Dorsa Amirlou


  • PharmD Student, 2020 until now, Islamic Azad University of Tehran Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
  • High School Diploma in Natural Science, 2017-2020, Roshangaran highschool, Cumulative GPA 4/4

Attended Workshops

  • "Debating in educational fields, Pharma debate", Iranian Pharmaceutical Students' Association (IPhSA), October 2021
  • "Scientific Writing", USERN, August 2022
  • "Publishing Books with International Publishers", USERN, August 2022
  • "Journal Selection, Submission, and Peer Reviewing of Assignments", USERN, August 2022
  • “Ethics and methods of using laboratory animals”, Experimental medicine research institute, University of Tehran, December 2022


  • Participant of the 23th Iranian Pharmaceutical Students Seminar (IPSS 23th), July 2021
  • Activist in the committee of Media and Design in IPhSA, Iran (2020-2022)
  • Writer of the 24th Iranian Pharmaceutical Students Seminar’s exclusive publication,
    Pharmeg, internatonal section
  • Writer of the 24th Iranian Pharmaceutical Students Seminar’s exclusive publication,
    Pharmeg, pharmacists’ union section
  • A member of GPIG_USERN group (2022-now)

Written articles

  • Shamsnia HS, Roustaei M, Ahmadvand D, Butler AE, Amirlou D, Soltani S, Momtaz S, Jamialahmadi T, Abdolghaffari AH, Sahebkar A. Impact of curcumin on p38 MAPK: therapeutic implications. Inflammopharmacology. 2023 Oct;31(5):2201-2212. doi: 10.1007/s10787-023-01265-2. Epub 2023 Jul 27. PMID: 37498375.

Skills and Interests


  • Scientific Writing
  • Leadership and management
  • Soft skills and teamworking
  • Content creating in social media and websites
  • Piano playing

Computer skills:

  • Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Endnote
  • Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Illustrator
  • Corel draw
  • Website managing

Research Interests: (University and Industry): 

Neurological disorders, inflammatory diseases, herbal medicines and clinical pharmacy

Languages Skills:

  • Persian (mother tongue)
  • English: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking (Fluently)
  • Deutsch: Reading (median level)

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