Farshid Vahdatinia



No. 31, Javid Alley, Navvab street, Hamadan city, Iran. | +98-918-673-7397 | [email protected]


• Member of IMLA (Iranian Medical Laser Association) and National Elites Foundation, Iran.

• A researcher in laser therapy and has been accepted to speak and chair sessions at international laser conferences

• published over 18 peer reviewed articles

• collaborated on hard and soft tissue regeneration with Marquette University, USA

• keen on cooperating on clinical research projects in the field of PBM therapy


• Regeneration

• Reconstruction

• Photobiomodulation therapy

• Low level laser therapy

• Photodynamic therapy

• Dental public health

• Stem cells


• Mastership, Laser in dentistry, Aachen medical sciences university, Aachen, Germany 2018 - Peresent

• DDS, Dentistry, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Iran 2010 - 2016



•NEJAT, AmirHossein, et al. Effect of Photobiomodulation on the Incidence of Alveolar Osteitis and Postoperative Pain following Mandibular Third Molar Surgery: A Double‐Blind Randomized Clinical Trial.
Photochemistry and photobiology, 2021.

• Khorsandi KH, Fekrazad S,Vahdatinia F, Farmany A, Fekrazad R. Nano Antiviral Photodynamic Therapy: a Probable Biophysicochemical

Management Modality in SARS-CoV-2. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery. 2020.

https://doi.org/10.1080/17425247.2021.1829591. (Accepted Article)

• F. Vahdatinia, and R. Fekrazad "Photobiomodulation Therapy and Dental-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells: a Review of Literature."

Journal of" Regeneration, Reconstruction Restoration"(Triple R). 2020 March 5: e17-e17.

• Bashirian S, Seyedzadeh-Sabounchi S, Shirahmadi S, Karimi-Shahanjarini A, Soltanian AR, Vahdatinia F. Predictors of oral health

promotion behaviors among elementary school children: Examination of an extended social cognitive theory. International Journal

of Paediatric Dentistry. 2020 Apr 27

• Kalhori KA, Vahdatinia F, Jamalpour MR, Vescovi P, Fornaini C, Merigo E, Fekrazad R. Photobiomodulation in Oral Medicine.

Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery. 2019 Dec 1;37(12):837-61.

• Vahdatinia F, Gholami L, Karkehabadi H, Fekrazad R. Photobiomodulation in Endodontic, Restorative, and Prosthetic Dentistry:

A Review of the Literature. Photobiomodulation, Photomedicine, and Laser Surgery. 2019 Dec 1;37(12):869-86.

• Bashirian S, Seyedzadeh-Sabounchi S, Shirahmadi S, Soltanian AR, Karimi-shahanjarini A,Vahdatinia F. Socio-demographic determinants

as predictors of oral hygiene status and gingivitis in schoolchildren aged 7-12 years old: A cross-sectional study. PloS one.

2018 Dec 14;13(12):e0208886. sorting,

• Bashirian S, Shirahmadi S, Seyedzadeh-Sabounchi S, Soltanian AR, Karimi-Shahanjarini A, Vahdatinia F. Association of caries experience

and dental plaque with sociodemographic characteristics in elementary school-aged children: a cross-sectional study.

BMC oral health. 2018 Dec 1;18(1):7.

• Poormoradi B, Tamasoki S, Shahbazi A, Hooshyarfard A, Vahdatinia F, Behgozin F, Tapak L. The comparison of two professional

prophylaxis systems in plaque removal and debonding of orthodontic brackets. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology. 2018


• Soheilifar S, Bidgoli M, Hooshyarfard A, Shahbazi A, Vahdatinia F, Khoshkhooie F. Effect of Oral Bromelain onWound Healing, Pain,

and Bleeding at Donor Site Following Free Gingival Grafting: A Clinical Trial. Journal of Dentistry (Tehran, Iran). 2018 Sep;15(5):309.

• rezaei, loghman and kasraei, shahin and Fekrazad, Reza and vahdatinia, farshid and Moghim Beigi, Abbas and Haddad, Mehdi

and maleki, Marjan (2018) Evaluation of Diode laser (940 nm) irradiation effect on microleakage in class V composite restoration

before and after adhesive application. Journal of Dental Materials and Techniques, 7 (1). pp. 11-18.

• Heidari, A., Jamalpour, M. R., Faghihi, F., and Vahdatinia, F. (2017). Iranian Viewpoint about Various Attractiveness Indices of

Rhinoplasty in comparison with International Standards.

