CV  Form

Farzad Pakdel

CV (Curriculum Vitae)

Last update January, 2020

Personal Information


Academic Appointments

Trainings Passed



Research Projects


Students Supervised

Scientific-Executive Records

Honors, Awards and Inventions

Professional Memberships

Research Interests

Cultural & Social Activities


A. Personal Information 

           First Name: Farzad

           Last Name: Pakdel

           Date of Birth: 1968

           Marital Status: Married, 1 child

          Home Page: None

          P. O. Box: None

          Language : Farsi (Vernacular), English (Fluent-received Diploma in the middle 

          school), French (Beginner), Deutch (Beginner)

          Hobbies: Studying, hiking, , scuba diving ( member of British Sub-Aqua   

                          Club), ski, tenis, boating, volleyball (member of school team in 

                          highschool), swimming, ping pong


B. Education








Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery











M.Sc. / G.P.






C. Academic Appointments

Year: 2006-now                    

Academic Rank: Assisstant Professor of Ophthalmology          

Vice President of Research, Eye Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences. (Nov 2014-Nov 2016).       

Institution:  Farabi Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (2012-now);

Rassoul Akram Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (2010-2012);

Hormozgan University of medical sciences (2006-2010)

Vice Chair of Iranian Research Association for Vision and Ophthalmology (IRAVO). (2019-now)

D. Trainings Passed

  D.I. Courses

                   MD Codes Distinction. Allergan Medical Institute. Dubai, April 21-22 April  


                   MD Codes Advanced Facial Gel Injection. Allergan Medical Institute. Dubai,  

                   February 17-18 April 2018.  

                   Course of Contemporary Techniques in Facial Rejuvanation: Fillers,  

                   Fat Transfer and Face/Neck Lifting. Nov 9-11, 2013. Saint Louis  

                   University, US

                   Visit of Oculoplasty Observership in University of California, Los  

                     Angeles (UCLA) hospital, USA. May-June 2012.

                   Course of Oculoplasty Observership in Eyesthetica, LA, USA.   

                   May-June 2012.

                   Course Oculoplasty Observership in Academisch Medical   

                   Center hospital.  

                   Amsterdam, Netherlands. Dec 2010.

                   Oculoplasty Fellowship. Rassoul Akram Hospital. Iran University of 

                   Medicine. Sept 2008-Mar 2010.

                   Clinical Epidemiology. An eight months course. Iran University of 

                   Medical Sciences (Feb. 2010-Oct 2010).

                  Protocol and essential documents development for clinical   

                  Trials. Aug 17-22,2019. Clinical trial center (CTC), Tehran, Iran. 

   D.II. Workshops          

June 27, 2019      An editor’s guide to writing a review article. Researcher Academy.  


Jan 3, 2019          Professionalism in Ophthalmology-1. A one day workshop. 

                            Director and Speaker. Conducted by Tehran University of Medical  

                            Sciences. Farabi Hospital  

Jan 10 2019          Professionalism in Ophthalmology-2. A one day workshop. 

                            Director and Speaker. Conducted by Tehran University of Medical  

                            Sciences. Farabi Hospital  

Aug 22 2018      The key to successful academic collaborations. Researcher Academy.   


June 5 2018          A one day workshop on Face lift with Endotine.  

                           Dr Jung Wu, Bahman Hospital, Tehran, Iran.

June 7-9 2018    Cadevor Course Amsterdam Orbital Congress, 7-9 June, 2018.      

                           Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Apr 20 2018      Bioinformatics Workshop. IRAVO meeting 2018. Razi convention   

                           center. Tehran. Iran

Apr 20 2018       ImageJ Workshop. IRAVO meeting 2018. Razi convention center.  

                           Tehran. Iran

Feb  2018            A two days Workshop: Advanced Facial Gel Injection. Allergan Co.  

                            Dubai. 17-18 Feb 2018.

Oct 25 2017        How to edit and Publish an Academic Book with International     

                            Publishers. Tehran Faculty of Medicine. USERN, Tehran, 2017.

Sep 19 2017          Transparency in peer review. Researcher Academy.   


