic set environment.
Information, 9(2), 37; doi:10.3390/info9020037.
97. Mondal, K., Pramanik, S., & Smarandache, F. NN-harmonic mean aggregation operators-based MCGDM strategy in a neutrosophic number environment. Axioms 2018, 7, 12; doi:10.3390/axioms7010012
96. Dalapati, S., Pramanik, S., Alam, S., Smarandache, S., & Roy, T.K. (2017). IN-cross entropy based magdm strategy under interval neutrosophic set environment.
Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 18, 43-57.
95. Pramanik, S., Dalapati, S., Alam, S. & Roy, T.K. (2017). NC-TODIM-based MAGDM under a neutrosophic cubic set environment.
Information, 8, 149. doi:10.3390/info8040149.
94.Pramanik, S., Dalapati, S, Alam, S., & Roy, T. K. (2017).
Some operations and properties of neutrosophic cubic soft set.
Global Journal of Research and Review,4(2), 1-8. d
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