• 10) Rezaei-Soufi L, Miresmaeili A, Vahdatinia F, Azar F, Hosseini SM. Evaluation of CO2 laser irradiation effect on enamel microhardness

after incipient caries creation. Health Sciences. 2016;5(12):217-21.

• Rezaei-Soufi, L., Raedi, S., Alikhani, M. Y., and Vahdatinia, F. (2016). Comparison the effect of stevia extract with glucose and

fructose on dental enamel caries formation. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 9(2), 685-689.

• Zandi M, Dehghan A, Mohammadi-Mofrad A, Amini P, Vahdatinia F. Short-term perioperative teriparatide therapy for the prevention

of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: A randomized, controlled preclinical study in rats. Journal of Cranio-

Maxillofacial Surgery. 2016 Dec 19.

• Yaripour, S., Shokri, A., Mofrad, A. H. M., Nosrat, Z. G., Amini, P., and Vahdatinia, F. (2016). The length of styloid tuberocity in

panoramic radiography of an Iranian population: A preliminary study. International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, 8(3),


• Shirinzad M, Rezaei-Soufi L, Mirtorabi MS, Vahdatinia F. Effect of Accelerated Artificial Aging on Translucency of Methacrylate

and Silorane-Based Composite Resins. Journal of Dentistry (Tehran, Iran). 2016 Mar;13(2):92.

• 15) Rezaei Sofi L, Khamverdi Z, Kasraei S, Vahdatinia F, Nasr F. The Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide 35% on Surface Roughness of

Silorane and Methacrylate Based Composites. Scientific Journal of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences. 2015 Jun 15;22(1):23-

9. (Persian)

• Mohammadi Z, Rezaei-Soufi L, Omidipoor T, Felegary M, Vahdatinia F. Evaluation of Different Dentin Bonding Agents Accompanied

with Composite Coronal Barrier. Journal of Dental Materials and Techniques. 2015 Jun 1;4(2):73-80.

• Rezaei-Soufi L, Khamverdi Z, Kasraei Sh, Vahdatinia F, Sadeghi Y. The Effect of in Office Bleaching on Free Surface Energy of Siloran

and MethacrylateBased Composite Resins. J Mash Dent Sch J Mash Dent Sch 2015; 39(2): 155-62. (Persian)

• Saharkhizan M, Fekrazad R, KasraeiSh, Rezaei-Soufi L, Vahdatinia F. Evaluation of the Effect of Enamel Surface Treatment Using

Er.Cr:YSSG and Applying Two Bondings with Current Clinical Method on A Fissure Sealant Microleakage. Sci J Hamadan Univ Med

Sci 2014; 21 (1):1-7. (Persian)

• Yarmohammadi E, Kasraei Sh, Khamverdi Z, Rezaei-Soufi L, Vahdatinia F. Comparison of the Effect of Two Incremental Composite

Placement and Two Light Curing Methods on Microleakage of Composite Class I Restorations. Sci J Hamadan Univ Med Sci 2014;

21 (3): 177-184. (Persian)


• Reza Fekrazad, Sohrab Asefi, Maryam Pourhajibagher, Farshid Vahdatinia, Sepehr Fekrazad, Abbas Bahador , Heidi Abrahamse,

Michael R Hamblin. Photobiomodulation and Antiviral Photodynamic Therapy in COVID-19 Management. COVID-19. Advances

in Experimental Medicine and Biology. Springer. 2020.

• Fekrazad R, Vahdatinia F, Khorsandi K. New advances in photodynamic therapy in dentistry. 2020. Nova Science Publishers.

• Fekrazad R, Vahdatinia F, Gholami L, Khamverdi Z, Torkzaban P, Karkazis A, Tayebi L. Applications of Laser in Dentistry. InApplications

of Biomedical Engineering in Dentistry 2020 (pp. 161-177). Springer, Cham.

• Jamalpour MR, Vahdatinia F, Vargas J, Tayebi L. Clinical Functions of Regenerative Dentistry and Tissue Engineering in Treatment

of Oral and Maxillofacial Soft Tissues. InApplications of Biomedical Engineering in Dentistry 2020 (pp. 223-238). Springer, Cham.

• Shokri A, Ramezani K, Vahdatinia F, Karkazis E, Tayebi L. 3D Imaging in Dentistry and Oral Tissue Engineering. InApplications of

Biomedical Engineering in Dentistry 2020 (pp. 43-87). Springer, Cham.