Feb 6 2017          ImageJ. A one day workshop. Shahidbeheshti Eye research center.

3,4 Dec 2016      A two days workshop: Scientific writing. NIMAD. Tehran, Iran.

June 2016             one day workshop on ”Full-Face Rejuvenation with Injectables  

                            and Energy-Based Tissue Lifting: Treatment Challenges of the  

                            Lower Face”. Conducted by Paradigm medical communication” in

                             Las Vegas, USA 2016.

Aug 2015             A two days workshop on Scientific Peer-Reviewing of  

                             biomediacal/health science journal manuscripts. Conducted by           

                             National Institute for medical research development (NIMAD), 

                             Tehran, Iran.

Dec 2014              A one day workshop on Leader ship in Ophthalmology (LDP)    

                             conducted by american academy in ophthalmology (AAO) and 

                             iranian society of ophthalmology (IRSO) -Tehran Razi center – as        

                             participant and director

Dec 2014              A one day workshop on Adult Learning, Professionalism, Workshop 

                             development, presentation skills conducted by international council  

                             of ophthalmology (ICO) and iranian society of ophthalmology 

                             (IRSO) -Tehran Razi center – as participant and director

Dec 2013              A 2 days hands-on course of advanced sinus endoscopic   

                                  Surgery. Tehran University of Medical Scineces.                                  

Nov 2011               A 3 days course on “Advance Aesthetic Surgery of the Face  

                                   Master Class Course Human Cadanaver Course” Conducted by 

                                   Vienna University, Vienna, Ausrtria, 5-7 Nov 2011

     Dec 2010                   A 4 days Symposium on Thyroid Eye Disease” conducted in      

                                        Pontresina, Switzerland. The 2 nd Swiss symposium on thyroid eye 

                                        Disease. Conjoint with EUGOGO. 

     Aug 2010                  A 2 days workshop on “Reliability & Validity in development of  

                                       Research  Measures” conducted in Iran University, Tehran          

     Aug 2010                   A one day workshop on “Ethics issues in Ophthalmology” 

                                        conducted in Iran University, Rassoul Hospital, Tehran          

     May 2010                  A one day workshop of “Updates in ROP”         

                                     conducted in Iran University, Tehran   

     March 2010               A one day workshop of “Case Selection for Refractive Surgery”         

                                     conducted in Iran University, Tehran   

     Oct   2009               A two days workshop of “Qualitative Research” conducted in  

                                     Iran University, Tehran

     Nov  2009               A one day workshop of “face Botulinum toxin and Filler     

                                     Injections” conducted in Iran University, Tehran

     July  2009               A four days workshop of “Intermediate Quantitative Clinical  

                                     Research” conducted in Iran University, Tehran

      July  2009              A two days workshop of “Scientific Writing” conducted in  

                                     Iran University, Tehran

      July  2009              A one day workshop of “scientific writing” conducted in Iran  

                                     University, Tehran

      Nov  2008                A one day workshop of “face Botulinum toxin and Filler     

                                       Injections” conducted in Iran University, Tehran

      Dec  2007                 A two days workshop of “course plan and lesson plan” 

                                        conducted  in ministry of health - Tehran    

      Dec 2007                  A two days workshop of “research in education” conducted in 


       June 2007                A two days workshop of “OSCE” conducted in Bandar-


        Feb 2007                 A two days work shop of " Clinical Education"” conducted in  

                                       Bandar- Abbas

         Feb 2007                  A work shop of " Peer review"” conducted in Bandar-


         Jan 2007                    A two days workshop of" article writing in english" conducted in    

                                        bandar abbas              

        Feb 2006                 A two days workshop of Preliminary “Research in Education” 

                                           conducted  in Bandar-Abbas medical school

        Feb 2006                 A two days workshop of Advanced “Research in Education” 

                                           conducted  in Bandar-Abbas medical school

Nov 2006                 A three days workshop of advanced “How to do Research” conducted                                     in Bandar-Abbas medical school

Sept 2006                 A one day workshop on”Integration in General Medical Education”  

                                  conducted in Iran University of Medical Sciences

Sept 2006                 A three days workshop of primary “How to do Research”                                                         conducted in Bandar-Abbas medical school

July 2006                 A two days workshop of “Research in Education”

                                         conducted  in Bandar-Abbas medical school

June 2006                A three days workshop on Strategies of development of    

                                education and research quality  conducted in Bandar-Abbas    

                                 medical school

May 2006                   a two days seminar on “Advanced Cataract Technology Surgery”

                                    conducted in University Le Scotte of Siena, Italy

May 2006                   A three days seminar on” Infection,Allergy and Eye “ conducted in 

                                   Tehran University of medical sciences

         May 2006                  A  three days workshop on Strategies for Quality Improvement of     

                                           Educationd and Research conducted  in Bandar-Abbas medical  


Feb 2006                  A  two days workshop on advanced article writing in english   

                                 conducted  in Bandar-Abbas medical school

        Feb 2006                   A  three days workshop on Clinical Research  conducted  in Tehran 


          Feb 2006                   A  two days workshop on EBM  conducted  in Tehran 


April 2005                 A two days workshop on article writing in english conducted 

                                   in Bandar-Abbas medical school

March 2005               A one day workshop on Translation of English Literature 

                                    conducted in Bandar-Abbas medical school as lecturer

 June 2004                  A three days workshop on Advanced Article Writing In English

                                   conducted in Bandar-Abbas medical school

Feb 2004                        A one day workshop on how to write curriculum vitae 

                                    Conducted in Bandar-Abbas medical school

Feb 2004                    A one day workshop on “case Study, Letter to Editor conducted 

                                   in Bandar-Abbas medical school

Feb 2004                   A two days workshop on Evidence Based Medicine (clinical) 

                                  conducted in Bandar-Abbas medical school

July 2004                   A two days workshop on Advanced Teaching Methods   

                                   conducted in Bandar- Abbas medical school

E. Publications 

   E.I. Articles                                                                            

      E.I.1. In Persian  

  1. M Imani, F Pakdel, M Bahmani, Multiple Orbital Intraconal Cavernous Hemangioma. Iranian Journal of Ophthalmology. 2005:17(5):86-88.

  1. Hadaegh F, Azizi F, Pakdel F, Tohidi M, Determination of normal exophthalmometry values in Tehran population , Iranian South Medical Journal.No. 2,161-166, 1381.

  1. A.A. Alishiri, M.R. Saeidifar, F. Pakdel, M. Farshadi. Comparative study of the rate and causes of eye injuries in patients admitted to Shahid Mohammadi hospital in Bandar Abbas during 1998-1999 and 2004-2005. Hormozgan Medical Journal, No.3, 195-200, 1386

  1. F. Pakdel. Endophthalmitis and Eye Removal. Challenges in Oculoplasty 1st part. Cheshmkhane 44, Nov. 2009.

  1. F. Pakdel. Blepharitis and Antibiotic therapy. Cheshmkhane 44, winter,2009.

  1. F. Pakdel. Prophylactic Enucleation. Challenges in Oculoplasty nnd part. Cheshmkhane 45, Spring.2009.

  1. F. Pakdel. Management of a Failed DCR. Challenges in Oculoplasty 3rd part. Cheshmkhane 46, Fall,2009.

  1. F. Pakdel. Eye and Thyroid Disease. 1st part. Cheshmkhane 46, Nov. 2009.

  1. Heirati, A, Pakdel, F., Kiavash V., Kashkouli, MB. Congenital Obstruction of nasolacrimal ductJournal of Cornea and Contact Lenses. 1389.

  1.  Seyed Javad Hashemian Farzad Pakdel Alireza Foroutan Mahmood JoshaghaniJafar Ghaempanah, Majid Mohebbi, Mohammad Ebrahim JafariMicrocoaxial Phacoemulsification versus Conventional Phacoemulsification: A Prospective StudyIranian Journal of Ophthalmology 2011;23(4):43-48.