• Familiarity with Drugs Used in Dentistry (Instructions, Introduction, consideration, prescription). (Persian)

• xFamiliarity with dental traumas and medical considerations of systemic patients. (Persian)

• Familiarity with dental anomalies (introduction, diagnosis, treatments). (Persian)


• Best oral presenter in 7th young OMFS researcher’s symposium. Feb 2019.

• Consensus Guidelines 2 (PBM in Dentistry), 12th International Congress for WALT , Nice, France. (Invited speaker) Oct 3-6 2018

• Top oral presenter in 6th young OMFS researchers symposium Feb 2018

• Original article presenting in 94th General Session and amp; Exhibition of the IADR, 3rd Meeting 22-25 June

of the IADR, 2016. Asia Pacific Region, 35th Annual Meeting of the IADR Korean Division. Seoul republic of Korea.

• Top Student Researcher at 14th Annual Dental SYMPOSIUM (In the Memory of Martyr AHMAD HEDAYAT), May 2015

• Top student, Hamedan dental faculty Apr 2015

• First place in National competitions of Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry, Nov 2014

• First place in National competitions of pediatric Dentistry Aug 2014

• First place in National competitions of Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry Nov 2013



Dentinal tubule blockage using nanobioglass in the presence of diode (980nm) and Nd:YAG lasers: in vitro study. WFLD-APD Virtual Scientific Conference, 16th -17th, July 2021.

• Evaluation of 3D-Printed Elastin/Sodium hyaluronate membrane capability in periodontal June 2019

defect reconstruction by Guided tissue regeneration technique in dog animal model.,

The first national 3D-Bio printing event, Sharif University, Tehran, Iran.

• Evaluation of the ability of two types of 3D-Printed Polycaprolactone gelatin membranes 19-22 Feb 2019

with different sizes of porosity on bone regeneration in dog animal model,

7th young OMFS Researchers Symposium , Tehran, Iran.

• Consensus Guidelines 2 (PBM in Dentistry) 3-6 Oct 2018,

12th International Congress for WALT, Nice, France. (Invited speaker)

• Evaluation of Diode laser (940 nm) irradiation effect on microleakage in class V composite restoration 1-3 Oct 2018

before and after adhesive application,

16th WFLD World Congress, Aachen, Germany.

• Short-term perioperative teriparatide therapy for the prevention of medication-related 13-16 Feb 2018

osteonecrosis of the jaw: A randomized, controlled preclinical study in rats,

16th International Congress of Iranian Society Of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Tehran, Iran.

• Evaluation of Nd: YAG laser (1064 nm) irradiation effect on the microtensile bond strength 2017

and microleakage in class V composite restorations,

The 9th World Congress of SOLA, Tehran, Iran.

• Effect of CO2 laser irradiation on enamel surface microhardness around orthodontic brackets 22-25 June 2016

94th General Session Exhibition of the IADR 3rd Meeting of the IADR Asia Pacific Region 35th Annual Meeting of the IADR Korean

Division, Seoul, south Korea.

• In vitro comparison of marginal leakage of Er, Cr:YSSG laser and dental bur prepared cavities 23-24 December 2015

in primary teeth restored with two type adhesive system,

The 11th Annual Meeting of Iranian Division of IADR, Tehran, Iran.

• The evaluation of composite microleakage in class II restorations with or without 23-24 December 2015

enamel margin after 2 different methods of restoration,

The 11th Annual Meeting of Iranian Division of IADR, Tehran, Iran.


• Evaluate the ability of two types of 3D-Printed Polycaprolactone gelatin membranes with different sizes of porosity on bone

formation in dog animal model.,

A scientific collaboration with Marquette University School of Dentistry, Milwaukee, WI, 53233, USA.

• Evaluation of 3D-Printed Elastin/Sodium hyaluronate membrane capability in periodontal defect reconstruction by Guided

tissue regeneration technique in dog model.,

A scientific collaboration with Marquette University School of Dentistry, Milwaukee, WI, 53233, USA.


Professional Experiences

International Association for Dental Research Center (IADR)

• Member

Teaching Experiences

Workshops of Advanced Research methods in dentistry

• Trainer


• English (IELTS 6)

• French (Beginner Working Proficiency)

• Persian (Fluent)


• Prof. Reza Fekrazad, Professor, Secretary General of World Association for Laser Therapy [email protected]

• Lobat Tayebi, Associate Professor, Marquette University School of Dentistry, Milwaukee [email protected]

• Dr. Mohammad Reza Jamalpour, Associate professor, Head of Dental implant research center, [email protected]

Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Hamad¯an, Iran

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