E.I.2. In English

  1. Nourmohamadi I, Modareszadeh M , Pakdel F, Assessment of aqueous humor zinc status in human age-related cataract.Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism.2006;50(1):51-53.

  1. Farzad Pakdel, Mohsen Bahmani KashkouliLacrimal Drainage Obstruction Associated with Topical and Systemic Medications. JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMIC AND VISION RESEARCH 2009; Vol. 4, No. 4.

  1. Mohsen Bahmani Kashkouli, Farzad Pakdel, Afsaneh Amani, Melika Asefi, Gholam Hosseyn Aghai,   Khalil Ghasemi FalavarjaniA Modified Schirmer Test in dry eye and normal subjects: Open versus Closed Eye and 1-minute versus 5-minute test. Cornea 2010;29:384–387.

  1. Mohsen Bahmani Kashkouli, Farzad Pakdel Masih Hashemi, Naveed Nilforushan, Mohammad Jafar Ghaempanah, Reza Rezaee, Reza Kaghaz-Kanani, Ali Ahadian. Comparing Anatomical pattern of Topical Anti-Glaucoma Medications Associated Lacrimal Obstruction with a control group. Orbit. 2010 Apr;29(2):65-9. 

  1. Mohsen Bahmani Kashkouli, Farzad Pakdel. Spontaneous Orbital Floor Fracture in Thyroid Eye Disease. Journal of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2010 Jun 14.

  1. Mohsen Bahmani Kashkouli, Farzad Pakdel. Outcomes of rectangular and triangular 3-snip procedure for punctal stenosis. Letter to editor. Journal of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2010).

  1. Mohsen Bahmani-Kashkouli, Farzad Pakdel, Arezoo Astaraki, Masih Hashemi, Yasamin Honarbakhsh, Bahareh Mirarmandehi, Sara JamQuality of Life in Patients with Thyroid Eye Disease. J Ophthalmic Vis Res 2009; 4 (3): 164-168.

8.     Kashkouli MB, Sadeghipour A, Kaghazkanani R, Bayat A, Pakdel F, Aghai GH. Pathogenesis of primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Orbit. 2010 Feb;29(1):11-5.

9.     Mohsen Bahmani Kashkouli, M.D., Reza Kaghazkanani, Iraj Heidari, Nooshin Ketabi,  Sara Jam, Shahrzad Azarnia, Farzad Pakdel. Bilateral versus Unilateral Thyroid Eye Disease. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2011 Sep-Oct;59(5):363-6.

10.               Mohsen Bahmani Kashkouli,  Farzad Pakdel, Mostafa Soltan Sanjari,  Anousheh Haghighi, Marzieh Nojoomi, Mohsen Homaii. Erythropoietin: A Novel Treatment for Traumatic Optic Neuropathy. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2011 May;249(5):731-6.

  1. Mohsen Bahmani Kashkouli, Farzad Pakdel. Rectangular 3-snip Punctoplasty. Outcomes: Preservation of the Lacrimal Pump in Punctoplasty Surgery. Letter to editor. Journal Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2010.

  1. Farzad Pakdel, Niloofar Pirmarzdashty, Mostafa Soltan Sanjari, Mohsen Bahmani Kashkoul, Hoshyar Sarhadi. Optic Atrophy in Thalassemia Intermedia. J Neuroophthalmol. 2011 Sep;31(3):252-4.

13.  Pakdel F, Kashkouli MB. Re: "Imiquimod 5% Cream for the Treatment of Periocular Basal Cell Carcinoma"Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010 Oct 2.

14.  Mohsen Bahmani-Kashkouli, Iraj Heidari, Farzad Pakdel, Yasamin Honarbakhsh, Bahareh Mirarmandehi. Change in quality of life after medical and surgical treatment of graves' ophthalmopathy. Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology 2011 18(1):42-47.

15.  Kashkouli MB, Kiavash V, Pakdel F, Heirati A. Re: "balloon canaliculoplasty for acquired canalicular stenosis".Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011 May-Jun;27(3):224-5; author reply 225.

16.  Kashkouli MB, Pakdel F, Kiavash V, Heidari I, Heirati

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